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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??Dairy of a heiress ??
(Love and fashion)
#written by provy#
?Synopsis ❤

Dreams comes in so many ways but we have to work hard to achieve them .
A story that hover around Amaya Zhagoza who wants to be come a fashion designer, that has always been her big dream right for her childhood days . After completing her high school studies she aim to attend El Rosa elite house of fashion . A school for fashion designer and models but the problem is Amaya is from an extremely poor home .

A home where they can’t even afford 3 square meal , her dad Mr Zhagoza is a radio mechanic while her mother is a fruit seller who work hard to put something on the table for the family . With the hash circumstances around her Amaya knew her dream was never gonna come to true but everything changed when she and her best friend Mara Peterson accidentally came across path a stang lady at the alleyway . Meeting this lady gave Amaya a straight shot to attend El Rosa elite fashion house .

But her world is turned upside down when sh met Damon McCall , the best male designer in school and the school most handsome face . She also came across the school segzy viper who’s name is Belinda El Rosa .
yes she fell for him but In order for her to achieve her dream she has to avoid Damon because he’s connected to Belinda El Rosa who is the daughter of Mrs Cristal El Rosa founder of the school and the heiress to El Rosa enterprise a multi trillion duller company .
Meanwhile on the other hand Amaya finds out a huge secret that change her life for good , a secret which opens a dark past which is left for judge her family root.
if she’s truly a member of the Zhagoza family ..

??Dairy of a heiress ??
(Love and fashion)
#written by provy#

Chapter 1

Central city was shaken to it’s foundation as the family of El Rosa throw a welcome party for their newly born baby girl .
The magnificent sky mansion of he El Rosa’s was filled up with guest who congratulated Mr and Mrs El Rosa .
Mrs Rosa held her baby close to her chest and was discussing with some business men and women .

” Am so happy for you Cristal ” Mrs Sonia McCall said and Mrs Rosa giggled.
“Am so happy too Sonia it too , 5 long years of marriage and now I have my own child “Mrs Rosa said and stare at baby Isabella’s face .
“She’s so cute just like you , awe don’t worry Isabella, ones you grow up you are gonna get married to my little Damon ” Mrs Sonia said to baby Isabella who is sleeping soundly .
“Speaking of Damon where is he ” Mrs Rosa said and Mrs Sonia sigh and took a quick glance around in search of her son .
“Geez not again ,am sorry Cristal but I gat to find him ” Mrs Sonia said
“No problem ” Mrs Rosa mumble and Mrs Sonia walk away , Mrs Rosa sighted her husband talking and laughing with his friends at the far end of the huge ball room .

“Ma’am why don’t I take baby Isabella to her room ,she’s already asleep ” a maid politely with her head bow .
“Oh you’re right ,here take her ” Mrs Rosa said and gave the baby to the maid .

The party last for while Mrs Rosa made new friends and also go new business proposal which was to her benefits, she excuse herself and walk upstairs to her daughter room but on getting there she did not find baby Isabella in the room .

” Naomi .. Naomi”she scream ,an elderly lady came rushing in .
“Ma’am ”
“Where is Isabella” Mrs Rosa ask calmly and madam Naomi frown and scratch her head clueless.
“Ma’am I thought baby Isabella was with you ”
“What do you mean by that ,I gave her to a maid to bring her here ” Mrs Rosa snap at madam Naomi .
” No one have come into this floor ma’am ,I have been up here for a while now and I swear I didn’t see any maid bring little Isabella up here ” Madam Naomi said and Mrs Rosa frown .
“Ma’am are you sure you gave Isabella to a maid because I remember you gave all the maids weaken break . Am the only maid available ” Madam Naomi said and Mrs Rosa gasp in realization , she had gave the mansion workers 3 days break which started yesterday . Non of the maids were present then who did she give her baby to .

“The maid ,no “Mrs Rosa scream and rush out and Madam Naomi followed behind . Mrs Rosa ordered her guards to search the whole mansion for the maid and when things were becoming unstable she alert her husband and told him everything. The sky mansion was on luck down and all the guest were trapped inside, little baby Isabella was officially declared missing .

The police came around and also did their own search , the guest were allowed to leave .
“Ma’am calm down and talk to me ” detective Dan said to Mrs Rosa who looks totally disoriented ,she has been crying for like an hour now .
” Ma’am can you describe the maid you gave your baby to ” detective Dan ask .
“She’s….” Mrs Rosa pause unable to complete her sentence because it has just dawn to her that she can’t even describe the maid because she did not even have the time to access her .

“Ma’am say something ”
“I…I… Can’t describe I…I wasn’t paying attention when I gave my daughter to her “Mrs Rosa stuttered and detective Dan sigh and shut his notepad .
“This will be hard ma’am ,I have already sent my men to search the parameters in search of anyone suspicious carrying a baby . Ma’am please you have to help us , here my call care call me if you remember anything else .”he place his card on the table and walk out , Mrs rosa resume crying

She rough her hair unable to believe the reality she found herself .
“No no Isabella , Isabella . Where is my baby where is my baby “she started screaming while roughing her hair like she’s about to go crazy . Madam Naomi rush in along with Mr Rosa and detective Dan .
“Honey calm down we….”
“I want my baby , that’s all I want Alex . I want my baby” she scream out and more tear roll down her cheek .
“I know how you feel but you have to put yourself together , we will find Isabella “Mr Rosa hug her tight ,she tighten her grip around his waist .
” My baby ,I don’t wanna lose my baby girl . I don’t wanna lose my baby girl “she kept on whispering as she sob on his shoulders ..

**** Meanwhile

At the outskirts of the city a place that looks like a junk yard where all kinds of junks are dumped ,4 men were busy scavenging the dumpster hoping to find anything useful .

