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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 17 & 18

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️




“Take a seat” The king said and Ross did as he ordered while wondering why his father asked to see him.

“Your mom told me that you’ve found a maiden you like” He said and immediately, Ross gave a nod.

“Not only is she pretty, she’s also outgoing and sweet and…”

“End wh@ťěver it is you have going with her” the king said, interrupting him.


“Have found a suitable maiden for you, we will be visiting her parents home to begin the wedding plan”

“But I don’t want to marry a girl you chose for me, I want to be with the one I love” he said trying to keep his voice low.

“Things happen for a reason and this is one of it. Try to end your relationship with the maiden you love and start getting use to the fact that you will be marrying someone else” the king said but Ross was far from listening.

“I won’t dad, I told you that am in love with someone else and whether you like it or not, I will marry her” Ross said and was about to leave when his father stop him.

“Before you go take a look at the picture of the girl you are getting married to”

Ross wanted to ignore at first but he couldn’t help himself from being curious, he walk towards the desk and pick up the picture his father had place on it.

“This is…” Ross stop what he was going to say, giving his father a puzzling look.

“I heard she’s studying in your school” The king said while Ross kept starring at the picture of his bride to be.


Theo freeze as soon as Carolyn lips touched his. Though it was a fleeting kiss, Theo found himself moving closer trying to taste more of her lips.

When he realise what he was doing, Theo quickly got out of the bed falling on the floor in the process.

What the hell just happened? Did he just kiss his god sister and the most shocking part of all was that he had wanted more.

He’s been kissed before but not once has he ever felt this way…he thought as he touch his chest to feel his pounding heart.

“This is crazy!” He muttered and quickly left the room.


Theo woke up feeling stiff all over and that’s due to him having slept on the sofa.

He open his eyes only to see a smiling Carolyn kneeling in front of him.

“Do you know that you look more handsome when you are asleep?” She asked and that made him seat up.

“When did you wake up?” He asked wondering why his gaze kept straying to her lips.

“A while ago” she said and sat down next to him on the sofa. She put her arm in his and rest her head on his shoulder.

“Am sorry about yesterday and thank you for taking care of me” she said but Theo wasn’t hearing a thing.

Once again his heart began to thump fast, what the hell is happening to him…pulling away from her, he quickly got off the sofa.

“Are…you hungry? Am famished” he lied and hurried off to the kitchen while Carolyn followed him.

“I found cereal” She said a while later as she brought out a jar filled with cereal, looking very excited.

“Are you that happy at the thought of eating that? ” Theo asked.

“I am. I love cereals, they are the best and it’s…yummy” she said this while licking her lips and Theo kept starring at her wet lips.

Wondering how it will feel to kiss that segzy lips of hers again.

“Do you like it?” Carolyn question finally penetrate his thoughts.


“I said do you like cereal too?” She asked as the milk she was adding to her cereal stained her lips.

His hand itch to wipe the milk off her lips so he could feel it’s moistness but the car horning outside ruin the tempting feeling.

“That must be the driver with our uniform” Carolyn said.

“I will go to him, you can continue eating” he said and left the room.

While Carolyn apply her lip gloss, Theo busied himself with his phone and although he tried to focus on the game he was playing, his gaze kept drifting to Carolyn lips and she made matter worse by asking him what he think of the colour.

“Why are you asking me? I know nothing about such stuff” Theo said turning away from her.

“I bet you are good at kissing it off Holly lips” Carolyn mumbled wondering where that attack came from.

“And I can tell you this won’t make Ross fall at your feet. Guys h@ťě it when there’s too much on the lips!” Theo retaliate.

“Why are you bringing Ross into this?”

“Am not blind, I know that Ross is attracted to you and besides you started it by bringing up Holly”

“So you are angry at me for mentioning Holly’s name? Tell me, are you in love with her?” Carolyn asked,drawing close to him in the back seat.

“Are you also in love with Ross?” Theo asked wanting to get her to shut up but somehow, he wanted to know her answer.

“Ross is just a friend to me” she said softly which please him.

“So, tell me if you are in love with Holly?” She persist.

“No comment on that” he said, turning away from her.


Holly was washing the dishes when her stepmom came downstairs.

Summoning her courage, Holly left the counter and went towards her.

“What’s wrong?” Lucia asked, starring angrily at her.

“It’s just that I…my school fees is due and I…have saved enough but I need a little more for it to be completed and…”

“And you want me to give the little more to you? Sorry but have got no money ” Lucia said refusing her like always.

Holly nodded and went back to washing the dishes. When her mother died years ago, her father had remarried and along with her son, her step mom had began to live with them.

She was all sweet and nice to her at first but when her father died leaving them in debt, she changed.

She always blame Holly for their situation and made her do the chores in the house exempting her son, In short Holly became a modern day Cinderella.

When she got admission into Royal high, she had to lie about her being rich since it’s the only way for her to be close to her rich peers. Her goal is get a rich boy and make him fall in love with her so she can get out of the miserable life she’s living.

