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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 25 ~⚕️


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. Chapter title ?(JOSEPHINE MET MR CARTER )?

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(Back at the Dorm)
Alright,,, I brought some things for you guys,, they are in the back of the car”…

Jenny smile.
“I will go get them”
Olivia said and stood up.

Mrs taylor handed her her car keys.
Olivia left the room giving them privacy.

Jenny stare at her mom.
Her mom caresses her cheeks.
“Gosh,,, you have grown so much…
What’s making you glow??”

Jenny smile.
“Let’s just say happiness keeps me glowing”

“Is there a guy you are hiding I should know about??”
Her mom asked.

“No mom,,

“Hmm,,, your face is giving me a different answers”
Are you dating someone now?

“Mom,, can I tell you about this some other time??”

I understand if you are not ready to talk about it”
I will patiently wait”

“Yeah,,, and I meant to ask you a question”
Jenny said.

“And what’s that??”

“How did my father died??
She asked and Mrs taylor’s face changed.

Mrs taylor keep quiet for some minutes.
“Answer me mom…
Don’t I deserve to know??”
Jenny asked.

Her mom sighed and look at Jenny in her eyes.
“You are 22,, so you need to know…
You deserve to know”

“Then tell me mom…
How did my dad died?”

She breath out and begin.
“You were little when your dad was shot…
Your Uncle was also murdered by his colleague and when your dad was trying to take revenge for his brother,,, your uncle’s colleague’s men shot him right at our house before we moved again.”

“That’s sad,,, why was my Uncle ki||ed??”

“Your Uncle and his friend had business together but his friend betrayed him and claim the money and fame from the business”

“Then why has nothing been done till now??”
Jenny asked.

“Because we have no power Jenny,,,
Mrs taylor said almost shedding tears
“Anyone who brings up the case or was involved during the case get ki||ed”

“So that’s the reason you don’t want me to go into law??

“Yes,. Jenny
Am trying to protect you,,, I knew you would want to find more about your dad”
I guess fate can’t be altered”

“Mom,,, we must do something,,
Dad can’t just die in vain??
Jenny replied and burst into tears… Her mom hugged her.

“Let just let go,,, have lost enough people in the family and I didn’t want to lose more people”
Her mom said as she pat her back,, Jenny sob quietly.

(Monday morning ?)
~briston college~
Noah and jaylen came out from the range Rover as the driver drove off.

Noah groaned.
“How I wish today can be another weekend and I could go back home and have a nap”

Jaylen smile.
“You have always been lazy all your life,,,
Can we please get to class quick??”
Jaylen replied as they increase their pace.

Noah sighted Jenny and Mave from a distance.
“Jenny and Mave are over there”
Noah said.


“Over there”
Noah replied pointing to the flowers behind the administration block.
Should we rush over to them??”

“No,, we will meet in class
He replied as he stares at Jenny
“What’s wrong with Jenny??
She seems sad”

“Then, should we catch up with them and ask??
I don’t understand how on earth you expect me to know that”
Noah replied.

“Hey Noah”
They both heard pearl’s voice behind them.

“And what are you doing here??
Jaylen asked as they both look back.

I school here in Briston college”
Pearl replied.

“How are you doing pearl??
Noah asked and smile.
“Thanks for the other day”

“I know you guys will enjoy my meal”
Pearl replied.

“Alright, let me excuse you guys,,,
I need to catch up with Jenny”
Jaylen said and walk away.

Pearl watch him walk away.
“Who is Jenny??
Pearl asked facing Noah.

“That’s jaylen’s girlfriend”
Noah replied.

She seems….
Jaylen walk up to Mave and Jenny.
Jaylen called and they stopped.

Jenny smile on seeing him and walk over to him.

Jaylen spread out his arms as Jenny hugged him.
“You don’t look happy today,,
What’s wrong??”
Jaylen asked as he caress her back.

“How do you know about that??
Mave just watch the two of them.

