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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D 'AMORE: Strings of love - Episode 9

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 9

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






I heard his Voice and my heart clenched with hurt . He had such a beautiful voice one could feel the pain dripping in each word .

How can someone so good-looking And Powerful,with all the fame and riches be so Heartbroken ?

I stared at the Direction where the song was coming from as the sounds got louder .

I knew he was pouring out all his Emotions into that songs .

I could feel it and at that point it felt like it was calling out to me .

I don’t know how it happened but I felt myself walking towards the Direction and when I stopped I saw him .

Sitting in front of his piano. There was a note in front of him .

I looked around the room and it was so dark ,one could only see him there due to the Flash of light directed only at him .

I’ve never met someone so Raw and Talented . No wonder he was so good in his career .

He stood up from the piano and I watched him sadly as he walked around .

I should get going before I get myself into trouble . I tiptoed and left that place immediately .

I don’t know why but i think I’m gonna sneak in to listen to him sing again .

I took the bottles I needed for the night and when I lay on the bed to sleep ,a smile graced my lips .

Watching the Boss sing is gonna be my favorite thing to do from today .

My very own secret .

The Next morning ,I changed into comfortable set of clothes and when I walked out for breakfast , ma’am ishu looked disturbed.

” Is everything okay ma’am Ishu ? I asked Curiously as I sat next to ma’am Jackie .

” Oh it’s nothing dear ” she said and Mr Sihn raised his eyebrows.

” Of course it’s something if you’re this worried about wh@ťěver it is so come out with it ” Mr Sihn Added and Denver gave a nod as he ate from my plate Making me glare at him .

” I’m Worried about the Boss Emelio ,he’s been too Hard on himself lately didn’t you hear the Sounds last night ? She said and everyone shared the same expression as her .

” I did , it was preety intense last night unlike other days ,I felt so hurt for the young lad . He’s being too hard on himself “Mr Sihn said shaking his head in self pity .

” Does it have anything to do with his Dead fiancee or there’s something new ? I asked and gasp filled the room .

” How did you find out about that ? Ma’am Ishu snapped immediately.

” It’s definitely not me ” Denver raised his hands up as I Frowned at his Direction his cheeks heated up in a blush

” Seriosely Denver ? You of all people should know ma’am Sophie is an untouchable topic ! She bursted at him .

” Thats the reason I told ma’am Kate ,don’t you think she should know too ? He said and ma’am Jackie pushed his head .

” I don’t see what I did wrong ” Denver shrugged and Jace frowned at his friend .

A comfortable silence fell in the kitchen as everyone tried to get used to ma’am ishu’s glare as she matched out of the kitchen .

” I’m so sorry , I didn’t know it was a Touchy subject” i apologized.

” Let it be she cares too much about Emelio , but one thing she has to understand ,is that we care about him too. ” Mr Sihn said and for some wiered reason I agreed too .

The day passed by with ma’am Ishu in her room. I served the Boss Breakfast and like every other day he was masking his Emotions .

I don’t even know if he’s angry or something. To be on the safer side , I didn’t stare at him and avoided eye contact the whole time .

” Help me with this ” I heard his voice and raised my eyebrows.

” Sir ? I asked with eyes wide .

” I said help me with this ” he said and I gave a nod over and over again .

” Okay sir ” I said as I walked over and Served the Dishes . I noticed he was staring at my hands longer than usual .

I Shifted from the table and suddenly felt self conscious.

He ate in silence and when he was done he stood up .

” Treat the injury on your Arm ,it’s so obvious you’re ignoring it . It can get infected and then you won’t be able to use that hand for a long time ” he said and my eyes widened and my jaws dropped immediately.

Like WTF

He walked passed me and I literally froze on the spot .

He knows about my injury , f-__-k does he know I’m young too ?

No I don’t think he does . If he knows I’m young I’m preety sure he would have thrown me out of this mansion by now .

I can’t afford to loose this job right now , Royce hasn’t called yet but I know he will . He always does

And when he calls I’m sure it’s more trouble .



” Good morning ED , how was your night ? Do I need to be Worried about the $h00t or you are prepared for it ? The Designer asked and Uriel shook hands with her .

” Good morning Miss Dimple , of course he’s ready for the $h00t ,right ED ? Uriel asked and I gave a nod .

” I’m so excited because it’s once in a blue moon for you to Model for brands like mine ” she said and I chuckled.

” You’re a Talented Designer Miss Dimple and trust me you’d go far ” I said and she suddenly became Emotional.

” Thanks and I’m preety sure after this $h00t ,I’d be trending and so are my Designs ” she said and Uriel laughed .

