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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D 'AMORE: Strings of love - Episode 8

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 8

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” Kate is that bl**d at the back of your dress ? She asked and I froze as I felt a wet substance slide down my legs I cursed under my Breath .

How just how did I not notice this ?

” Kate ” I heard her coming close and as I opened my mouth to say something, the words stuck in my throat .

” You’re still seeing your monthly flow ? Oh my goodness I guess it’s late menopause or something ,it happened to the friend of my distant cousin too ,it was until she was in her middle 50s before it eventually stopped ” ma’am Jackie said Coming in with a smile on her face.

I guess she heard the conversation between ma’am Ishu and I .

For once in my life I was suddenly Grateful for ma’am Jackie’s talkative nature ,what would I have done .

” I’m so sorry , it had stopped for a while i don’t know …” I trailed

“It’s okay just be careful it could have been the Boss and you’d be fired before you even know it” she said grumpily and I bowed before going into my room in Embarrassment..

Immediately i got into my room as I heaved a sigh of relief , I need to be really careful from now on because I’m sure ma’am Ishu didn’t buy my act .

I just hope I’m not Bursted with the next one that follows .

After taking a shower , i changed into comfortable clothes .

” Good morning ma’am Kate ” Denver greeted as I walked downstairs .

” You’re you’re going out ? I asked Curiously when I noticed he was pushing an Electronic table .

” This looks wiered ” I said and he chuckled.

” Oh it’s nothing . The Boss and his manager are having Breakfast at the garden Area ,so I’m going to drop these fresh fruits .

He said and I suddenly got uninterested in the topic at the mention of the Boss .

That Man was too Arrogant my liking ,God forbid that I end up getting into more trouble .

” Denver hand over the Fruits to Kate and go get the laundry ” Ma’am Ishu said my jaws dropped.

” But ma…m ” I stuttered.

” Is there a problem with that Kate ? She asked strictly.

” No , no ma’am ” I said and Denver chuckled.

” Good luck and you better wear gloves ,the Boss can be very grumpy” he warned before going with ma’am Ishu .

” Seriosely ? Is the universe against me or what ? I muttered under my breath .

I wore the white gloves and pushed towards the garden .

As I got close to the garden Area ,I noticed the Boss laughing so carefree with the man that looked a bit older than him .

I guess that is his manager .

” Good morning Boss , Good morning sir ” I greeted without even staring at them .

” Good morning” the other guy answered cheerfully . My Boss on the other hand just gave a slight nod .

” Are you new here ? I’ve not seen you around” he asked and I smiled at his kindness.

” Yes sir ” I said and The Boss Frowned at me .

” I’d just get going ” i said taking it as my cue to leave .

” Miss Kate ” I heard his voice and froze .

“Sir ” I was and turned immediately.

I followed his eyes and noticed I had left the Trolley there .

My eyes widened as I hurried to the breakfast table and my cheeks heated up in Embarrassment.

What was I thinking ” I cursed under my breath .

” It’s okay ,we all forget things sometimes ,my wife does that all the time . I’m Uriel this Arrogant Guy’s manager ” he said and Mr De Luca glared daggers at his manager .

” You don’t scare me leo ” Uriel said with laughter.

I left the garden immediately leaving them to talk .

As I walked into the kitchen I noticed Mr Sihn and Ma’am Jackie laughing .

” Hey Kate ” Mr Sihn greeted .

” You’re always so Quiet ,no matter how much I try to make you open up to us . Life is too short to be so serious all the time ,I say that to ma’am Ishu too . ” Ma’am Jackie said and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

” I’m not Serious ,I just don’t have anything to say ” i said as I sat down Quietly.

How do I tell her ,I’m quiet because I don’t want to add to my list of unending lies .

” Come have breakfast with me ,how’s your body now ? She asked and I blushed red .

” Fine ” i said and she gave me a teasing look .

I raised my eyebrows and she smiled again .

” Is there something you want to tell me ? I asked when I noticed she was behaving wiered .

She stared at me Teasingly as she stabbed her toast with a fork .

” I always knew you we’re too segzy and beautiful to be fifty ,even with the Disguise ” she whispered and I froze immediately .

I guess my Reaction gave it away because she burst out laughing .

Mr Sihn looked at us and we both smiled in his Direction and he shook his head with a chuckle before turning back to what he was doing .

” I’m so sorry ma’am Jackie ” I whispered .

” It’s okay babe, I got you I’m just so excited about this whole stuff it sounds like a movie , has anyone told you ,you rock ” she teased and I chuckled.

” Shhhhhhhh I don’t want anyone finding about it ” i said and she Chuckled.

” I know you’re doing this cause you need the money ,I’m not that cruel to expose you . The boys are already suspecting though ,just be careful . ” She said and I gave a nod .

” Chill it’s okay , you should be more Worried about ishu though ,she’s very strict when it comes to the Boss’s Protection and can fire you and even get you arrested ” she said and my bl**d ran cold .

” I will ” I said and she smiled .

” What are you girls saying , you look so suspicious ” Mr Sihn said turning over to us .

” It’s girls talk ” Jackie said and he laughed.

” I just hope you don’t turn poor Kate to a gossip ” he said and her jaws dropped while I laughed .

Ma’am Jackie is officially my Best friend here .



” Your New maid looks young , I can’t believe she’s an old lady if I wasn’t inlove with my wife or married yet ,I wouldn’t mind having a sugar mummy ” Uriel said smiling and I ignored him .

