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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 32~⚕️


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. Chapter title ?(COMPLICATED LIVES )?

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(Bus stop)
“You did what??
Pearl asked surprised.

“Am sorry pearl,,, I didn’t know you would be angry this way”
Helen replied.

“So you told him??
And right now he knows”

“Yes,,, isn’t he supposed to know??”

“He is,,, but not now…
Am still trying to dig more first before telling Mr Carter”
Pearl lied.

“And that’s what I told him,,, you are still investigating it”
You should have ask me for help, Pearl..
Jenny lives in the Dorm where I stays as cover,,, it could be easy for me”

“Well, things have fallen in place already”
Mr Carter already knows so?
She shrugged.
And how did you get your hands on it”

“Death and I came to see you but you weren’t home…
Death was about to go when he noticed a file on your computer desk”
Helen explained.

“Oh Gosh,,,, I shouldn’t have place it there,,,,
Am now regretting I gave you a spare key to my apartment”

“Am sorry
…, c’mon pearl”
Helen apologized.

“It’s fine…
Am okay ”
I don’t know why the bus is taking too long to get here”

“It will soon be here”
Helen smile at her.
“There is no need to hurry home,,, we have all day”

“I just want to lay my head,,, am tired”
Pearl replied.

“How is Noah doing??”
Are you still trying to get his attention?”

“I already did…
I only did it for work,, its not that I really like him”

“Well, give love a chance”
Helen teased him.

“Oh please”

“Jenny taylor??”
That’s her name?”
Mr Carter asked.

“Yes,,, Boss ”
Helen replied and looked at pearl.
Her former name was Juliet taylor before it was changed by her foster parents

“How come I don’t know someone like her existed?”

“Well, I think we have been focusing on Josephine everytime and we couldn’t figure out maybe Josephine sister is alive”
Pearl said.

“Why did you hide this from me, pearl??”
Mr Carter asked.

“Am only trying to dig more information”

Mr Carter sighs and looked at Helen and back at pearl.
“Since when did my son start dating Jenny taylor??”

“A month ago according to my source and he doesn’t know about what we have been doing these days”

“I also don’t want him to know,,, not even my daughter, bella”

“What should we do, Sir??”
Helen asked.

“We have to step up our games,,,
Call me death,,, we have a lot of things to discuss about”

(Monday ? morning)
~Briston college ~
Lecture auditorium.
Everyone was busy writing out what their brains can remember,,,
It’s the second week of the semester exams.

Mave, jaylen, Jenny and Lydia were also seated taking the semester exams.

Mave and jaylen looked at Jenny every two minutes.
Jenny on her own seat was just looking around looking sad and sober,,, she couldn’t write anything…
Her mind was somewhere else,, she wanted to cry but couldn’t so as not to attract attention,,
The invigilator in charge keep roaming round the hall.

“Jenny isn’t writing”
Mave whispered to jaylen.

“I think she isn’t still feeling good about yesterday,,,”
Jaylen replied.

Suddenly, the sound of a dragging seat was heard.
Mave and jaylen look around and saw Jenny stood up.

“Hey,,, is there any problem??”
The invigilator asked.

“No, sir..
Am done with mine
Can I submit now??”

The invigilator saw her empty answer booklet.
“Are you sure you want to submit now??”

Jenny replied and gave it to the invigilator… And then walk out of the hall.

The invigilator was surprised about what just happened.

“I have to find out the truth from my mom”
Jenny muttered as she rushed out of campus and called down a taxi

She quickly get in..
“Where to ma’am??”
The taxi driver asked.

“Maryland street”
Jenny replied.

I see you are from the down town”

Jenny just nodded.
“Can you drive now please??

“She just entered a cab and she is heading east”
Someone said into his micro sound piece..

“Alright,,, stay close”
And don’t lose her,,,,

(Mrs taylor’s home)
Mrs taylor was about to go out when Jenny walked in with a sad face.

“Jenny,, ??
Her mom called with a surprise look.

“What are you doing here??
Don’t you have an exam today?”

“My exams aren’t important than this,, mom…”
Jenny replied.

“Come here,,
Tell me what’s wrong??
Why are you sad?? Did you did something bad at school??”

“Mom.. why did you lie to me??”
She suddenly asked.

Her mom seems confused.
“Lie about what??”

“About my father,,,,
About my parents,,, about my childhood background,, about everything….
I know my friends can’t be lying to me”
Jenny said frustratingly.

“Omg, Jenny calm down…
“What about your father??”
Your father died remember?

“Mom,,, stop pretending…
Who is my real father?”
She asked.

Her mom sighs and look at Jenny’s serious eyes.
She sat down.
“Sit down, Jenny…
She hit a space beside her

“No,,, mom..
I need answers right now”

“Sit Jenny,,,,
Your legs are going to break if you stand to hear the whole story”
Her mom replied..

Jenny calmed herself and sat down beside her.
“Would you believe if I tell you am not your biological mother??”
Mrs taylor said.


(Back at Briston college)
Mave and Jaylen walk out of the auditorium.
“How was it??
Jaylen asked.

“I tried my best,, that’s all I could say”
Mave replied.

“Am just worried for Jenny…
She hasn’t called and speak to me after what happened on Saturday…
And now she left during the exam early and only God knows where she went to”

“I bet she barely wrote something on her answer booklet”

“Where did she went to??”

“Should you be asking me that??
We both saw her leave the hall”

“Never mind,,, it’s a dumb question anyway”
Jaylen said and sighs.

“Hey guys”
Olivia smiles as she waved at mave and Jaylen.

“Hi,, Olivia
Have you seen Jenny around?”

