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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?⚜️(Blood and betrayal)⚜️♈

?Written by✍️
®️ Richie Ayomide™️
⚕️ ~ CHAPTER 14 ~⚕️

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Are you out of your mind??
Carter’s wife shouted at him.

“We can run away together, Kate…
Think about this”
Mr Carter said placing his hands on his wife’s shoulders.

“After you rape Mr Taylor’s wife and now you are bent on ki||ing him also”
Are you this cruel??”

Mr Carter kept quiet for a while.
“Do you think I won’t find out,, the night you went out late,,
You went over to his home and rape his wife”
Kate said and remove his hands from her shoulder.
She look at him for a second and walk away.

“So what are you going to do now??
Are going to tell him??”

His wife stopped.
“You are a bad friend to mr Taylor and, I regret getting married to you,, regret having jaylen and bella with you”
Am going to expose your secret to him if you still want to carry out your wicked plans…
His wife shouted at him angrily..
How do you live so peacefully Aiden??
Why would you think of ki||ing Mr Taylor and inheriting his work??

“I thought wives support their husbands… Why ain’t you supporting me?? Kate,, we will be strong together”

“I can’t and I won’t if I can…
She replied and walk away.

Mr Carter sighed…
“It’s seems she is not on my side”
He muttered sadly.

Mr Carter parked in the garage as he stepped out of the car with little jaylen and Bella.
“Alright, kids…
Go in and drop your bags in the bedroom, freshen up and come to the living room for dinner”
He said…
Jaylen and bella smile happily…
Bella run ahead of jaylen quickly into the house…
She walked in and tripped on her feet…

She stood up and screamed seeing her dead mom on the floor with blood all over the place…

“Dad, bella is shouting”
Jaylen muttered innocently.

“Com’n … Let’s go inside”
Mr Carter quickly carried little jaylen on his arms and rushed inside.

They both saw their mom on the ground with her pool of blood with bella lying beside her.

“Mom is not talking to me”
Bella cried out.

Mr Carter quickly walk to his wife and carried her in his arms.
He called.
He place his index finger on her neck to feel her pulse but felt nothing.

Mr Carter cried out.
??Flashbacks ends ??

?~present Day~?
Bella, Jaylen and Mr Carter all wearing blacks stood in front of a tiled grave with “Kate Carter (Died on June 2000)” incripted on it.

Mr Carter’s guards stands outside the cemetery gates watching and looking around.

“Mom,, today is your 15th anniversary… We have come again to pay you a visit”
Jaylen said with teary eyes.

“I miss you mom,,, I wish you could come back to us”
Bella also said and drop her flowers…
Jaylen dropped his and burst into tears again.. He sat down on the grave and cried on his arms.

Mr Carter sighed sadly.
“Kids, it’s time to go home”…
Bella help your brother up and let’s go”

“Okay dad”
She replied…
Mr Carter signal the guards to prepare the car and walk away.

Bella sat down with him and console him on his back.
“Why are you still crying?? Jaylen…
Mom is gone a long time ago,,,

“I remembered her today,,, am wondering how life has been without our mom”

“She is gone forever,,
We just have to accept fate and I knew she will be smiling at us right now,,”

“Why would she do that??”
Jaylen asked cleaning her tears.

“You mean the smile??
She asked.

Jaylen nodded…
“She would smile joyfully at us because she have us to remember her every year,, and we live happily now without her”

“Am waiting”
Mr Carter shouted from outside the cemetery gates interrupting them.

“Alright, let’s get back to the car… I think dad need to go somewhere”
Bella said and stood up before helping him up.

“Thanks, and once we get home, I need rest, so I can prepare for school tomorrow”
He replied as they walk towards the gates.
Bella smile.

“Alright, I will give you space you need with no disturbance but don’t forget our plans,,,,,

“I cant do that,,, you don’t expect me to do that, Bella”
Jaylen said.

“You will ”
Bella smile.

“I will not…

“You will..

“I will not ..

“You will”””
They keep saying that to each other till they enter the vehicle.

