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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 43

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 43

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





” Massimo ….” I heard Grace’s voice and we both turned .

” Oh Emelio …huh. ..”

” She’s awake” she said and my heart froze .

She’s awake ,my Coure mio is finally awake .

I tried to walk towards her room but my heart hurt .

How do I face my woman ,how do I tell her she lost our baby .

And how do I help get rid of the shadows Dragon installed in her mind ?

How do I help her heal from this experience ” I thought as my heart stung .

I rubbed my face one more time and as I walked with them ,Grace gave me a small smile in assurance.

” Everything will be okay ” Neomi said and gave me a side hug and Sergio gave a nod as I walked in .

She was sitting on the bed with her stepmother sitting next to her while the nurse checked up on her .

Her eyes met mine and her eyes lit up happily.

” Vita Mia ” she whispered softly and I walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

Her Dad gave a nod in my direction before taking his wife with him .

” I’ve been waiting for you to come …where were you ? She asked with a smile on her lips .

I walked over to her and as I kissed her forehead I broke down completely as my heart warmed up .

” I’m fine Emelio …” She whispered in my ears as she rubbed my back Sweetly.

” f-__-k I thought I lost you forever ,I was so scared …for a moment there ,you stopped breathing Harmony …I thought I ….” I trailed and she pulled me close.

” I’m fine ,I’m never leaving you Emelio …I promise ” she said Sweetly and I smiled in between my tears .

” I’m sorry ,I should have listened when you said we should go back to the island ” I apologized immediately.

” It’s okay ” she said and I held her hands lovingly.

” Dragon is out of our lives forever ,he’s in hell were he belongs” I said and she smiled.

” You don’t have to live your life in fear of anyone or anything anymore coure mio , because I’m here with you ” i said and she stared into my eyes.

” It’s not your fault that any of this happened, Emelio . ” She said and I smiled .

She understood me so well ,I mean she knew I was struggling with guilt and knew just the right words to stay to make everything better.

” You’re an amazing man ,Emelio and trust me I love you for that ” she said and that only made me more Emotional.

” Harmony …..I huh …After the incident ” I trailed and she stared at me as I bit my lower lip.

” Is it about the baby ? She asked and my blood ran cold immediately as I stared at her in shock .

” Who ..? I trailed and she sniffed back her tears .

” The nurses were talking about it earlier ,they thought I wasn’t awake yet ” she said and I stood up immediately.

” Baby stop please…” She pleaded as she held my hand.

” They had no right to talk about it like that ,that’s so unprofessional . And not the way I wanted you to find out ” I bursted Angrily.

” Emelio please” she cried out and i pannicked seeing her in tears

” I’m sorry ,I’m so sorry my love ” i whispered as i kissed her forehead.

” They didn’t mean for it to happen , it was the first thing I heard when I regained consciousness . But it’s okay …it hurts that we didn’t get a chance to know our baby and be part of ……” She trailed as she cried and I gathered her in my arms.

” Everything will be okay Dolcezza” I said and she just sighed softly.

The following week after her discharge wasn’t easy for the both of us , she had constant nightmares and we had to go for therapy .

Harmony and I decided to suspend the Wedding preparations for the main time , because we we’re both not ready to tie the knot just yet .

At least not until we we’re mentally ready for it and at least happy.

Moving on from the incident was harder on her part , because although she tried to act fine ,she was hurt and it broke me seeing her in that situation.

But I couldn’t have been more grateful for our supportive families, Especially for my amazing brothers .

Uriel came two weeks after the incident and we had to move back to Newyork at least until we got better .

I had back to back meetings , interviews and Shows ,that I had to cut down some to be able to keep a close eye on my girlfriend.

Carmen of course had been nothing but a good friend to Harmony ,she stood by us even after finding out about the familia and we offered her and her fiance a place and of course an high paying job for their loyalty.

” Hey Coure mio ” I said immediately I got into our room and she turned to me with a bright smile .

” So I got myself into the academy” she said Excitedly and she waved a file and I stared at her wondering what she was talking about.

” I’m lost ” I said as I stared at her she smiled.

” So I told you Carmen and I were looking for an academy were I can enroll for a music course. Well I got into one ” she said and I just stared at her .



” Emelio ” I called softly and he stared at me with his hazel eyes , like nothing happened.

” I just told you a good news ” i said staring at him as he removed his demin jacket .

” I thought we talked about this ? Wh@ťěver happened to learning music from the teachers I offered to bring ? He asked and I stared at him in hurt .

” I told you I wanted to attend a music college , like you did … I wanna do something by myself , not because my boyfriend is a celebrity” I said and he frowned .

” I’m not risking your life Harmony ,don’t come to me with this topic again ” he said and my eyes stung .

He strolled into the bathroom and I bit my lower lip as my lips quivered in hurt .

He has been acting overprotective , ever since we returned to Newyork and it’s starting to get on my nerves.

