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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 31

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 31

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do notcopy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like myactions ]





” You know you’re the best thing that’s happened to me ? I asked while helping him wipe his hair and he smiled at me .

” I didn’t know you where this sweet when you walked into my mansion disguised as an old woman ” he teased and as he burst out laughing I glared daggers at him.

” Way to spoil the fun Mr De Luca ” I said and pushed his face as he kissed me cheeks.

” Don’t kiss me ” I said and he kissed me again .

” You’re Annoying ” i said and stood up as he followed me and pulled me into his arms from behind I burst out laughing.

” Emelio ” I squiled as I laughed.

” Let’s watch a movie ” I said and he frowned .

” Movie ? I’m not a movie person ” he said and I raised my face .

” Oh please …you’re a celebrity . Shouldn’t you be supporting your fellow celebrities ? I asked teasingly.

” What’s so special about them ? I’ve dated my fair share of actresses and trust me those people are something else . I’m not judging though ” he said bitting his lower lip .

” You dated actresses ? How many ? Do I know them ” I asked turning in his direction.

” What where they like “I asked and he stared into my eyes in amusement.

” You wanna know what my ex’s where like ? He asked and I gave a nod.

” The relationships we’rent Seriose ,we got together for segz and fame ,it was more like a contract something” he said and I frowned.

” You got together with women for segz ” I asked my voice going a high octave.

” Ah stop making it sound like I’m a bad person Coure mio ,these things happened with the consent of those women ” he said and I chuckled .

” I don’t like the sound of this chuckle of yours ,you’re sounding dangerous . ” He said and I removed his hands from my laps .

” Baby it has not gotten to …” He trailed.

” Calm down ,I had a very active segzual life , and I’m not gonna pretend . I accept I’ve been a bad guy in my past relationships …I mean contracts ..sorry friendship .” He trailed while staring in my eyes .

” What am I even saying ” he said and facepalmed himself.

” But I have changed my ways I swear ,why did I even bring the topic in the first place ” he muttered the last part to himself.

” I feel like I’m in a relationship with a guy that has experienced it all ,and well I ..” I voiced out my fears immediately.

” Wait what ? He asked while fighting the smile that thr_@tened to escape his lips.

” Don’t you dare laugh at me ” i said pointing at him .

” I’m not laughing at you ,I just …you f_cking sound so cute right now ” he said and I looked away as a blush stained my cheeks.

” Don’t try to make this sound like it’s not a big deal . You had an active segzual life with all those women and here I am starving you of it and you’re …” I trailed and he held my hand lovingly.

” Being patient about it ? He asked and kissed my hands.

” It’s not a big deal ” he said and my Jaws literally dropped .

” Don’t try to act like it’s not. Emelio you basically wanted me the minute you knew I wasn’t an old woman , remember that contract stuff , you told me you can’t be in a relationship that you want have segz . What changed ? I asked immediately and he rubbed his forehead.

” Why are we having this conversation ? It’s embarrassing ” he said looking away.

” What’s embarrassing ? I asked and he smiled.

” You asking me these questions . There is nothing to be insecure about . ” He said and I frowned .

” We can …” I trailed .

” We won’t do anything Baby girl . Stop feeling pressurised . Am I complaining ? ” He asked softly.

” You’re not ,but I noticed how many times you took cold showers ” I said and he smiled.

” You’re really something else Amore mio ” he said laughing.

” What’s funny ? I asked and he kissed my forehead.

” You sound so Innocent and cute right now ,but trust me I am fine .” He said smiling.

” I know there where times where I said things like ,I can’t date a woman I won’t f-__-k . Well that was because I was serious back then , both parties had a selfish reason for coming together ” he explained softly.

” Or don’t you find me attractive ? I asked and he stared at me .

” Babe are you kidding me ? Is this a trap or what ? ” he asked laughing .

‘” Trust me if you know the wicked things I wanna do to you , you’d run for the hills immediately .

” I want you every single time , but I don’t want to rush you into stuffs you’re not ready for ” he said and I smiled.

” What if I want you ? I asked and he laughed.

” You might be a mafia girl Harmony ,but I know you believe the sacred tie of marriage . You might love me a lot to wanna do it now ,but a little part of you would still regret you didn’t wait till marriage ” he said and my eyes stung with tears .

” How ….” I trailed as I cried .

” Sh!t did I say something wrong ? He asked as he gathered me in his arms .

” I love you Emelio ” i said and he chuckled.

” I love you more babe” he said and I smiled .

We retired to bed that night and as I placed my head on his chest ,I slept off listening to the Rythm of his heartbeat.

The next morning , the drive to the De Luca Estate was safer than the previous night .

” Oh my goodness my babies ,Sergio told me you were attacked are you alright ?

” We’re fine mother ,you worry too much ” she he said and she glared at him .

” Shut up and come here ”

” No matter how tall you are ,you’re still my son and I’m bound to be worried ” she said and he raised both hands in service .

” By the way the Don has requested for your presence in his office ” she said and pulled me with her .

I didn’t see Emelio after that . I tried calling but didn’t wanna come off as a Clingy girlfriend since he was with his brothers .

