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HomeCRAZY LOVECRAZY LOVE – Episode 5 & 6

CRAZY LOVE – Episode 5 & 6

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“Aargh! I just wanna disappear,I can’t believe I’m tired and I want to return home already” Lily continue pouting while moving the straw in her milkshakes with her hand.

“You were tired of your mom slapping your shoulders,isn’t that why you moved out?” Rudy chuckled

“Exactly,having hit on the shoulder is better than having a creepy neighbor… He always gave me chills. Who knows he might be a ki||er or something,what if you loose me? Will you be able to handle that…”

“Yes” Rudy answered

Lily frowned.

“I h@ťě you…” She rolled her eyes and take another sip from her drunk

“Why not go back home?” Rudy suggested

“You’re talking as if you don’t know my mum! Now that I’m finally free,no going back”

“Would you rather stay with a mysterious neighbor then?”

Lily sighed.

“It’s really weird how he’s always out. He goes out very early in the morning and comes back very late in the night. What’s he really?”

Rudy sighed.

“And he’s super tall too.. I’ve never seen someone like that before”

“You really need to see this radio pole,his height is really out of this world. He’s around 190cm I think….”

“Ricky is around that height too…” Rudy smirked.

“My Ricky isn’t like that,his tallness is cute” She blushed.


“Come to think of it, he looks kinda familiar. Where have I seen such face? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I haven’t met that punk before” Lily rolled her eyes.

“Do you h@ťě him that much?” Rudy chuckled.

“Yes,he’s one annoying human being” She grabbed her phone.

Rudy suddenly raised his head to TV,an anchor was reporting.

📺 Tonight we are learning of the famous serial ki||er on the loose,as of now he has already taken the lives of three people. The police are asking for anyone with information to come forward, as they fear this individual may strike again. The suspect has been described as a tall, muscular man, with dark hair and dark eyes,he is believed to be armed and dangerous, and anyone who sees him should call the police immediately. The police are warning residents to be on high alert and take precautions to stay safe. More information will be provided as it becomes available 📺

“Seriously? I thought he was already sentenced to death!” Rudy scoffed and look away from the TV.

“I should go,Mrs Rose will soon get to the shop….” Lily stood up.

“I’ll drop you off” Rudy quickly got up too.

“I think you would rather drop her off instead” Lily said and Rudy turned to see an angry looking Minnie.

“You stood me up cos of her again?” Minnie scoffed glaring at Lily.

“I told you about this last night” Rudy said calmly.

“But still… Do you have to meet up and talk everyday? You have a girlfriend for goodness sake” She hissed and immediately grabbed his arm.

“Let’s go, we’re running late!” She rolled eyes at Lily and started dragging Rudy out.

“Give me a call when you’re done,don’t go home alone!” Rudy mouthed to Lily.

“Don’t you dare give him a call and you better not pick up if she did” Minnie snapped.

“How could you were a red shoe over a purple shirt?” Minnie sighed staring down at his shoe,they already out.

“What’s wrong with it?” Rudy asked.

“Nevermind,let’s go!” She got into the car first,Rudy got in too,he started the car and drove off.



“That punk!” Kris mumbled as he stood by the door watching as they film a kiss scene for a newly released drama under thier company.

This is the fifth time they’ll be retaking it and he couldn’t control his anger as he watch.

“And cut!” The director finally said and the artist broke the kiss.

Kris sighed out.

“You did great,thanks for today” The director said and Linda smiled.

“I’m glad you like it” She said.

“Sure,see you tommorow” The director said and walked away,they packed thier stuffs and walk out,Kris quickly hide before they could see him.

Kris sighed and was about to walk in,but stop seeing Linda taking with the guy she just $h00t the scene with.

“What are they talking about?” He rough his hair impatiently.

Soon,the actor left leaving only Linda in the room,she was packing her dress in her bag.

Kris tiptoed to her and hugged her from behind.

“Kris….” Linda frozed.

“Stay still,I miss holding you like this” He muttered,sniffing her sweet scent.

“What if someone sees us?” Linda said.

Kris sighed and broke the hug,he went straight to the door to lock it before returning to her.

“We can’t even do what we want cos of this damñ rules!” Kris groaned and took her bags from her.

“I’m worried about you,I don’t want you to get kicked out cos of me” Linda murmured.

“I understand,I just…” Linda placed a banana milk drink on his cheek and he smiled.

“You’re really good at making my heart race” He said,a playing smile on his lips.

“Of course! Kiss me,I’ve missed your lips so much” She pouted,hanging her hands around his neck.

“Go kiss Charles” Kris scoffed. Charles is the name of the actor she just film a scene with.

“Are you jealous?” Linda laughed.

“Even if I am,I can’t stop you from doing what you love. I’ll just do my best to stay away from your dramas”


“Yeah,I miss you so much too. I h@ťě how we’ve to hide our relationship….”

