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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 45 & 46

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️


But her legs couldn’t move, she watch Theo pick up a Iron rod on the floor, heading towards Ross.

“No, Theo!” She yelled and ran towards him, hugging him by the waist.

“Please, don’t!” she beg with tears in her eyes and that got Theo’s anger shimmering down.

He threw away the rod and pulled Carolyn to the house where June was just coming out from.

June was flabbergast by the scene in front of her when Theo and Carolyn got to where they stood.

“Take Carolyn in and under no circumstance must you let her come out” Theo stated before closing the door on both of them.

He went back to Ross who was just getting off the floor and pulled him roughly on his shirt.

“For how long will you keep doing this? How long do I have to tolerate this nonsense act from you!” Theo yelled.

“So, You can be this mad at me for wanting to take away Carolyn. Finally you are feeling the same way I felt when you stole Sabrina away from me!” Ross yelled and push his hand away.

“Sabrina? For how long will you keep talking about her? Isn’t it time you move on?”

“Have indeed move on but what I can’t forget is the way you stole her from me!”

“I didn’t steal Sabrina from you. I never even liked her. She breaking up with you and coming to me was her choice, I didn’t lead her on”

“You said the same d@mn thing to me years ago but I don’t believe you! You act like a saint saying you are innocent whereas you go after every girl I like. First it was Sabrina and now it’s Carolyn. You might have succeed in stealing Sabrina away but I won’t let you do it with Carolyn cause she is mine” Ross yelled at him.

“I suggest you watch what you say before talking. You can h@ťě me all you want because of Sabrina but don’t mess with Carolyn cause am willing to ki|| for her. Don’t say I didn’t tell you” Theo said and went back to the house.


Derek got out of the house with his luggage and was set to leave when Ross called him.

“Be your what?”

“Be my eyes and ears during the trip. You know I don’t like asking favours from anyone but I have to during this circumstance since am not allowed to go” Ross explain.

“So you want me to kind of be a spy, spying on Carolyn and Theo for you?” Derek said.

“Call it wh@ťěver you want but I need you to be my eyes and ears during the trip, can I trust you on this?” Ross ask.

“Fine, I will be your spy but you owe me one” Derek replied before ending the call.


“We’ve got to the bus on time or the seats might all be taken” Roxanne urge her friend who were both deep in thought.

“Can you two tell me what’s bothering you? Go first, June” Roxanne said jolting them out of their thoughts.

“It’s just that am worried about Terry” June began.

“What’s wrong with him?” Carolyn and Roxanne ask in unison.

“He’s been acting strange. He hardly picks my call and when I message him, he rarely replies. I thought he was sick and even went to check up on him at home but his mom told me he wasn’t in but I know she lied to me that day ”

“Do you think he’s no longer interested?” June asked having a doubtful look on her face.

” Don’t say that. You two just started dating, he must have something on his mind and that’s why he’s keeping his distance, so he won’t bother you with it”

“Carolyn is right. Something must probably be bothering him which is why he’s been keeping his distance, I suggest you ask him about it once we get to camp today” Roxanne added.

“Am definitely going to do that” June said with determination.

“Now tell us what’s bothering you” Roxanne said to Carolyn.

“It’s Scarlett. I find it odd that she’s become friends with Brandi and Danica and ignore us, do you know what’s wrong with her?” Carolyn asked.

“Maybe she’s gotten bored of us” June said.

“Or she thinks that by following Brandi and Danica, she will get a guy to f-__-k her all the time” Roxanne said in disgust.


“Am saying the truth, Caro. You know I never liked her in the first place, she seems like a two timer to me” Roxanne said.

“I think it’s best we have a talk with her, when we get to camp, perhaps” June suggest which got Carolyn agreeing to.

“Count me out of it. Now let’s hurry to the bus, I want to seat beside my babe” Roxanne said making her friends tease her about her relationship with Liam.

Theo and Terry were seated already in the bus with few other students.

“I agreed to seat with my pokie” Theo said and that got Terry shaking his head.

“Can’t you just stay by my side. Before your pokie showed up, I was the only one in your life” Terry complain.

“That’s gayish dude! And why the hell do you insist on staying with me when you can do that with June? ” Theo asked and that got Terry looking away in guilt.

“Cause I can’t face her” he muttered remembering the thing that happen at the hotel with Scarlett.

“You can’t face her? But why?”