She thought Theo to be the one but he keeps on making it clear that nothing will ever happen between them.

Holly was lost in thought and it wasn’t until her step mother splash water over her face that she came back to earth.

“Where the hell did you zoom off to!” Lucia shouted while Holly wipe the water off her face.

“Mother!” Liam, Lucia son who is also Holly step brother walk into the room, dressed in his uniform.

“What’s wrong my sweet son?” Lucia asked smiling brightly at him.

“I just want you to know that am heading to school now and also I need a little bit of cash” He said and immediately Lucia pulled some notes out of her wallet and gave it to him.

“Thanks mom” Liam said and left the house.

“Finish washing the dishes and get out. It’s sickening having to see your face” Lucia said to Holly before going back upstairs.

Holly finish her task, she was wiping her uniform dry and was on her way to the bus stop when Liam showed up.

“Here you go” he said giving her the money his mother had given him earlier.

“I don’t need it” Holly replied frowning at him.

“But you said you needed cash to balance up your school…”

“And she chose to give it to you! She knew I was in need but chose to give it to you. So keep the darn money and leave me alone”

“Holly you…”

“I can put up with your mom’s insult and every other thing she throws my way what I can’t stand is your friendliness. You say nothing while she bullies me and then try to help me, it’s hypocritical and I h@ťě hypocrites” she said and left Liam there.

Unknown to them someone was watching.

Feeling sad that once again he wasn’t able to help Holly, Liam began to head to school.

He was about hailing a taxi when he notice that he was being followed.

This isn’t the first time he felt someone following him, he has been ignoring whoever it is but he won’t be doing it today.

Walking into an alley, he stood patiently for whoever was following him to arrive and not for long, A guy showed up startled to see Liam waiting there.

“Who are you and why have you been following me?” He asked prepared for any action his stalker might take but instead, his stalker pulled off the helmet he had on.

“Have been wondering exactly when I will be caught and it has finally happen” Roxanne said, smiling at him.

“You are a girl?” Liam asked, finding it hard to believe due to her boyish look.

“I am and have been the one stalking you” she replied teasingly.

“Why? Why on earth will you stalk me and who are you?”

“First of all, I am Roxanne. You might not know me but I know you since we attend the same school and as for the reason for me stalking you…. It’s simple, have fallen for you”



Theo could be seen pacing around his room while starring at the big clock.

“Why isn’t she back?” He muttered.

When school ended some hours ago, Carolyn had told him that she was going to stay at school to study some more with her friends and he had agreed but it’s past eight and there was no sign of her.

He picked up his phone to call Carolyn but then he remembered that he didn’t even have her number.

He called Terry and asked for June number and though it took a while, June finally picked her call.

“Why is the library so loud?” Theo asked.

“Library? We left school an hour ago and we are at a karaoke bar. Do you want to talk to Caro?” June asked.

“Am sorry but Caro won’t be able to talk to you, she’s heavily drunk” June said some time later.

“Where exactly are you?” Theo asked.


“Why isn’t Theo here yet?” June muttered as she stood outside the bar with a drunk Carolyn.

Just then a car stopped in front of them and Ross came out of it.

“What are you doing here? I didn’t call you?” June said to Ross.

“I ran into Scarlett, she told me how drunk Carolyn is and so, am here to help” Ross offered.

“But I already called Theo” June said looking a bit unsure.

“Theo might take long to arrive, I will handle it from here, you can go, I can tell you are running late yourself ” eventually, June left, leaving Carolyn in Ross care.

Ross knelt in front of Carolyn who was busy looking for something on the floor.

“Your friends are gone, it’s time for you to leave too” Ross said.

“I can’t leave…not…not until I find it” Carolyn said her cheeks red from all the alcohol she drank.

“What are you looking for?”

“My hair…it was right on my head but then it fell off…and I can’t seem to find it” she said as tears glisten her eyes.

“But your hair is still on your head?” Ross said holding back his laughter.

“You are lying….I can’t feel my hair…it’s gone” she said as she began to cry.

Ross didn’t know what to do to stop her tears and so instead, he held onto her face and place his lips on hers.

“What the hell are you doing?” Theo yelled which got him pulling away from Carolyn.

“It’s pickle ” she said and drunkenly went into Theo’s arm.

“She was crying and I…”

“And the only way you could console her is by kissing her? Are you crazy!” Theo yelled at him.

“I know am at fault for kissing her but that doesn’t give you the right to insult me. She’s the only one who can do that, I didn’t kiss you after all” Ross said, annoyed by Theo’s interference.

“If I weren’t holding onto her, I would have punch your face in” Theo thr_@ten.

“Easy there dude! Why do I sense something more from your angry outburst, are you perhaps interested in her?” Ross asked and in response, Theo pulled Carolyn in a tight embrace while glaring at Ross.

“Give up” Theo said coldly.


“Once am interested in someone, I give my all in making them mine, you are no match for me and so it’s best you give up now”


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