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Friday, October 18, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 3 & 4

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️


Carolyn sat still in the car feeling more wary than ever cause not only is Theo seated by her side but he keeps on starring at her.

She took a quick peek only to see him still watching her. She had no idea what he’s thinking and neither could she think of a reason why he would go with her to the mall rather than to stay with his girlfriend.

“What’s going through that head of yours?” His question got her turning his way.

“Do I perhaps make you uncomfortable?” Theo asked when she gave no reply.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” He said taking hold of her hand and immediately, she pulled away.

“Tch! Do I scare you? Well, am the scary type after all. Does it make you want to leave?” Theo asked, his eyes dancing with mischief.

“Do you want me to leave?” Carolyn said in return.

“What do you think?”

“I think that what you are after is to scare me off and make me leave your home but Godfather is the one who took me in and not you” she said, stating her mind even though it scared the hell out of her.

“Young master, we are here ” The chauffeur said earning both their attention.

“You don’t have to come with me, I can manage alone” Carolyn said as they got out of the car.

“And I told you that I don’t disobey my father. Stop thinking of a way to get rid of me, it only makes me more determine to stay”

Knowing when to back off, Carolyn went into the mall while Theo followed suit.

“Your highness, it won’t be bad if you go on that blind date” A man said as he put on the newly sown uniform on for the nineteen year old boy who stood in front of a large mirror.

“Blind date my foot. It’s more like a business date” Ross said in disgust.

“But you might find yourself liking your date”

“John, my parents or better yet the king and queen only do things that benefit them. They keep claiming that it’s time I bring back a girl since it’s only right that I get married at a young age but I know that they only want to expand their business with this marriage ” Ross stated.

“And? It’s the duty of the prince to satisfy his parents wishes” John contradict.

“Not this prince. I won’t go to any blind date and neither will I get married or engage to anyone”

“Do you plan on being single for the rest of your life?” John asked and that got Ross laughing.

“Single. Back in school, girls sing my name. If I wanted, I would have gotten five girls pregnant just for you to know how far they are willingly to go for me but I won’t do that since I am still waiting for the right girl”

“Right girl?”

“Yes. A girl who will move this stony heart of mine, I haven’t come across one which is why I intend to wait” Ross replied, checking out the new tailor made uniform on him.

During that moment, he notice a girl standing at the front desk.

“What is this? I thought you told the attendants not to let anyone in whenever I’m here?” Ross lament.

“I did tell them” John replied quickly.

“Then why am I seeing someone else in here?” He asked just as the head of the boutique ran towards them.

“Am sorry your highness, one of my staff let them in since they claimed to be friends with you ” The lady quickly gave an explanation.

“So they lied their way in using my name?” Ross asked looking furious.

“Lead me to this people”

On the other hand, Carolyn stood at the front desk flicking through a magazine.

When she and Theo arrived, the attendants had told them they couldn’t let them in since they had an important guest but Theo had claim to know the guest which got the attendants letting them in.

They were told to wait while they finish with the attendant before attending to her which is why she’s currently going through a boring magazine.

Ross got out of the dressing room just for him to stop In his tracks, his gaze trained on Carolyn.

“She’s the one who claim to know you, your highness” one of the attendant said but all Ross could see was Carolyn’s beauty.

She was flicking through a magazine oblivious to Ross fascinated gaze, He watched the way she kept sighing and the way she gently lick her cherry lips.

On the other hand, Carolyn notice for the first time that Theo wasn’t in the boutique with her.

“Did you see the guy I came with?” Carolyn asked the attendant who was with her at the front desk.

“He left a while ago” the lady replied.

Did he decide to leave like she wanted him to but why didn’t he say a thing__ she thought as she also left the boutique.

On seeing this Ross was about going after her when John held him back.

“Where are you going? You still have more fitting to do” John said.

“But she-”

“Do you know her?” John asked and a smile brighten Ross face making him more handsome.

“I don’t but I plan to” Ross replied.

“What do you mean by that, your highness?”

“That girl just striked my heart” Ross answered holding onto his chest while a confused John followed him in.

Carolyn walk past the other boutique looking for Theo but there was no sign of him.

“Did he really leave? But he’s with the credit card, how do I leave when I have no money!” Carolyn muttered to herself.

She began making her way out of the mall when she notice some set of people gathered around and amongst them was Theo.

