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HomeCRAZY LOVECRAZY LOVE – Episode 59 & 60

CRAZY LOVE – Episode 59 & 60

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“You sure know how to hide your true self behind that cute, adorable and innocent youngest member of Moonlight Pitch….. Cody” He said with a smirk.

Cody pushed him off and he fell heavily, he stepped backwards, his hands trembling.

Kelly got up angrily and grabbed him, he punched him hard on the face and Cody starggered, he went to him again, another punch would have met his face if he didn’t dudge.

“Get a hold of your self, don’t tell me you still think you’re Cody! Have you forgotten you stab someone?” Kelly laughed.

Cody grabbed his collar.

“I never want to turn out like this, you guys force me to do all those stuffs for you, what have I ever done to deserve this?” He yelled, at the verge of tears.

Kelly threw his hands off and he fell on the floor.

Cody body started shaking too as he recall how he stabbed Rudy that night.

He sees how Rudy struggles and beg him to stop but he never did.

Has he really turned the devil they want him to be?

“I d….didn’t ki||…. him… he’s still alive. I’m not like you guys” He shouted in tears.

Kelly squatted in front of him.

“Him being alive doesn’t change the fact that your almost ki|| him, you were the one who choose to stab him even though he’s not your target….” He gnarled slapping his face countlessly.

“Do you have any prove I did it? Do you?” Cody yelled.

“Of course we do” Tanya walk to them and threw a phone to him.

Cody hand trembled vigorously as he watched, he smashed the phone on the ground angrily.

“There’s no point in destroying it” We have so many backups” Tanya said, joining in on the laughter

“And where’s Vivian? Where are you keep her?” Cody said weakly.

“It’s easy, we won’t expose your true self and Vivian will be safe if you choose to cooperate with us” Kelly whispered to his hearing.

“Tell me what I need to do” Cody sniffed with his fist folded.

Kelly stood and he exchange victorious glance with Tanya.

“Good choice, but we’ve to find out what Ricky looks like first, that bastard is still hiding his face” Kelly said.

“Leave that to me, I’ll check if I still has his pics” Tanya said.



Ricky entered the restaurants, He saw Manager Gregor waving to him at a table and he went to join him.

“Glad you can make it” Manager Gregor said.

“You said it’s important” Ricky replied.

“Do you mind having anything? Food or drinks?”

“I’m okay, what is this about?” Ricky cuts in.

“Uh… hmm how do I say this? It’s about your band members”

Ricky raised a brow.

“What about them?” He ask.

“You’ve to be really careful around them, don’t trust anyone of them….

“Did dad ask you to tell me all this? You think this will make me change my mind and become a solo artist? Making them look bad?” Ricky snapped.

“Mr Cooper didn’t ask me to tell you any of this, I just had to warn you cos I love my job and my life too. You really don’t know them really well at all Ricky….”

“I’m not going to have this conversation with you” Ricky stood but Gregor grabs his hand.

“You only choose to see the bad side of the CEO, I know he’s selfish and only care about himself, but believe me he want the best for you and he really loves you as his son” Gregor explained.

“Love? Don’t make me laugh?” Ricky scoffed.

“He’s only looking out for you…”

Ricky threw his hand off shoting him a dangerous dagger.

“You know nothing about my relationship with him so stay out of this!” He said and walk out of the restaurants.


Trace came home straight after they did the last rehearsal for the day, since he arrived his mind has been filled up with one thing.

How Cody suddenly changed overnight.

He’s not used to get so restless with other member but how Cody goes from cute to cold.

He doesn’t even talk to anyone in the mansion anymore.

“What are you thinking about?.” Amelia ask from behind him.

Trace jolted and face here.

“How long have you been here?” He ask her.

“Twenty minutes ago, you were too lost to notice me” Amelia said with a pouts.

“Sorry about that, I just….

“Mind sharing what’s bothering you with me?” She cuts in.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, you can tell me anything” Amelia sat beside him.

“You know Cody right?” Trace began…

“Co…dy? I’ve definitely heard that name from Lily before. One of your band member I guess?” She smiled.

“Yh, He’s use to being all childish and lively in the house we shared, but suddenly became cold. He would lock himself in his room all day without speaking to anyone” Trace said.

“Have you tried talking to him?”

“Whenever I ask him, he got angry and tell me to mind my business” He said.

“That’s serious, is that why you are so worked up?”

“I’m the group leader, it’s my duty for me to be worried about my group members…”

“It must have been hard for you? Always putting others first before yourself, tell me, do you even have time for yourself?” Amelia crossed her arms.

“I don’t really think that’s necessary” Trace chuckled.

“It is. You’re not getting any younger, you need a time to cool off a bit, have fun and yunno what I mean right?”

“I don’t!” Trace shook his head.

“This won’t do. You don’t have nothing left to do today right?” Amelia grinned.

Trace nodded.

