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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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COLLEGE DILEMMA – Episode 59 & 60

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GENRE: College Romance

By: Osbert Books✍️

🔞Violence🔞BDSM segz🔞Violence
🔞R@P£🔞Passion 🔞Sensitivity🔞



Beware Of several Errors!! Take note!!!

Hello Fam! I hope this episodes gets what it
Special Note:
*Read carefully! My Novels are a deep kind
—Every part and inch of the story are important
and have a purpose ! Thanks! 😌❤️✍️

◾️◾️◾️Episodes 59 and 60◾️◾️◾️◾️
( A Bloody Day)
While they were all sitting down, hugging
themselves and crying.

Lilian walks to Mirabel kitchen to get water to
drink for herself and for everyone and suddenly
calls began to come on on her phone. There
were calls from other student friends.

Most of the messages were “what is this we are

“Come online!”

Lilian ran to her friends and screamed “oh my
god! Our naked videos are everywhere! The
worst has happened! Stacy! We are finished!”

Although they expected it, they all burst out
crying. Even mirabel joined them to cry

“What do we do God?!”—Stacy burst out crying.

Suddenly Lilian stopped crying. She wiped her

“Listen babes! We have an option! Either we
stay here and cry out our eyes or we go out and
fight! There are many other victims also and
those boys need to be punished!” Lilian
explained in anger.

“But not my James! Oh no! James why ! Why
were you in this? Why why?” Mirable talks to
herself and continues to cry.

“Don’t say that! James R@P£D your sister! He
deserves to be destroyed too like Kasa!” Lilian
explained in anger.

“Don’t say that, we all know the story! Stacy said
everything! James only crime was the rape of
Noami! But James is a changed man! He just
happened to be entangled in the influence and
madness of Kasa!! —Rachel explained.

“Well that’s his cup of tea—he would have to
suffer too! That’s the repercussion for having a
stupid friend! And again! He has to pay for
Noami death! Simple!” Lilian yelled in anger.

“Babe please calm down!” Stacy added.

“I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to
think! I wish he will be okay! I don’t even know
what the school authorities are doing! I should
call my parents soon! I am stressed! I am sick!
But deep down I want to hear his voice ! I love
him” Mirabel explained as she cried

Once again, her friends clustered around her,
Kissing her and consoling her, as they
themsleves struggled with thoughts on what
next to do

Meanwhile, the arrival of more than 60 armed
police force and and extra 60 campus police,
caused an uproar in the student lodge, where
Kasa and James were hiding with ten armed
thugs—every last student fled the building.

Michael was at the fore front of the team of
officers and was extremely angry with Kasa

He had seen the segztape featuring him and
Lilian and also the segztape of Jerry and Stacy. It
had destroyed his image and turned him into a
villain of some sort due to the BDSM segz
displayed in the tape.

He was angry and furious. Jerry was also
furious —because in the segztape with Stacy, he
appeared very drunk and ridiculous and this
caused him much embarrassment. They were
all yearning for revenge.

“Officer ! These guys are crazy! So this is not
going to be easy! We should be ready to fight ! I
mean $h00t! Literally!” Michael yelled to the
Police Chief.

“We are not $h00ting at them! Except we are
forced to!” The Police Chief responded in a cold

“You don’t know these guys! They are crazy! Not
just rapists! They are villains!” Michael laughed
and looked at Jerry after explaining to the police

Michael, Jerry and Hudson were not allowed to
hold weapons and so they stood bare.

“Kasa and James! Evil bastards! The so called
Infamous! You have earned your name! Come
out cowards! It’s over for you guys! There are
more than 120 officers here, and we are taking
you guys today! You have ten counts or we will
force our way in” Michael screamed.

Michale screamed in a loud angry voice at the
gate which had be shot closed.


“Come dude! What do we do!” James began to
shiver in fear.

“You weakling! Man up you bastard!” Kasa
shook him violently.

“We are going to fight them! We are not going
down alone!” Kasa screamed.

“Are you insane ! How can we push through?”
—James panicked.

“Listen we are 12 in number, we fire randomly
and we escape, first on foot and then we can
hijack a car!” Kasa replied.

“Jesus! Oh god! How did we get here! We are
finished!” James panicked.

“Just shut up and follow the plan !!” —Kasa
yelled at him.

Kasa takes his pistol and his Ak 47 and
screams to the ten guys who are armed.

“Come on guys!!!!!! Why should we go down
together!!! We have to do this!!! Fight! Listen we
did all of this together! Although I paid you
guys! But listen!!! If I go down! You also go
Down! So we can resists them! We run from
here! And find our way out of this city! We have
lots of cash!! Who is with me ?!!!!” Kasa
screamed with all of them.

