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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 27 & 28

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️




“Aren’t you ready yet?” Theo called outside Carolyn door way checking at his watch.

“Almost” She said and a while later, the door open and she came out.

The first thing Theo notice was the white short on her, it was so short that it revealed a lot of skin and then her sport top on her was like a second skin, it revealed too much.

“It’s a bit tight, I told the teacher my size but there was no spare” Carolyn said as she pulled the arm of the gold top, she was wearing.

Taking off his back pack, Theo pulled off his top and handed it to her.

“What are you doing?”

“I don’t want you dressing like this to school. It’s too revealing, I haven’t even been given the honour of seeing your body, so why on earth would I let other guys see it?” He asked feeling very jealous and possessive.

“But it’s not that revealing and besides, what are you going to wear?”

“Don’t worry, I will take care of myself. Just go and change and also change that shorts too” he added and went back to his room.

A while later they were both in the car while the driver drove them to school.

“Are you mentally prepared for the relay race?” Theo asked when he could no longer take the silence. She’s been on her phone ever since they got into the car and it’s been making him jealous.

“Of course, you made sure of that” Carolyn said as she kept chatting with her friends.

Suddenly, Theo took hold of her chin and kissed her.

“What are you doing? ” She whispered starring at the driver.

“Don’t worry, Marcus loyalty lies with me only. He never tells anyone what he witness in the car, we are safe” he whispered into her ear as he pulled close to her but she pushed him away.

“Am having an important conversation here”

“More important than me?” Theo asked softly.

“It has to do with the after party. If the guys in our team hadn’t left the after party task to the girl, I wouldn’t be busy” She mock making him sigh out in frustration.

“Can’t other girls do it?”

“June and I were chosen and besides you should be thinking about the race”

“Am definitely going to win and when I do, you won’t be able to fend me off again” he said while she laugh.

A message pop on her screen and when she read the text, the smile immediately vanish to be replace by a worried look.

As soon as they got to school, Theo went away with Terry while she to the school roof top where Ross was waiting for her.

“Why did you ask me to see you?” She asked.

“Before the sport begin I wanna tell you something” he said.

“Am listening”


“A lunch card?” Holly asked as her homeroom teacher gave it to her.

“Have been told by your friend that you don’t eat lunch. Make sure you use that card always and don’t fall sick again” the teacher said dismissing her.

Holly knew her teacher would never go to such length for her which leaves one person.

Dressed in her gold jersey for the sport day, she went in search of Xavier and found him in the hall talking to his team mates, He is in the silver team jersey.

He turned and saw her standing there and after saying a few words to his team mates, they left the room.

“What brings you…” He didn’t get to finish as Holly threw the lunch card on him.

“You found out” he muttered as he pick up the card and when he straightened up, he saw tears on her face.

“Why are you crying?” Xavier asked feeling a slight pain inside.

“Can’t you guess, you jerk! Have been through a lot but never did I once cry but then you had to poke nose and find out my secret and as if that is not enough, you bought me the lunch card” she said wiping her tears.

“One thing I h@ťě most is people’s pity” she added lightly.

“I didn’t buy you the lunch card because I pitied you”

“Then why? Why on earth did you buy me the card? ” She asked and Xavier couldn’t come up with a reason since he didn’t know why he did it either.

“See! You pity me and it’s the last thing I can tolerate from someone. You buying me the lunch card out of pity only makes me feel incompetent and I h@ťě you for it” she said and ran out of the hall.

Holly was wiping her tears as she walk past Liam and his friends and seeing this, Liam quickly followed her.

It wasn’t until they were far away from everyone that Holly turned on him.

“Why are you following me?”

“You don’t look good, you’ve been crying? Did someone bully you?” Liam asked which made her laugh hysterically.

“You and your mother are the biggest bullies of all” she said as tears kept coming.

“Just leave me alone….I want to be alone” she kept crying but Liam pulled her into his arms trying to comfort her.

Roxanne stood a distant away watching them and she couldn’t help but to feel sad, she went off before she could be noticed by them.


The relay race participant stood in their spot while students from their teams kept cheering them.

June was trying to fix the arm of her gold jersey when Scarlett called her.

“Your gonna lose today” Scarlett said as she tap her Diamond Jersey with pride.

“We shall see about that” June replied as she raised her head only to see Terry walking towards them.

“I heard that Terry swap team with Holly, he knows already that your team is gonna loose today” Scarlett said just as Terry walk past June to where Scarlett stood.

She heard him tell her some encouraging word before kneeling in front of her to help tie her shoe lace.

June was boiling with anger and jealousy but it soon soothe when Derek came to her with a bottle of water.

“Take a little sip” he offered.

“I thought I told you to stay away” she said as she took the bottle from him.

“I did try but I can’t do it. After the game activity end, do you want to go out with me?” Derek asked and Terry who was helping Scarlett with her shoe lace heard and stared at them.

