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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love and fashion )
*******Written by Provy***********
?Chapter 10?

Maya and Mara walked into a mall despite the darkness outside the mall is extremely bright due to the electric bulbs inside . They both walk straight to canter where a middle age man was seated with a calculator in his hand .
“Good evening sir ” Maya greet and he slowly look up , since Maya is good in making peacefully conversation Mara stood behind her.
” How may I be of service to you ladies ” he ask grinning with his gaze fixed on Maya B-__-bs , Mara who noticed this grit teeth .
“We saw your job vacancy poster outside so we came in to apply” Maya said calmly .
” Oh I see well , why will such beautiful girls wanna walk here as shop attendance .” He ask .
” We need something to keep us busy at least for the main time “Maya said and he arch his brows , she doesn’t want him to get the impression that the are desperately because he might use that against them .
” I love pretty girls , tell me what will I gain if I hire you girls” he ask , Maya turn to Mara who glaring dagger at the man .
” We are gonna work hard ” Maya said but he chuckle and rose up from his seat ,he came out of the canter and walk close to Maya .
” I know you will work hard but before I give you this job you will have to pay a little prize ” he whisper while leaning close to Maya , his hot breath gush on her face but she did not flinch or blink . She just stared at his mischievous eyes .
He robe his palm on her expose shoulders , Mara grab hold is his hand and twist is causing his bone to produce a snap sound .
“Ahhhhh f-__-k ” he scream and try to free himself from her grip but instead she add more pressure on his already twist arm .
” Now listen up old man we are not cheap Ɓîtçhes so don’t play that game with us , are you gonna hire us or not .stop wasting my time ” Mara yell

” Mara let him go ” Maya said
” like seriously ” Mara said glaring at Maya who rolled her eyes , Mara sigh and let go of him . He wince and stagger back while massaging his arm with a frown .
” Who the f-__-k are you ,are you a wrestler or…” He was about to say when Mara shot him a dead glare .
” What ever forget what I said , you girls are pretty which means am gonna get more customers so you’re hired .” He sad .
” Thank you sir ..”
” Call me Ronaldo “he cut in and Maya nod.
” Okay Mr Ronaldo but I will like to inform you that we are students so we will taking evening shift “Maya said .
” What I need you guys here 2,4,7 ”
” We can’t work all day due to our studies” Maya said again ,he sigh and his gaze move to Mara who is staring at something else .
“Is she also gonna work here ” Mr Ronaldo ask Maya in a low tone not to get Mara attention , Maya smirk .
“Yes she’s my sister ,she goes where ever I go and I go where ever she goes ” Maya said , Mr Ronaldo sigh .

” You will resume work by 4mp and closing hours is by 11pm , your job is to clean , arrange and to help direct customer in and out . Am sure you guys have already seen the payment allowance ” he ask and Maya nod .
” Good so what are you names ” he ask , he return back to his seat .
” Am Maya and she’s Mara ”
“You names sound almost the same just ” Y” and ” R” difference . Anyways I look forward to work with beautiful girls like you girls and please no fighting ” he said mostly referring to Mara .
” Thank you Mr Ronaldo you won’t regret hiring us ” Maya said smiling, they both left the mall . They walk down the dark street in silence only the sound of cars could be heard .
” You’ve been acting cold ever since we got here ” Maya finally said
” Me , hahaha are you kidding me . Am trying to look cool ” Mara said grinning from ear to ear .
” So the whole cold expression and tough act is for fancy ” Maya ask Mara who giggled .
” With my little Taekwondo ski|| am gonna build the best reputation ever ”
” the last time I checked you got kicked out your Taekwondo class because you mischievously added pepper to your master milk ” Maya said .
” My Kwanjang was an @zz hole , anyways did you see how hard it punch my handsome face hahaha ” Mara said laughing .
” Do you still remember the handsome guy you punched today ” Maya suddenly ask
” Humm did I punch anyone ” Mara ask while scratching her head like she’s trying to remember .
” Stop faking it I know you can remember ” Maya snap
” Yeah Mr handsome face ,awe I feel so bad for punching his head . ” Mara said grinning
” Mara please we have to stay on the safe side , all those kids at school are from wealthy families we shouldn’t make enemies with people higher than us ”
” But I didn’t do anything wrong I was just trying to be a big sister ”
” Your not older than me Mara” Maya snap
” Am 3 months older than you so technically am your elder ”
” No you’re not ” Maya grit her teeth
” Yes I am ”
” No you’re not ”
“Yes I am ”
” Hell no”Maya scream , the only way Mara can get on Maya nerve then drag seniority with her .

****Next day ****

Maya and Mara walk into the school but discovered there was something wrong , the glare from the female students were enough to bury them 100 feet .
“Why is everyone glaring at us ” Mara whispered to Maya who have already noticed it .
“I don’t know Mara but I gat a bad feeling about this ” Maya grumble , they proceed into the hallways which is abnormally empty with no single person there .

