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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 17 ~⚕️

.(Like before reading)

. Chapter title ?(project presentation)?

Read more …

?? Jenny’s dorm ??
You are going to bring those cameras and we will film a fake scene,,, you having segz with me”
Jenny said.

“And how are we going to do that??”
Olivia asked

“We will use pornographic,, edit the face into my face and jaylen’s face”
Jenny replied.

“Wait,, so you are saying,, we should photo$h00t a pornographic scenes into yours and mine??,
Are we still not helping bella to achieve her aims??”
Jaylen asked..

“Yes,,, we are,, but the rape doesn’t happen between us ”
Jenny replied.

“Then, what will people say??
Jaylen Carter rape a student”?? It’s going to ruin his fame.
Olivia asked.

“Oh gosh, I thought you guys can think outside the box..
Jenny said.

Jaylen stares at her for a while and smile…
“Now, I understand you, Jenny”

Olivia still look at her confusedly.
“Please, explain to me,, don’t put me in the dark”
Olivia said.

Jaylen face her.
“We all know Bella main aim was to get me to sleep with Jenny knowing fully well that if the rape news got outside,, no one will believe it cos people think Jenny and I are somehow dating…
So her main plan was to teach Jenny a lesson by getting me to have segz with her”

Olivia thought for a while and gasped.
“Oh,,,, now I see that
That was obvious and I couldn’t think of that”
Olivia said.

“Just admit am Smart”
Jenny replied and smile.

“Oh gosh, It already late,,, I need to be on my way now”
I can’t believe we’ve been talking for hours now”
Jaylen said and stood up.

“Thanks for telling me about this ”
Jenny replied.
“I guess we are cool now”

Jaylen chuckles…
“See you in school tomorrow, Jenny
Bye Olivia”
He smile and walked out.

“Next time, inform us when you are coming”
Jenny shouted for him to hear

“I will”
He replied.

Olivia sighed as jaylen walk out.
“I will really be angry with you if you guys don’t end up together ”

Jenny just shrugged.

“How I wish I have someone like jaylen””
Olivia said folding her arms.

“Don’t dream too much,,
Jenny replied and collapse on her bed.

“What do you mean?? I can’t have a guy like jaylen??
Olivia asked.

(The next morning ?)
~Coffee shop~
Mave hold his waist as last night’s warm hug flash into his memory again for the fifth time.

He sighed and rub his hairs.
“It was a dream,,, it didn’t happen”
He said to himself hitting his head.

“I like you, Mave,, I know you like someone else, but I can’t hide my feelings for you anymore”
Her words recall back to his memory.

Someone shouted at him.

Mave jolt back to reality.
Mr james look at him.
“Are you sure you are okay??
He asked.

“Yeah,,, am fine.

Mr james gaze at him again…
“Josephine hasn’t resumed yet,,, customers are coming in and will soon take orders, you can help her with that”

Mave said as Mr James walk away.

“Oh gosh,,
He sighed and clean his face with his palm.

“This is the first time a lady should profess love to me”
He smile and wanted to walk out of the locker room when Josephine entered.
He startled back in fear..

Josephine smile at him and wave her hand.
“Morning, Mave…
Did you get home safely yesterday??”

“Hrrmm,, ye — ah,, I I do
He stutters a bit.

“Are you okay??”
Josephine asked.


Josephine just smile and walk away..
“Oh gosh,,
Mave sighed and stare at Josephine.
“Why is she even looking beautiful these morning??”

“I just have to endure this till my shift end,, and go to class”
He thought.

~Presentation day~
(Briston college)
Every students sat down in the auditorium in anticipation for their turn.
Two female students were already up on stage presenting their projects.
The professor keep listening as he writes something down on his tablet.

Everyone sat down with their project partners deliberating on their project work.

Jaylen and Jenny sat down together,,, going through and preparing their project presentation.

Mave and Lydia were also not left out,,,.
“Your sister is not in class”
Jenny noticed.

“That’s her business,,, there is no need for her to come to this class cos she is still going to get her full score”

Jenny just smile.
“Well, you didn’t”

Jaylen look at her.
“Should I do that now??
We can both get the full score”

“No,,, let’s get our deserved score instead,, and present like other student”..
Jenny replied.

