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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D 'AMORE: Strings of love - Episode 15

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 15

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” Now listen here piccolina , You have to be a good girl from today that’s if you don’t want me f-__-king sense into this head of yours got it ? He asked and I gave a nod in pannick.

” Words ” he said and I pushed against him Making his inside th-ru_st into me .

” F…”

” You’re a Bastardo Emelio. . ..a f-__-king Prick who knows nothing about how to treat a woman ! I spat Angrily and he stared at me blankly.

” Take that back ” he said softly.

” With all due respect sir , you Are a Bastard ! I said meaning every single word of it .

” This smart mouth of yours would be putting you in a lot of trouble ” He said and I pushed him .

He smirked naughtily and my jaws dropped .

” Don’t do that Again ” he said I looked away .

He walked towards the Dinner table and sat down like nothing happened .

” Are we eating or not ? He asked frowning and I looked away trying to control my Anger .

I walked over to the chair on the opposite side and sat down Quietly.

” We would go over to my Estate tommorow morning ” He said and I didn’t say a word ,just went straight to eating.

I want to get away from this man as soon as possible.

” My mom would be arriving at any moment ,I don’t know when because she wants to suprise me . But when she arrives , I want you to be nice ” he said softly and with the way his eyes twinkled as he talked about his mom , I knew he felt deeply for her .

My mind Wondered the woman who made I and my sister’s life a living Hell .

We where supposed to be everything to her ,mothers love and cherish their children ,but our own mother became the worse thing to have happened to me and my sister .

She became the reason why Neomi and I no longer have a connection ?

” Are you okay ? Mr De Luca asked and my eyes stung with tears .

” I’m Good ” I said without looking at him .

I h@ťěd the fact that he was trying to be nice after the heated Argument we just had .

After Dinner I went over to the Room and Set the Couch to sleep .

He Walked in and Stared at me in Amusement.

” What are you doing ? He asked and I frowned .

” What does it look like I’m doing ? I asked back and he stared at the bed .

” The Bed is comfortable enough to fit two people Kate ” He said and placed his phones on the Table in front of us.

” I’m not interested ,the last thing I want is to sleep with a man like you on the same bed .” I spat Angrily,

” Why are you always acting like I’m your Enemy ? I’m not your Enemy” he said with arms folded .

I h@ťě him ,I h@ťě the fact that I’m staring at his strong arms right now .

” You became my Enemy the minute I saw that satanic contract of yours Mr De Luca ! I fired Angrily.

” How are we supposed to convince my mother that this is a real relationship when you can’t even call me by my name ” he asked with a frown .

” That’s non of my business Sir After all I’m being blackmailed here ” i said and he smiled .

” You should be happy I didn’t throw you in jail after What you did Kate , The least you can do right now is Respect me and follow the rules ,when this contract ends you can walk away like this never happened” he said and I looked away.

” Exactly so stop trying to be civil with me too. When your mom arrives I’d be nice to her isn’t that what you want” i asked and he bit his lower lip .

” You can’t sleep there ,you’d end up hurting yourself before the morning get on the bed “He said and I lay down properly like he wasn’t talking to me .

” Kate ” He said again and I screamed as he Carried me in his arms .

” Let go ! Emelio let me go right now ! I screamed while kicking and screaming at the top of my voice .

He threw me on the bed and walked into the bathroom .

” You’re Annoying !

” You’re Arrogant !

” You have no Respect for my personal Space ! I screamed angrily and he opened the door .

” With the rate at which you get angry you’d get wrinkles on your face before you know it ” he said and slammed the Door Angrily.

I stared at the closed door with my eyes wide open .

” Go to Hell Mr De Luca ” I screamed and didn’t get a reply .

I glared daggers at the door one more time before laying down to rest .

I was already half asleep when I felt the other part of the bed deepen and I knew he had come on the bed .

I pretended to be fast asleep when he tucked my hair behind my ear and covered me with the Duvet .

He smelled so nice i wonder what products he uses I’m so jealous of his scent .



I couldn’t sleep ,the Moment I closed my eyes to sleep ,I was hunted by the memories of the night .

” Please please let me go ”

” No ”

” No Please !

” No ….” I heard her cries as she trashed and screamed in her sleep.

I stared at her petite form on the bed as she tried to escape from whoever the Bastard was .

” Hey !

” Kate wake up it’s a dream it’s just a dream ” I said softly as she screamed louder I shook her violently.

” Kate ! I screamed and she woke up with a jerk .

Beads of Sweat roll down her forehead as she cried softly .

” Shhhhhhhh it’s just a dream ,I’m here Coure mio ” I said as she looked around.

” He he. …m” she said looking around in pannick.

” No one is here ,it’s just me and you trust me ” I said and gathered her in my arms .

She Cried softly and eventually fell asleep in my arms .