“Something feels off ” Maya thought ,just then a door far ahead open and a group of girls putting on white cat mask came out with 3 crates of eggs.

“Maya move back ” Mara scream but I was too late , the girls started throwing eggs at them .
“Ahhhhh ”
“f-__-k ” Mara scream and cover her eyes and so did Maya , more eggs were thrown at them and in no time they were both covered with egg goo .

“You Ɓîtçhes ” Mara roar and tried to attack them but due to the egg goo on the floor she slipped and fell flat .
“Ouch ” Mara groan , student started pouring in and the hall got filled up .
Most of the students were taking photos while others videoing the scene , murmuring and laughter fill the air .

Mara grit her teeth and managed to get back on her feet but her cloths were already soaked with egg goo ,she turn to Maya who stood still with an expressionless face .

“How does it feel Ɓîtçhes ” Mildred said walking up to them and beside her is Belinda looking segzy as always .
” Hehehe you smell like a rotten fish ” Mildred said to Mara who grit her her teeth .
” Why ” Maya said and Mildred tun to her
” Oh so you’re the lowlife that spoke rudely to Belinda ” Mildred said and Maya eyes move to Belinda who smirk and wink at her .
“The next time you cross my lane I promise to do even worst than this ” Mildred said .
” You 2 should please leave the school premises because you smell pretty bad , rotten eggs ” Belinda said walk off with Mildred beside her while laughing their @zz out ..

“Oh my God Maya are you alright ”
“Mara ” Lucas and Charlotte rush up to them while ignoring the comments coming from the students.
“Do we look okay to you ” Mara snap at them
” Woa calm down Mara am not the bar guy here , geez c’mon let’s get you guys clean up “Charlotte said and drag Maya with her and Mara followed behind with Lucas beside her .

Charlotte took them the female bathroom and Lucas went out to get fresh cloths for them .
” What where you thinking when you punched Candie ” Charlotte said to Mara who rolled her eyes .
” That @$$h0le is the reason for this mess ” Mara said and wipe her body with a white provided towel .
” Geez I thought o warned you to stay off those vipers lane ” Charlotte snap
” I did nothing wrong to them “Mara holler and Charlotte his .
” Mildred has a huge crush on Candie , there was rumours that there were in a relationship but as for as I know I don’t that’s true because Candie and Alex got master degree in Playboy department . ” Charlotte said frowning , Maya walk out of the bathroom naked with her hair dripping wet . Charlotte eyes roam on her body .
” Stop staring at me like that it’s creepy “Maya said and pick up a clean towel
” Huh i-i , you’re beautifully endowed your boyfriend is so d@mn lucky ” Charlotte said with her gaze on Maya B-__-bs .
“She doesn’t have a boyfriend ,she’s practically a virgin ” Mara said and Charlotte gasp .
“with all this load she doesn’t have a boyfriend “Charlotte said pointing at Maya who just gave out a funny expression …
” am back ” Lucas announce as soon as he walk in with 2 bags in his hand .
“This is for you and this is for you ” he gave Maya one and gave the other to Mara .
” Thanks Lucas ” Maya said and walk back into the bathroom and so did Mara ..

*** Upper class MDS1

The upper class modeling section comprised of 30 models male and female but Candie , Mildred , Chris and Roxanne are the leading the upper modeling class .

The models were at the gym hall doing work out and their gym instructor was there to instruct them .

Candie walk into the hall straight to Mildred who is jogging a treadmill, she’s dressed in a tight spot trouser and pink bra .
” Mildred ” Candie call and Mildred smile and turn off the treadmill
“What’s the meaning of this ” he ask showing her the video of Mara and Maya drenched with egg goo .
“Oh what about that ” she ask nonchalantly .
” How could you do something like this to them huh , don’t you have a heart . How will you feel if someone should baptize you with egg goo ” he half yell .
” Mr Candie you’re disturbing my class ” the gym instructor Mr Wilson said and Candie turn to him .
” Stay out of this Wilson ” Candie snap and turn back to Mildred .
” Why are you so furious , that Ɓîtçh hot you how dare her do that to you and ..”

” You shouldn’t have done that to them , don’t ever try to meddle with my affairs . Let me handle myself ” he said .
” But Candie ..”she was about to say but Candie stump out , Mildred groan .
“What the f-__-k are you all staring at ” she yelled at her class mates who were staring at her , she pick up her towel and hang it on her shoulder then stump out .
” Hey where are you going to Mildred ” Mr Wilson called .
” f-__-k you old man ” she gave him a middle finger and slam the entrance door shut .
“Bunch of arrogant brats ” Mr Wilson grumble ..


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