One of the men pick up a chocolate bar from the dirty floor ,he sniff it to make sure it’s safe to eat .
” Hey Miki look what I found ” he said to the other man who is dressed in a brown buggy shirt and dirty old trouser and a old dirty foot wear .
” Geez Fred can you please stop eating pick up things , what if that chocolate is infected ” Miki snap at his friend who chuckle .
” Am hungry Miki , my wife kicked me out of the house today because I could not afford to put food on the table . She thinks am too lazy hahaha can even believe that ,I work my @zz out to try to keep them alive “Fred said laughing but deep down her felt pained ,this wasn’t the life he wish for . A life to be poor so poor that he can’t even provide enough food for his family .
” C’mon Fred we are all in the same boat ” Sam who sat on an empty container said .
“Hahaha I can’t believe we do this just to put food on our family table ” Dada said and sniff in the cigarette smoke burning out of the cigarette stick , he’s the oldest among the men . Due to his excessive consumption of cigarettes and liquor he looks skinny like he’s about to die.

” At least Miki is better up than all of us , Jenny is working hard and have also working his @zz out too . They both are working hard to make sure Leo live a healthy life ” Sam said an they all turn to Miki who rolled his eyes . He pick up his trash bag
” C’mon guys let’s go to work ,I need to return home as soon as possible ” Miki said and walk ahead ,he h@ťě to talk about his family . They don’t know how hard he and Jenny try hard not to allow their circumstances press them down .
“Just like I thought ,c’mon guys let’s scavenge this place maybe we will find something useful to sale and make good cash ” Dada said and jump down from the cane ,he grab his own bag and walk away . Fred took a big bite from his chocolate bar while trailing behind Sam .
They climbed on the mountain of trash and they started scavenging ,thy found few useful items .
Miki walk deep into the dumping area and just then he heard the cry of a baby coming from ahead .
“Is anyone here by this time of the night ” he ask himself ,he advance towards the direction of the sound and when he got there to his greatest surprise he found a baby inside a basket .
” Dada , Fred ,Sam . You guys should come over here ” he yelled with out taking his gaze from the crying baby and shortly they all came running .
“Oh my God it’s a baby , what’s a baby doing in a dumpster” Sam gasp
” It’s a she , but who could have dump a baby here ” Miki ask and turn to Dada who walk close to the baby , she kept on crying and by now her face was already pale white.

” We need to get outta here ” Fred said
” What about the baby “Miki ask .
” Do you wanna get into trouble with the police , we have to leave her here ” Fred said and Miki frown .
” No , we can’t just abandoned her out here she’s gonna freeze to dead ” Miki said and turn to Dada who is the oldest among them . Dada sigh and turn away from the baby
” I know you have a kind heart Miki but do you know what will happen is the police finds out you have a child that doesn’t belongs to you huh , look Miki the world of power isn’t for the poor like us . You might go to jail for kidnap ” Dada said but Miki shook his head negative .
“I will take her to the police and explain to them that…”
” Miki the police don’t give a f-__-k about your explanation they only care about money , they will arrest you ad place false false charging against you just to extort cash from you . Think about your only son and your wife , how will they manage to bail you is something like that should happen ” Dada said calmly and Miki bow his head ,he knew their right . The authorities doesn’t care about the poor in fact the poor are neglected and are trampled upon by the rich .

“C’mon Miki let’s get outta here ” Sam said and quickly walk away , Fred tap Miki shoulders before leaving .
” Miki you know the world we live in and how corrupt it is , don’t get yourself into trouble. Am telling you this out of experience” Dada said and walk away ignoring the agonizing cry of the baby . Miki look up at the innocent child crying non stop , he knew the baby will die out here . The winter cold is enough to ki|| an adult not to talk of a baby .

“Am sorry I wish I could help ” he said and turn around and walk away , he walk far off from the baby but for no reason he stop and look back at the basket . He shut his eyes while battling with his conscience .
” I will rather go to jail knowing I did the right thing , if she dies then god will never forgive me or my family ” he said and went back to the baby basket…

** An hour later

“Are you crazy Miki , why did you bring a baby home . Do want to get into trouble with the authorities” Jenny couldn’t help but yell at Miki who sigh and massage his forehead .
“C’mon love I know you’re freaking out but I had to safe life , she gonna die out there ”

” Oh c’mon Miki have you forgotten how Antonio ended up in jail huh , he was falsely accused of kidding a 5 years old school boy . Do you wanna end up like him “Jenny said glaring at Miki, he knows he pitiful story of Antonio who was wrongly accused of kidnapping .

” Jenny please am begging to understand with me , what if our son was in the position of that baby girl ” he said calmly and Jenny sigh and look away .

“Mom mom my baby sister is coughing I think she’s cold ” a tiny voice distracted them and Jenny frown while her husband shrug . They both walk into their small bamboo seating room .

David their little son was kneeling beside the baby basket while staring at the baby ,he look up at his parents and smile .
” Mom baby sister is beautiful ” he said and his parents shared looks before coming closer .
” You think she’s your baby sister ” Miki ask and David nodded .
” Mom my friends all have sisters but I don’t but not to worry because I now have one , I can boost of my own beautiful sister . Hahaha Caleb will be jealous ” David said , Jenny didn’t know what else to say . The Glee in David eyes is something she doesn’t wanna spoil , how was she gonna tell him that the baby isn’t theirs and she could become a huge problem to them .

The tiny wince of the baby caught their attention and she cough afterwards ,Mrs Jenny pick up the baby and stared into her innocent face .
“She’s running fever Miki , we need to buy drugs else she might even make it through this night ” Jenny said and Miki smile .
” Mom what’s my baby sister name ” David ask staring up at his mother , Jenny smile .
“Why don’t we call her Amaya ,Maya for short ” she said ..


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