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HomeCORDE D ‘AMORE (Strings of love)CORDE D 'AMORE: Strings of love - Episode 11

CORDE D ‘AMORE: Strings of love – Episode 11

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[Strings of love ]
# 5 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2023


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love ,Cold ,Hot , Erotic , maid , billionaires , Ruthless , Music , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” She has to leave . She’s probably one of those Desperate fans trying to seduce the Boss ” she fired Angrily and my heart squeezed with hurt .

” Pack your bags and leave ,don’t make me call the cops on you ” she said and left the kitchen.

My eyes stung with tears .

I guess this is it …, it’s just so sad that I didn’t get the amount of money I needed to get from this job ,and to top it all ,ma’am Ishu See’s me as a Gold digger.

” Ishu is being too harsh on her , it’s unfair . I know she Employed all of us ,but we work for sir Emelio shouldn’t he be the judge of this ! Jackie fired Angrily.

I have never seen the ever happy ma’am Jacqueline so angry .

” She’s just Worried about The Boss , remember what happened the last time we had a young maid it didn’t End well .” Mr Singh intervened .

” I’m so sorry ma’am Jackie ,I didn’t mean for it to happen . I just needed the job so badly and I couldn’t continue working because the pay wasn’t enough . ” I said sincerely sorry about everything.

Thinking of it now , I should have not taken this job , it has landed me in more trouble now , not only with ma’am Ishu but with the Boss too .

” I’m sorry Mr Sihn ,I’m sorry Denver and Jace” I said and Jace fanned his face Emotionally.

” I’m so Emotional right now , this is so unfair , I’m gonna miss you Kate ” he said and I chuckled as he pulled me into his Arms .

” Group hug ” ma’am Jackie said and I got Emotional as they pulled me into a warm hug .

I retired to my room where I took my stuffs and made to leave .

” The Driver would drop you off at your Apartment , and here is your a double of your salary ,it was nice working with you Kate . ” She said Strictly and Handed me the Envelope .

” Thanks ma’am ” I said grateful she didn’t call the cops on me.

” Stay away from the Estate ” she said immediately .

” I’m not coming back ” I said pulling my luggage with me .

Not like I’m planning on coming back anyway ,I thought with a frown .

” f-__-king hell. Babes I came immediately i saw your text and Address. are you okay ? ” Carmen asked pulling me into a hug and I shook my head .

” I’m not okay Cam this was a bad idea i shouldn’t have considered in the first place” I said and she frowned .

” I’m sorry I pushed you into this , I just wanted to help ” she said sadly as we got into her car.

” Did anyone come to look for me at the house ? I asked Curiously .

” Not that I know of ,I’ve been at Antonio’s for some time now so I don’t know” she said and I heived a sigh of relief.

I’m pretty sure Royce knows I’m not there ,that’s why he hasn’t gone over to Carmen .

Going back there means more danger for Carmen .

I h@ťě it when there’s so much calmness in my life ,it’s a straight Reminder that shits about to happen and I have no idea how , and when it will happen .

ki||ing that guy is gonna hunt me , I just h@ťě it that I have no idea when it’s gonna happen .

” What are you thinking about Bestie ? Cheer up loosing the job isn’t the end of the world ,I can find you another one . Maybe this time you can pretend to be a Guy or something else ” she grinned happily as she drove into our apartment after the silent drive .

” I’m fine without a job for now ,the other one didn’t end well ” I said and we both laughed.

That’s why I like Carmen , she doesn’t pressure me to spill things About my past . Neither does she judge me for hiding things ,she’s supportive cheerful and sweet .

” Come get rid of those old Clothes , feel free I’d prepare Dinner ” she said and Disappeared to the kitchen .

I stared at my phone screen sadly before walking over to my room .

I freshened up and used the Opportunity to wash up my hair .

I stared at myself in the mirror after changing into comfortable clothes and a smile Graced my lips .

To hell with being an Old woman and To hell with ma’am Ishu and her Arrogance.

I wonder Why she h@ťěd the fact that I was a young lady and not a fifty years old woman ,she’s something else .

I wore my room slippers picked my phone and strolled to the sitting room.

” Welcome back home baby girl ” Carmen said opening a bottle of wine .

” You think this is something to celebrate about Carmen ? I chuckled.

” Oh to Hell with that ma’am issue or what ever her name was , She can’t steal our joy girl ” she Hyped .

” The Name is ma’am Ishu though ” I said laughing as I sat at the opposite side .

” Oh please ” she said and a smile Graced my lips .

” You’re right though,to hell with all of them ” I said as we both hi five .



” She’s a what ? Uriel asked with wide eyes as he chocked on his bottle of wine .

We where in one of my Beach house in Paris where I went for a $h00t .

” I said the new Maid Kate , is a young lady ” I said and drank from my Bottle as I unbelted my Jean .

” f-__-k man ,how did she get into your Estate with fake identity.” He asked with an amused smile.

” I don’t know , one thing I do know is the fact that she’s Dangerous ” I said and he looked at me Amusingly .

” Why do you think she’s Dangerous? He asked teasingly.

” Get your mind out of the gutters , I’m telling you she has a mafia connection or something , what if she’s from one of the Enemies of the familia ? What if she was sent to ki|| me ! ” I asked immediately.

” You’re going too far with this bro , Calm down ” Uriel said as I ran my fingers in my hair .

