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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 15?

“Why the hell ” Belinda scream when she saw the video of Damon carrying Maya ,the grip on her phone tighten . Other upper class students turn their attention to her .

” Belinda Belinda ” Mildred call and rush into the hall .
” Girlfriend have you seen the…”
“What the f-__-k is Damon problem” Belinda yell furiously and glance around the hall .
“Everyone get out , get out all of you ” she scream and almost immediately the student rush out only Mildred stayed back .
” Belinda do you think Damon already knows she’s the one ” Mildred ask and Belinda gulp down and shook her hear negative.
“No . that can’t happen ”
“But how can you explain the fact that …”
” Shut the f-__-k up Mildred , what information do you have on her “Mildred said breathing heavily her eyes were already as red as blood . Mildred brought out a file and handed it over to her .

“Her name is Amaya Zhagoza , she’s under the sponsorship of your mother ” Mildred said .
” Isn’t there any information about her family background ” Belinda ask and look up at Mildred .
” It seems she’s actually from the poor background , she’s from Mihara . A little village found at the outskirt of the city ” Mildred said with a shrug .
” So she’s not even gonna be a thr_@t to me , her family means nothing to the society and she also means nothing to the society . Hahaha am gonna crush her if she dare play smart..”

” Just like you crush me ” Davina said and walk in smiling , Belinda and Mildred frown the moment they saw her .
“What the f-__-k are you doing here Ɓîtçh ” Mildred ask and Belinda giggle .
” It seems you wanna go after a new prey hahaha , anyways am here to make your life a living hell . I lost an eyes but you will lose everything , Amaya Zahgora is under my protection from now on . And do you know the best part about this huh, am gonna make sure I get her closer to Damon . so close that at the end he might fall in love with her..” Davina said grinning .
” Do you think it’s that easy to fall in love huh, Damon won’t….”
” Damon won’t have a choice , anyways good luck with your plans but make sure you don’t cross my path because am gonna cut you down ” Davina said and walk out .
” That annoying Ɓîtçh ” Belinda scream and smash her phone on the floor .
” I think she wanna use that Maya girl to exact her revenge ” Mildred said .
” I hope Damon haven’t found out she’s the one he’s been searching for ” Belinda said to herself ..

***lower class

The class was silent as Damon walk in with Maya still on his back .
“Where is your seat ” Damon ask
” There ” Maya said pointing at her seat ,he walk over to it and then careful put Maya down and help her seat down.
” Maya what happened to you ” Lucas ask immediately .
” Nothing serious ,I just sprain my foot” she said and Lucas look down at her red ankle
“$h|t how did this even happen” he ask , Damon noticed Lucas didn’t pay attention to him at all .

“Are you her boyfriend” Damon finally ask and Maya flinch .
” And what if I am ” Lucas snap and Damon frown .
” N-no he’s not, he’s my friend ” she quickly said and glare at Lucas and Damon scoff and shove his hands into his pocket .
” I don’t care anyways just make sure she doesn’t move around frequently , her ankle will heal up in less than 24 hours or so ”
” Are you a doctor or something “Maya ask smiling .
” Nope but my sister is , anyways have a rest and ones again sorry ” he said .
” Thank you ” she said smiling stupidly , Damon nod and took a glance at Lucas who just stood motionless beside Maya . He then turn around and left the class ,Esther rush over to Maya .

“Hey Maya what the hell just happened , why did he carry you all the way down her . Wait don’t tell me you’re among those cheap girls that throw themselves at the school God’s ” Esther said frowning .
” Can you even hear yourself right now , he helped me because I was hurt and…”
” Am sure you infected that injury on yourself just to get his attention” a girl by name Mikasa said glaring at Maya .
” So that’s your own format to get men attention ,wow it’s really brilliant” another girl whom may doesn’t know her name said with an irritating look , Maya scoff .
” If you think it’s easy to get his attention why don’t you bunch of losers try “Maya snap .
” Not like he will pick interest in an ugly Ɓîtçh like you , he will just f-__-k you and dumb you like trash ” Esther said and return to her seat .
” They are all insane “Maya said and turn to Lucas who was is awfully quiet.
“Lucas ” she call , Lucas force out a smile .
” Are you alright , you look lost “she ask
” Oh don’t worry am fine “he said ..

