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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRIES AND MOANS – Episode 22

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(Addicted to his Ďïčk)

Chapter 42☠️43

Theme; Craving for her whole body.

Genre; Supernatural.

By; Nira P.( J.y.D)


Subtitle; I can’t live without you!


“General……!!!” Ha-da’s second in command said, shrilly when he turned back and saw their general laying down in a pool of blood after he had ki||ed Dae’s disciples who came to attack him.

“General…….!!!” Others also called, shrilly but it seems quite late.

They stopped fighting their opponents and Ha-da’s second in command disappears, carried him away and appears to the others.

He knelt down and placed his head on arms.

“General….?? General…?! This isn’t what we planned!” He said, in tears holding him tighter.

The other eyes were glistering with tears but they were forcing it back.

“Your General’s quite brave than I expected him to be!”

“Retreat! Retreat…..!!!” Ha-da’s second in command said and their warriors retreated.


Warriors hide out

Ha-da was layed on the bed and suddenly his left arm moved a bit which caught their attention.

“General?” They all called, happily.

And he opens his eyes, they all knelt down immediately.

“General…..??” They all called, respectfully, bowing.

“It’s quite a pity that I couldn’t fulfilled my mother’s wishes, but I wished to complete my mission.” Ha-da pouted, sadly in a weak voice.

His second in command walked towards and fell on a knee.


“I need your help one last time. Before I die, I wanna make some things clear to my wife in her dream. I know if I did went into her dream, I would die immediately after comes back to life. But I really can’t endeavor her hating me when she finds out something that might be confusing to her.

She’ll feel betrayed! You need to be snappy as I can hardly hold on for the time I wanted to spent with her in her dream.

Don’t think it twice!” Ha-da said, sorrowfully.

And immediately, he closed his eyes and his second in command reluctantly begins transferring some of his power to him so he could be able to go into her dream.


Modeok’s dream

“Ha-da’s that really you?” Modeok asked, happily but as she wanted to run to him for a hug, he stopped her.

“No, you can’t wiffey. You can only see me, but you can’t touch or hug me.” Ha-da declared.

“Why?” Modeok asked, perplexedly.

“Because I can’t live longer anymore, but I need to make some things vivid to you so you would never h@ťě me when you find out.


“No,try to listen to me. Your mother isn’t dead; she’s still alive and the reason why she left her mother was that her memories was erased.

She was only made to remember that she was pregnant and she has a mother.

The person that erased her memories was Dae. They were able to locate my mother through her because your mother happens to have helped her more than a time and she often came to visit us.

Back then, I was nerve and I took her as my sister. Whenever she comes to visit us, she always brings a lot of gifts for me.

But being a stripper, she slept with Dae one night and he went into her mind only to find out that she would be of useful for him.

He erased her memories and then she became one of his people but wasn’t turned into a vampire like others.

On the day my mother died, I saw her with some ladies from afar. I was curious to find out what they had come to do at our place at that time of the day.

Balam, I meant; your mother was the first person to came in and others followed. Balam was forced to ki|| her that night after some minutes, they came out with Balam’s fake dead body.

I thought I had lost those two people I valued most, but I still got her. I discovered that she was still alive couple of days ago.

I was extremely happy, but before then I became close to you wanting to find out who your Granny was and you.

When we became friends, I had to act fast than before so I could get the mystery behind your birth.

As we became closer, I noticed we’re somehow connected to each other, but when I married you I knew it was a twist of fate.

I found out when I saw you mating with my brother. You never knew how I felt when I saw you both, but you claimed you did.

My brother had been cursed since the day he lost his parents that’s what makes him cold hearted. I was determined to find out the reason why he was cursed and who cursed him.

Doing my findings, I got to know he was cursed by the king of vampires; Daracula.

Vampires have been existing for decades, led by their king; King Daracula. The blood of some vampires was being used to reform another creatures.

The reason why Daracula cursed him was still a mystery.

No matter what he does,he can never finds his mate and she’s the only one that could melt his icy heart softly and after that, she would be able to cure him.

But on the day he was being cured, his mate would die.” Ha-da explained.

“But you did know I loved you and not him, right?” Modeok suddenly asked.

“Even I you did say so, your heart doesn’t belongs to me. You’re doubting the love you had for me and you saw me as you saviour and not your…”

“Are you trying to say that my feelings for you was fake?!” She asked,half yelled.