” You’re not thinking this from my point of view ” I said lighting up a stick of ciggerrate.

” I understand you bro ,the thing is ,you need to chill c’mon what if she’s just an ordinary girl who went to work for you for the cash , I’m sure your workers wouldn’t have hired her if they knew she was young ” he said giving me the logic sign .

” I don’t care , I’m gonna be keeping a very close eye on her ” I said and he raised an eyebrow .

” Why does that sound like you are planning to get in her pants Emelio ? It doesn’t End well bro” he said and I laughed.

” If I want to have something with that girl ,you’re not the one to stop me Uriel ,Chill ” I said and he Smiled.

” As much as I want you to have fun ,I don’t think it’s a good idea to have something to do with your worker ” Uriel Advised .

” I didn’t say I was gonna f-__-k her ,I said if I want to I can do it . I’m gonna dig deep into that mysterious woman and Unravel every single secret she’s hiding” I said and he shrugged.

” Just be careful , I don’t want you to get hurt , this is the first time in years I’m seeing you so Worked up about a woman ” he said sincerely.

” This woman pretended to be old to get in my house bro ” I said and he laughed.

” What if she left your house already ? According to what you Explained to me ,you might have scared her ,with your wild desires Emelio ” He said Amusingly.

” I have my ways ” i said and stood up .

” Congratulations then Mr De Luca , remember she’s someone’s daughter when you decide to take her to your bed ” he teased .

” Shut up ” I said and he burst out laughing.

” Goodnight ED see you tommorow morning ” he said strolling towards his room .

Immediately he left , I walked towards the window as I stared at the tall palm fruits that blew air into my room , my mind went over to how her B*tts felt against me .

Her tender waist and the fresh smell of Roses , I’ve Never been so physically attracted to woman .

I don’t like her or anything ,if anything she should be weary of me because I only hurt those who I get involved in .

Sophie Died because I got involved in her life . I Texted one of my men in Newyork and he replied immediately .

I smirked at the reply on my phone as I put off the Ciggerrate .

The Next morning we took my private jet back to Newyork and when we finally got there it was already afternoon ,due to the fact that it was a Seven hours journey.

” Welcome Boss” Gary said immediately I got into my car .

” Thanks Gary , how is everyone back at the Estate ? I asked while going through my phone .

” Everyone is fine sir … Although I heard from one of the guards at the gate that Kate was fired ” he said and I raised my eyebrows.

” You mean the new Maid ? I asked immediately.

” Yes sir , ma’am Ishu Fired her because she was under the disguise of an old lady when in reality she’s a young and hrrr… beautiful girl ” he said saying the last part Softly knowing my history with women.

Everyone knew I was a player ,only one woman has ever moved deep to touch a spot in my heart and that was Sophie that’s why even up until today I find it hard to move on from her death .

” She fired her because of that ? I asked suddenly hating the idea of ma’am Ishu doing something like that.

I know she’s always looked out for me like her own son ,but I didn’t like her taking such Decisions for me .

I’d make sure I caution her immediately I get to the Estate.

” So she left already ? I asked placing my phone next to me .

” Since yesterday sir ” he said and I looked out of the windows.

” Gary ” I called.

” Boss ” he said immediately.

” I want her Address ,I don’t care how you do it ,I just want it .” I said and he turned to me then back at the Road.

” Copy that sir ” he said and the rest of the ride to my Estate was Quiet .

Immediately I got into the mansion Ma’am ishu walked with me to my Office.

” You fired the new Maid ? I asked and she gave a nod .

” On whose orders ? I asked softly and she looked at me in shock .

” Sir ? She asked suprised.

” You didn’t think it was necessary to tell me ? I asked and she opened and closed her mouth in Embarrassment.

” You have never been interested with the workers sir ,she was under Disguise that was why I fired her the minute I found out ” she explained.

” I knew she was under Disguise when I saw her ,I left it like that ma’am Ishu . ” I said and she bowed her head in shame .

” I’m so sorry Sir ” she said and I walked towards my room immediately.

I know she was only looking out for me , but I don’t trust Easily That’s how Ma’am Lina who took care of me and my Brothers for years became the thorn on our flesh and ruined us .

If she had succeeded in her skims even her own sons Sergio and Dylan wouldn’t have survived it .

So what if Kate left the mansion ? I would find her myself.



It’s Been two days since I left the Estate , Carmen tried to find me a job ,but I decided to just stay home for the main time .

It was late in the Evening Already and I was home alone since Carmen was spending the night at Antonio’s.

I decided to make Mac and cheese and Eat something other than Crackers .

I’ve been eating junk since I came back home , and Carmen has been on my neck because of it .

My phone rang on the table and I walked out of the kitchen towards the sitting room.

I was clad in a black nightwear that ended after my butts .

It had a robe but I didn’t bother to tie it. The hands where thin and the transperant part in front , exposing my Ɲīpplës .

I wonder why Carmen decided to Gift me something so Șëx¥ ,not like I have someone to show it to Anyways.

I made to pick up my phone when the door bell rang .

A frown appeared on my face.

Who could be here at this time of the night ?

Did Carmen change her mind or what if it’s a thief ? I wondered as my eyes widened.

I picked up my pocket knife and Walked towards the door.

I opened it and immediately I sent my knife ,he caught it and pushed me to the wall .

I froze immediately my eyes made contact with him .

” You ” I spat in shock

What is he doing here ? How did he find my House .


Fire fire fire ??

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