I never imagined someone so fierce And strong to be so Vunerable.

Is that why she refused to sleep next to me tonight ?

She was scared I would find out about her nightmares .

Who was that man ? What connection did she have with him ?

Was he an obsessive Ex or what ? I wondered and she snuggled into my Arms .

The next morning when I woke up ,she was not on the bed .

I stared at the time and it was late in the morning .

I can’t believe I slept this long , i sat up and my phone rang .

My eyes moved over to the bed side table as I picked it up .

” Hello bro ” i said immediately I picked up .

” Hey what’s up …wait are you just waking up ? He asked in shock .

” Ya ” i said and Someone screamed from the background .

” He just woke up ? Since when did you start Taking sleeping drugs Emelio ? The Don asked Appearing in the video call .

” I’m not on pills I promise ” i said not wanting a morning doze of his scoldings.

” You don’t wake up late Emelio is there something you’re not telling us ? Come out with it ” Sergio said appearing on my screen.

” Gio ” Dylan whinned as he Carried The baby in his hands properly.

” Stop screaming Dyl ” he said and turned to me .

” there’s nothing okay ,I just ,I don’t know” I said and Kate Decided to walk out of the bathroom in that moment .

” f-__-k who’s that ? Frederico asked and I turned the phone from the Direction of the bathroom immediately.

” It’s nothing.” I said immediately.

” It’s definitely something I just saw a huge A*s just now ” the Don said Amusingly.

My Cheeks heat up in Embarrassment.

” She’s my girlfriend ” I said and they all stared at me with jaws literally dropped.

” Christ ”

” Go and call Grace I’m about to have a heartattack ” The Don said and the others backed out laughing.

” I can see why he’s dating her ,she’s gorgeous ” Dylan teased .

” You didn’t even see her face ! I fired .

” You where trying to hide her from us ,just now flash the camera at her Direction let me go all brother in-law on her ” Sergio grinned.

” No please you’re too Energetic Sergio I don’t want to scare her ” i said and they burst out laughing as Sergio glared at me .

” You didn’t just say that De Luca ” he said and I chuckled.

” Oh please there’s nothing you can do about it lil bro’s mom ” i asked and frederico laughed.

” We just called to check up on you bro ” he changed the topic .

” Call her yourself” Sergio Added .

” I h@ťě y’all Criminals ” I said and we all laughed.

” We love you Daddy Emelio ! Sergio screamed dramatically.

” Go say that to Andrea ” i said and Ended the call .

I freshened up and Changed into Comfortable clothes since I’m not planning on going anywhere today .

I walked out and she was on the dinner table setting it with breakfast.

One thing I noticed about Kate was the fact that she’s a homely person ,she loves to cook I mean all the girls I’ve dated h@ťěd having anything to do with the kitchen but here was Kate.

” Good morning Mr Deluca ” she said and I gave a nod .

” Good morning ” I mouthed ,the last thing I want is an Argument with this woman .

She set the pancakes and served me first .

” Do you want something else or you’re fine with the fruits ? She asked gesturing towards the fruit salad .

” No I’m good” I said and she gave a nod .

We we’re having breakfast Silently and I noticed her picking on her food .

I knew very few people with this bad habit.

My older brothers wife ,Grace and Sergio’s wife Neomi .

Especially Neomi , one wouldn’t notice until you’re all gathered in the Dinning table , he resorts to feeding her himself so she can eat something .

She stopped eating and drank some water . I stared at her flat stomach and back at her preety face .

” You barely touched your food Kate ,that’s not healthy” I said and her eyes widened.

” I …I’m not hungry I’d eat later ” she said while avoiding eye contact.

” Kate sit down and eat some more ” I said and she frowned as she played with her plate .

” You haven’t touched anything” i reminded her .

” I can’t ,I wanna throw up ” she said and I felt the disturbing feeling immediately .

” Was anyone starving you in the past ? I asked and she froze immediately.

” I need to use the Bathroom” she said and Left immediately.

I stared at her Retreating figure Wondering what the hell she was hiding .

She Avoided the topic , that only means she’s hiding something .

I won’t stop Here Kate , I’d find out every single thing you have to hide ” I thought and stared at her plate .

The ride to my Estate was Quite afterwards , she was still in my T-shirt and Room slippers.

She looked like a woman who spent the night at her Boyfriend’s house .

Seeing us together right now someone might think we have been dating for months .

Immediately we got into the mansion I heard the familiar voice I could recognize anywhere.

” Melio darling” she said excitedly.

” Figlio [ son] ” she said and pulled me into a hug while I froze immediately.

” Mom” I said in suprised.

” In flesh and blood Son , who is this gorgeous Girl ” she said pulling her into a warm hug .

Was this why the Guys where laughing earlier ? I’m doomed .


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