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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 37

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 37

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





” Forgiven my foot , you’re not forgiven …infact you are definitely sleeping out of this room . I see her ugly face when I see you ” she said and my jaws dropped.

” How is that possible ? I asked in shock.

” It’s possible the same way you find it possible to let your ex kiss you . ”

” She is not my Ex ”

” I don’t care “she snapped as she walked into the bathroom and slammed the door .

What the hell

I walked over to the bed and sat down tiredly.

I knew Harmony had a raging temper ,but today it’s just in a whole new level.

She walked out of the bathroom after sometime and her eyes were red and swollen .

My heart squeezed in hurt realising she had cried a lot .

She didn’t talk to me even when I tried to make small talks making us feel tensed around I each other.

” Coure mio let’s go down for dinner ” I said and she ignored me.

” Baby ”

” Emelio I’m not hungry ” she muttered softly as she lay down and got busy with her phone.

” But you haven’t eaten anything this evening ” I said Worriedly.

When she didn’t say a word ,I stood for a while before giving her space .

” Where’s Harmony ? Mom asked and I rubbed my forehead.

” She’s fine ” I said and no one said a word ,infact they all knew we had a fight and it was obvious they where disapointed in me especially my brothers.

After Dinner the guys decided to go to the game room and just before everyoneleft , I called Neomi .

” What is it ? She asked with arms folded .

‘ I know you’re mad at me Andrea …” I trailed .

” Of course I’m mad at you Emelio ,you know how important Harmony is ,not just to me but even to you . ”

” You guys are a couple and trust me I have no right whatsoever to say anything , but I don’t appreciate it that you hurt her like that . You’ve both been through a lot …don’t mess it all up , Fix this ” she said immediately and I gave a nod .

” I’m sorry about everything Andrea and I promise I’d fix this ,I need your help actually , Harmony hasn’t eaten anything yet and she won’t even look at me please make sure she eats something ” I said and she gave a nod .

” She’s just angry and of course hurt ,she’d come around” she said and walked off .

” You always look for a way to cheat when it’s your turn ” Kristov said and everyone laughed as Sergio fixed his glasses .

” Y’all just jealous of my thinking ability ” Sergio said and Everyone rolled their eyes in unison .

” Indirectly calling us idiots cause we are not Genuis ? Frederico said and he raised both hands in surrender.

” Here comes the brother of us who is in trouble ” Dylan hailed and I rolled my eyes .

” I’m not in trouble ” I said immediately.

” Really ? Wow Harmony must be a life saver . She didn’t ask you to sleep outside the room ? Wow I married the evil twin then ” Gio said immediately .

” I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight bro ,she wants me to sleep on the floor ,I can’t so I’m giving her space ” I said and they stared at me with pity looks.

” I warned you though ,but maybe you felt you know more than us ” The Don said as he put off his ciggerrate.

” I didn’t think the issue with Sylvia would cause this much trouble ” I said and rubbed my forehead.

” I tried to explain but she wouldn’t even listen to me ”

” You were trying to explain at the wrong time bro ,I heard Sylvia kissed you in front of her that’s the highest level of disrespect . If it was the other way around his would you have felt ? Kristov asked and I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

” I really love Harmony she should know that because I stayed celibate until she was ready….why would she even think I’d throw Away what we have because Sylvia came running is that how ….she ….” I trailed in hurt .

‘” you messed up the moment you lied to her ,that’s what we should be dwelling on right now . You should be lucky you’re not married to Aria ,that girl h@ťěs lies she could call of a relationship if you even dare lie to her face ,I learnt that the hard way when she left me hanging on our wedding day” Frederico said with a chuckle.

” I just feel so bad that this happened after we finally consummated our relationship .

” Woah man ” my brothers whistled and made funny noises which had me laughing immediately.

” Are you guys for real right now ? I asked and Sergio laughed.

” I want to apologise ,what do you guys recommend ? I asked and they stared at me .

” Aren’t you the Mr Romantic ,you sing love songs you should know ” the Don said immediately.

” Oh please we know you take Grace on a romantic dinner every week so quit the act you have a romantic side .” Kristov said and the Don stared at us with his jaws literally dropped.

” Ah I live with monitoring spirits ” he said laughing and we couldn’t help but join him .

” Sergio actually told me ” kris said immediately.

” Me ? When it’s not me ” Sergio said and we all laughed at his childish act.

” You have eyes everywhere even in my Romance with my wife are you for real ? Massimo laughed.

” Sometimes y’all get attacked during dates so chill it’s for security purposes.

” We appreciate dude ,we would be toast without you ,it means a lot ” The Don said and we all froze.

” Say that again so I can put it on record , I’ve been waiting for this day my entire life ” Sergio said and we all burst into laughter.

” So have you thought of a means to apologise ? Dylan Asked .

” I’m taking her to my private island for a few days to cool off ” I said and Sergio laughed.

” He wants to f-__-k his way into forgiveness” he said and they all laughed on my face .

” Y’all annoying ” I said trying not to laugh.

