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HomeCRAZY LOVECRAZY LOVE – Episode 57 & 58

CRAZY LOVE – Episode 57 & 58

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“Do I have to say it so loud before you know I want you to touch me” She said without blinking an eye.

“Is that what you want?” Ricky word came as his shock to her.

She was expecting him to tease her about it or even laugh…

Was he expecting her to mention it first?

Her thought was cut short when Ricky grabbed her and pulled her back to his laps.

He grabbed her small face in his soft palms and pressed his lips so hard into hers, kissing her with insane hunger as her right hand grabbed his hoodie,pulling him deeper into herself.

Ricky did the same,kissing her harder,and the pace even increased.

The sound from the collision of their lips could be heard in the room,sounding so cute as they kissed hotly.

Lily’s hands travelled up his chest and around his neck. She melted completely into this guy already.

Even though she kissed him several times, it’s still felt like she’s just having a taste of his lips for the first time.

She’s not thinking about anything, just his lips matters right now. She’s so f_cking addicted.

The way it moulded softly and perfectly into hers at each drive, it’s making her want even more. He tastes like honey.

Even more sweeter!

She clinged onto him like he’s the one thing that’d save her, the kiss was filled with passion.

She was getting more impatient as they kissed, Is he really not going to touch her like she ask?

Why’s this guy not making any moves at all? Is he impotent? Did he not love her anymore?

Different question runs through her heads and she made up her hand to made a move first….

She ran her hands over his shoulder, it was as if he was helped him gain confidence cos he lift her by her àss making her face him before grabbing it.

He pressed it hard and Lily smiled into the kiss. It was impossible for him to grab it directly cos she was wearing a long pants, so he went for her top instead, his warm hand made her shiver a bit as he found his way to her B-__-bs giving it a soft press.

She couldn’t stop herself from Mõ@ɲing as he played with her Ɲīpplë still squeezing her B-__-bs with care.

Ricky stood up and started walking up, to the room without breaking the kiss.

He opened the door with one hand and Lily did the closing with her back.He placed her gently on the bed and came on top, reconnecting their lips.

She opened up instantly, and the tip of his tongue reached out. Hers was already waiting. He ran his tongue over hers, grabbing her waist as he pulled her closer to his body.

“Ricky…..” Lily whispered breathlessly, her lips swollen just like his own.

“Are you sure you really want us to do this?” He whispered, trying to catch his breath. His gaze so affectionate.

“I’ll be fine, just go slow” she replied and impatiently grabbed his face,crashing her lips on his own again.

It got heated once again,each losing the count of time as they kissed breathlessly.

They were both shaking nervously when they broke it, and Lily bit her lips shyly as he watch him unbottled the top button of her nighty.

He average B-__-bs bounced out to him and he never waste any moment before capturing one in his mouth, sucking it like a pro while nibbling the second.

His phone suddenly began ringing from his pocket but they ignored it.

If only it’s stopped, the call kept coming in as soon as one dropped and Lily could swear that she cussed the caller.

“Answer it, it might be important” She said and regret immediately Ricky released her Ɲīpplë.

He get off her and check the caller iD.

It’s manager Gregor.

“This will be quick” He said and left the room.

Lily bit her lips and stared at her chest, recalling how he sucked and press them.

She never knew he had this side of him.

“OMG! I never want him to stop!” She threw the duvets over her head, and started throwing her legs in the air like a child.

Fifteen minutes later,Ricky ended the call and when he entered the room,he met Lily already sleeping soundly.

“Did she just fell asleep after turning me on?” He said in disbelief.

He squatted in front of her hoping she would open her eyes but she only changed her position,he could even hear her snore.

“Cute” He muttered and covered her up before laying next to her.

“Goodnight doll face” He kissed her forehead before closing his eyes.



“I told you he can be very dangerous when it’s comes to Ricky, stop wh@ťěver you’re planning if you want to live. I no nothing about this,got it?” Tanya snapped and hunged up.

She started eating her food munching it with so much anger. If only her stomach could cooperate with her anger right now.

She would have prefer starving herself if possible!

“If you dare lay your hands on Ricky once more, I swear I’ll bury you Kelly” She tighten her hand on the fork,breathing heavily.

Her phone suddenly beeped with a new notification.

‘LEO’S DEATH ANNIVERSARY’ the contents read and her eyes widened.

It’s a reminder of the day she never want to forget. Her calendar notifications automatically reminds her yearly.

Not like she celebrate or grieve over it,she just want to be reminded.

