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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DADDY’S GIRL – Episode 30

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?Daddy’s Girl.?

(Getting Her Pregnant)

Episode 30

Written by Feathers
Ivy’s POV

I came out of the police station where I had gone to report Kyle. I had filed a statement about him.

They asked if I was an accomplice to his crime. My answer was a big no! I’m only trying to help him legally. If he gets arrested, his years in jail will be limited compared to when he the law will finally catch up on him.

The cops promised that they will begin to monitor him closely as they need concrete evidence to back up my accusations.


Kian’s POV

“Guys, today is the day! I wish us best of luck.” I said as I tucked my gun in my pocket.

Jace and Kyle who were in the room with me nodded in agreement. We were both armed and ready for the final operation.

After today there would be no more ‘sinners gang’. I can’t wait to live like the common man in the street.

I want to be free around Chloe without having an inferiority complex as a result of what I do for a living.

We suddenly heard a knock on the door.

We were all shocked. It was the least we were expecting.

“Who could that be?” Jace asked as he brought his gun out.

We all adjusted back carefully and find a place to hide.

“Is Mr Kyle inside? Please open the door.” The voice sounded strange and with the way Kyle Kyle addressed, something seems fishy.

“Guys…I have a feeling its the cops, you guys should leave , let me attend to them. If we all run away together, we will become a suspect.” Kyle said.

Jace and I agreed and passed the hallway that leads to the backyard. We jumped from the height of the second floor down and find our means of escape.

I hope they do not get to find anything on Kyle.

Kaden’s POV

I sat on one of the chairs built around Chloe’s university. There is a statue of an old man with book in front of me

The school was a very beautiful one. I had informed Chloe that I need to speak with her and she told me when I should come and where I should wait for her.

About few minutes later, Chloe came alongside two other ladies.

They looked beautiful too. There was a small one handed school bag on their shoulders.

“Hi!” Chloe greeted me.
“Hi!” Her friends added.

“Beauties, how are you?” I asked.

“Fine…” They replied. The slimest of them was blushing and its so obvious for me to know. I simply smiled.

“See you in Math’s class.” The two friends said to Chloe while she nodded as she waved at them

She sat.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you Chloe! I know you were supposed to be with your friends.” I said.

“No…not at all. But, I won’t like to miss Math’s class, it’s in thirty minutes time.” She said.

“I understand, I won’t take too much time.” I said and she set her gaze on me.

“I do not know if this place sounds like the right place to tell you this; but I may not get another chance of seeing you soon. Chloe! You and I use to be lovers.” I said and watched her reaction intensely.

She was still for a while after which she chuckled dryly. Her gaze was still set on mine.

“I’m confused. We have never dated. I can even count the number of times I had met you.” She said.

“You had a memory loss! We use to be lovers before someone spoilt our beautiful relationship. The person hit you on the head and made you loose your memory.” I said.

“Is this a super story of me in my other life?” She asked.

I was already prepared for any questions she might ask.

“Chloe!” I said as I stood “Your dad knew we use to be lovers, he knows you had memory loss. Ask him and get back to me.” I said and walked away.

Chloe’s POV

I was dumbfounded at Kaden’s words. His words doesn’t seem to make any sense to me. But the fact that he involved my dad got me concerned.

I walked inside the house confused and fortunately, my dad was at home, he was on a stool at the bar I dide house He was drinking.

“Dear, welcome.” He said and gulped in the drink before him.

“Dad.” I called as I walked to where he sat. His happy face turned sour and bewildered as he saw me saunter to him.

He must have known that something was wrong.

“Is anything the matter?” He asked as I sat beside him.

“Nothing serious for now, I don’t know if it will be serious later. Do you know Kaden?” I asked.

He looked at me and became stiff. He wasn’t moving any part of his body neither did he blink his eyes.

“Dad!” I called and he turned to his drink. He gulped in once more and looked blankly at the wall.

“You haven’t answered my question, dad.” I said.

“Where you did meet him?” He asked.

“Let’s leave that, dad. Do you know him?” I asked.

He turned to me and nodded. “I know him.”

I sighed. “Do we use to be lovers?” I asked sttaight up.

“He told you this?” He asked like someone controlling his anger. Unluckily, I could see the anger on his face.

“Dad! Do I have memory loss?” I asked and he hit the glass cup he was holding on the table.

He stood from his stool and looked away.

He breathed out and looked into my eye. He calmed and walk to me.

I stood before him looking scared. He hugged me.

There was a moment of silence between us.

“Dad! I’m scared.” I let out.

“Don’t be, my baby. I’m sorry for my actions.” He consoled me and I nodded.

We disengaged and he simply starred inside my eye affectionately.

“You know I love you , Chloe?” He asked.

“I’m very sure of that, dad.” I replied.

“You see…in this life, there are some things that we do not need to know. Some things are better kept hidden from us so we can live a peaceful life.” He said.

“Indeed! But dad…is it not my right to know wh@ťěver that concerns me? I asked.

” Certainly, but…let’s not talk about what Kaden said. He’s only being silly.” My dad said.

“Hmph! You know I can hurt myself if you refuse to tell me the truth, right?” I thr_@tened.

He adjusted back and stored air in his mouth, he blew it out after few seconds as he placed his two hands on his waist.

“Fine! I’ll tell you. You do not have to hurt yourself.” He said and signalled for me to sit.

Kyle’s POV

A male cop and female cop entered the room.

“Welcome please.” I said like I wasn’t surprised of their coming.

“Thank you, Mr. Kyle.” The male cop said as they sat side by side on the chair in the living room.

I sat on the chair before him and looked at them wondering if they had come for what I had suspected their presence to be.

“We would have invited you to our station but that will not be necessary if you corporate with us.” The male cop said.

“Either I come to your station or you come here, it’s all fine by me.” I said.

“Mr Kyle, can you tell us what you do for a living?” The female cop asked.

“What I do?” I repeated and smiled. “I trade the financial market online.” I said.

Even though I wasn’t prepared for that question but I was smart enough to give them the answer that seems to suit their question.

“Oh! Can we see a prove?” The female cop asked.

“Sure!” I said and logged in to my brother’s account. The last time I met with him, he misplaced his phone and quickly logged in to my phone to close his opened trades.

I opened the app for them and the male collected it and check.

They both examined it and gave me back the phone.

“Indeed! If we have any more question, we will reach you.” The male cop said and stood with the female cop.

They both walked away.

That was a narrow escape! But why would the cop suddenly be interested in meeting with me?

Hmph! Hope Ivy hasn’t tell on me…if she does, I may be forced to ki|| her to keep myself and the gang safe.

I love her so much but if I find out she is the reason why the cops are suddenly after me…I fear that I may ki|| the first lady I will ever fall deeply in love with.


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