” You’re deserve it Dimple” I said and she smiled happily.

Dimple is a talented Designer an Ex model who is a new bee in the Fashion industry.

She couldn’t continue her Career as a model due to an Accident that ended with scares on sensitive parts of her body .

So instead of getting depressed about the Situation ,she’s trying to pick up the pieces by chasing her dreams in the fashion industry .

After the $h00t for Dimple , I got a call from Sergio and my lips drawed into a smile.

” Hey bro ” I said immediately I picked up .

” Hey Leo What’s up ? ” He asked and I smiled.

” I’m fine , how are your little Devils ? I asked bitting my lips to stop myself from laughing.

” You mean the Warriors ? They’re fine bro ,it’s the way they won’t let me love my wife in peace that’s spoiling things . ” He said and I chuckled.

” What do you mean ? I asked Curiously.

” If I want to make love to my wife now , we need to sneak around like teenagers because these boys are on our necks . They want their momma 247 , she’s supposed to be wife first . ” He complained and that did it for me .

I burst out laughing and Uriel joined me wondering what was causing the change of my mood .

” Maybe you should try to Bribe them or something , favorite snacks or something” I said and he groaned .

” You think I haven’t done that ? That was when they decided they wanted to move into my room . The pain in my heart should be studied in Higher institutions” he complained.

” You sound so dramatic” I said bitting my lips softly.

” I am not dramatic ,trust me when you finally find a woman for yourself make sure you guys enjoy yourselves for years before having children , mine won’t let me enjoy my wife anymore .

” A young vibrant youth like Sergio ” he said as I laughed.

” As much as I want to repeat what I said earlier to you , I don’t know how you’re coping right now ” I said and he sighed .

” I’m planning to Elope with Neomi but that’s by the way . “He said and I can already imagine him shrugging .

” Elope ? But you guys are already Married” I sighed .

” That’s not the reason I want to elope with my wife , you know what I mean ” he said and I laughed.

” We can send Aurelio and Elio so you can bond with them I’m sure you’d love the Devils ” he said and I shook my head .

” I’d love to have them around but they’re too young to travel ” I said immediately.

” Forget everything I said earlier and help a brother that needs to feel young again ” he said dramatically .

” Stop saying that , I’m older than you ,how is it that you’re the one feeling old ? I asked and he groaned .

” My wife and I are suffering don’t you get it bro , help a man in need 2 weeks is not too much just get lots of toys ,besides mom is coming she can take them with her ” he suggested .

” Neomi wouldn’t even agree to this plan , you just need to rest Sergio . Being a Dad is stressing you ” I said and he chuckled.

” I guess you’re right , but I’m definitely seducing my wife until she Agrees . We need the peace I swear” he said and I smiled.

” You know I’m happy to see you like this , you used to be so Arrogant and You know Bossy , Always acting so smart . Now you’re so whipped by Neomi ” I teased .

” Oh really wait untill you get whipped I’d show you ” he said and I smiled.

” Love you bro ,I hope you remember that always ” he said and I gave a nod suddenly feeling Emotional.

” Love you more bro” I said and when the call ended Uriel stared at me Teasingly.

” Sometimes I wonder if you guys are a mafia family ,you guys are perfect family at least not until you attach the scary mafia part ” he said and I laughed.

We stayed out late , because I had this interview I had to attend that evening.

It went on and on into late hours of the evening .

As the car drive towards my mansion , I started having that feeling again , of Emptiness .

” Welcome back Boss ” Jace greeted as Gary opened the Doors for me .

” You’re not sleeping yet ? I asked as I walked towards my room .

” Just came out to get something sir ” he said and I gave a nod as I went to my room .

When I got into my Room I froze at the Sweet smell of Roses .

Roses in my room ? I wondered with a frown . I looked around and everything seemed to be in order .

But the Roses I wondered as I dropped my phones on the bed and shrugged.

Maybe I’m overthinking this ” I thought and gave a nod .

Walking Into my bathroom I decided to freshen up .

As the warm water hit my nerves I Mõ@ɲed out loud .

f-__-k I’ve been stressing myself a lot lately .

After taking a long shower to My satisfaction, I walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around my waist .

The moment I walked out of the bathroom ,I walked straight into the maid .

Kate .

Her eyes widened in pannick .

” Sir ….” She trailed as her eyes trailed from my face downwards and she froze when she realized she was in the same with a half naked man .

” I’m …I’m so sorry sir I’d just leave immediately ” she said and tried walking passed me with her mobstick but I held her hand immediately .



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