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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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COLLEGE DILEMMA – Episode 47 & 48

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GENRE: College Romance

By: Osbert Books✍️

🔞Violence🔞BDSM segz🔞Violence
🔞R@P£🔞Passion 🔞Sensitivity🔞



Beware Of Some Errors!! Take note!!!

Hello Fam! I hope that the over 150 readers who
who will likely read this story this night are not
ghost readers. I hope I can get 50+

Special Note: There is a disclaimer above
showing that these novels are for adults and so
expect segz scenes. Read carefully! My Novels
are a deep kind —Every part and inch of the
story are important and have a purpose !
Thanks! 😌❤️✍️

◾️◾️◾️Episodes 47 and 48◾️◾️◾️◾️
( A Path to Change)

It was already half past 10, and Mirabel and
Lilian returned frustrated to meet Rachel at
home, who was already dressing.

“No progress at all” —Mirabel explained as she
walked in with Lilian.

Immediately as Rachel looked at her she felt
very uneasy and a bit distracted, feeling guilty.

“Oh okay!!” —Rachel replied.

“You seem distracted and uneasy! Is everything
okay? “ —Mirabel asked Rachel.

“Oh yes! I am just worried about Stacy! What
really happened? What did they say to you
guys?” —Rachel asked as she tried to divert the

“Well they said they will look into the matter
after the program today–they seem busy with
their schedule for today, and they are kind of
dismissing Stacy case as a kind of story of
walkabout girl and not anything like kidnap. I
am suspecting a kidnap or something.”
—Mirabel explains.

“Yes Stacy cannot just go off like that!!”
—Lilian added.

“Thats very true!” —Rachel concludes

“Well are you ready?” —Mirabel asked her.

“Yes ofcourse” —Rachel replied.

“The love of your life is performing today and
so we have to be there early atleast” —Lilian
jokingly explained to Mirabel.

“Oh yes! Somehow “ —-Mirabel replied with
slight laughter.

They all walk out of the room, few minutes later,
fully dressed and heading to campus for the

Meanwhile Kasa and James were heading to
campus in their car. There was a chauffeur
driving them to campus.

While on the road, they began conversing about
their fears. Soon Kass began to talk about his

“Now James, I have clear plan and you have to
follow it! I know you are scared but we can
overcome these controversies in the end!”
—Kasa explained.

“We have lots of cash! We have rich parents!
We can also turn our singing into money-
making ventures and exploit the segzual needs
of students and make them give us lots of
money for our night parties and performances if
we wish! We have the means to always win! We
have black mails against the girls, we have
everything! Why are you scared?” —Kasa
further explained.

“Yeah I know but you have a problem! You
underestimate women a lot! And thats why we
will be roasted alive soon! “ —James explained.

“The fact that we are winning makes it
dangerous! Women don’t allow you win! Very
soon those girls will roast us alive, I promise
you that! Common you use to be afraid of this
girls before?” —James further explained to

“Yes I was afraid of them but guess what? You
taught me to be courageous!!! You started this
whole madness by raping that girl and I joined
you too! You also started all of this madness by
falling in love with mirabel! Look at it well! It’s
all your fault!!” —Kasa explains with slight

“I have changed!!! You idiot!!! I know I have a
hand in all this!! But you have made it worse!
You have R@P£D several more girls!! You
blackmail! You kidnap! You are becoming more
sinister and deranged and stupid” —James

“Okay fine!”

“Can you listen to my plan at least! So that you
don’t f-__-k things up for me?” —Kasa insists.

“Okay fine! Say your stupid plan!” —-James

Kasa lights his cigar and begins his speech.

“ listen! After our stage performance! we will
have to split. Message Mirabel and tell her
where to meet you so you both can spend some
time together if you have the balls to.” —Kasa

“When you do that! I will leave with another car
which I will get ready, and I will go back and
meet Stacy where I kept her.” —Kasa explains.

