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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(SEMI FINAL)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 42~⚕️


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. Chapter title ?( COURT TRIALS)?

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~Crescent research laboratory ~
Mr James and two other scientist were in the laboratory testing for the fingerprints.
They have been in the laboratory for more than three hours.
Jaylen and Noah waited outside the lab waiting for a result.

Finally Mr James put off his lab coat and googles. He removed his gloves and washed his hands at the basin before walking out.
Other scientist were still in there working.
“How is it, Mr James
Were you able to find whose fingerprints were those?”
Noah asked.

“Yes, but it was very difficult…
And we noticed the fingerprints matched with those ones we have here in CRL”
Mr James replied.

” What do you mean? ”
Jaylen asked.

“The owner works right here in CRL”
Liam Payne murdered Jenny’s parents.

” Who is Liam Payne??
How do we find him? ”
Noah asked.

” He works for Mr Carter…
You guys know him, he nicknamed himself death ”

” Death??
Jaylen and Noah said at the same time.

“Yeah and we just got ourselves an evidence to present to the court”
Mr James smiles.

(A week later)
~The day of the Court case ~
(Jaylen’s bedroom, 7:30am)
A knock came on the door.
“Jaylen, wake up.. it’s morning already”
Noah said from outside the door.

Jaylen and Jenny were still fast asleep on the bed. Jaylen managed to wake up from the noise of the knocking.
“Jaylen are you there?”
Noah asked again.

“Yeah, I heard you,, you can stop knocking on my door please”
Jaylen said and stood up… He covered Jenny with the blanket well and walk into the bathroom.

Noah smile and walk away.
“Jenny is always in his room”
He muttered.

Jaylen came out of the bathroom, Jenny was already awake.
She stretched out her arms for a hug.
“Now is not the time for a hug, we are going to be late for the court case, so get up and get dressed”
Jaylen said as he took his watch from the drawer beside the bed.

“No, unless you give me a hug,, am not leaving this bed”
Jenny replied.

Jaylen sighs and hug her,, she clings on him and he carried her out of bed.
“You are a really stubborn lady”
He smile and kissed her.

“And you are a cute handsome looking man”
She replied and kissed him also.
Jaylen dropped her down.
“I wish we should just be together all day right here in this bedroom”

“Well, we have all the time we need to do that,, after the court case huhn”
Jaylen replied.
” Now, we need to get dressed”

” Breakfast, everyone…
Olivia shouted in the living room… Josephine brought the remaining bowl of meal from the kitchen.

Noah walked up to Olivia…
“Has Jenny been sleeping in her room lately?
He asked.

” No, always in Jaylen’s bedroom ”
Olivia replied.

” I knew it, they have been…

“Yeah, and it’s none of your business,
Olivia cut him in.
They are couples, so what do you expect”

” Fine, fine.. there is no need to shout at me like that, am just saying my observation..
Maybe am just jealous because I don’t have a girlfriend ”
He shrugged and walk away.

Olivia gave a wierd look at Josephine.
Josephine just smile.
“I understand your look, Olivia
But mave and I love each other, we are not just ready to admit it yet, so am not part of your single life,, you know ”

“Yeah, I understand..
Olivia replied sadly.
“Do you know I was once crushing on Mave?”

“Yeah, I did…
I noticed, I just want mave to chose who he wants to be with”
I also knew Lydia had a crush on him”
She said and smile.

“Omg, You knew??
Olivia asked surprised.
Josephine nodded.

“Knew about what?”
Mave asked as he walks towards them.
Jenny and jaylen also came out from their bedroom.

Olivia quickly said.

Everyone sat down and began eating.
“I pray we win today’s case”
Jaylen said.

“Don’t worry, with the evidences we have and the information Pearl gave us,
I think we are going to win ”
Mave replied.

“Don’t let us be too Ç0çƙy please…
Things might have a turn around”
Noah said as he eats.

” Alright, you guys should meet me outside”
Jaylen said and stood up.

” What?
Are you done eating already? ”
Jenny asked.

” Your boyfriend don’t eat much these days,,
And I don’t know why”
Josephine replied.

” Can you all eat quick and meet me in the car please? We can save this discussion for later..
We are getting late,
Mrs Taylor and Mr James will be waiting for us already”

~State High court ~
Reporters stood in front of court as usual.
Mrs taylor and her allies walked into the Court building.
Josephine exhales as she sat down.
“Relax, Jose…
Don’t fret”
Mave said sitting beside her.

“The judge gives the final judgement today”
“that freaks me out ”
She replied and look around. Mr Robert was already seated.
Helen and death sat down also waiting in anticipation.
Mr August walked in and smile at Mrs taylor,, he waved at Jenny and the others.

“We already won”
He muttered quietly to Mrs taylor.
Mrs taylor smiles.
“Beat Mr Carter and win this”

Mr august nodded in affirmative and sat down.
Five minutes later, the judge is not yet in view…
“Where is your boss?”
Jaylen asked.

“Relax, he is just late for five minutes, not a very big deal”
Mave replied.