“I can feel your mood,,
You look sad”

“Please can you two stop hugging and let’s head to class??
The morning lecture will start soon”
Mave said.

They both smile and hold each other hands.
“After the exams,, we will go on a little vacation to relieve our stress”
Jaylen said.

“I would love that,,, just the two of us”
Jenny replied and smile.

“Can I come with you guys??”
Mave asked.

They said at the same time.
“Go and spend time with Josephine”
Jaylen replied.

“Josephine and I are not together ”
He shrugged.

“Then make it so you two can be together”
Jaylen also shrugged and walk away with Jenny.

“This is crazy”
He muttered and wanted to catch up with them when his eyes caught Noah with a female student.

“Wow,,, so everyone is with his girl now…

Mr Carter zoom Josephine’s picture on his Mac book.
“Are you sure she is taylor’s daughter??”

“Yes, boss…
I can prove it”

I will see to this,,,
But the DNA prove this wrong”

“I think we should rerun the DNA test, Mr Carter”
..Josephine is definitely one of Mr Taylor’s daughter”

“Alright, let’s see about that,,,
How is my spy doing??
Any information from her yet??”

“No yet, Boss
I will have a discussion with her before the end of today”

“Update me about that in the evening,, bring me Mr James right now”
He said.
The man quickly bowed and rushed out.

“I knew she will definitely come out of the orphanage”
But someone is protecting her from the outside”
I can’t just figure out who that is”
Can it be Mr james,,, ??he is the one in charge of the lab testing.

A knock knock came on the door.
“Come in Mr James”
Mr Carter said.

” Yes, Mr Carter…
You called for me,, you could have use the telecom”.

“I purposely didn’t use it,,, I want this meeting to be a secret”

“Sir,,, is there something I can help you with??
I already transfered every vaccines the research laboratory needs”

“No,,, it’s not about that,,, I want to discuss something else with you”
Mr Carter replied.
“You can take a seat”

Mr James quickly sat down.
Mt Carter stares at him for a while giving him a suspicious look.

“Do you know Josephine taylor??
Mr Carter suddenly asked.

Mr James heart skip a beat,, he decide to play innocent.

He sharply replied.

Mr Carter look surprised.
“Can he be the one who has been protecting her all this while??”
He thought for a while and became scared his secret is bent on being exposed.

“How on earth did you know her??
He asked.

Mr James put a confused look.
“Why won’t I know her??
Her DNA sample on brought for lab testing and her name was written boldly on the laboratory sample records”
He replied.

Mr Carter heave a sigh of relief.
“This man must know how to play games”
He thought.

“Is there something about her I should know??”
Mr James asked.

“No, no
not at all”
Just want to know much about her”
He replied.

Mr James stares at him and smile.
“The meeting we have with the board of directors is scheduled to hold today”

“Yeah, I know that, Mr James,, just make sure everything is in place,,, and I think am going to pay a visit to Josephine today before the meeting,,,
I will like to meet you”
Carter replied.

Mr James just shrugged.
“I would like to be on my way now, sir”
James said and stood up,,, before walking out.

As soon as Mr James left,,, Mr Carter place his phone to his ear.
“Watch him closely and monitor his movement till 12am today”
He muttered.
Mr James rushed out of the office in fear.

“That was close,,, he almost find out”
“Oh gosh,,, I need to call jaylen right now”
He thought as he walk back to his own office… He brought out his phone and noticed a movement behind him.

“I think I should text him instead”
He thought again and text jaylen.


Someone keep trailing behind him.

(Briston college)
~Lecture auditorium~
“And that will be the end of today’s class,,,
We meet next week Tuesday”
The female lecturer said as everyone stood up,,, vacating the auditorium.

“And also,,, the group assignment must be done and submit in five days, examinations are in less than a week,,,
Find your group members”
The lecturer added.

Some didn’t bother listening as they already ran off..
“Ahh, finally…
We are done for a while and now we can take a rest”
Jaylen said and stretch out his arms.

“Was the class boring to you??”
Jenny asked.

