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HomeCRAZY LOVECRAZY LOVE – Episode 43 & 44

CRAZY LOVE – Episode 43 & 44

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( Idol Next Door… )


By, Lisa (A•O)




Very important before you read this chapter!!!

I can see a lot of comments about Mole in the last chapter I posted. Seriously are you guys even following the story at all?

Mole is from the cult group,he was ordered to ki|| a girl and that girl turns out to be Lily.

You’ll learn who he’s truly is as time goes on…..

And I thought you guys already promised to change cos Ion understand,should I start skipping more than 2 days to post? Huh?

Is that what you all what?

Cos I don’t get you all,I’m not eating your likes and share the same way you’re not feeding on the stories I posted but wouldn’t it be fair if you all try and appreciate the little time I’ve left here?

If you’re tired of the story, just tell me,everyone has the right to speak,tell me so I can post the finale and stop working myself up so much 😪



#unedited EXPECT ERRORS!!


Minnie eyes met with the walla clock as she laid on her bed.

“Did he just stood me up again?” She sighed and sat up,grabbing her phone from the stand to call Rudy.

She’s all dressed up since two hours cos they’re planning to eat out and now,he’s still not here.p

“What’s he up to? Don’t tell me he’s with that Ɓîtçh again?” She hissed as she dail his number for minutes but he never picked.

“You better not be cheating on my Rudy or else” She started pacing around the room,her heart racing.

She tried calling him again but nothing happened,she stamped her foot on the floor and threw the phone on the bed angrily.

“If you won’t come for me, I’ll be the one to do it” She grabbed her bag and made to leave the room when her phone started ringing.

She rushed to it and a smile appeared on her face when she saw who’s it. Rudy!

“Where are you? Don’t tell me you’re not coming anymore? Did you just stood me up again? Are you with that Ɓîtçh call Lily!” She snapped.

“This isn’t Rudy,the owner of the phone was found unconscious in front of my house. He was stabbed” A lady voice said.

Minnie’s eyes widened.

“My Rudy? Stabbed!” She screamed loudly.

“Yes,we’ve taken him to long life hospital” The lady continue.

“W-what the address?” Minnie asked shakingly.



Lily was already waiting in the ICU when Minnie arrived. Her anger only doubled but she ignored her first,all that matter now is seeing Rudy.

The doctor came out of the operating ward and she immediately rushed to him.

Lily also stood,her eyes were had already turned red cos she had been crying nonstop.

“How’s he? How’s Rudy? Tell me he’s okay?” Minnie asked at once.

“I’m sorry to say this, but he’s in critical condition because he lost a lot of blood before he was brought here. His blood type is common,so we were able to get him the transfusion he needed. We’re operating on him now,but the chances of him surviving are only 50 percent and there’s a chance he may even end up in a coma. Please prepare yourself for the worst” The doctor said and walked away.

Minnie broke down in tears as the doctor finished saying that,same as Lily.

“Please be strong for me,I can’t do without you… Don’t you dare leave me alone or else I’m coming with you” Minnie cried out.

Minnie’s eyes landed on Lily, and she remembered how Rudy had rushed out when she texted. She stood up and walked towards her.

“You’re such a bad omen,Lily! It’s all your fault that Rudy is lying there, fighting for his life! If he hadn’t rushed out to see you after you texted him, he’d be fine by now! You’re bad luck!”

“I’m sorry…” Minnie slapped her.

“Stop putting my boyfriend life in danger all in the name of friendship!” Minnie grabbed her hair.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen to him….”

Minnie tightened her grip on Lily’s hair. She tried to say something, but Minnie wasn’t interested in hearing anything she had to say.

“Let her go….” Ricky appeared and freed Lily from Minnie’s grip.

“Let me go,this Ɓîtçh need to be taught a lesson… I’ve been patient enough now you want to take him from me forever!” Minnie snapped as one of the nurse grabbed her.

“Mark my words,mark my words Lily! If anyone happens to Rudy,I’ll dragged you and I to hell! I promise you….” She continue shouting.

“Let’s go” Ricky pulled Lily to a quit area and faced her.

“Why didn’t you fight back? Why did you allow her to treat you like that?” Ricky asked.