“I can’t believe I forget about this, this is my chance” She smiled and immediately dialed Ricky’s number hoping silently he hasn’t block her yes.

She tried countless times but he never picked it….

“You think I’m gonna give up easily, if I can’t have you Ricky, definitely no one will. I swear to gawd” She gritted her teeth and started typing him a text.


She tap send and grabs her bag, leaving the house.



“Are you okay?” Trace hit Cody’s shoulder lightly and he jerked up.

“You were saying” He said blinking.

“What’s wrong with you? You’ve been out of it for a while now. You’ve not been listening to me” Trace said.

“Sorry,what were you talking about?” Cody asked.

Trace placed a hand on his forehead,Cody raised his brows and dropped his hand.


“You seem restless which is so unlike you, mind sharing what’s bothering you with me…..

“It’s nothing,I’ll be fine after taking a nap” Cody stood and but Trace grabbed his hand.

“You’re not okay……

“I said I’m fine! What’s your deal really? Leave me alone!” Cody yelled before knowing it.

Trace released his hand in shock,both staring at each other for minutes

“I’m sorry,I just……..

Ricky came in with Kris,holding shopping bags.

“We’re back,did you miss us?” Kris said dropping the stuffs on the table.

Cody quickly wear a smile and sat down,Trace continue staring at him and when their eyes met,Cody looked away first…

Ricky saw it,he looked at Trace then Cody….

“What’s with the cold air? Are you both fighting?” Ricky asked.

“Fighting my foot! We’re not you and Kelly okay?” Cody smiled,bringing out what the got.

Ricky scoffed.

“OMG! How do you guys know I’m craving for pizza so much” Cody took a slice and started eating.

“Of course we know you’re a foodie who can die for pizza so” Kris laughed.

Cody glared at him.

“How’s it?” Ricky asked.

“The best I’ve ever had,you’re the best” He raised his thumb up funnily,and they all laugh except for Trace.

“Our new song will be out in a week,we actually bought this so we can celebrate in advance,I know it will definitely be a hit” Kris said.

Trace nodded.

“Sure” He said simply.

“Where’s Kelly anyway? Don’t tell me he’s out again…..

“I’m afraid he his” Trace told Kris.

Kris shook his head.

“What is that punk up to this days?” He mumbled.

Ricky’s phone suddenly beeped and his eyes went wide as he saw the text from Tanya,he got up and ran out of the house before the other members could even ask.

“What just happened?” Trace face the guys.

Kris was about to speak,when Cody’s phone started ringing.

“Excuse me!” He got up and left for his room.

“What’s wrong with everyone?” Kris muttered and Trace gave him ‘I don’t know’ look.

Cody swallowed and make sure his room was well locked before picking the call.

“Why are you calling me! Do you want to put me into trouble or what? I f_cking made it clear to you never to call me, lI’ll be the one doing the calling” Cody yelled.

“Vivian is missing” The woman cried out.

“What!” Cody screamed.



There’s a basketball competition going on when Ricky got here. He found a seat among the students in the bleachers and sat down,dialing Tanya’s number but getting no answer.

He waited,his eyes fixed on the game,as the players ran up and down the court,dribbling and $h00ting the ball.

Memories of how he,Leo and Tanya spend their leisure time at the court came rushing and his eyes started welling up with tears.


Ricky was laying on the floor holding a novel to his face as he periodically glance at Leo who’s throwing the ball inside the net without missing any.

He smiled like a proud dad and continue reading.

Minutes later, Leo threw the thirteenth ball into the net and went flat on the floor tiredly.

“Careful” Ricky said and raise a bottle of water to his face.

“Thanks” Leo smiled and uncapped it,almost gulping all the content before dropping it.

“When is your girlfriend coming? I don’t want to be late for that man’s class?” Ricky sat up,dropping the novel too.

Leo checked his watch.

“In twenty minutes,who knows she’s spending hours dolling up for me” He said proudly.

“I knew it! Tanya will never change” Ricky said and they both laughed.

Leo got up and started picking the balls all over the floor while Ricky continue reading.

“Jun catch!” Leo suddenly threw a ball to him and the book fell as he catch the ball.

“What the f-__-k bro?” Ricky scoffed and threw the ball at him,picking up the book.

“You’re still good at this” Leo sat next to him.

“Seriously? I have to start searching for where I stopped,thanks to you” Ricky scoffed as he turned the book pages.

“You don’t remember the page you stopped?” Leo asked.

“I didn’t even realize,I guess I was too engrossed to check” Ricky replied.