The auditorium roared in claps…
Jaylen and Jenny look around,,,, Jenny smiles as she saw Mave and Lydia moving to the stage.

Jaylen groans and brought out his phone…
“Am bored”
He muttered.

“You are bored because it’s Mave’s turn…
I don’t want you two to h@ťě each other”

“I don’t h@ťě him…
Why would I??”

Jenny gaze at him giving him a wierd look.
“Am serious,, I don’t”
He replied and continue working on his phone.

The whole class clapped as mave and Lydia take a bow…
“Alright, back to your seat, you two”
The professor said and they walk back to their seat.

“Alright, next up…
Jaylen Carter and Jenny Taylor”

Everyone stares at them..
“Jaylen,, it’s our turn”
Jenny tapped him…

Jaylen quickly drop his phone and stood up…
Everyone began to murmur.
?I thought he is not presenting
?What has gone into him?? He isn’t like this before

Jaylen and Jenny both walk to the podium.
“Good morning, my fellow students, I am Jenny…

“Skip the introduction and just start”
The professor interrupt her.

Jaylen looked at him…
He quickly apologized.

“Alright, my partner and I look into a murder case that happened years ago..
Jenny said.

“About a businessman who partnered with a scientist,,,
They accomplish their aim but the scientist was ki||ed by the businessman and inherited his work”
Jaylen continued.

“A Court case was filed later on and the businessman won the case,,,
Injustice prevail”
The case have been like that till date”

“Months later,, the scientist brother was ki||ed to keep their secret safe which no one knows about”

“And how was the case solved??”
The professor asked as he scan through their report.
“Was the secret exposed and the businessman brought to book??

“No,,, with our reserches, nothing has been done till date”
Jenny replied.
“That’s the end of our project”

The professor just nodded as everyone clapped once again.

? Their project is short,,

? am sure they will get a low score

?Jaylen is the school himself, he can’t fail
Every students began to murmur again,,

They both went back to their seats.
Mave quickly walked to them.
“Hi guys”
He smile at Jenny.
Jaylen gave him an h@ťěful look.

Mave sighs and face him.
“Am sorry about the other day,, it wasn’t intentional”
Mave apologized.

“If you are apologizing because I shouldn’t expel you,, it’s too late,,
I already sent your name to the boards”
Jaylen quickly said.

Jenny look at both of them.
I thought you are kind hearted,, why would you do that to me??”

“And why did you punch me in the face”

Jenny made a fake laugh…
“He is joking, mave… Don’t mind what he said”
Jenny said playfully hitting jaylen’s chest.

“Am not joking,, Jenny
I already sent his name,,, he will receive his expulsion letter before tomorrow morning”
Jaylen replied.

“You and I know that’s not true,,”
Jenny replied,,, mave became scared.

“Hey jaylen”
Naoh waved as he walk into the class…
The professor already left.

Jaylen smile as he saw him.
He called as Noah walk to him.

“Why are you late??”
I wanted to see you about something”
Jaylen said and smile.

“Am sorry,,, I had to deliver the name you gave me to the administrator for an expulsion
Who is he anyway??”
Noah asked…

Jenny looked at Noah…
Mave became more scared.

I told you I wasn’t joking”
Jaylen replied..

“Please jaylen…
Don’t do this to me,, please”
Mave said and wanted to cry.

“Oh,, he is..
Noah asked pointing at mave.

“I will see you later, Mave..
Jenny and I need to talk to Noah”
He replied and hold Jenny’s hands as they walk away leaving the scared mave behind.

“You are expelling me and you are taking my best friend away??
He sighed putting his both hands on his waist.

He walk back to his seat and sat down…
“Jaylen is really something else…
Did he really do that??”
He is not that wicked”
He hissed and folds his arms….
Seconds later, his mind went to Josephine again..

“Oh gosh, I need to see Olivia”
He thought as Lydia walk to her.

“Hi,,, Mave…”
Lydia smile at him.
“I think we are going to get a good score,, we really did well in the project”

“Yeah,, I think so”
He said still feeling uncomfortable.

Lydia noticed it.
“Are you okay??
You look stressed out?