“She’s right… It’s all my fault Rudy is in that state. I shouldn’t have texted him!” Lily sniffed back her tears.

“Stop the tears, he’ll be fine” Ricky said and wiped her face with his thumb.

“I don’t think I can handle it if anything happens to him. I can’t do without him either,he’s more than a friend to me Jun Hee… He’s like a brother I never had,he doesn’t deserve what happened to him and all this is my fault. I didn’t meant for this to happen,I’m so sorry Rudy!” She sobbed.

Ricky hugged her.

“Let’s both pray for him,we won’t stop untill he wake up” Ricky said.

Lily nodded.

“Can you stop crying now,you look ugly when you cry…”

Lily hit him.


“It’s not funny,you don’t expect me to laugh in this situation”

“I wasn’t expecting you to laugh,I just wish you’ll stop crying. Your eyes are all red and swollen,you shouldn’t get sick or I’ll cry too”

Lily rolled her eyes.

She hugged him again.

“Thanks for coming here” She said slowly.

“Anything for you” He hugged her back.



Charles was staring deeply at Linda as he was asked to held her waist just like couple for the $h00t.

“Cut!” The photographer finally said and Linda released herself from him immediately. She left his side.

Charles watched as she leave and rough his hair.

“Was I making it too obvious?” He mumbled.

“The next one will be after she changed her dress. I’ll check the ones we’ve taken and showed you before we proceed” The photographer said.

Charles sat accross Linda as the make up artist started adding some retouch on her make up but his face was glued on her.

He tried to focus on his phone but couldn’t.

“Wait,you like her?” A voice sounded from the back. Charles turned to see Mike (His Manager).

“No” He replied quickly.

Mike chuckled and Charles returned his gaze to his phone but he still couldn’t concentrate.

“Did you perhaps reply with no instead of yes,you like her bruh!” Mike laughed and Charles glared at him.

Mike is actually Charles best friend since years so he choosed him to be his manager.

“Well,I’m happy for you bro,this is the first time you’ll be liking a girl,what has come over you? Is she that charming?” Mike teased.

“Stop,I don’t want her to know” Charles said.

“Why? Cos she’s taken?”

Charles raised his brows.

“By who?”

“I’m not sure if they’re dating but she’s often with Kris,I saw them together at mom’s restaurant last week. Yunno how Linda is,she doesn’t hang out with just any guy” Mike said.

“Kris from MP?” Charles asked.

Mike nodded.

Charles looked at Linda and saw her smiling at her phone,she seemed to be engrossed with who she’s chatting with.

“Are they really dating? Thought dating isn’t allowed” He muttered.



Theresa opened the door to Amelia’s room and pointed at her to Trace.

“She has been like that for days! She refused to tell me what happened,you should talk to her,maybe she’ll tell you about it” Theresa said to Trace and left.

Trace placed a knock on the door,that make Amelia look up.

“Can I come in?” Trace asked.

“You’re already in” Amelia replied with a short smile.

Trace walked in and sat on the couch.

“I wonder what happened to you that made mum worried so much. Are you okay?”

Amelia nodded.

“Your face says otherwise”

“Fine,my first love is in coma” Amelia finally said.

“Your first love?”

“You’re acting as if you’ve never heard that word before. You can’t tell me you don’t have a first love” Amelia rolled her eyes.

“I’ve never dated before” Trace replied.

“For real?”

“What do you expect? I’m a singer…”

“Right,I forget, celebrities don’t date. Too bad,does that mean you’re a….” She paused and pressed her lips together. “Nothing”


“Are you a virgin?” Amelia blurted out.

“Kind of” Trace smiled and walked out. Amelia followed him.

“Kind of? Does that mean you were on a bad boy or you had a night stand with a girl or…”

Trace stop walking and she stop talking.

“How about a tour around the house?” He asked.

Amelia nodded.


“My friend is a big fan of yours. She’ll rather go broke than missing any of your concerts. Her favorite is Ricky,though their first meeting wasn’t a good one,but she won’t stop her crazy obsession. Are you guys I wish I could help her….”

“I’ll have to ask him first” Trace replied.

“Thank you” Amelia smiled.

They entered the next room,Amelia gasped at the sight. The design and everything,she need no one to tell her it’s Trace’s.

“Whoa!” She rushed to a big painting of him hunged on the wall.