“Or maybe Mr Carter’s men attacked him”
Jaylen thought.

“Really, Jaylen
Why would you think of that”
Mave said.

“Am just saying,,, cos I won’t be surprised if that happened, there is nothing my dad cant do”
Jaylen replied and exhales.

” Arise court ”
The clerk shouted.
The judge walked in.

” See?
I told you,, nothing happened ”

Everyone stood up in respect..
The judge look around and sat down.
Mr Carter was brought in with his hands handcuffed wearing a yellow prison dress.

The clerk went over to the judge’s table and place a file in front of him .
“An adjourned case of Mr taylor’s murder”
He said and looked at the audience.

“Alright, can the antagonist brief the court?
The judge asked.

Mr August stood up.
“We are here before the court to continue Mr taylor’s murder case…
We found him guilty and we submitted all evidence to the court”
He replied.

The judge looked at his clerk. He exhales and face Mr Robert.
“Is there anything you have to say, Mr Robert?”
The judge asked.

Mr Robert stood up.
“We still stand on our word, my lord..
Mr Carter is not guilty of those charges”
As we can all see Mr Carter’son has conspire to work against him so am very sure jaylen Carter will do anything to bring his father down”
He said changing the subject of the topic.
“Which make Jaylen Carter and his friends attacked my client’s staffs three weeks ago with an unregistered weapon ”

“My lord, it’s true they were attacked by my client’s people but they did that to save their friends from a kidnapping attempt”
Mr august quickly stood up.

Judge James sighs… As he can’t believe there are more to this.
“I knew they will bring this up”
Mave smile.
“All thanks to Pearl”

“Save their friends??
There are no proof to show your friends were kidnapped and also your people pointed guns at my client’s staff”
Mr Robert replied.
“An unregistered guns was also used”

Mr August understand their games.
He smile and face the judge.
“My lord, can they show the court what they have to proof this?”

“Yes, we can..
We have the recorded scenes from the street cameras”
Mr Robert replied.

The clerk took the TV remote and turn on the the TV.
She puts in a flashdrive and played a video clip.
? Jaylen and mave were seen thr_@tening to ki|| one of them with the guns they were holding?
The short video ended.

“That’s all?
They didn’t play everything?
Noah asked.

” Yeah, it’s expected,, but we have the full video clip”
Jaylen smile.

“As we can see, my lord… My client’s staff were harassed by Mave and jaylen Carter using unregistered guns”
Mr Robert said.

” Can Mave and jaylen Carter stand up? ”
The judge said.

Mave and jaylen quickly did…
“My lord, those two abiding citizen behind me are guilty of what Mr Robert accused them off”
Yeah, they actually attacked Mr Carter’s staff”
They are guilty of that”
Mr August said and mr Carter smile.

Mave and jaylen sat down.
” But..
He continues
“They use a toy gun for the attack, and the attack was to save their friends from a kidnapping attempt, Helen and Liam Payne was trying to do ”

Mr Robert and Mr Carter were surprised,
Helen was also shocked,,
“A toy gun?”
She muttered. Pearl just smile in a corner.

“We have the receipt of the toy gun being bought in a store and also a video clip showing the kidnapping attempt of Jenny taylor and Josephine taylor”

The clerk stood up again and turn on the tv.
She played another video clip as the whole court watched.
? Josephine was seen covered in the mouth and move into the Van while Jenny was making a call.
Jenny was also covered and pushed into the Van.
Helen and Mr Carter men faces was revealed in the video ?

The judge looked at the toy gun receipt in front of him.
“With all evidences provided, another secret has revealed itself,
Mr Carter ordered the kidnapping and the ki||ing of Mr taylor’s two daughters”
Mr August said.

” Objection my lord”
Mr Robert quickly said.
Mr Carter couldn’t believe his eyes.. he was surprised and dumbfounded.

” Objection overulled”
The judge said.
“Continue Mr august”

“If Mr Carter ordered the kidnapping of Jenny and Josephine taylor,, that also proof Mr Carter ki||ed their father years ago,
He is trying to wipe out their generations so no one can claim the scientific work he stole from Mr taylor”
Mr August said.
“And we also found who ki||ed their parents.
Liam Payne was ordered to wipe out the taylor’s family by making it look like an accident and also to ki|| Mr taylor’s brother who is an husband to my client right here ”
But only Mr taylor and his wife died in that accident, their daughters escaped death that night and here they are fighting for their parents”
We have submitted other evidences, my lord and we have a witness that can testify to court all what Mr Carter has done”

Mr Carter looked down in embarrassment,
He couldn’t say a word.

“Is there any words you have to say, defendant?”
The judge asked.

” No, my lord
The antagonist can continue”
Mr Robert replied sadly.
” We have a mole who already released all what we planned”
He whispered to Mr Carter.

” I knew it,, A betrayal is among us…
Mr Carter replied squeezing his hands angrily.
“Don’t make it happen, Robert”
Mrs taylor can’t win this case ”

“I understand, Mr Carter”
He nodded.

