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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 3?

“Dear dairy today is another bright new day , a day I have to watch my dream fadeaway.
I don’t know why but I kinda feel a lite of hope ,I believe something good is coming my way and I will ready to receive it ” Maya wrote on her dairy while smiling ,she sigh and look out through her room window.
” Good morning world ” she mumble .

After taking her bath she got dressed and rush in to their small dining room where she met her dad already seated while her mom dish out breakfast .
“Morning Mom , dad ” she greeted and sat down .
” Good morning my dear ,how was your night ” Mr Miki ask
” Great , umm where is David ” she ask
” He left early like always ” Mrs Jenny said and pass Maya a full plate of rice and fried plantain.
” Did he have breakfast” Mr Miki ask and Mrs Jenny sigh and shook her head negative.
“Nope ”
” why is he over working his @zz ” Maya grumble .
” C’mon Maya you don’t have to blame your brother he’s just trying to help the family ” Mrs Jenny said and also sat down .
” But he is over stressing himself ,he goes to work 5am and come back 10pm .geez mom is he a robot or something ” Maya complain and Mr Miki chuckle .
” Anyways mom here’s the cash I made yesterday ” Maya said and place 10 dollar notes on the table , Mrs Jenny shook her head .
“The money is yours Maya so why don’t you keep it ” she said but Maya shook her head .
” Nope I have already cut out my share , this share belongs to the family “she said and rose up .
” Maya the money belongs to you , whereas as a girl you need to hard extra cash “Mr Miki said .
“you don’t have to worry dad , family comes first . Can you please pack breakfast for Dave and gonna give it to him before going to work ” after saying that she rose up and pick up her purse .
“I have already done that , umm go get his breakfast in the kitchen”Mrs Jenny said and Maya nodded and walk out , Mrs Jenny look down at the money which Maya had placed on the table and she smile and pick it up .
“Miki sees a blessing to us ” Mrs Jenny said and Mr Miki nodded ..

At a construction site 9 guys sat together playing cards and one could hear their loud cheer and among them is a handsome honey brown hair guy who has a burning cigarette stick in his mouth and a red handkerchief tired on his forehead .
” Last card , Hands up ” David said grining as he place down his last card and his friends grumble ,he adjust his red handkerchief on his forehead .
“Geez Dave this not fair o have lost $100 just this morning ” one of David friend complain and David giggled .
” You don’t just call me the boss for no reason Jacob ” David said and puff out smoke from his cigarette .
“Am sure you cheated ” a tall heavily build guy whose name is Greg spat while glaring at David , David chuckle and took out his cigarette stick from his mouth .
” C’mon Greg don’t be a baby , I won fair and square” David said and Greg rolled his eyes , a guy rush to them .
“David your sister is here to see you ” the guy announce and David gasp , he hurriedly threw his cigarette stick .
” Jacob ” David yelled at Jacob who quickly handed him a cane of body spray . David baptized himself with the spray to help get rid of the tobacco smell .

Maya walked in the scene an she instantly frown when she saw David
“Hey baby sister ” David squealed but she glace around the table where all David friends were seated .
David signal his friends to greet
“Good morning Maya ” they all greeted aside for Greg who just fold his arms and smirk , she ignored them and walk close to him . She leaned close to him and sniff him .
“Umm m-maya ” he stuttered
” $50″she said
” $50 ! are you kidding me why should I…”
” We made a deal David when ever I catch you smoking you will pay me $50 so hand it over “she demand .
” But I wasn’t smoking , hey guys was I smoking ” David ask his friends and Maya turn to them but they all look away ,her eyes move to Jacob who started whistling suspiciously while gazing somewhere else .
” Judging by their reaction it means you’re lying so hand it ” she said, he grumble gave her the money .
“Thank you and where is the cigarette pack ” she ask
” What cigarette pack “he ask back and she shot him a dead glare ,he sigh and deep his hand into his pocket and he brought out a pack of cigarettes , she glare even more at him .
“Geez fine ” he grumble and brought out another cigarette pack .
“That’s all ” he said but she still glare at him .
” C’mon Amaya you can’t be serious “he whine and brought out another cigarette pack making it 3 .
David friends giggled as they watch the drama between siblings .
” David might be hot headed but his weakness is Amaya ,hahaha ” Kenny whispered to Greg.