Quickly, she went there only to see Theo being pulled roughly by a man.

“Did you see me steal, you stupid brat! How dare you accuse me!” The man kept yelling while pulling Theo’s front shirt.

“If the boy didn’t see you, he wouldn’t have said so” the lady whom the man had stolen from yelled in return.

“Don’t tell me you will believe the words of this ignorant child to that of a grown man” The man ask, letting go of Theo’s shirt to give the lady his full attention.

“Then let me search you. If you don’t have the ring on you then I will apologize” the lady suggest.

“You have no right to search me!” The man yelled nervously.

🗣️ “Let her search you”

🗣️ “Quit being evasive”

🗣️ “The kid must be right, you did steal the ring”

The people watching began speaking up and having no choice, the man pulled out the ring from his pocket.

He threw it at the lady, giving Theo a deadly look before running off.

“Oh my. Thank you, I don’t know how to ever repay you” the lady said thanking Theo.

“There’s no need to repay me, I only did the right thing. Just call the cops, men like him needs to be locked up” Theo said before walking off.

Carolyn went after him, she knew he would want to return to the boutique but she was surprise when she saw him walking out of the mall.

She went after him and saw him going into an alley. Wondering what he was up to, she followed him making sure he didn’t notice.

She lost sight of him for a second but she found him and what she witnessed got her feeling scared than ever.

Carolyn stood watching how Theo kept hitting the thief from earlier.

“Why are you doing this to me? I- is it because I lied back then ?” The man asked, his face bloody.

“Not because of that. Have seen a lot of crazy things that this rendezvous of yours doesn’t faze me at all, but what I don’t like is you making me look like a fool in front of everyone, I h@ťě that” Theo said as he stood up.

“Please, I didn’t mean to. Am sorry” the man pleaded but Instead Theo stepped on his hand making the man cry out in pain.

“Please! It hurts ” The man pleaded in pain.

“Do you know what I love most? It’s seeing someone in pain” Theo said as he spot an iron rod on the floor.

Walking back to the man who was still lying on the floor, he hit it hard on his hand.

“That will keep you from stealing for a while” he muttered and fixed his clothe back to order before heading for the mall.

He made a turn only to see a shaking Carolyn standing there and from the look In her eyes, he could tell that she witness the whole thing.

“Have you been following me?” Theo asked as she kept starring in silence.

“D-did you really have to go far? D-did y-” she didn’t get to complete her sentence because she blank out falling into Theo arms.


Carolyn woke up with a start, relived at finding herself back in her room and there was no sight of Theo.

She crouch on the bed relieving the things she had witnessed earlier. She shouldn’t be surprised with what she saw today since she had seen him ki||ing a cat yesterday.

But why? Why did Theo have to do that when knowing that the police will arrest the thief.

This questions ran through her head that she made a decision to ask him herself.

Getting off the bed, she left her room and met Cynthia on the way.

“You are finally up miss, I-”

“Where is Theo?” A pale looking Carolyn asked.

“In his room” Immediately she heard that , Carolyn walked on ignoring Cynthia.

She knocked on his door for a while and when he didn’t answer, she open the door and went in.

Unlike her own room which was filled with bright lively colour, his were all black in colour making it look like the devil abode.

“What are you doing in my room?” Theo asked as he walk out of the rest room still dressed in his clothes from earlier.

“Why? Why did you have to beat that man up?”

“Am I oblige to answer that?” He asked in return.

“Yes. You’ve got to give me an explanation or I might think the worse of you”

“You’ve got no right to demand things from me, You are no one!” He yelled, looking very angry.

“And you are a devil. Only a devil will do such evil things” she return coolly also boiling with rage.

“Don’t act like you know me”

“I don’t! I don’t know you. Up until yesterday, I was a normal happy girl but all that change when I met you. Who exactly are you, Theo? ” She ask and watch him approach her, slowly.

“You are going to get hurt if you know who I am ” his voice came out low and thr_@tening and he didn’t miss seeing the shivery response from her.

” Leave Carolyn” he said softly.

“That has been your number one goal, for me to leave right?”

“I never wanted you here in the first place and so, while am still being nice I suggest you leave or you will regret it”

“And don’t take this as a thr_@t, it’s an advice. Leave before you witness something worse” he added and left the room leaving a scared Carolyn standing there__


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