The clerk submitted a file to the judge.
“My client’s family did a private investigation, my lord
Mr August continue.
“They find a plate registration number at the scene of the accident and run a check which reveals Mr taylor was the owner of the car that had an accident and surprisedly, we found a strange fingerprints, untampered.
As you can see from the file in front of you, my lord, the prints was analysed at the same crescent research laboratory where Mr Carter heads and Liam Payne was the owner of the prints we found”
Liam Payne caused the accident that night on side lake road”
And who else ordered Liam Payne? Mr Carter, because he works for mostly Mr Carter”

“Objection my lord ”
Mr Robert stood up.

“objection sustained”
The judge said.

“My lord, how will we just assume Liam Payne was the cause of the accident just because his prints were found in the scene.
Another thing might have caused the accident, maybe a brake failure or a car tyre outburst.
We can’t just say Liam Payne caused it just because his prints was found on the scene”
Mr Robert said.

“Then why were his prints found in the scene?
Mr august asked.
“That’s what we should focus on, what did you do that night when the accident happened..
He looked at death.

“Can Liam Payne come into the witness box? ‘
The judge said and wrote something down.

Death stood up and exhales.
He looked at Mr Carter before walking out of the audience space.
Mr Carter gave him an assuring smile.

Death walked into the witness box and was handed a Bible and a quran by the clerk.
“Am a Christian, please”
He said and took the bible.

“Can you swear before the court that what you will say will be the truth and only the truth?”
The clerk asked.

I swear”
He replied and exhales…

“Alright, Liam Payne
Mr August said ready to question him.
” What were you doing that night at the scene when the accident happened? ”

Death looked at Mr Carter.. he was giving him a ” don’t say the truth” look. Death sighs and face Mr August.

“My name is Liam Payne and I have been working for Mr Derick Carter for the past ten years now…
He said sadly ready to confess.
And I caused the accident on side lake road”
He said and Mr Carter drop his head down in disappointment.
“As directed by Mr Carter, I ki||ed Mr taylor’s brother and since then, we have been on the verge to wipe out the whole entire family.

Mr August was surprised by death’s confession.
“Thank you, Liam Payne for saying the whole truth”
He replied.
” I wish the judge will reduce your sentence”

“I think its over, Mr Carter”
We have lost this case”
One of your own had stab you in the back ”
Mr Robert said sadly.

Mave and the others grinned happily, waiting patiently for the judge to say his judgement.
The judge exhales as everyone focus on him waiting for the judgement.

Judge James keep writing something for the next five minutes, the whole court room was quiet waiting in anticipation for the judgement.

“With all evidences checked and confirmed and in due recent charge of the antagonist,
He finally talked.
Mr Derick Carter is hereby guilty of the following charges: Murder charge of Mr and Mrs taylor.
Murder of mark taylor, his brother.
Kidnapping attempt of their daughters, josephine taylor and Juliet/Jenny taylor and abduction of Josephine taylor.
And lastly, Murder of his late wife, Mrs carter.

“Mr Carter might be sentenced to death with all this charges”
Olivia said.

” Maybe but I think Liam might be given the death sentence instead since he ki||ed them directly as instructed by Mr Carter ”
Jenny replied… Olivia just shrugged.

“Helen Jones who was involved in the kidnapping attempt will be sentenced to three years imprisonment or pay a bail fine of ten grands ($10,000)
The judge started his judgement.
Some cops walk to her and get her handcuffed.

Helen placed her hand on her head in regret.

“Liam Payne charged with some charges Mr Carter is guilty of which are the murder of Mr and Mrs taylor and his brother is hereby sentence to…
He paused for a while.
“He is hereby sentence to death with immediate effect after the court trial”
The judge said completing his judgement.

Everyone gasped.
“Omg, he is going to die?”

“Even though he confessed, his sentence was not still reduced”
Jaylen said.

“I guess his punishment is really very big”
Death is really going to go through death”
Noah replied and smile.

” You are really crazy ?,
Mave said hitting Noah in the shoulder.
“And am enjoying how all this are playing out ”

Mr Robert sighs sadly.
“And my final judgement, Mr Derick Carter who used Liam Payne for his atrocities and also murdered his late wife is also sentenced to Life imprisonment without bail or a state pardon”
The judge said and stood up.

” Arise, Court…
The clerk shouted.
Everyone stood up in respect.. Judge James left the court room.

Mr Carter was led out followed by Liam Payne behind him. He saw a gun beside one of the cops and look back to death.
“I will prefer to ki|| you myself than you to die by the law’s hands”
He shouted and managed to get through from the police’s grip, took his gun and shot at death.

But fortunately, death (Liam) saw it coming seeing Mr Carter pulling the gun, he dunked down immediately and the stray bullet met Pearl behind him.

Everyone gasped.
Pearl fell to the ground holding her stomach.
Jenny, Olivia and Josephine quickly rushed to her.
Pearl was bleeding so fast, her hands and stomach were covered in blood.

It’s over for Mr Carter…
Pearl has been shot ? Will she survive?
What do you think about the judge’s judgement…
It serve them right??

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