It was late when I walked out of our room wearing his loose shirt and fancy slippers.

” Hey girl come join us ” Bella called and I noticed they where gathered by the pool side in their different night wears and glasses of juice in the table before them .

My eyes nearly fell off when I noticed the Donna lit a cigarette .

She didn’t look like one to smoke ,I guess she’s not an addict .

Aria on the other hand was with a pen and writting pad ,she looked very cute in her baby pink nightwear though.

Bella was busy playing chess with my twin Neomi .

” Hey sis ” Neomi waved as I walked over and sat down.

” Somebody’s missing her boyfriend ” Bella teased .

” Stop teasing me ” i said and threw a snack at her from the tray .

” Awwwwwwwwn baby is missing her Guy” she said making kissing sounds as they laughed.

” They went out with Massimo . They should be back by tonight or tomorrow morning” Grace said putting off the Ciggerrate..

” You’re staring like you’ve never seen me smoke. ” She laughed.

” We all do ,well Accept from Aria and now Bella who her husband h@ťěs it . ” She added .

” If it’s up to Kris , no one would smoke in this house . Dude h@ťěs it ” Neomi added .

” He should , I don’t understand how people fill comfortable with putting their health in the line ” Aria said frowning.

” Holy Aria ” Bella teased .

” Ah she’s judging us smokers ? Someone asked joining us .

That’s when I noticed it was the Cora girl from the engagement .

” Like Seriosely we just take it once in a while to feel high ” Bella added .

” Don’t tell me you still go behind Your man’s back to smoke ” Aria asked .

” Chill babe ,besides no matter how holy you act , Fred still raises your legs and gives it to you in the right places ” Cora said and the girls whitsled and screamed.

” Cora you’re crazy you need help ” Aria said and threw her pen at her I couldn’t help but laugh at their banter .

” Cora I told you ,we needed to talk you didn’t show up ” Bella asked and she raised her eyebrows.

” Hmmn ? Cora asked playfully.

” Don’t pretend . I know you heard me ” Bella said and she sighed .

” I know what you want to talk about and I didn’t want to talk about it ” Cora said and Neomi chuckled.

” Seriosely Cor. …a ? You showed up at Dyls Engagement . His engagement what were you trying to prove ? That he can never get over you or what ? Bella Asked annoyed .

” You think I showed up for his engagement ? I showed up for something entirely different spare me Belle ” she said immediately.

” Spare you ? Quit acting insensitive Cora stop being a coward for f-__-k sake ” Bella said angrily.

” Bella it’s enough ” Neomi whispered softly.

” No let her speak ,go on shout , when you get tired you’d let me be ” Cora said but I can feel the breaking down of her Voice .

” Ya that’s what you always say when things get too Emotional , why are you doing this to yourself Cora ” Bella cried as tension filled the air .

” I’m fine ” Cora muttered

” You’re not fine …you’ve never been and I know.i keep pretending like my best friend is okay but you’re not .

” Bella I said …” Cora trailed .

” I said you are not . Stop telling me that Bullsh!t ! ” Bella fired .

” What is wrong with you Cora ? You’ve always been with me through my hard times and good , you know every single thing about me ,why are you hiding a lot if things from me .

” Because it’s for the better ”

” You’re dieing on the inside Cora ” Bella cried out and Cora bit her lower lip as her body shook with emotions.

” Stop it Bella De Luca . I’m fine okay , I’m grown enough to handle my sh!t ” she fired angrily and Bella stormed out immediately.

” I’m sorry we ruined your evenings she’d come around . Just throw me a stick ” Cora said to the Donna who shook her head .

” f-__-k you Cora you’re stone hearted ” she said to Cora who had nothing in her eyes but pure pain .



” I don’t know who the exact person was , but I guess it’s Dragon . I have a feeling it was him ” I said and Sergio stopped wh@ťěver he was doing on his laptop.

” I can’t trace the number. But that doesn’t mean it’s a minor something .

” Exactly Emelio you and Harmony need to get married ” Massimo said and I stared at him like he has lost it .

” I’m not getting married because some sick bastard is out to get my woman . ” I fired immediately.

” Don’t let anger control you Emelio ! The familia can’t protect what’s not theirs . If she’s a De Luca the men won’t Question …it they are bound to protect her . ” Massimo said immediately.

” That’s exactly what you said during Sophie . We got engaged and she died ” I fired immediately.

” You’re loosing your mind Emelio , We both know this is an entirely different situation . Dragon isn’t someone we should be taking for granted . Grow up ! Massimo fired as he ran his fingers in his hair .

” I’m not forcing her to get married to me because of this ” I said immediately.

” Don’t test my patience Melio, do you think we don’t understand you ? We do . But many of the men won’t put effort because she’s just your girlfriend ,you should know how these things work .

” f-__-k f-__-k f-__-k ” I cursed under my breath.

” Calm down Emelio …chill ” Rico called as I cried .

“I’m scared …I’m scared because it took me right years to get over Sophie . But if something happens to Harmony, I’d die I swear. …

” I love her so much ” I said as my heart squeezed with hurt .

It’s too early for all of this ,we just found happiness.



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