” Hahahaha ”



” And she’s still sulking , you need to eat baby sis before melio looses his mind ,poor guy is close to fainting ” Neomi said as she placed a tray in front of me .

” I’m not hungry ” I said and sniffed back tears .

” Really ? Last time I checked you haven’t eaten dinner ,so how can you not be hungry ? She asked and I groaned tiredly as the girls team walked in Gisting loudly.

” Seriosely sis ? Infact I’m sleeping I can’t handle your craziness tonight ” I said and they laughed.

” I am hurt ,we came to check on you ,stop behaving like someone who just lost her virginity ,I had a busy day yet I’m being a sweet older sister in-law ” Bella said dramatically and as everyone burst into laughter ,my cheeks heated in a blush .

” Wait you’re blushing ,don’t tell me you and Emelio …” Aria trailed off jaws dropped and I looked everywhere but them .

” Ulala ….” Grace teased and they all burst into laughter.

” This is hilarious …” Neomi said laughing.

” So how was it ? She asked teasingly.

” How was what ? I asked feigning innocent .

” She’s so shy hahahaha ” Grace laughed.

” You guys are just something else ” I laughed.

” We are not letting you off the hook untill you tell us ” Bella clapped Excitedly.

” This is the kind of conversation Bella loves ” Aria said and we laughed as Bella jaws dropped.

” I’m not like that ” she said and I raised my eyebrows in Amusement.

” I agree I’ve done crazy things in my life , Like proposing to kristov ” she laughed.

” You proposed ? I asked suddenly interested.

” Yeah , I did the chasing it was fun ” she said and I chuckled.

” You’re something else Bella ” I said and she laughed.

” He was too boring guys , I did the chasing and trust me he played hard to get , and today he’s doing the chasing cause I got him on his toes ” she said and we all laughed at her cool vibes .

” Queen Bella ” the Donna hailed .

” I saw him , liked him ,I got him ” she said and we whistled at her .

” Last night was out of this world ,he was sweet gentle ,rough but i enjoyed every bit of it ” I said and they cooed .

” Awwwwwwwwn ”

” Glad you had fun ” Aria smiled .

” Girl I know you’re hurt ,but give him a chance to make it up to you ,don’t let Sylvia cause a rift between you too it’s not worth it ,not when she’s out to get him .” Grace said and I gave a nod .

” You can have your fun while he’s at it ”

” Knowing the Deluca Brothers , he’s planning to make it up to you ” Bella said and the others agreed .

We talked a lot and I had dinner Freshened up and changed into my nightwear.

I lay on the bed missing him when I felt him join me on the bed .

” I love you baby , goodnight Coure mio ” he whispered softly and kissed my forehead .

He tried to leave and I held his hand.

I kissed his cheeks and he smiled.

” Don’t go , just sleep on the bed and keep your hand and lips to yourself” I said and his Jaws literally dropped.

” Babe how is it that possible ? You know I sleep with my hands on your B-__-bs .? He asked and I raised my eyebrows.

” Well put them on your own B-__-bs ,don’t you have ? I fired angrily and he made a crying.

” Babe I don’t have B-__-bs ”

” I don’t care ” I said and lay down to sleep.

” How can you not care ? He asked sending his hand to my waist .

” Don’t try to seduce me Emelio ,I’m mad at you and the least you can do is respect my decision” I said and he sighed softly.

” I’m sorry …” He said sadly and I slept off without a reply .

I was exhausted from the days activities and I just wanted to rest from the hurt .

?Baby ….I’m sorry ?

?For the way I messed up ?

?Angel I miss you ?

I heard his beautiful voice from my sleep the next morning which had me opening my eyes.

I sat up on the bed and the whole room was decorated romantically , breakfast in bed, rose petals ,boxes of gifts and my Shirtless Hot boyfriend singing for me .

I blushed as he hit the strings of his guiter .

‘” Good morning Dolcezza ”

” Good morning Vita mia” I said with a smile and he chuckled.

” f-__-k I missed hearing you call me that .” He sighed softly as he joined me on the bed .

He kissed my forehead and I pulled him into a kiss which turned into a heated one .

We broke apart and I smiled.

” I’m sorry ” he said kissing my hands.

” Promise no secrets Emelio ” I said and he smiled.

” I promise my angel ” he said and I chuckled.

” So we are going on a 1 week trip ” he said and I stared at him .

” Where ? I asked immediately.

” My private island .” He said like it was nothing.

” You own a what ? I asked again in shock .

” How rich is my boyfriend ? I asked and he laughed.

” Vita Mia we can’t just leave ,what about the wedding preparations ? I asked .

” Aria got us covered you can drop your opinions through video calls ” he said kissing my neck .

” Emelio We can’t yet ” I said and he bit his lower lip segzily .

” Ah she’s scared of morning segz ” he laughed.

” No ,we did it too much the last time and I’m not on protection ,I’m still praying I don’t get pregnant yet don’t add to it ”

” Ah …I’m not like that ” he said and I laughed.

” You’re something else Emelio ”



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