” 3 packs of cigarettes it seems you wanna die before you time ” she said and snatch it from him
” C’mon Maya it’s not bad to smoke you should try it some day ” Jacob said
” Are you mentally high , you want my sister to die of lungs cancer or kindly failure ” David roar at Jacob who fell off his seat , Maya grab hold of Davis ears and pulled it hard .
“Ouch ouch stop ” David wince
“So you know all this and you’re still smoking , if you die am gonna make sure you won’t go anywhere close to heaven gate ” she yell and let go of his ears .
” You know am older than you right “he pouted while massaging his ears .
” 10 years gap ,your mate have children and grandchildren but you’re here playing cards and smoking like a moron “she snap .

” Ouch , David you should commit suicide” Greg said and Maya turn to him .
” Stay out of this over size gorilla” she said calmly but her voice was really displeasing , Greg furiously rose up .
” Did you just insult me ” he yell at her but she stood in flinch .
“Are you gonna beat me when my big brother is right here ,I will like to watch you try ” Maya said confidently and Greg grit his teeth . He glance at David who’s face is now as hard as iron , David glare dagger at Greg .
“Anyways this is your breakfast , I will be on my way .”she gave the wrapped food to David and then she walk away , Greg just watch until she’s out of sight then he turn to David .
“Your sister is annoying ” he said and David laugh .
” C’mon man you should get use to her already it’s not it’s the first time she’s calling you that . Anyways boy it’s time to eat “David announce and put the food on the table , one after the other they all brought out their spoons ready to display . Their spook is their passport so they take it where ever they are going just in case .


Mara rode her delivery bike speedily down the busy street while smiling from ear to ear , she works as pizza delivery agent .
She sighted a guy and guy walking out of a restaurant holding hands and smiling .
“Zack ” she mumble and quickly reverse the bike and rode straight to them .

“Zack ” she pack the bike and yell and Zack look up and he frown when he saw her , Mara approach them looking furiously.
” You lying cheat” she yell .
“Babe who is this pig ” the lady beside him said and Mara turn the classy looking lady ,Mara shot the lady a glare .
“Babe calm down ” Zack said to the lady then he turn to Mara .
“Hey Ɓîtçh what’s your problem have you lost it or something “he holler and Mara flinch and step back .
“who is his Ɓîtçh and why is she with you ” she yell while pointing at the lady beside Zack .
” This is my girlfriend Veronica ” he said and Mara flinch .
” G-girl f-friend ” she stuttered and Veronica smirk .
” C’mon babe am tired of standing can we please get outta here “Veronica whine
” Oh sorry love c’mon let’s go ” he held her hand and made to leave but Mara block their way .
” Don’t tell me you’re tossing me aside because of this..this ..this ugly thing ” Mara yell
” Hey Ɓîtçh am not a thing and am better up than you will ever be , look at you . You’re just a low class delivery girl but as for me am a model in training , you have no future ” Veronica said and Mara clinch her fist and look down at her feet .
” C’mon babe let’s go ” Veronica said and they both walk away , Mara stood still while staring at the floor .
3 years relationship has just ended like it never really existed , she know something like this will happen after all she and Zack aren’t in the same class anymore .

She sniff in her tears and force out a smile .
” Am sure he’s just after her money , see looks pretty rich .hahaha you will regret this Zack “she thought..

Mara explained everything to Maya as they both walk home together after work .
“Guys are heartless i can’t believe Zack could do such a thing ,I mean you were like his pillar it wasn’t for you then he wouldn’t have wrote his high school final exams . You paid his fees ” Maya said and Mara sigh sadly , she try hard not to show weakness but deep down she’s shattered . She really love him right from their high school days up till now .