I dropped the file on the table ,wore my room slippers properly and walked out of the room .

” Good evening ma’am Kate is everything okay ? You look worried ” Ma’am Jackie asked as she set dinner and I smiled in her direction as I gave a nod .

” Have you told the Boss about your Admission ? She asked Excitedly.

” He doesn’t approve of it ” I said and she gasped.

” Oh my God that’s so sad ” she said and I smiled in her direction.

” I’m sure he’d come around ,he’s probably just Worried about your safety considering his reputation ” Jace said and Denver gave a nod in agreement.

” I know ,it just hurts and feels like he doesn’t support me , I thought he’d be happy for me and to think I was so excited to tell him ” I said as my eyes stung.

” Oh dear ” Ma’am Jackie said as she walked over to me and pulled me in her protective arms .

” I’m sure he’d come around .

We had dinner silently and although he tried to make small talks I ignored him throughput Dinner and even went as far as ignoring our bed .

I stayed up late writing new songs and playing the piano .

” Dolcezza it’s late already ,c’mon let’s go to bed ” he called and I ignored him .

” I’m not sleepy ” I said immediately and he sighed .

” Seriosely ? He asked and I glared in his direction.

” I said I’m not sleepy Emelio what part of I’m not sleepy don’t you understand ! I snapped angrily as my eyes stung with tears .

” I know where this is coming from , is it because of what happened earlier ? He asked and I rolled my eyes.

” Baby I’m only trying to protect you ” he said immediately.

” It doesn’t feel like that to me , you’re hurting me instead ….I feel like you’re suffocating me with too much care ” I snapped immediately.

” You don’t let me go out lately , you call me almost every 30 mins , you have guards up everywhere ,even when Carmen tries to visit …your guards interrogated her like a criminal ‘I snapped.

” I’m sorry…”

” When was the last time you touched me Emelio ? I asked and he stared at me .

” What ? He chocked immediately.

” When was the last time you tired to be intimate ?I asked arms folded in anger .

Emelio was seriously getting on my nerves ever since the accident and tonight was just the limit of it .

” The doctor said ….” He trailed .

” The doctor said …I’m fine now ,it’s already been a month plus since I was cleared Emelio ! ”

” I’m not a piece of fragile glass so stop treating me like one …I’m tired of it .

” I want my boyfriend back ! I screamed as my lips quivered in hurt .

” I love you ….and all this overprotective nature is hurting me , I can’t move on if You’re not ready to move on Emelio ” I cried and he rubbed his face.

” It’s not like that …” he said tiredly.

” Then what Emelio …! You’ve always been supportive of me pursing my dreams and now when I finally do ,you refused to acknowledge me because of your fears ”

” I’m sorry … Coure mio” he said immediately and I frowned at him .

” I’m hurt ” I said and he looked at me guiltily.

” I didn’t know I was hurting you that much , forgive me ” he said and I smiled.

” So…….” I trailed and he chuckled.

” Fine you can take up the admission ,but I’m selecting your manager ,I don’t want someone spoiling you in this industry .” He said and I burst into laughter.

” And your security …” He trailed .

” Fine ,as long as you let me take up the Admission I’m okay Mr De Luca” I said and he smiled.

” I’m sorry for the way I reacted earlier” he said and kissed my lips which I immediately reciprocated.

” No more I’m sorry ,Emelio …You can make it up to me ” I said smiling.

” How ? He asked cluelessly and i smirked.

” How about I show you how ? I asked Naughtily as I led him upstairs his laughter rang everywhere in the room .

The following weeks was of course problem free ,Emelio was being the best version of himself now and my classes are going preety well .

Bella visited me because she had a $h00t in Newyork and that’s how she introduced me to Larry a good friend of hers who is a photographer .

It was a funny lunch time and we exchanged numbers ,well because Larry pleaded I do a photo$h00t with him for his up coming Exhibition on his gallery and I agreed .

Bella knows this guy plus he’s extremely friendly and nice .

So I didn’t have a reason to say no .

I didn’t even get the chance to tell Emelio because he was busy with work .



” Hey man. ….” Uriel my manager said as he dropped a file in front of me .

” Have you talked to your head of security ? Uriel asked as he sat down opposite me .

” Why ? I asked immediately.

” I just wanted to know if you had any idea , Harmony is modelling for Larry Hampson ” he said and I frowned .

” Wait what ? I asked Immediately .

” I think you’re mistaken …she ” I traded and stopped talking when I remembered she has been having a lot video calls with Bella lately.

Seriosely ?

” I just wanted to inform you ,I don’t think they’re doing anything harmful” he said and I bit my lower lip .

” Larry has an history with skirts” I said angrily.

” And so do you ” Uriel teased and one glare shut him up .

” I trust Harmony ,it’s Larry I don’t trust and I’m not letting my woman work with that f-__-ker ” .

” I smell jealousy …..” Uriel laughed.

” Then you must be sniffing yourself ” I snapped immediately .



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