~Briston college~
Josephine and Mave both get down from the public bus.
“Another day to get over with”
She muttered.

“I hear that clearly, Josephine…
Mave said and smile.
“What’s wrong??”

“Nothing, just another boring day again without you, your classes has taken most of your time”
J replied as they walk into the school campus.

“Well, don’t worry… by next year when you gain admission,,, you will know what it’s feels like”

“Am not sure about that yet,,, the money I make from the coffee shop isn’t enough to cover my tuition fee”

“Just take financial aid instead like me”

“I don’t want to be a debtor all my life”
Josephine smile..

Someone called behind them.

Mave looked back and smile.
He muttered.
“Finally you will meet her”
Mave said and smile.

“The Jenny you told me about??”
She asked.


Jenny walk and hurry to them.
“Morning, Mave”
She smile and look at Josephine beside him.

“Jenny, this is Josephine,… My friend I told you about”
Mave said.

“Actually, mave… We have already met”
Josephine replied and folded her arms.

“So you are Josephine??
The fool who hit me and make me fall to the ground the other day??
Jenny said.

Mave looked at Jenny and back at Josephine.
“I guess you two met on a bad terms”

“And what gut do you have to call me a fool??”
I didn’t even hit you, We both hit each other unknowingly,,
Josephine said and face Jenny.

“So it’s you afterall, it’s you who is trying to take him away from me??”
Jenny said.

“Mave is mine,
You can’t have him”.
Josephine said back at her.

Let’s see then, let see who have him”
Jenny replied.

Mave saw the conversation is getting heated ,, he quickly came to their middle before they start pulling each other hairs.

“J,,, I think you should get going,,, you will be late for work”
Mave said and turn to Jenny…
She grab Jenny’s hands.
“Let’s go to class”
He holds her hands and walk away..

“I will see you after work, Josephine”
He said and they both walk away.

After they have walk a distance and Josephine was already out of sight,,,Mave pull her to his front…
“What’s wrong with you??’

“Ask your friend instead,,, she needs to apologize to me for the other day”

So you don’t forget things??”
I will be in class”
I cant whistand your drama this morning”
Mave said and scoffs before walking into the lecture auditorium.

Jenny called and rush to him.

(Jaylen’s apartment)
“Wait, jaylen…”
Bella said as she rush down the stairs running after sad jaylen.
“What do you want from me??
Jaylen stopped and shout back at her taking bella by surprise.

Bella scoffs.
“So you dare raise your voice at me??
She asked.

“I didn’t mean to…
He said with a sad face….
Am sorry,,, you just keep getting on my nerves and it’s annoying”

“If you had done what I told you to do,,, I wouldn’t have disturb you”

“I can’t rape Jenny,,,
Don’t it sounds absurd??
Am saying this again leave Jenny alone”
He said and walk away…. He stopped again and face her.

“If you have me do what you said,,, what’s your gain??
Why are you doing this??”

“You will find out later,,, just have segz with her and leave the rest to me”
Bella said and folded her arms.

Jaylen stare at her.
“Do you want to record the rape scene on a tape and use it against me or her??
What do you want exactly??”

“Jaylen,,, if you don’t,, am going to tell the secret you are hiding to dad”
She said and brought out a diary behind her.

Jaylen burst into laughter.
“What does my diary have to do with this??”
He asked.

Bella chuckles.
“I won’t talk much…
You can have your diary”
She said and toss it at him.

“What are you doing??”
He asked suspiciously.

“On page 60, in your diary…
There is something that talk about this”
She said and brought out her phone… She showed him a picture ( a picture of a written note)
Dad must not find out about this, if he does, you are dead”

Jaylen’s mood changed.
“How did you get that??”
He said like someone that is about to cry.

“I snapped it from your diary,, I already make copies also,, so it will be very hard for you to erase them”
Bella smile and laughed.

“Why are you doing this to me?? Bella
Why are you so wicked??”

“Do as I say, brother or this will get to dad”
She replied and walk away.