“Yeah yeah,, am fine”
He replied…
“Am about to get expelled” he thought again.
Mave saw Olivia walk into the class looking for Jenny,,
She scan around the whole class but couldn’t find her,,she quickly rushed again..

Mave quickly stood up and walk to Catch up with her..
“Mave, where are you going??”
Lydia asked.
Mave didn’t reply as he walk towards Olivia.

?? Briston college campus ??
Olivia wanted to walk into the public bus when she heard her name being called from a distance.
“Oh gosh, that’s Mave”
She smile happily and quickly got down from the bus.

Mave walk to her breathing heavily..
“Oh gosh,,, I was calling your name for some minutes now but you didn’t hear me”

“Am sorry,, do you want to see me??
She asked.

Wanted to discuss something with you”
He replied.

“And what’s that??”
Olivia asked with a curious look.
Did he want to confess to me??
She thought.
“Why would I even think that way”??

“It’s about Josephine…
She wants to have a word with you”

Olivia muttered disappointedly.
“I actually wanted to see her,, and it’s about Juliet”

“Okay,,, that’s nice…
“Can you two meet at the coffee shop??”
Mave asked.

“Yeah sure,,
Will love to meet her,,”
Maybe this evening”
Olivia replied and smile.

See you later then”
Mave replied and walk away…

Olivia thought within herself…
“It is now or never”
This is my Chance to confess to him”

She wanted to mutter “wait” but she reframed herself..
She sighed as mave walk out of sight.

(School hall Way)
“What’s going on??
Why are you guys holding me this way”
Noah asked suspiciously.

“We need your help”
Jenny replied as they got to the restroom.

“And what’s that??
Can’t we talk about it in class??”

“No,, it’s about Bella’s plan”
Jaylen said.

“Omg ?,,, did you rape her??”
Noah shouted looking at Jenny…

Jaylen quickly covered his mouth…
“Learn to keep your mouth shut, Noah…
I didn’t rape her”

Noah looked at Jenny…
“He didn’t touch me”
Jenny replied assuring her.

“Then what do you need my help for??”
Noah asked.

“Do you know the camera we saw in my room.??
The one bella planted at the corner of my room”?

What about it??”

“We need it to $h00t a fake rape scene,, I know you are good in computers and tech but you need to help us”
Jaylen pleaded.

“Ofcourse, i will,, you are my friend,,
I will do that for you”
Noah replied and Jenny smile.
“So you told her everything??”

“Yeah, she knows bella’s plan now,,,”

“Isn’t that awkward??
Discussing a rape scene with someone you initially or intend to rape”

“Please can we just stop talking about this rape stuff??
Just get to work and help us”
Jenny replied.

“Alright,,, will do that,, but I will need you guys for the scene”


You guys have to act it”

“I thought you just going to use someone else and edit our faces into it”
Jenny asked.

“Then bella is going to find out it’s a fake video,,
Do you want that??”

When should we do that??”
Jaylen said.

“At your place this evening,, I will bring my work stuffs with me”
Noah replied.

“Alright fine,,,
This evening then”
Jaylen replied.

I need to get to class now”
See you around”
Noah said and walk out leaving both Jenny and jaylen behind.

Jenny and jaylen look at each other for a second.
“Let’s get back to class also”
Jaylen said and wanted to walk out when Jenny hold him back.

“What secret are you not telling me??
Jenny suddenly asked.

“What secret?
Jaylen asked back.

“The secret that couldn’t be exposed and that same secret that bella is using to thr_@ten you I want to know it”
Jenny asked again with a serious face…. Jaylen released his hands from her grip.

“I didn’t say anything about secret”
Jaylen replied trying to look innocent.

Jenny gave him a ki||ing look.

“Alright, fine
I will tell you,, even though you might not understand it cos you don’t remember yourself as Juliet.

“I am not Juliet,, am Jenny”
And what’s the secret,, I will like to know”
Jenny replied…
Jaylen walk more closer to her and hold her hands.

“Do you really want to know??”
Jaylen asked and stare at her eyeballs…

What could be the secret???
Olivia also want to confess ??oya nah
Jenny and jaylen acting a fake porn scene..

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