“All you ever done is read, Are you really not going to join the audition? You think I want to become a singer without you?” Leo said.

“I told you I’m not interested in singing,nothing is ever going to change my mind” Ricky replied.

“But you’re really good and with your voice,lots of agency will line up for you to be in their company….

“Stop Leo! I don’t want to talk about this” Ricky cut him off.

“Is this because of your stage fright?”

Ricky gulped down,his heart pounding really fast as he said that.

“The last person to get to Prof. Draco’s class carries all our bags for a month” Tanya suddenly shouted by the door and Ricky snapped back to reality.

Before he could even get up,Leo already got to Tanya,he grabbed her hand and they ran madly out of the court.

“What? That’s unfair!” Ricky grabbed his bag in a rush and went after them.


Ricky felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned, and saw Tanya standing there,holding two bouquet of flowers.

“What is this about?” He got up.

“We can’t talk here,come with me” She grabbed his hand and drag him out.



Tanya walked up to Ricky,who was standing next to Leo’s graveside. He turned to face her,his eyes red and puffy.

“Don’t tell me you cried again? It has been four years” Tanya said.

Ricky said nothing.

“We should get going, It’s late” She took his hand but Ricky threw her hand off.

“I’ll leave when I’m ready,you don’t have to wait for me” He said.

Tanya scoffed.

“Do you really have to be hard on yours every f_cking year? He’s long dead,we’ve to move on with our lives” She yelled.

“You can move on if you want to,no one is stopping you” Ricky yelled back.

Tanya suddenly grabbed his shirt and pulled her to her level,she kissed him.

“What the heck? Are you crazy?” Ricky pushed her off angrily and wiped his lips.

“That is me moving on from Leo! You don’t expect me to continue hiding my feelings for you,Just because I f-__-king dated that loser before,do you plan to keep him in your heart forever ? What about me? What about us?”

“You’re more shameless than I thought Tanya,there was never us. I never liked you from the start. The three of us were best friend and he f_cking love you with all his heart? How can you say those words to him cos he’s dead” Ricky yelled.

Tanya moved closer and grabbed his hand.

“You’re the one I like from the start,I told you I agree to date him cos I don’t want him to get hurt,I had no choice cos he has a weak heart,I even sacrifice my own happiness for him. It’s time for me to start thinking about myself too. I want you Ricky,I’m willing to do anything. Just look at me for us,I waited for you for years…” Tanya started crying.

“This is not love Tanya,you’re just crazy. If we keep seeing each other like this,my girlfriend might get the wrong idea,I think it’s best if we just forget about everything we had,goodbye” Ricky threw her hand off and left.

“Ricky!” She fell as she rushed after him but he never stop.

“I swear you’re gonna regret this!” She rushed back to her bag on the ground,getting her phone.



Tanya was sitting at their usual spot, her eyes swollen from the tears she shed earlier.

She was fuming seriously as she sat, her head was boiling in rage.

“You called for me” Mole voice said from the back.

Tanya turned and got up, she walk to him.

“I thought you wouldn’t come…

“Here I am, say wh@ťěver you want so I can leave” Mole cuts in.

“Why are you in such a hurry? Are you that scared that your other member will found out about you?” She smirked.

Mole gulped down emptiness.

“Wh@ťěver, I changed my mind! You don’t have to ki|| that Ɓîtçh anymore, I’ve another mission for you” Tanya said.

Mole stared at her without a word.

“If I can’t have him all to myself, then she can’t either. I want you to ki|| Ricky for me” She said and Mole eyes went wide.

“W–what are you saying? I-i can’t do that” He stuttered.

“And why’s that?” A voice ask from behind and Mole instantly recognize it’s Kelly’s.

He began trembling as he approached them, trying to cover his face but it was too late….

“What! It’s you?” Kelly said, his face breaking into a smile that quickly faded.

“How dare you set me up?” Mole yelled, grabbing Tanya by the collar and strangling her.

Kelly rushed forward and pulled Mole off Tanya, shoving him to the ground.

Tanya was breathing heavily, holding her neck.

“There’s no use hiding any longer, Let’s work together from now on.” Kelly said.

“And why would I do that?” Mole yelled, scrambling to his feet.

Kelly let out a dangerous chuckle and grabbed Mole by the collar. He slammed him up against the nearest wall, pinning him there.

“You sure know how to hide your true self behind that cute, adorable and innocent youngest member of Moonlight Pitch….. Cody” He said with a smirk.

To Be Continued

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