“Then… Go out with me” She said.



“OMG! Can I get this too?” Minnie pouted cutely as she point at the designer bag in front of them.

Rudy gave a nod and she took it smiling.

“I need a new pair of sneakers too, My old ones are starting to fall apart.” Minnie said.

“Sure, I’ve to get something too” He left her side and accidentally bumped into someone. He turned to apologize, and when he saw the person’s face, he froze.

The person was wearing a cap, but there was something familiar about those eyes – a striking shade of brown,then,he caught a glimpse of a scar on the person’s arm, and he knew.

It was the man who had stabbed him.

Rudy’s heart was pounding and his palms were sweating.

“Hey!” he called out, but the man had already disappeared into the crowd.

“Hey, are you okay? You look pale” Minnie came over.

Rudy tried to compose himself. He didn’t want to worry Minnie.

“I’m fine,” he said, forcing a smile. “Just feeling a little dizzy. Maybe I didn’t eat enough breakfast.”

“Let’s drop by the near restaurants then” She said and Rudy nodded.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Minnie asked again and he nodded. They left the mall afterwards.



Amelia and Trace got off the roller coaster, they were both laughing and out of breath. Amelia’s hair was flying in all directions, and Trace had this huge grin on his face.

“That was so much fun! “I feel like I’m on cloud nine!”

“Yeah, that was pretty exhilarating,” Amelia said.

“I’m glad you convinced me to go on it.” Trace smiled.

“I told you it would be fun!” Amelia said.

“I can’t recall the last time I come to a park” Trace said.

“Too bad it’s late, but we can still go in one last ride before we head back. What do you say we go on the Ferris wheel next?” Amelia grinned.

“Sure” Trace answered.

They made their way towards the Ferris wheel, Amelia suddenly caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of her eye.

She turned her head, and her heart skipped a beat. It was Sebastian men, heading in the same direction.

“We’ve to head back, quick” She grabbed Trace hand, panic rising in her chest.

“What? Why all of the sudden?” Trace asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

“That beast men are after me again. They are over there” Amelia said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Trace turned to her eyes direction and his eyes widened.

He held her hand instead and they began running towards the exit, but it was too late – one of Sebastian’s friends had already spotted them.

“There they are!” He alerted pointing in their direction.

“Catch them!” another yelled, and they all began running after Amelia and Trace.



“Bye Mrs Rosemary!” Lily waved goodbye to Mrs. Rosemary as she ran out of the shop. She headed to the bus stop, pulling out her phone to call Ricky.

She tried countless times but he didn’t pick. He promised to pick her up but he’s not here.

And by the look of it, it’s going to rain soon.

She waited for what felt like an eternity, but Ricky never showed up.

The sky darkened and thunder rumbled in the distance.

Just as the first drops of rain began to fall, a gasp escaped Lily’s lips.

She held her bag over her head to ran and find a shelter, but before she could reach it, an umbrella appeared above her.

Lily stopped in her tracks, shocked to see Kelly standing in front of her, holding the umbrella with a warm smile on his face.

“Sorry I’m late. I had some things to attend to,” he said.

“What are you doing here?” Lily asked, her voice trembling slightly.

“Ricky asked me to pick you up since he was busy.” Kelly replied.

Lily gave him a confused look. Why would he even do that? Did he know they’re leaving together?”

“You don’t trust me?” he added, his smile turning into a frown.

Lily shook her head.

“No, it’s not that… I just wasn’t expecting to see you here.” She said.

“He ask me to bring you to the mansion….”

“Isn’t that dangerous? What if the other members find out?”

“They won’t, trust me!” Kelly smiled.

Lily hesitated but eventually agree,

“Let’s go” She said.

He helped her into the car and Kelly smirked secretly before starting the car.


Amelia and Trace were still on the run, It’s doesn’t seem like Sebastian men are going to give up either.

Amelia’s heart was pounding in her chest, and she could barely breathe from the chase.

She just wanted to get away, but it felt like Sebastian’s men were gaining on them.

To make the matter worse, the rain was still pouring, directly on them.

They are so f_cking wet but keep on running.

They ran into an open restaurant and hide behind th doors.

Sebastian ran pass them and Amelia sighed in relieve.

“Are you okay?” Trace asked as he felt his hands trembling on his own.

“I- I’m… fi…..fine” She stutters, shaking.

“You’re not, you are trembling” He said worriedly.

Trace looked around the restaurant, and noticed that it was empty. He spotted a dry-cleaning rack in the corner, with a few button-down shirts hanging from it.

He grabbed one of the shirts and ran back to Amelia, who was still trembling.

“Here, put this on” he said, handing her the shirt.

“It’s dry, and it’ll keep you warm” He added.

Amelia took the shirt almost pulled off her dress but suddenly hesitated, looking at Trace.

“You can take them off, I won’t look” Trace said.

To Be Continued

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