“I will instruct her to call Lilian and pretend as if
there is an issue and when she comes I will trap
both of them and then show them their naked
videos and instruct them never to say a word
about our secret to Mirabel or to the police. I will
tell her everything that Stacy knows and instruct
her never to mention it.” —Kasa further

“Hmmmm another stupid plan! Anyway!!! What
if Rachel follows her?!” —James asked.

“Common that would be great! Then I carry her
along too! And thr_@ten her with betrayal of her
friend because of lust” —Kasa added with

“What! Am I also going to be a pawn in your
black mail? You are insane!!” —James asks in
slight frustration and irritation.

“Why are you acting so stupid! The plan is
good! Stick to it! Message your girl and both of
you should stay clear! I know how to cage these
girls!” —Kasa cautions him.

James reclines on his chair, looking at his wrist
watch, then he takes his phone and drops a
message for mirabel to meet him at a discreet
location after he escapes from his fans after his


As soon as the beautiful Mercedes carrying
James and Kasa arrived on campus
ground—more than two thousand students of
the more than ten thousand students present,
rushed in a great stampede to greet the
infamous two —which was the name of their

Kass had hired more body guards to help pave
the way. Also simultaneously , the famous three
band ( Michael and his friends) were arriving.

It was clear that their popularity was below the
popularity of James and Kasa, and so they
decided not to interfere, and simply settled in
the Dessa garden with about two hundred
hardcore followers—who were drinking
expensive wines and wallowing in

Michael and his friends sat together excluding
themselves from their fans and discussing their
bigger goals for more concerts outside school
without the influence of the College Authorities.

Michael also called for Lilian his girlfriend to
come and stay with him. She will spend most of
the time sitting on his laps and listening to their
ramblings —although she expressed visible
distress about the fate of her friend Stacy.

When Kasa and James pulled into the stage to
sing, the moderator under pressure from the
College authorities did not give them a good
introduction. But still yet, the crowds won’t stop
yelling their names especially for James who
was the main singer.

Shortly before singing, Kasa slightly spoke to

“Above all! Look! We are famous! We are the
infamous two! We need to live up that name!
We are the infamous two! And guess what I also
have a surprise for you!” —Kasa explained to

“I hope it’s not something stupid”—James
curiously answered.

But unknown to James, what Kasa was was
about to do, was going to lead to the closure of
the program, and the biggest embarrassment,
and also caused their reputation to be cemented
forever as the infamous two—from that day, the
College Authorities knew that they meant it
seriously when they called themselves the
“Infamous Two”

As soon as James begin performing on
stage—it was a highly charged environment,
and the crowds were lost in singing.

Suddenly a horde of fully naked girls taken from
the streets, who were segz workers climbed the
stage. They were hired by Kasa.

They were fully naked and began displaying
weird dances that surprised everyone. Soon the
whole party became segz obsessed. Even James
was shocked at the appearance of the girls.

“You idiot what have you done!” —James
yelled in shock.

The crowds began to descend into pure
madness, the College Authorities invaded with
dozens of police men and aggressively shut the
program down and used force to disperse the

The College Authorities felt that the
performance was disgusting and segzually

Some of the fans responded with force injuring
some of the police officers. The show was

James and Kasa fled the stage surrounded by
their body guards and as they made for their

“What have you done? You bastard?!!!”
—James asked Kasa in shock.

“How do you want to get more famous? We are
the infamous two! Bad publicity is what makes
everyone talk about us!”—-Kasa yelled back at

“ oh Jesus!!!!!! Here we go again!! Another
stupid plan! Very stupid!” —James yelled in

“We are now more famous than ever and that’s
what matters! Now follow the plan! Find
mirabel!” —Kass yelled back at him.

James splits form Kasa, taking their Mercedes
and heading to find Mirabel who had been
waiting for him together with Rachel.

Meanwhile Kasa took another car and was
heading home to meet Stacy to carry out his

While Lilian remained with Michael and his
friends at the Dessa Garden. Michael and his
friends remained unmoved by the chaotic
situation that just happened, and was even
talking about how to use it to their advantage.

But a bigger dilemma was about to unfold for


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