“You drew this?”

“Yh. I wanted to choose an artist over a singer” Trace said.

“Whao” Amelia muttered,still admiring it.

“Can you also draw me?” She faced him.

Trace said nothing.

“It’s fine,I know you wouldn’t do it for free” She pouted.

“I’ll think about it” Trace said.

“Really? Thank you so much!” Amelia exclaimed.

“You’re so funny” Trace chuckled.



Lily stood in front of Rudy’s ward with some flowers in her hand.

Since she arrived at the hospital hours ago. Minnie refused to let here see Rudy,she even went as far as hiring guards to stop her anytime she tries to get in.

She had been desperate to see him after hearing he fell into coma after the operating but Minnie refused completely.

Just as she was about giving up and leaving,a hand tapped her from behind and she turned to see Jenner.

“Ma’am…..” She gulped,expecting h@ťěful words of even a slap,she knows Minnie would have informed her she’s the reason why Rudy is in that state.

“Why are you standing here? Don’t you wanna see him?” Jenner smiled, surprising Lily.

“I-i already did,I was just about to leave” Lily lied.

“You can’t,can you keep me company for a while? I need someone to talk to” She grabbed her hand, already walking in.

The guards wouldn’t dare stop her.

“But ma’am…..

“What is this Ɓîtçh doing here? You dare show your face to me! What give you the right to come here?” Minnie yelled as soon as they entered the ward.

“She’s with me,have a problem with that?” Jenner said.

“Mum!” Minnie snapped.


“She’s the reason why your son is fighting for his life in pain,how can you say that?”

“You don’t know the whole story Minnie,you can’t blame Lily for what happen,they’ve been friends for years and he’s never gotten into trouble because of her” Jenner defended.

“What are you trying to insinuate? Are you saying he got hurt cos he’s with me?” Minnie yelled.

“I never said that….

“I h@ťě you both so much!” Minnie glared at Lily and walked out.

Jenner sat beside Rudy and held his hand,Lily dropped the flowers she brought on the table before standing beside his bed.

“Please wake up already son… You’re the only one I have” Jenner said silently but Lily heard her.

She gulped down,feeling more guilt.

“Why aren’t you get mad at me? She’s right,this happened after he drop me” Lily asked.

“There’s no point in getting angry,it won’t reverse what happened. You’re like a daughter to me Lily,and he would never forgive me if he learned I did anything to you while he’s still unconscious….” Jenner replied.

“I’m sorry ma’am” Lily sniffed.

Jenner stood up and face her.

“It’s okay, I’ve known you for years Lily. I even wished you were my daughter cos of your kindness. I know you didn’t wish for this to happen. Let’s continue praying he’ll wake up for us” Jenner pulled her closer and hugged her.

Lily wiped her tears and hugged her back.



A knock came from the door,Ricky smiled and got up immediately thinking it’s Lily but his smile fell when he saw Tanya instead.

“What are you doing here this late?” Ricky asked.

“I’m here for you of course” Tanya grinned drunkenly.

Ricky raised his brows.

“Why can’t you look at me for once? Why? I’ve been trying my best to make you look at me for years but you never did,am I that ugly to you? Am I? What’s wrong with me? Why can’t you look at me for once? Is there something in your type of a girl I don’t possess? Why?” She broke into tears.

“You’re drunk Tanya,how did you even drove here?” He made to grabbed his car key but Tanya pulled him back and hugged him.

“Stop this nonsense, I’ll take you home”Ricky broke the hug.

“No! I don’t want to go home. I want to sleep here. Even if you try to hide it,I know you’re confused,you’re probably with her because you’re lonely,you’ve never f-__-ked a girl before and you want to try it out. Do it with me then,she doesn’t look like the type that will give you her body. Just look at me,I’ll give me mine please,just say yes!”

“What rubbish are you talking about? Are you even listening to yourself? You used to be Leo’s girlfriend…..

“Stop talking about him,he’s f_cking dead and I’ve never really loved him. I just dated him cos he’s our friend,he was head over heels for me then that he’ll loose it if I had said no. But my heart has always belong to you. Iove you so much Ricky!” Tanya cried.

“Who’s Ricky?” Lily’s voice sounded from the back.

To Be Continued

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