” Bro c’mon say something ” he teased .

” What should I say ? I asked as I ate silently.

” You’re so Boring you know , someone can’t even have a conversation with you ” he said frustratedly.

” You just said my maid is got , what should say that she’s not an old lady ? I asked and his jaws dropped.

” Sh!t I figured she’s too hot to be Fifty . But why the hell is she still working here if you know already ? He asked as I drank from my glass .

” I’m keeping an eye on her ” I said and he wiggled his eyebrows at me .

” Now what ? I snapped .

” are you planning to f-__-k that girl ? He asked and I choked on my Glass of juice.

He threw his head backwards and burst out laughing .

” I have no …such plans Uriel what’s Wrong with you ,you can’t say things like that ” I said Angrily.

” Chill don’t get worked up , I was just pulling your legs ” he said and I looked away.

” So you’re staying at home today ? We could have the $h00t with …” He trailed.

” I said no Uriel ,tell them to Reschedule ” i said and he chuckled as he brought out his Working pad .

I got up from the table .

” You’re going out ? He asked Curiously .

” I’m going to my room . I have a Conference call with my brothers ” I said and he raised his eyebrows.

” Stay away from sh!t Mr De Luca ” Uriel said suddenly getting serious.

” I might be far from home Uriel ,but I’m still part of the familia ” I said and he rubbed his face .

” I’m not saying you shouldn’t be part of it , you’re already out of the family Business just don’t complicate things ” He said.

” Don’t tell me what to do ” I snapped

” I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just asking you to be Careful Emelio . As it stands you’ve not been yourself for years and any time you get involved you end up with terrible nightmares . As a friend I’m just Worried about you ” he said and I looked away as I walked towards the Entrance .

” Leo ! ” I heard him call and when I turned he smiled sadly .

” I’d call you tommorow ” he said and I didn’t say a word as I walked away .

He might be my friend ,but I h@ťě it when someone tells me what to do .

I don’t even let my parents do that . Uriel might be my friend but he should know his limits .

Speaking about the maid , I’d make sure she knows her place preety soon .

When I got to my room , I took my laptop to tune into the meeting .

” You’re late Emelio ” father’s voice echoed immediately my face appeared on screen .

Unlike my mom ,dad has always been strict we’ve not really been on good terms for a few years now after we got into a fight because he said it’s time I moved on from Sophie.

Sophie is a topic I don’t like , you don’t just breach the topic regardless of who you are .

We got it hot and that’s when I finally moved out from home , it was hard to stay away because that meant staying away from my brothers and mom ,but it made things easy because it helped me stay away from the painful memories of staying in the De Luca Estate that is filled with the memories of Sophie .

I stayed Quiet as the meeting started , they where all talking in our Language and I listened with Attention.

They where talking about a certain man named Dragon , who Runs a gang where he Buys and Adopt children to Grow a syndicate .

The man is so cruel ,he does child trafficking and child Wrestling where kids Fight to the death .

I had the strong urge to throw up as I heard more of his numerous crimes .

They said he’s now the latest problem of the family because he wants to put an End to the Valentinos and De Luca’s .

I don’t know Why but wh@ťěver so ever anger he has towards both families ,is gonna lead to his Doom for sure .

After the meeting , Dad stared at the screen .

” You young man have a score to settle with me , you Didn’t see me before leaving ” he said and I chuckled.

” I’d call you father ” I said and my brothers looked at us suprised.

” You better call ,has your mom told you she’s visiting ? The woman is announcing it everywhere I’m scared of what she’s planning” he said and everyone burst into laughter.

” I just hope I’m safe ” i said and the Don raised his hands

” You’d need all the help you get bro , if mom doesn’t see you with a woman when she comes to New York , she’s definitely hooking you up . And I don’t want to imagine” he said and I rubbed my forehead.

What kind of trouble is this ? Is it by force to settle down or what ?



” ***Let me go please **

***Shhhhhhhh Amour , I’ve waited too long for this ,you’re so pure so beautiful ****he whispered as he grabbed my B-__-bs .

***Dragon please ***i screamed and woke up with a jerk .

I covered my face as beads of Sweat rolled down my eyes .

My body was Shaking from the fear ,it felt so real …it felt like I was finally in his custody again .

Dragon has always tried to have his way with me in the past and I narowly escaped his advances.

I got Down from the bed immediately and ran my fingers in my hair .

When I checked the wall clock it was late already . 1pm so definitely everyone in the mansion has gone to bed .

I walked out of the room in my Shorts that ended just after my butts , and a transperant singlet .

I paused and thought of going back to my room because I’m not in my Disguise but scratched my neck .

It’s already late , nobody is awake ,even the guards are outside the mansion so I can just go over to the kitchen and come back to my room without being caught .

I rubbed my eyes as I yawned tiredly .

As I walked towards the kitchen I heard the distant sound of a piano as the the sad tune echoed in the building .

?I’m still holding on to the memories ?

?Of everything we shared together ?

?I don’t wanna say goodbye ?

?But now you’re Faraway in a place I can’t reach ?

?Here I am alone Holding on to the memories ?

?It hurts Sophie ?

..?I miss you so bad ?

I heard his Voice and my heart clenched with hurt . He had such a beautiful voice one could feel the pain dripping in each word .

How can someone so good-looking And Powerful,with all the fame and riches be so Heartbroken ?


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