June was prevented from giving a reply when the coach told the participant to get ready.

On the other end of the track field stood Carolyn and the other participant. She was rolling up the jersey when Theo came to help.

“Are you here to cheer me on?” Carolyn asked.

“That and many more but I can’t do the many more now. If you end up winning the race then I will show you the more am talking about ” he said and ruffled her hair before leaving the track.

The starter told them to position and once the whistle was let off, June and Scarlett began to run.

They both tied as they got to where Caroyn stood and as soon as June have her the plastic stick. Carolyn began to run and she ran as fast as she could leaving the other participant behind, ending up as the winner.

The gold team cheered in victory and from where Theo sat in the crowd he felt so proud of her.

Ross also witnessed the race felt so proud of his girl but when he saw Theo, his mood changed, pulling out his phone he called Brandi.

“f-__-k! Didn’t know you could run that fast” June teased as they went to seat while the participant of the male marathon race filed out.

“Just hope Theo wins, the marathon is the one with the highest score, it will determine if we end up the winner” June said as Carolyn kept starring at Theo who was warming up.

Danica and Brandi were also seated amongst the others who were present for the marathon race.

“Hang on a sec, how come Ross is running for our team, I thought they chosen that guy from the junior class” Danica said as Brandi let out a mischievous smile.

“We had a change of heart, don’t worry we are bound to win this game” Brandi said and Danica couldn’t help but to scream out.

“Go team diamond! Go team diamond”

The whistle was blown and they all began to run off just as June got a text.

“It’s scarlett, she said we should come to where the beauty pageant is taking place”

“But I want to wait till the marathon ends” Carolyn said but June pulled her up.

“It’s going to take them two hours, we will be back before then”

They got to the beauty pageant arena just as the host was calling out the queen for each team.

“You guys are going to be stunned when Roxanne shows up” Scarlett said as she came to join them.

“She’s also contesting?” Carolyn asked.

“As the queen of the silver team” Scarlett replied as the queen for the gold team walk the runway.

Soon the diamond queen was called out and when it got to Roxanne turn, everyone held their breath as Roxanne walk down the run way looking beautiful and feminine in her get up.

Roxanne entry got the loudest scream from everyone and her friends couldn’t help but to feel so proud.

A question which will determine the winner for the beauty pageant was asked and when it got to Roxanne turn, she gave a better answer making everyone cheer out her name.

At that moment, Liam was walking by with his friend when he heard Roxanne name being chant out.

His eyes almost pop out when he saw Roxanne on the stage. Not only is she gorgeous but he couldn’t deny that she look segzy and alluring.

“Well the winner has been decided,the new face of Royal high is Roxanne from team silver” the host pronounce as screams filled the air and Roxanne kept smiling from the podium she stood on.

Liam was drawn to that smile, he wasn’t even hearing a thing his friend was saying as he kept starring at Roxanne.

While Scarlett and Carolyn went to take a picture with Roxanne.

June left and hurried back to the class room.

She had received a text from one of their team mates that the snacks for the after party was missing.

She had made sure she kept in safe in one of the school lab.

As soon as she got there, the snacks were safely where she put them.

“What’s with the false Intel?” She muttered as she turn to leave only to see Terry watching her from the door way.

“Am sorry but the lab is off limit for now only those from gold team are allowed in here” She said wanting him to leave but instead he came further into the room.

“Really? I didn’t know” Terry said softly.

“Now you know, you might as well….”

“Don’t tell me to leave” he said, his voice sounding desperate.

“But this is room for… What are you doing?” June asked when he suddenly gave her a hug.

“I can’t leave, am not going to” he muttered, breathing in her scent.

“I thought I told you to stay away from me” June said as she pulled back and stare at him.

“Then you shouldn’t have kiss me. Everything changed between us that night, what I felt for you change June”

“I can’t stop thinking about you or how your lips tasted that night, even when I tried to forget I just keep thinking about you, what did you do me?” He asked as June pulled away looking flustered.

“You are obviously confusing me with another girl, the kiss happened a long time ago and….”

“And I still can’t forget it. Feel what you do to me” he said suddenly as he press her against his man hood.

June quickly pulled away, her eyes widening in shock.

“You are the only one it reacts to, you are the only one I want June, am crazy about you” he said as he lightly kissed her throat.

“I need to go back to my friends, they must be looking for me” she said and push him away.

She was at the door when she heard him say.

“You can run now but i won’t let you do that next time”

Carolyn was holding onto Roxanne things while she took pictures with the junior student when Scarlett came to her having a worried look on her face.

“The marathon has ended” she said earning Carolyn’s attention.

“Ross won the race” Scarlett added.

“And Theo? What about Theo?” Carolyn asked as Scarlett shook her head.

A while later, Carolyn made it back to the field just as an ambulance arrived.

Everyone including Caro watch in alarm as the stretcher was pulled out and on it lay an unconcious Theo whose right arm was bloody…..


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