“They are here! Am going to pretend to be asleep and you must stay by my side, okay!” Terry said and held onto Theo’s arm before shutting his eyes.

“Oh, Terry is asleep” Carolyn said as she got into the bus with June and Roxanne.

Terry might be able to fool everyone but there’s no way he can fool her…June thought as she kept watching him.

“I think Liam is on the other bus, see you guys when we get to camp” Roxanne said and got off the bus while June pulled Carolyn to a nearby seat.

“Don’t you wanna sit with Terry?” Carolyn asked.

“I don’t” June answered and lay her head on Carolyn shoulder.

Carolyn stared at the back seat and smiled at Theo who return the smile.

Her phone beep for an incoming text and she open to read the message from Theo.


She smiled after reading the text and turn to blew a kiss at him which he caught and kiss in return.

Terry who had ended his pretence saw this love scene between Carolyn and Theo but chose to ignore.

His gaze went to June who was still laying her head on Carolyn shoulder and the feeling of guilt made him h@ťě himself more.

At that moment, Scarlett, Brandi and Danica walk into the bus.

Scarlett sent a smile at him but he looked away hating her more everything happening to him.

The journey to LOVE CAMP was a smooth one.

As soon as they got off the bus, they all went to take their luggage and at that moment Scarlett came to them.

“Sweetheart” she called faking a smile at June and Carolyn.

“So youve finally notice us? I thought you were ignoring us” June said as Scarlett gave her a hug.

“Why on earth would I ignore my two best friends? I might be with Brandi and Danica now but that’s because they are helping me get the guy I love” Immediately Scarlett said that, June couldn’t help thinking about Terry.

“And did you succeed with it?” Carolyn asked.

“Am still working on it though we both had s*x last week and it was….I can’t tell you all of it now but when we’ve settled in our tent, Let’s meet up ” Scarlett said and carried her things before going off with Brandi and Danica.

“Do you have any idea who her boyfriend is?” Carolyn asked June who had gone quiet.

“I don’t”

“Carolyn! June! You guys won’t believe this!” Roxanne came running over with Liam in toll.

“What’s wrong?”

“Turns out our school isn’t the only school on camp ”

“Violet high are also here” Liam added.

“Violet high? Who are they?” Carolyn asked.

“Royal high long time rival. Not only do they copy things we do, they are also a big time bully. It’s going to be hard having them here with us” June explain.

“Can’t we just get along with them?” Carolyn suggest.

“Our school has no problem with them but they nitpick at everything we do and ever since what happen with Sabrina, they’ve been….” Roxanne clasp her hands over Liam mouth.

“Why won’t you let him finish?” Carolyn asked.

“I think it’s time we head to our tent” Roxanne said pulling Liam away.

“What’s wrong with her?” Carolyn asked giving June a puzzling look.

“I don’t know” June said and hurriedly walk off.

Some distance away from them, A male student from Violet High kept watching Carolyn as she went off the opposite side of the camp.

“Found another pretty girl from Royal high?” A girl asked as she came to stand beside him.

“I did, she’s over there and they called her Carolyn” The guy answered.

“Carolyn. Isn’t she the one rumoured to be getting married to Ross?”

“The same one. Don’t tell me you are worried about your ex, Sabrina”

“Ex my foot. More than ever I h@ťě Ross but I h@ťě Theo more” Sabrina said as she notice Theo amongst the student.

“Then now is your chance to get back at Ross and Theo”

“How do I do that, James?” Sabrina asked and he flashed her that segzy smile of his which has made him very popular amongst the opposite segz and also in school.

“Not hard. Ross intends to marry Carolyn and from a source have got at Royal high, I know that Theo is also involve with that girl. Am sure that with this plan of mine, hell will break loose”

“So, are you in or not?” James asked and Sabrina nodded in an instant.

“It’s time I get back at Theo for ditching me when I left everything for his sake” Sabrina answered.

“That’s right sweetheart. Let’s cause some havoc and I have a feeling that this will be the best camp trip ever” James said as Sabrina let out a evil smirk.


“What did you just say?” Ross asked, watching both his parents.

“We are going to Turkey for a royal gathering. You will be fine alone, right?” His dad asked and he nodded immediately.

“I definitely will”

“Don’t do anything rash and make sure you take care of yourself, okay?” His mother said as they left his chambers to go get ready for their trip.

Ross jump up in excitement, his parents are going on a trip which makes it possible for him to go to the school trip…..


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