The day finally came to an end and it was finally time for closure , everyone trooped out of the class in their large number . Maya and Lucas where the last ones remaining.
“Maya you will have to wait here for me , I will go get a wheelchair to assist you move . It seems you won’t be able to walk ” Lucas said and place his bag on the table, Maya didn’t bother to argue because she was in pains . She try hard to hide the fact that her ankle hurt badly .
“Okay please be fast about it ” she said and he nodded and walk out , Maya huff and glance down at her ankle which his swollen .
“Ouch ” she wince when she tried to move her leg, Maya held foot steps approaching her and she look up . Belinda and Mildred walk in .

” Amaya Zahgora” Belinda called as she approach Maya.
” Belinda El Rosa ” Maya said .
“You you know my name , wow then this will be easy ” Belinda said .
” for your own good I want you to stay far away from Damon else you won’t like my other side .” Belinda said .
” Why are you thr_@tening me I haven’t done anything wrong , whereas Damon only helped me today because I was hurt “Maya said trying to reason with her .
” I don’t bloody care ” Belinda scream and bang her palm on the table and Maya flinch , Belinda chuckle afterwards and exhale .
” You’re just a tiny fly and I can crush you any time any where , I know my mother is sponsoring you here am sure you wouldn’t want fall out of favour from her because I so much know how to mess with people head ” Belinda said and for the first time Maya felt chill down her spin , she look into Belinda eyes and all she saw was darkness enough to swallow her and leave no trace behind .

” Be a good girl and stay away from Damon else am gonna make sure you and your friend are kicked out of this school in a shameful way ” Mildred said for the first time and Maya lungs tighten .
“What’s going on here ” Lucas said making his presence known and Belinda and Mildred turn to him, he had a black wheelchair in front of him .
” For you own sake stay away from my boyfriend Amaya Zahgora” Belinda and walk out and Mildred followed behind , Belinda walk pass Lucas ignoring him totally and so did Mildred .

“What were does troublesome beings doing here ” Lucas ask the moment they left , Maya force out a smile .
” Nothing there were asking for someone from our class but it turns out the guy isn’t from this unit ” Maya lied .
” Are you sure ” Lucas ask suspiciously .
” C’mon Lucas are you insinuating that am lying ” she ask faking a frown .
” N-no it’s just that ..that I don’t trust does 2 . They look like grim reaper ” Lucas said and Maya laugh at his joke .
“Okay time to go ” he said , he help her seat on the wheelchair then he rolled her out of the class . Maya was lost in thought .

“I need to be careful ,those girls crazy ” Maya said to herself .
Lucas wheeled Maya into the packing lot but pause when he saw Alex seated at the bonnet of a blue Mercedes Benz .
“Amaya ” he called and Maya and Lucas gaze at him , he had a cigarette stick in his mouth . He jump down from the bonnet and walk to them .

” I heard you fell , were you drink or something” he ask now standing in front of her .
” The last time I checked you and I aren’t friends ” Maya said and Alex shrug .
” Well it’s not bad to care for my costumer , anyways am gonna drove you home ”

” You don’t have to worry I will drive her home ” Lucas said and that was when Alex acknowledge him .
“And you are..”
“Lucas am …”
“Do I look like I care about your name, geez all this freaking face guys act like fools most times ” Alex said
” Don’t insult me Alexander ” Lucas snap , Alex arch his brows . He took out the cigarette from his mouth and then he laugh .
” I like you’re spirit Lucas anyways. Amaya is coming with me and please don’t argue ” he said and grab he handle of the wheelchair but Lucas grab he other handle .
“She coming with me Alexander , so why don’t you f-__-k off ” Lucas snap .
” Don’t get on my nerves boy ” Alex snap and try to pull the wheelchair but Lucas refuse to let go .
“Hey boys I think you guys should calm down ” Maya said , Alex sigh and lean close to Lucas then he whispered something into Lucas ears .

” Y-you can take her home , Maya we are gonna talk later” lucas said and hurriedly walk away , Maya was a bit perplexed by Lucas action . She look up at Alex who shrug innocently.
“What did you say to him ” she ask .
” Nothing much , c’mon let’s go ” he said and wheeled her close to his car.


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