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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 20?


After work at the mall it was finally time to close , Maya lean on the wall while Mara lock the mall doors .
“Hey ladies I wanna buy a fruit juice ” a tall lanky man whose body reek of alcohol .
” Sorry sir but we are close ” Maya said politely and he frown .
” Don’t you know anything about good customer service ” he snap .
” Looks sir we are close and that’s why …”
” I wasn’t talking to you Ɓîtçh am talking to her ” he snap at Mara who tried to intervene and she frown .
“Hey hey look here old man , it’s better you get your low life @zz outta here before I whoop it “Mara sneer and he narrowed his gaze to her , Mara position herself for what will come next .
” Mara ” Maya call warningly .
” Am gonna enjoy beating the f-__-k outta you Ɓîtçh ” he gnash his teeth .
” And I will make sure you spend a life time in a hospital ” Mara said challenging him .

” Mara this guy is drunk , you shouldn’t put yourself in his shoe ” Maya whisper to Mara who isn’t listening .

“What’s going on here ” a calm but dangerous voice echoed and all eyes turn to his direction and it was no one other than Alex , Maya eye lite up .
The lanky man turn to around.
“And who are you pretty boy ” he ask
” am someone who can send you to a life time underneath the earth so why don’t you be a good old drunk and get lost ” he said , Mara and Maya expected the lanky man to prove stubborn but to their greatest surprise the man turn around and walk away .
” This is the second time a you’re intimating someone in front of me “Maya aid smiling and Alex smirk .
” Oh sorry about that ladies , hi Mara ” he said to Mara who beam .
” He knows my name , awe he knows my name “she said dramatically fanning her face with her palm while Maya scoff .
” Shut up mara” Maya said and push Mara away while Alex chuckle .
” Seems you guys are close ”
“We can open if you wanna buy something ” Maya said
” Nah am here because of you ”
“Me ” Maya ask with eyes wide open and Alex nodded .
“Yap , why didn’t you call me ” he ask .
” I don’t have your number ”
” But I gave your cute friend my number to give to you , what’s her name again. Charlotte ” Alex said and Mara frown .
” you gave Charlotte your phone number to deliver to Maya ” Mara ask and Alex nod .
” Maybe she forgot “Maya conclude .
“Anyways I got us 2 tickets to movie night and if you say no then am gonna drag you there and if you say yes then am gonna take you there . Which ever ways you’re coming with me ” he said making it clear that she has no choice , Maya chuckle nervously and took a glance at Mara for help .
” Oh don’t worry Alex she will go with you but first can you please drop me at home , am hungry ” Mara said grinning .
” It seems your friend wants you to come with me so what do you say ” he ask now staring keenly at Maya who press her lips together .
” You made it clear that I have no choice so let’s go but don’t you think I need to change up I look .. ” she said staring into his dark green eyes .
” segzy.. after all you aren’t going there to impress any idot . Let’s go movies starts by 10pm and this is 9:38pm ” Alex said after glancing at his wrist watch .
Alex drop Mara off then he and Maya went to the cinema together , he got a seat at a comfortable row and got them 2 bowls of popcorn . The movie on the projector was the tittled the king’s daughter .

” Fantasy ” Maya ask smiling as soon as the video started and Alex shrug .
“Ladies love fantasy but don’t worry this one has little touch of romance “he said grinning
” Let’s see how it goes Alex “she said .

**** El Rosa mansion

Mrs Cristal sat on the couch with a cup of champagne in her hand and just then her husband walk in .
“Welcome home babe ” she said and Mr Nickolas walk in tiredly , he drop his briefcase on the floor and took off his coat .
She walk up to him and kiss his lips
“How was the meeting with the president of South Africa ” she ask
” Everything went well , we have finally purchase a new building at captown South Africa so that we can expand . We need a branch of our company there in South Africa ” he said and she assist him take off his tie .
” You don’t have to over stress yourself love “she said .
” Anyways how is Belinda , she’s been distance this days ” he ask .
” She’s still proud as always and to make matter worst she spending lavishly , do you know she’s been saving up to buy an isle ”
” Wait what , an isle is she crazy or something ” Mr Nickolas said amused .
” I don’t really know what’s wrong with her but don’t worry am gonna talk to her ” she assured him .
” Better talk to her because I don’t want what she did to chairman Howard daughter to repeat itself . Mr Hayward forgive Belinda because of of our long time relationship but please better talk to Belinda “he said and walk away , she huff and pack up his briefcase and his coat then she hurried upstairs .


Mara heard a knock and she hurriedly open the door , Alex walk in with Maya on his back sleeping peacefully like a baby .
“Let me guess she slept even before the video started ” Mara joked .
” She slept off at the middle of the video “he said smiling
” Come with me “Mara said and less Alex into Maya room , she open the door and Alex walk in . Mara smile and shut the door , Alex place Maya on the bed then he cover up with a duvet.
He glance around the room and chuckle
” Childish way to arrange a room for an adult lady ” he said and glance at the pink design fashion wall papers then his eyes finally settled on paper hanging on the wall .


1) to meet Mrs Cristal face to face and tell her thank you for all her help .
2) to be a talented designer and win lots of awards even more than Mrs Cristal El Rosa .
3) to get boyfriend
4) to lose my virginity ” Alex eyes bulk out after reading number 4 on the paper , he took a quick glance at Maya.
“She’s a virgin , what the hell . Like seriously ” he mumble , he walk back close to her bed.
He sat down beside her

” She’s cute ” he mumbled and carefully remove the few strand of her on her face to get a clearer view of her face . He stared at her pale pink lips and his eyes lite up like fireworks , his eyes trailed down to her B-__-bs and a big nasty smile form on his face .

“She’s gonna ki|| me tomorrow ” he said and walk over to her wardrobe where he found her nightgown hanging on a hanging . Alex deliberately took off her cloths good thing she’s putting on a bra and P@ŋtîēṣ .
After changing her cloths Alex giggled and walk out of the room.
” See you tomorrow Mara ” he wave and walk into his car and he drove off .

“First Damon and now Alex , hahaha I wonder who Maya will fall for . Alex is little bit creepy is you ask me “Mara said grinning..

**** Glass Villa

Alex walk into the quiet Villa with both hands in his pocket .
“Where are you coming from ” Damon who is seated on an arm chair ask .
“The last time I checked you aren’t my dad , why are you still awake ” Alex ask .
” Am trying to clear my head , i can’t sleep ” Damon said and Alex chuckle and also took a eat beside him .
“What are you thinking of ”
“A girl ”
“A girl ” Alex arch with a funny expression .
” Yeah a girl ” Damon mumble


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