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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 3 ~⚕️


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~ Dormitory ~
It was morning already, Racheal and Olivia are back from the night party before morning breaks…
Jenny had a tiring and a sleepless night cos of the Mõ@ɲ noise from the next room and Rachel loud annoying snore.
She pace around her bed uncomfortably blocking her ears with her pillow till day break.
She stood up tiredly from the bed to get ready for today’s class.

Racheal is still snoring really hard on her bed… Jenny pick up her phone and check the time, it was 7:14 in the morning. She dropped her phone and walk to the bathroom.

Jenny walk out of the dormitory in a red sweater,,, it was snowing and the cold is freezing.. She walk slowly to take a public bus to school.
She sat down on the bench waiting for the next bus to drive over.
Someone sat beside her, rubbing his palms together because of the cold.
She look beside her and it was Maverick, the guy from the coffee shop.
She noticed her red hoodie on him.

“Hey, where did you get that??”
Jenny asked suddenly.
Maverick looked at her and screened her from head to toe wondering who this is.

“Am sorry, do I Know you??”
Mave asked.

“You are wearing my red hoodie”
Jenny replied.

Mave look at her face and back at the red sweater she wore.
“I think you are mistaken… You are putting it on already”

“No, this is a sweater, not a hoodie”
Jenny replied.

“Well, this is my hoodie and I bought them, they are many outside, so you can have exactly like mine claiming its yours”
Mave said giving her a suspecting look.

“Am not blind, I definitely recognize my hoodie”

“Alright, give me proof”
Mave said and focus all his attention on her.

“I love red colour and most of my clothes and dress are red in colour”

“That’s not a proof, you can just meet a randomly red dress outside”

I have that hoodie signed by Beyonce, I have to check that too”
Jenny replied.

Nave scoffs,
“You got to be messing with me, how will you just come from nowhere and claim my hoodie”

“Actually, you met me here… So you were the one who actually came from nowhere”
Beyonce autograph is right on that Polo.
“Wait, did you stole my clothes box on the first day I resume.

Mave made a “trying to look innocent” face.
“No, why would I ??
Am not a theif”

And how did you get my hoodie”
Jenny asked staring at her face.

“I bought it”

“Then can you show me the seller??”

The next public bus arrived and stop.
“Hey, lovers… Will you too get in now or you will wait for the next ride??”
The driver shouted at Mave and Jenny staring at each other in the eyes.

They both quit glancing and rushed in.
The driver smile and continue driving… There was only one seat left meaning one have to stand for the rest of the driving journey.

They look at each other and back at the seat… Mave and Jenny didn’t think twice, they both sat down together.
“I got in the bus before you, please kindly stand up”
Mave said.
Other people in the bus are just watching the little scene with smile on their face.

“I got to the park before you, so I sit first”
Jenny replied.
Other students in the bus murmur silently.
? Just, let her sit, she is a lady ?
? ladies first, man… Act like a man?

Those words changed mave’s mind.
He stood up quietly.., “you can have the seat.”
Jenny was surprised and look at him.
“Are you sure??”
She asked.

“Yeah, its not a big deal… I will soon get to school and we have already exhaust almost half of the time arguing and fighting”
Mave replied.

Jenny smile and look at the bus window.

??Back at the dormitory ??
Racheal woke up and stretch her hands forward…
Olivia is already out of bed and preparing for class.
“Oh gosh, I am surely having a hangover”
Racheal said.

“You should do, you drank a lot yesterday”
Olivia replied.

“Yeah, can you make one for me??’
She said touching her forehead.

“As you can see am going for lectures… Make one for yourself”

“And since when did you start going for lectures?? That Jenny of a girl has make you change lately.”.

“Jenny is no way involved in this… I decided to attend classes these past few days…
For you, the only time you visit school is to walk around with Bella”

“Yeah, bella is our friends, ain’t we supposed to move and hang out together”.
Racheal asked.

“Or the main reason is to gain more attention by trailing behind her everytime like a bodyguard”

“You also need to get her dad’s recommendations for you to go to med’s school”
She replied and they both laughed.

“Alright, I will be late, I need to be on my way”
Olivia said leaving Rachael shocked.

“Not only are you attending classes this past few days but you are punctual”
What has Jenny done to you??

“Oh please, leave that freshman alone.. Why do you dislike her so much??’

“I don’t h@ťě her?? I just don’t like her innocent attitude”
Racheal replied.

“Hmmm, I think there is more reason to that,,, It written on your face already,,, you are jealous cos she is more beautiful than you”

Why would… I don’t…

“See?? You are speechless,,,
Just stop the h@ťě on her please”
Olivia said and walk out of the room.

