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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 35 & 36

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️



” Is it true? Is Ross really your cousin?” Scarlett asked ending the silence which came after Ross revelation.

Roxanne ignored Scarlett and went to pull Ross to somewhere secluded.

Xavier found himself starring at Holly who was also doing the same and Derek looked around searching for June who came downstairs accompanied by Terry.

He ignored Terry and sent a smile at June before announcing.

“We aren’t the only ones invited since Ross called in more of his friends. They will be arriving soon”

“It’s going to be more fun with everyone around ” Scarlett said earning a angry look from June which she ignored.

“We might as well grill more meat since the intruder are here” Holly muttered as she went to the grill.

“Why are you doing this? You clearly told me not to tell anyone that we are related!”

“I changed my mind” Ross said.

“I don’t care about you changing your mind, do me a favour and take your friends back!”

“Sorry cousin but that won’t be happening. You think I don’t know what you are up to? You never should have tried to be the cupid bow for Theo and Carolyn” he yelled at her.

“Carolyn is sad, I only wanted to make her happy and…”

“What about me? Didn’t it occur to you that if they get back together, it will hurt me? ” Ross said cutting her off.

“I didn’t know you were into her that much”

“Now you know and so it’s best you stay out of it or I will also make an issue with your love interest. What do you think your parents will do once they find out you are interested in that poor boy who is a year younger than you. I think his name is Liam, right?”

“Don’t you dare go near him!” Roxanne warn.

“I won’t as long as you stay out of mine. Now, we will return to everyone looking happy as a sibling should and also I invited Liam along with some friends of mine, you don’t mind right?” He asked as he put his arm around her but she shrug it off and left him standing there.


The beach house was now full to the brim with students from royal house.

Holly was still grilling the meat along side Theo and Terry when Xavier joined them.

“You’ve been busy with that for a while now, let me help” Xavier said but she refuse.

“For how long will you keep me waiting?” Xavier asked and she stared at Terry and Theo to see them chatting away, deep in conversation.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” Holly denied.

“From what I know, I asked you to be my girlfriend and everyone at school can testify to it”

“Let’s be realistic here. You don’t like me and neither do I like you and also you wouldn’t want to get involve with a girl like me”

“And what’s wrong with a girl like you?”

“My family isn’t the perfect example of a family, am not rich and have been lying about it to everyone until you found out. Am currently the most h@ťěd girl in school since everyone believes me to be a slut. Am very different from the normal, rich girl type which am sure your parent will want for you”

“Even with all that I still want you to be my girlfriend” He said.

“Are you even listening to me at all?” Holly asked.

“I am and I dont care what kind of girl you are. To me, Holly is a kind hearted girl who’s willing to give love to everyone around her if she’s got the chance” he said making her blush to the roots.

“If someone heard you they might think you are attracted to me” Holly said trying to hide a smile.

“I am attracted to you” he said and when she stared at him, he pulled her close and kissed her right in front of everyone.

People who were familiar with Holly and Xavier couldn’t help but to continue watching them including Brandi who was drinking alone at the counter.

“Did you see that?” Danica asked as soon as she got to her.

“The fool is smitten by her” Brandi said hating the fact that she just lost an admirer.

“d@mn him! We should have known something was wrong when he followed her around all the time” Danica complain.

“He’s clearly useless to us now, what will you do next?” Danica asked.

“I plan on having my revenge but not now, I will let their love blossom and drop the bombshell” Brandi said which got Danica smiling.

She notice Derek and Scarlett going round the house and a smile lit her face before she followed with Danica trailing behind.

“Why did you ask us to talk here?” Derek asked.

“Cause I need your help and am sure that you are going to need mine” Scarlett began.

“I know you like June and just like you, I like Terry and so, am thinking that it’s best we work together and get the people we like for ourselves ”

“How exactly do you want us to achieve that?” Derek asked.

“By doing our best to separate them. I liked Terry and when I told my friend to help me, she refused. I thought it weird but I didn’t realize that she only refused me so she can have Terry to herself. She’s a Ɓîtçh and I plan on making her pay by making Terry mine” Scarlett said.