“No, but it’s because you never know the true meaning of the word “LOVE” and you were confused in it’s world.

I’m sorry to say this wiffey, but you don’t know who you loved.

If you want to find out where your mother’s, I left something for you; a guideline on how to find her.

I wanted to ki|| her, but I knew she doesn’t know what she did years ago. Find her and make her remember her lost memories.

I prayed you find your mate soon and rest assured, he would always find it difficult to mate with you whenever he saw the mark on your neck.

So,if you wished to stay with him after I died, you can. With my mark you’re quite safe around him.

Who knows you might be the way to his success.

Always, remember that I love you so much. I never betrayed you. Sooner or later, you’ll find out everything. Try moving forward, wiffey.

Don’t ever give up; wh@ťěver situation you found yourself.

But always, remember that my feelings for you was genuine and it’ll never change. I never wished for me to path with you this soon.

I love you, wiffey.” Ha-da said and disappears into the thin air before she could say a word.


Reality>> Modeok’s suite

Modeok opened her eyes and find out she was in her suite and not with Ha-da.

She began to weep silently when she remembers some words he said to her in the dream like; “But always remember that my feelings for you was genuine and it’ll never change.” Those words made her cry the more.


Hwan’s suite

Hwan was sitting on chair, probably working on some work when he sighted a small note.

He picked up the note with curiousity and when he opens it, it was full of Ha-da’s hand writing and it says:

“Brother, I wished I could tell you that I loved you every day. No matter how you treated me, I just want to let you know who cursed you.

You were cursed by the vampires king; King Daracula on the day your parents died. Though, the reasons why was still a mystery.

Doing my findings, I found out only your mate could cure you and the only reason why you haven’t find her yet was because he cursed you with her.

If only you find her can you be cured and make sure you cherish her so she could cure you.

I’m finally going to avenge my mother. I love you so much. I prayed you’ll be able to know what love means very soon.

Keep moving forward and higher; no matter what comes your way. I want you to know that I love you. If I can’t survive it, don’t feel sad about it.

Love you!” After perusing the letter, tears gush down his cheeks.

“No….! No..!! Nooooo…!!” He cried in anger and the note in his hands soon burned.

“Go get me my brother!” He commanded the guards and they rushed to Lord Ha-da’s suite.


Warriors hide out

After Ha-da came back to reality, he looked at his warriors and think about those who would missed him after his death.

He believed Modeok would be the first person to miss him, but he knew she wasn’t sure about who her heart truly beats for.

After staring at his second in command for a while, he closed his eyes and he vanished into the thin air.

When they saw this, they wished they could do something to save him, but it was extremely late.

They knelt down and bowed to pay their homage to him.


Following day

“My lady, please don’t leave.” Modeok’s maid pleaded, pushing her back.

“Let go of me! The man I love’s dead. So, I can’t continue living here. I h@ťě him. I didn’t want those crazy feelings to awaken again. All that ever happened wasn’t mine fault. He made me carve for him.

I don’t love him! But the man I truly love doubted my love for him. I want to leave this place, and not even you can stop me!” Modeok yelled and pulled her away then ran out of the palace, with nothing but her shoes.


Modeok village>>MODEOK’S HOUSE

Modeok entered and close the door from behind. She opens the letter Ha-da said he left for her and begins reading it:

“Dear wiffey, I did understand how you feel. I know you h@ťě him, but you became addicted to his ways. And even if you claimed you h@ťě him, you’re still carving for him.

I can’t say what feelings you might have developed for him, that’s left for you to find out. But remember, chose the right path.

It normal you felt some feelings for him you never knew it does existed, but I marked you in order to safe you from him.

I’d hope you find your mother soon. I would have helped you but I didn’t know the actual location she’s.

I hope you find someone you loved and you could be loved by him soon. I left something for you, your favorite dish.

Make sure you eat it in the morning. I love you, though you never knew how I felt for you!”

After perusing it, Modeok sat on the floor and begins crying. Memories she had with him flashed into her brain and she wished he could be here so she could tell him how much she loved him and wanted to be with him forever.

“Please, come back to me husband. I can’t live without you!” She muttered sadly and when she looked up she saw him smiling at her.


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