They all screamed in support raising their guns.

“Now we break open and we fire !! Some fire
from the windows upstairs and while the others
will fire from downstairs! We have to injure as
many! We don’t need to ki|| anyone, target the
legs and hands —we have to disperse them and
make way to run away!” Kasa instructed , as
they all pulled their guns.

Soon a loud shout was heard from outside

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10!! Come out

Michael screams the numbers and hits one of
the police men in anger. “Are you guys scared or
what! These are bandits and criminals in there!
We have to scare them out!!!

“We have to be calm!” The Police Chief insisted.

“This is bullshit! Jerry responded from the back
of Michael in anger , supporting Michael, as he
forcefully drags the gun from one of the officers
and fired randomly at the building from outside
the gate.


“They are firing!!!!!!!!”
Kasa yelled and handed two guns to James.

“You have to $h00t back once it gets to that!”
Kasa yelled to James.

“Five boys stay up from here and fire towards
the gate once you hear my commands! And
now James and the rest five of us will go
downstairs and we will break the gate open
once you guys have dispersed them from up
and then as we flee you can follow suit!
Understood?!! Kasa hurriedly commanded.

“Yes sir!!!!” They all yelled in unison.

James fearfully followed James and five other
thugs downstairs while the rest remained

Kasa screams form downstairs to the boys

Without hesiataion —they began raining bullets
form upstairs injuring fifteen officers and
dispersing the rest.


“I told you bastards! These guys are villians!!!
Michael screamed as him and his friends took
cover behind the police vans with several
officers loading their guns. The retaliation was

For next fifteen minutes , there was a heavy
exchange of gun fire between the police officers
scattered around their vans taking cover, and
$h00ting from where they have taken cover, and
and the thugs firing from upstairs—so rapid
that the whole place was flooded with bullets.

But despite the thugs being outnumbered, they
proved very ski||ed —injuring more and more
officers and two officers dropped dead in the

Soon, the gates swinged open, and Kasa, and
James, followed by four boys , and followed by
the rest five boys that were firing from upstairs,
were escaping the building firing bullets at
random to make way as the fled.

“They are escaping!!!!!!!!!” Jerry screamed form
beneath one of the vans he was hiding with
several officers.

He took one of the guns, and in act of bravery ,
he began running towards them, and fired at the
escaping team in a vicious anger. He was
aiming for Kasa legs —to stop them from

But unfortunately Jerry random stray bullets
towards the legs of the escaping thugs, hits two
guys who instantly fell to the ground seriously
injured. One bullet hit James on his hand and
legs, and he fell in agony.

While another bullet hit Kasa on his hands
—but he continued running. Kasa happened to
be luckier, since several guys took most bullets
for him.

But the other five thugs following in the race,
fired back at Jerry, hitting him with seven
bullets, all but two missed, hitting him on his
legs and arm and he fell to the ground, why the
boys continued running viciously.

Michael and several officers still hiding saw
Jerry fall to the ground.

“Stop firing!! Stop firing! Hudson screamed and
there was a cease fire. Everybody was

Kasa had managed to escape with a bullet
wound to the arm with only four boys escorting
him. The rest of the six boys —four were
seriously wounded and two died on the spot.

Out of the 120 officers, 70 were seriously
injured, six officers were dead on the spot, and
the remaining forty four were healthy and
strong because most of them were in hiding.
James was lying on the floor , bleeding from his
wounds and crying for help.

“Please please! ” James yelled from the ground

Hudson rushed to him to hit him in anger and
Michael screams “Nooooo!!!! don’t hit him!
Lilian told us everything! The main devil has

They turned to their friend Jerry and he was

“Nooooooooooooooooooo!” They both cried

The rest of the wounded thugs and James and
also Jerry were put in the van.

They were rushed we efdist rushed to a nearby
Hospital, where after their treatment, the thugs
were expected to face several charges including
the ki||ing of six officers and then go to jail.

Within an hour, there was a great sensation on
campus and on the state at large.

All the media houses and press were spreading
the news.

Soon there was a big protest of more than ten
thousand students who were protesting for
more attempts to capture the wounded Kasa.
The protest would continue for days.

Meanwhile James was in the hospital, critically
wounded and awaiting his fate, as he
hopelessly waited for wh@ťěver was to come to

The news soon reached Mirabel and her friends.
It seemed as if all of James errors had vanished
form Mirabel’s mind and she was now
obsessed with seeing him and talking to him.
She was freaking out and making ways to
locate his hospital. There was horror on
campus! It was clear — a great darkness had


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