“Really boring,,, I was already dozing off”

“Well,,, have a little nap now,, we have another class by 4pm”.
She said.

“And then what are you going to be doing??

Jenny smile.
“Watch you sleep”
“No,, we are taking the nap together”

“Am not taking a nap,,,
Let’s go to the cafeteria,, am really hungry”
Jenny suggested.

“Now that you mentioned cafeteria,,, I think am hungry”
He replied and they both laughed.

Mave saw them standing up…
“Huhm,,, where are you guys going??”
Mave asked.

“You can come with us to the cafeteria if you want to”
Jaylen said and Mave smile.

“Sure,,, why not??
I can’t find Lydia and am bored,, so let’s go”
Mave took his bag and stood up also

?? Coffee Bay ??
“How I wish mave is also working shift with me”
Josephine thought as she attend to customers.

“Please, two cups of lattee at table six”
A customer said waving at Josephine.

Josephine groaned and sighed… She adjusted her apron.
“Cups of lattee coming right up”
She fake out a smile at the customer.

She quickly take his order..
“Am going to hire an helping hand soon,,, don’t worry”
The coffee Bay’s Manager said and smile at Josephine.

“Please,,, I would appreciate that,, Manager James”
She replied.

Manager James smile and walk to the locker room.
“Two cups of tea and cheeseburger at table four please”
A customer said raising up his hand.

Josephine look and saw a man in suit and tie seated on one of the empty seat.

“This man is alone….
Why two cups of tea??”
She thought for a while.

She quickly take the order and walk to the table.
She placed the two cup of tea and the cheeseburger on the table.

“You can have your seat, Josephine”
Mr Carter said and smile…

Josephine looked at him for a while
“Please, sir
How did you get to know my name??”

“Can you have a seat first??
Let’s have a chat”
Or maybe we should have a talk outside”

“No, I can’t… I have to get back to work,, my boss will really be angry if I leave during work ”
She replied.

“I already talk to your boss to lend you for some minutes ”
He said and manager James smile and wave at Josephine.
“So should we take some fresh air outside??

“I think am fine with being here”
Josephine said and quickly sat down.
“He must be a powerful man for buying my boss”
She thought.

“I order some cheeseburger for you,,, eat up”

“Who are you??
Josephine suddenly asked.

“Am Mr Carter,, and am your……

(Back at the cafeteria)
Mave, jaylen and Jenny all sat down as they ate lunch.
Lydia later came and join them.
They all burst into laughter….

“It not my fault,,, may it’s fate”
Lydia said and smile.

“I would believe it’s fate,,, for you guys to be paired again for the group assignment,,
You guys are meant to be together”
Jenny replied.

“I don’t believe that,,, someone is behind it,,, how come we are being grouped together again”
Mave also said and look at jaylen

“I have no hands in this,,, I know nothing about this please,,,
It’s might be a coincidence”
Jaylen replied.

“What about you guys??
Who are you grouped with??”

“We haven’t checked yet”
Jenny and jaylen said at the same time.

Jaylen’s phone suddenly vibrates.
“Gosh,,, not again”
Jaylen muttered and brought out his phone.

“A message from Mr James??
He thought and opened the message.

30 mins ago. Unread

He read Mr James message.
“Huhm guys,,, I need to use the restroom,, I will be right back”

“Alright, don’t take too long”
Mave replied.

Jaylen quickly stood up and walk out of the cafeteria.
He quickly place a call.

“Right now”
He said into the phone and continue walking.

“The coffee Bay is ten minutes away from here,, I need to run fast..”
He muttered as he walks.

What can my dad be up to??”
He thought as a car drives and stop in front of him…
He quickly get in and the car drove off.

The car stopped in front of the coffee Bay,, Jaylen quickly get out of the car and rushed inside the coffee shop…
He look around and saw Josephine sitting in a corner sobbing and shedding tears.

“Oh f-__-k,,, am too late”
He said and sighed…

Mr Carter met Josephine…

Who do you think the spy is??
A DNA re run????

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