“It’s really okay,I don’t want your fans problem anyway” Linda chuckled.

“You look prettier today….” He said and she blushed.

“Then kiss me….

He carried her and dropped her on the table,holding her waist. He turned off the light in the room and immediately claimed her lips hungrily.



Rudy’s car halted in front of the mansion,he got down with Minnie and they both went into the house meeting both Jenner and Ethan (Rudy’s parent).

Different from Lily’s parents, who are an average family, Rudy’s parents are rich and they can get wh@ťěver they want without even working for it.

But Minnie’s parents are stinkingly rich,being the only child or her parents,she’s a spoil brat.

“Mum! Dad!” Minnie gushed and rushed to hugged them both.

“Dear…” Ethan smiled as they broke the hug. Jenner smiled shortly.

“I got you both something” Minnie took the shopping bags from Rudy and hand it to them accordingly.

“Thanks a lot for this dear” Ethan smiled.

“My pleasure,father in law” Minnie said and they all laugh except Jenner.

“I hope you also love what I got for you mum” Minnie said seeing Jenner’s reaction.

Jenner nodded and turned to Rudy.

“Do you deliver my message to Lily?” She asked.

“Yes,and she love it a lot” Rudy smiled.

Minnie frowned and bit her lips.

“I prepare lunch already! Let’s eat” Jenner stood and left for the kitchen.

“I’ll help you….” Minnie stood but Rudy grabbed her hand.

“We’ll join you soon” He said to Ethan and pulled Minnie upstairs,to his room.

“Why did you do that?” Minnie asked crossing her arms.

“Can you cook? I don’t want to humiliate you” Rudy chuckled pulling off his jacket.

Minnie grabbed the pillow and throw it to him.

“I h@ťě you!” She sat down on the bed.

“Why do I always feel your mum don’t like me? She’s always asking about Lily! Just what’s so special about that girl that everyone loves her”

Rudy sighed softly

“Don’t you think your mum want you to date her?” Minnie said.

“That’s ridiculous,stop talking about it” Rudy said.

“Fine! I believe you, but I’m sleeping here tonight” She fell on the bed, stretching herself out.

“Babe” She suddenly sat up.


“Can you tell me your mum’s likes and dislikes? I wanna win her over”

“Sure” He replied with a smile.


Ricky got to his apartment and met White in front of the house,eating from her food dish.

He squatted in front of him,and dropped the shopping bags he got. He remembered he ran out of it’s food,and went to get it earlier.

“Did she gave her this?” He muttered roughing her fur tenderly. He carried her in his arms and went inside,his phone immediately beeped as he drop her.

It’s a text from Kris.


“What the,why is he just telling me now?” He dropped his phone and went straight into the bathroom.



Moonlight Pitch members gathered around the microphone, the sound engineer signaled for them to start recording.

“Take one” Trace said.

The members began to sing,their voices blending together in perfect harmony. But a few seconds into the song,Cody flubbed a note,they stoped at once.

“What the f_ck?” Kelly mumbled and hit him.

Trace dropped the sound engineer.

“It’s okay,We’ll just do another take ” Trace reassured them.

“Yh,we still have a lot of time anyway” Manager Gregor said.

The door suddenly burst open and their CEO stormed into the room. They all froze, their eyes wide with fear.

His presence immediately demanding attention. He walked over to the recording booth and listened to the song that was being recorded.

After few minutes,he came out again.

“What is this?” he demanded, his voice booming through the room.

The group members continue bowing.

“Is this the best you can do?” Mr Cooper demanded fraustratedly.

The members were silent, too afraid to speak.

Manager Gregor stepped forward.

“We’re deeply sorry sir,this song was just released last two days.. We can’t be sure if it’s make a huge success or not” He said but Mr Cooper only scoffed.

“And we really tried our best bringing it up…” Trace cut in.

“Tried your best,this is garbage!” he yelled. “I want it reworked immediately!”

The members glaced at each other.

“But sir,our fans love it” Kelly added.

“That’s not the point! The point is without Ricky this group is nothing! He wrote the song,bring up it’s beat and everything… He’s the only one that does all the work,what are you guys doing exactly? Eating junks and gaining unnecessary weight?”

“The MV views is not even up to 800M,only Ricky’s fancam surpassed 1billion,should I just kick you all out and focused on him alone as a solo artist?” He yelled angrily.

Kelly made to reply but Trace stopped him.

“We’ll start trying our best sir!” He said politely.

Mr Cooper hissed and stormed out angrily,Manager Gregor went after him.

“Once again,we look like a non existing member in front of our masked singer” Kelly hissed glaring at Ricky.

“I’m sorry…..” Ricky muttered.

“All you’re good at is saying sorry,I’m tired of hearing the d@mn word all the time! How are we even sure you mean what you said? How? You’re probably laughing at us under that damñ mask!” Kelly yelled.