“First of all, June is not a Ɓîtçh and secondly, you should have talk to her about it rather than scheming up a plan to betray her. Isn’t she your friend?”

“Never mind that question. After all there are snakes who pretend to be the real thing when they aren’t” Derek added.

“Did you just call me a snake?”

“Take it wh@ťěver way you want. All I know is that am not going to join this crazy plan of yours. I will fight for June’s love the right way and I suggest you do it too or you might end up with nothing” Derek said and left.

“Stupid! Idiot! Such a fool! You will be the one who ends up with nothing!” June yelled after him.

“Swearing at him won’t change his mind” Brandi said as she and Danica approach Scarlett.

“Am not in the mood to talk to you guys” She reply wanting to leave but Danica stood in her path.

“At least listen to what Brandi has to say, I can assure you that it will be to your benefit” Danica said and Scarlett turn to stare at Brandi.

“What’s this great thing you have to say?”

“I know of way to help make Terry yours but in exchange I want you to help me in return, what do you say?” Brandi offered .

“Tell me more”


As soon as Roxanne got out of the house now wearing the bikini she bought for herself a long with her friends.

She was immediately swarmed by guys who asked for her number.

Roxanne was still trying to feign them off when she notice someone standing some few places away watching her.

She quickly went after Liam when she saw him leaving.

Ever since Ross told her he invited him, she has been waiting for him to arrive and he chose the wrong time to arrive.

“Wait, Liam!” She said as she held his hand but he pulled away.

“For what? To watch you display your attributes to those guys?”

“Display what?”

“Don’t play the fool with me Roxanne. I didn’t want to come but still I came only to see you throwing yourself at those guys”

“Just because you dolled yourself and have been recieving attention from the guys at school, you think you someone big. You aren’t, all they are after is your body and it won’t be a surprise if you let them have their ….” She slapped him on the face preventing him from completing his words.

“How dare you refer to me as a slut! Is it because I came to you confessing my feelings first? You are right, I dolled myself up only to receive attention from other guys but have only ever wanted your attention. I dolled myself up just to get you to see me but I can see now that you aren’t worth it” she said looking away from him.

“I regret the day I fell for you, I regret the day I confessed my feelings to you. I should have stayed away, I should have stopped loving you”

“But you don’t have to worry . I will stay away from you like you want and I will do my best to rip you out of my heart. Go back to the city, you aren’t welcome at my party ” she said and left making him regret the things he told her.

Carolyn sat on the sand, drinking her can soda while gazing at the sea.

When the party got noisy and nasty, she decided to look for a quiet spot which she found.

She was about drinking her soda when someone covered her eyes.

At first, she thought it was Theo but Theo never wears this sort of perfume.

“Ross” she called and he let go to stand in front of her eyes.

“How did you guess it to be me?”

“Cause I can distinct people’s smell” she replied.

“Can you also distinct Theo’s smell?” Ross asked which made her got up.

“You aren’t being fair Ross. You claim you love me and yet you do things that hurt me”

“Are you also fair to me? I wanted you first, I loved you first but there comes Theo and you go falling for him!”

“You can’t tell your heart who to love”

“But you can teach your heart how to love which is why am not going to give up on you yet” he said as he admire her bikini.

Noticing his gaze on her B-__-bs she quickly used her wrap to cover herself.

“Am going back to the party ”

“But I thought you came here just so you can avoid Theo” Ross said.

“Am not avoiding Theo”

“Then is it me you are avoiding?” He asked as he notice Theo walking towards them.

Carolyn had her back turned to him which made it the perfect time for him to get what he wants.

“Am going back to the party” she said again and was about to leave when he held her by the waist and pulled her towards him.

“Why the rush? You came here solely to avoid Theo. How about I help?”

“I don’t want your help, let go of me” Carolyn said trying to pull free but instead he pulled her closer.

“I can assure you that with this help of mine. Theo will be the one avoiding you after all it’s what you want, right?” He asked as he pulled the string of her br@

“What are….” Her words were lost when Ross claim her lips with Theo watching a distance away…..


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