” Every since he paid a visit to his uncle at the big city he’s been acting weird ,I should have seen this coming I ..”
” Mara you don’t need to cry because of him ,he’s just an @zz hole “Maya cut in and Mara bite her lips and wipe her eyes .
“Am not crying Amaya ” Mara mumble and Maya nodded .

” Somebody help , help give me back my bag ” they hear someone yelling and shortly a guy rush out from the alleyway narrow path holding a purse .
” thief ” Maya yelled and Mara chase after the guy , Maya rush to the victim and it was a lady who is wearing a black scarf covering her lower face .
“Ma’am are you hurt , did he hit you ” Maya ask the lady who is seated on the dirty floor .
“No am not but my bag ,he stole my bag ” she lament and got off from the floor ,she dust her butt and look up and she froze when she saw Amaya face .
“Ma’am are you okay ” Maya said and the mysterious lady nodded .
“Don’t worry my friend has gone after the thief so don’t worry she will get it back ”
” She ” the lady ask and Maya smile and nod .
” Yes , hahaha I know it’s funny but Maya is really strong and fast . C’mon let’s stand over there ” Maya while pointing to a shade at the far end of the road .
” What’s your name young lady ” the lady ask
” Amaya Zahgora and you ” Maya ask
“Call me Mrs C ” Mrs C said and Maya nodded while smiling .
” You shouldn’t have followed the alleyway road it’s dangerous most especially by this time of the day ” Maya said and Mrs c shrug
” A new around here ”
“Oh I see I own a tailor shop not too far from here ” Maya said and Mrs C arch her brows .
” A tailoring shop ”
” am planning to become a fashion designer ” Maya said .
” Wow that’s a such a wonderful dream , so tell have you produce any fine design wears . “Mrs C ask and Maya nodded a yes .
” Yeah but not many though ,here this is mu design book ” Maya said and brought out a black cover drawing book .
“Can I see it ”
“Sure ” Maya said and happily gave the book to Mrs C who open and glance through the book from one page to another . Different sample of dresses , shoe , trousers , shirts and many more were drawn in he book .

” She most be really talented in sketches “Mrs C thought .
” Hey isn’t this Mrs El Rosa design 2015 ,wow it seems you altered the design” Mrs C said showing Maya a drawing of a dress that has a butterfly kind of design .
” Yeah it’s Mrs El Rosa design I just kinda add up to it , she’s my favourite designer and my role model “Maya said proudly and Mrs C smile and glance down at the book ones more .
“Hey Amaya am back ” Mara announce and they both turn to her.
” I think this belongs to you ma’am ” Mara said an stretch the bag and Mrs C smile and collected it from her .
” Thank you dear , in deed your friend was right about you ” Mrs C said and Mara grin.
” I don’t know what she told you but am sure it’s something nice ”
” Hahaha yes is something good , here why don’t you take this as a token of appreciation” Mrs C open the bag and brought out a bundle of cash , Mara eyes bulk out while Maya scoff .
“No thanks ma’am it was really good chatting with you we will be on our way now ” Maya said .
“Wait what…why Maya are you ..” Mara tried to say as Maya drag her away .
“Maya you can’t be serious ,hey wait that money can help you attend El Rosa house of fashion ” Mrs C could hear Mara loud scream as Maya drag her away .
“Shut up Mara , we don’t do go expecting something in return ” Maya voice echoed .

Mrs C walk out of the alleyway and across the road is a black expensive Jeep , she open the car door and entered inside .
” Ma’am what took you so long ” her driver ask with concern , she took off her scarf and revealing her beautiful face . It was no other than Mrs Cristal El Rosa .

“I met an interesting character today ,she even forgot to take back her book “Mrs Cristal said and glance at the book cover .

” Amaya world of fashion ” was written boldly on the book cover ,she ran her fingers through he book thick design cover .
“Amaya Zahgora ” she mumble


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