I came over here to see her..
She hasn’t been herself ever since what happened”
Where is she?
Olivia replied.

“We don’t know…
She left the hall before us”
And we are sorry about what happened the other day”
Mave apologized.

“It’s not me you should be apologizing to..
Olivia shrugged.

“Yeah, you are right,,,
“Where do you think Jenny would be??
Apart from school and your dorm?”
Jaylen asked.

(Back at Mrs taylor’s home)
Mrs taylor and Jenny were both in tears.
“Am sorry, Jenny…
I should have let you know everything but i was so confused…
And the way you were pushing to have a career in law, just to bring your dad’s ki||er to book,,,
I don’t know what to do”

“Eversince your dad and your uncle died,,, have been the only one left to take care of you,,,
Your Uncle and I planned to get your sister out of orphanage but he was ki||ed and I couldn’t get her out”

“Why did you leave Josephine in orphanage??”

“Did you meet your sister already?”

“Yes, we already met”
Why did you leave her?”
Jenny got serious with her question.

“Your foster dad and I decided to let her stay to keep her safe,,,
But I don’t know she is out already”
“Is she okay??
Is she doing well?

“Yes,,, she is fine…
“Can I see a picture of my dad and mom? Please?”
Jenny asked.

“Sure,,,, I have an old picture of them
You know I was curious and scared at the same time when you sent me a photo of your actual dad and you asked me is that your dad?”

“Yeah,,, you lied to me and you make me think Jaylen lied to me instead,,,
He showed me a picture of his dad and my dad”

Mr Carter’s son?
Oh my gosh,,, Jenny
Stay away from him,,, stay far away from him please”

“Why mom…

“You have to listen to me or else you will be in danger,,,
I can’t believe this is happening…
How did you know Mr Carter’s son??”

“C’mon mom…
He is my course mate”

“Look, be careful, Jenny…
His father did dirty to this family and once Mr Carter knows you existed, he will come after you”

“Mom,,, jaylen isnt bad like his father,,, he is a good person
He is not who you think he is”

“Are you sure Jaylen is not more than a friend to you??
Are you two dating?”

“What, mom…

“I can sense that from your voice…
Is he your boyfriend?

“Fine,,, Jaylen is my boyfriend but that doesn’t mean anything”

“It mean something, Jenny
He is the son of the man that ki||ed your father”

Can you just trust me?”
Jaylen is a good person”

Her mom sighs.
Alright, fine…
It’s okay,,, I just want you to be safe”
“Let me go in and get the picture of your dad”
Her mom try to smile as she stood up…

She walked inside as Jenny’s phone rang.
Mave was boldly written on the screen.
“Now, it’s not the time, mave”
She muttered and switch off her phone.

She look around the house and smile…
“Have missed being around here”

“Yeah,,, am sure you will miss the house if I sell it”
Mrs taylor walk back to the living room.

“Please, don’t sell it”
Jenny pleaded.

“Am not,,
Am just saying
This house means alot to me”
She replied and smile.
She stretched a picture to her.

This is mom and dad??”
Why didn’t I remember my childhood days?”
She smiles as she stares at the picture.
“Josephine took alot of resemblance from mom”

“Can I meet Josephine??”
Mrs taylor asked.

“Yeah sure,,, you will…
I can’t still believe she is my sister all along”

“That’s because you didn’t remember her or have a memory of her”

“Yeah,,, did I lose my memory or something?”
I only grow up to know you as my mom and I cant even recollect my uncle’s look”.

“You did lose your memory.. maybe from the accident,,,
By miracle, your sister survived the accident leaving your parent and you dead,,,
She was rescued like I told you and we placed her at the orphanage”

“Then, how did I survived??
You just said I was dead…
You didn’t explain that part to me”

Mrs taylor smiles…
“Like, God was on our side, the mortuary attendant felt a pulse and discovered you were still breathing,,
You were brought back to the hospital, and we decided to keep you, giving you a new name, Jennifer”

“What was my old name??”

Juliet taylor”
That was the name given to you by your parent”

Jenny’s mind went back to jaylen’s words.
? Don’t you recognize me Juliet???

“Jaylen is totally right”
She muttered.
“Hrmm.. sorry mom,,
Did I have a past childhood memories with jaylen?”

Her mom sighs.
“Yeah, you did…
You and Jaylen were friends like no other,,
Your mom and jaylen’s mom can explain better than this,,
But I will tell you what I can remember”

Those days, you too can never let go of each other, always have meals together, went to school together,,,
You two acted like young lovers”
“But things have changed now, Jenny ”
She holds Jenny’s hand.

“Jaylen might not be who you think he is…

“Mom,,, jaylen is the guy you have known,,,
He is not like his father,,, and he protects my sister also”

“Look, I just want you to be out of danger now that you know the wholle truth”

“I will be fine mom,, don’t worry”
I have to go now,,,”
She replied as she stood up.

“Come give me a hug before you go”

Jenny gladly hug her…
“Thanks mom for everything,,,

“It’s okay… my daughter”
Her mom patted her back.

~Briston college~
(Lecture auditorium)
“Her phone is switched off,, Jaylen”
Olivia panicked.

Her phone still rang when I called her”
Mave said.

“Hope she is going to be okay ”
Olivia asked.
Jaylen walked in and sat down with them.

“Am not sure about that,,, Jenny is in danger right now”
Jaylen said.

“What do you mean??”
Mave asked.

“Pearl just called me,,,
They are after Jenny right now”
Mr Carter’s men have been trailing her after she left the campus premises”

Olivia gasped.

I don’t even know what to say…
Am Short of words ??

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