“Stop this! It’s not his fault he choose to talk to us that way!” Kris interrupted him.

“I’m sick and tired or you defending him,didn’t you hear all he said? What if we end up getting kicked out cos of him…

“I’m sorry guys,I’m really sorry!” Ricky said and stormed out.

“Ricky wait!” Kris went after him,he only catch up with when he reached the restroom,he made to grabbed his hand but he mistakenly pulled off his mask instead.

His eyes widened and he quickly threw it on the floor,He only caught a glimpse of his face before Ricky turned around.

“I’m sorry! I really didn’t mean to….” Kris gasped,his mouth still in shock. This is the very first time he’ll be seeing how he look like since years debut.

Ricky didn’t bother picking his mask,he stormed out of the restroom.

“Ricky! Wait!” Kris went after him.



Lily has been watching Ricky’s fancam since they stop attending to customers earlier,she has lost count of how many times she watched it already,if only her views can be counted more than once,she has lost count of how

“He’s too cute!” She gushed holding her cheek as if to stop her blush.

“What do we do with her?” Mrs Rose whispered to Amelia.

“Nothing can make her stop being obsessed with Ricky!” Amelia whispered back and they both laugh staring at Lily.

The door suddenly opened and Rudy came in,Lily raised her head and saw him,she removed her headphones and get down from her desk.

“Good evening ma’am!” Rudy greeted Mrs Rose.

“Evening my dear” Mrs Rose smiled and left them alone.

“Why are you here?” Lily raised her brows.

“I also h@ťě being here but I couldn’t stop worrying,let’s just say mum forced me here” Rudy replied and turned to Amelia who has been staring at him.

Amelia quickly look away hiding her blush.

“Introduce me to him!” Amelia whispered rearranging her hair.

“Here’s my pretty friend Amelia and this is my one and only crab,Rudy!” Lily introduced.

“Do you have to tell her that?” Rudy groaned.

“I’m Amelia” Amelia stretched her hand for an handshake,Rudy stared down at it without taking it.

He look at Lily who shot him a glare,he immediately took Amelia hand.

“Let’s go…”

“I’m not done yet” Lily snapped.

“Come out before I changed my mind” Rudy rolled his eyes and stepped out.

Lily eyed him before grabbing her bag.

“Goodnight!” She waved at Amelia and Mrs Rose before going out.


Rudy stopped the car and Lily grabbed her bag from the back seat,she opened the door and stepped down.

“Bye,see yah!” Lily waved and made to start walking away.


“What?” Lily turned.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Rudy grinned.

“Why would I do such a thing? I love my life okay,I don’t want your girlfriend to beat me up,goodnight!” She said and left.

Rudy stared at her till she got in,he turned to start the car,but his phone suddenly buzzed.


It’s from Minnie!


He texted back and immediately stared the car.


Lily come out of her room after drying her hair,she just had her night shower.

She sat in the living room and turned on the TV,it’s the same news about the serial ki||er they heard at the coffee shop in the morning.

“I can’t watch this” She muttered and turned it off,getting up,she walk into the kitchen and open the fridge and grab a bottle of water,she uncapped it and drink from it.

Her eyes went to Ricky’s window,he left it open but no light was on.

“His he not back?” Lily muttered dropping the bottle.

“Why do I even care?” She hissed and left the kitchen.

“Come to think of it,I need to know wh@ťěver he’s hiding,what If he’s after my life or something? Yes Lily,you’ve to find out and report him,who know? He might even be the serial ki||er”

“No this won’t do! Let’s find out what he’s hiding!” She said determinly and left her place.

She looked around the quite street before approaching his door,White was at the front door, squatting cutely as usual.

“Cutie! We met again!” She carried it and kissed it’s face causing the cat to make a cute sound.

“You’re too cute, sometimes I wanna steal you from your owner! This is a secret between us okay? You can’t tell that grumpy man!” Lily giggled and the cat wiggled it’s tail.

She smiled and walk to the door,To her surprise,the door was opened. She dropped White on the couch and started searching around.

The first thing that caught her attention was MOONLIGHT PITCH group portrait in the living room,he only had thier group photo.

“OMG! He’s a Moonies too! Whao!” Lily gasped.

“He act like a weirdo but he’s a human being afterall” She chuckled and entered his room.

This time he actually had his own wall portrait,it’s the same as the one she had in her room.

“Awwn! Is bias Ricky too?” She gushed smiling widely at the frame. She walked over to it

Her eyes caught the attention of a book on the table,it’s actually contained lyrics of thier new song,how he developed it.

Lily took it and was about opening it when…

“What do you think you’re doing?” Ricky’s voice said from behind.

Lily turned and the book fell from her,she frozed on spot.

This is the first time she would be seeing him closely,no mask,no cap,just his bare face.

Lily’s eyes widened.

“Sky Scrapper?” She called out.



To Be Continued

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