Jaylen sighed and wanted to cry…
“Dad can’t find out just yet,, we will all be in trouble if he does..
I need to protect this secret in any way.
He thought.

“And if that only means is to have segz with Jenny,, then so be it,,
I just need to get close to her again”
He said within himself and sighed.

Briston college
~lecture auditorium~
Jaylen sat down still thinking of what to do…
He kept sighing and breathing out as he move his head from left to right feeling uncomfortable and worried.

Mave and Jenny sat at the back seat chit chatting.
Jaylen’s caught Jenny attention.

“Hrm, mave… I think that’s Jaylen over there”
She said.


“I need to go see him”…
Jenny said and stood up.

Mave quickly hold her hands.
“Didn’t he told you to your bare face that he doesn’t want to see you anymore??
And you two can longer be friends?
He already cut ties with you remember??

“Yes, I know… But I need to know what’s wrong with him right now”
She replied and release herself from his grip.
“I will be right back”.

She walk and sat a seat a bit far away (four seat between) from Jaylen’s seat. She stares at him as he was lost in thought.

“What could be happening to him??
Why did he acted that way towards me?? Why is he pushing me away??
Jenny keep thinking.
“Oh gosh, there are different things running on my mind right now and I have no single answer for just one”

She stood up from her initial seat and walk to him…
She smiles at him and sat beside him.
“What do you want?? Jenny”
He asked.

“I came to see how you are doing??”
She replied.
Jaylen look up to her face for a second and smiles.

“As you can see am doing okay…
Alright?? So you can take your leave now”

“No, am not believing that,,, your worried look doesn’t make you okay,,,
Tell me, what’s bothering you, jaylen…
Am still your friend”

“Let’s me ask you a question first”

“And what’s that??

“If you were asked to do something bad?? Will you??

“No, why would I??

“What if your hands are tied?? If you don’t, your precious secret will be exposed and could put you and someone in danger
Will you still do that??”

Jenny keep quietly for a while.

You can’t answer that question..
That’s what is bothering me right now”

“Just do it,,, if it’s going to save a soul and keep your secret safe,,then do it”
Jenny said and hold jaylen’s hands.

“I should??”

Can I still be your friend?? I really miss your company”

“You are more than a friend to me, Jenny…
Am sorry I said those hurtful Words to you the other day,,,(Still holding each other hands)
I was….

“Ssshhhh, that’s enough
I heard you”
She cut him in.

“Why don’t you want to date me??”
Jaylen suddenly asked.

“No reasons”
Am just not the type of girl to date guys,, the farthest I can go is to be friends with them.

“Then, what if I make you cross that??”
Jaylen said and smile.

Mave rushed to them and separate their hands.
“Please, that’s enough,,, jaylen..
Jenny, get up, let’s go”

“What’s going on??”
Jenny asked.

“Class is about to start, let’s go back to our seat”

“Well, jaylen and I are friends again… So am having my lecture here”
Go bring our bags and join us
Jenny said and relaxed.

“I can’t sit with him,,, don’t he cursed at you the other day??”
Mave asked..

“Well, we are cool now”
Jenny replied.

Jaylen smile.
He folded his arms and stare at Mave.
“Why are you trying to seperate us??
She belongs to me, if you must know”

“Jenny doesn’t like you one bit,, she cursed at you behind your back also,,,
Only she and I get along really well”
Mave replied and glare back at jaylen.

“Hrmm.. guys.. I think we should cool it down here…
People are watching us”
Jenny warned.

“I know Jenny too well, I know she likes me but she is just afraid to admit it,,
She is my childhood friend, if you must know”
Jaylen replied and suddenly mave throw him a punch on the face.

Jenny and everyone in class gasped.
Jaylen touch his face as his nose began to bleed.

?? Josephine and Jenny fight over Mave
Mave and jaylen fight over Jenny ??

No 500likes, no next chapter,,, I just decide to post today cos I feel like,, have tried for d Ghost readers.
I also notice the comments are reducing,, okay oo just dey play,, we go see in next two weeks.

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