Rachael scoffs,,
“Alright, fine… I h@ťě her,, but it not a crime to h@ťě someone”
Racheal shouted to no one in particular.

The public bus stopped and they both got out of the bus walking at the same direction.
They stopped and look at each other.
“Why are you following me??”
They both said at the same time.

What’s your deal anyway??
I should charge you for theft, for stealing my clothes boxes but I didn’t…
Now you follow me around??
Jenny said in a frustrated manner.

“It’s not stealing, I just took it so,, I need money”
Mave replied.

“You know, you are really funny…
What’s the difference??’
You stole my clothes box.
Please, just leave me alone, I have a class to catch up with”
She said and walk away… Mave stares at her till she is out of sight.

He sighs… “And now she is going my way blaming me for following her around.
He muttered and run to catch up with her.

“You should have just tell me we attend the same class”
Jenny said as they walked into the auditorium.

“Like I also knew you attend pre-law classes”
Mave replied.

The professor is not in class yet, everyone is already seated as auditorium has three empty seat left.
No one can come in after the professor enters, so that makes everyone to come in before the professor arrives except for one student, Jaylen Carter.

There are three seats left in the auditorium… One is stained in glue and two are clean. One of the clean seat is always empty and clean.
No one dare sit on that seat, Jaylen’s seat. The power and authority jaylen Carter has a student of briston college,, no one dares confront him if you don’t want to get expelled. Even a minor offence, once Jaylen can say those command words, that student is gone for good.

He is quiet and doesn’t talk too much but speaks through actions, the only person he rarely talks to is his sister, Bella.

The only embarrassing thing about the Carter family (Bella and Jaylen) is that they had both repeated pre law class more than four times without being on a probation.
A normal poor student will be withdrawn from the first failed pre law class he had.
Mave suddenly caught a weird movement around a seat…
He noticed a glue on the seat.
Bella and one female student were smiling to each other.
“Let’s see how these freshman cope”
Bella muttered.
I can’t wait to see my brother’s reaction.

Jenny walked and sat on Jaylen’s special seat…
Someone noticed it and gasped.
He quickly keep his mouth shut.

Bella smile immediately she sat on Jaylen’s seat.
“Next time, don’t interfere into someone else’s business anymore”

Mave sat besides her, the other clean seat without glue.

“It’s like every students in briston college attend pre law classes”
Mave said.

“Maybe not, Mass communication and the common law students might be taking or borrowing these course.

“Why did you chose law as your Major??
Mave asked.

“Well, my dream was to have a big law firm and find who ki||ed my dad, solve the case and bring the murderer to Justice,,, but my mom want me to change my major to a lecturing job, become a prefessor”

“So you chose a law major just to crack a murder case of your dad that has happened years ago??”

“Yeah, if you put it that way… And I will be surprised that a petty thief like you also want to major in law”
Jenny said.

“Please, don’t call me that… Am not a thief”

“Yes you are,,,,

“Alright, fine.. maybe… I only steal just to find more money for my tuition,,, I have work my @zz off day and night to generate my tuition fee.
I work at the coffee shop,, taking my friend’s shift and getting exhausted at the end of the day”
And moreover, I have to pass my pre law classes before I can major in law or else I will be on probation”

“Well, I would say don’t waste this opportunity”
Jenny replied.

“And same goes to you,,,
Mave said..
The professor came in and every noise in the auditorium died down.
Professor look around seeing no sign of jaylen.. he breathe a sigh of relief.

“Morning, everyone.. welcome to the first pre law class,,, if you are sure you can’t handle this class, you can leave early now before it’s too late”
The prefessor said.
No one said a word or leave the class, everywhere became silent.

“Okay?? Then
Let’s continue”
He said and Jaylen walked into the class almost immediately…
He was on white dress all through and dyed his hair white, wore a milk colour palm and a silver neckchain.
He look at the professor and place his hands in his pocket.

“Morning, Mr Jaylen”
The prefessor greeted… Jaylen wave his hand as a sigh of respect and the professor bow a little.
He look at his seat, someone is sitting on it. The whole class noticed that and all turned to mave and Jenny.

“What’s going on?? Why is everyone staring at us??”
Mave asked.

Everyone gasped.
? Oh $h|t, she is in deep trouble
?She is already out of this school??
? What gut does she have??
Many students began to murmur.
?I guess they are unaware of Jaylen Carter rules.

Bella keeps smiling.
Jaylen walked slowly to mave and Jenny.
The professor gulp down saliva in fear.
Mave and Jenny looked at Jaylen with an innocent face.

What is jaylen going to do??
What can you say about Mave and Jenny??

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