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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 5 & 6

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( 🌼 She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie…🌻)

Chapter 05💕06

By Bloom H 🍁


Min-ji just exited a salon, she came to get her hair trimmed.

“I’m so bored” She mumbled

She hung her bag properly as she walked on the pavement. She intends on taking the bus to So-hee’s parent’s house where she’d have lunch. She didn’t take her car today

She kept walking and looking at the environment till a car drove by and..


Her white shirt turned to brown, even her face was covered with the mud. She stood fixed a spot obviously shocked, her mouth went wide

The car reversed and came back to where she stood. A cute guy stepped out and rushed to her

“$h|t, I’m so sorry!” The guy apologized but she was too shocked to speak. She only turned to him slowly

The guy gasped, he ruffled his hair and held her shoulder gently leading her to his car. Her clothes are totally damaged, he can’t leave her here like that.

“I’m really sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll get you new clothes” He apologized again once they were in the car.


In a restaurant,

Min-ji was putting on new clothes, she was filling her stomach up while the guy sat down watching her. He was obviously desperate to leave

“Um. I already paid for the food so can I leave now?” He asked desperately

Min-ji only stuffed more food in her mouth. She got the guy to buy her food after they finished from the mall

“I’m Ace, Ace Heather” He said

“Lee Min-ji”

“So can I leave now?”

“No, we need to talk”

” About?”

“Your driving ski||s, we need to talk about that. So where did you learn how to drive?” She dropped her chopsticks. Ace stared at her unable to believe what she just said, he’s been with her for almost two hours but she didn’t say anything.

After eating to her satisfaction, she decides to speak. He groaned, is this her way of punishing him?

“Please, I need to leave now. I’ve got an important meeting to attend, please” He begged

“Where did you get your driver’s license?” Min-ji asked ignoring his statement

“Here in Seoul, ABC driving School, I was in a hurry that’s why…”

His phone rang, after the call, his face fell

“Thanks to you I missed the meeting” He grumbled

“It’s good, we get to discuss about your driving ski||s properly, so let’s talk” She frowned

Ace shook his head, this lady is crazy

“Here, I’ll give you my number. I gotta go now”

“I don’t need your timeless number mister, and if you dare leave, I’ll cause a scene, after getting alot of sympathy, I’ll sue you” She said with a serious face and picked her chopsticks again

Ace chuckled softly, she’s really gutsy. He thinks she’s trying to get his attention

“What do you want? money?” He asked

“Should I do it?” She asked and he fell back on his chair, she’s not that type of lady with the serious look on her face, she’s only trying to punish him and she’s not stopping until she achieves that

“Okay let’s talk about my driving ski||s” He muttered

“Good boy” Min-ji smirked



Kim Yu-Ri is headed to the cafeteria with two other friends, they’re boys.

After getting their food they went to a table to sit down

“This school needs to change the menu, this menu has been the same for three generations, my mom also had this same food” She joked while her friends laughed

“The cooking method never changes too” Jack said and they nodded

“I don’t want to eat this anymore, here you guys can have it” She said and they took it

“Kim Yu-Ri!!” Someone yelled and the students turned to that direction

It was a girl, on her head was pieces of tissues and paper, her uniform was ruffled

“Cinderella escaped” Blake laughed and high fived Yu-ri, she was the one who beat the girl up and locked her up in the bathroom

Alisa stomped her feet to their table

“You! you did this to me” She screamed

“I did? yes I did. But you started it remember, you set a trap for me in the bathroom. I fell” Yu-ri defended and folded her arms

“You deserve it $cvmbag, how dare you do this to me. After I’m done with you, they won’t be able to recognize you anymore” Alisa thr_@tened and threw water at Yu-ri’s face

Yu-ri laughed and wiped her face “Is that all you got?”

“Get her!!” Alisa yelled and two huge guys entered the cafeteria, Yu-ri’s friends moved back. She folded her shirt and smirked at the guys

The guys charged at her, she dodged and hit them ski||fully, she threw a punch at one and his face became bloody instantly. She kicked his balls, he fell on his knees. The other guy held her hand behind her, Alisa took the chance to slap her. She slid down through his legs and kicked his butt, she then landed a punch that sent Alisa flying across the cafeteria.

The students cheered her on.

A teacher, Mr Cha was passing by the cafeteria, when he saw the scene, he rushed inside but unfortunately for him, the flying kick meant for one of Alisa’s guys landed on his face, he fell on the floor. One of his teeth became loose immediately, his face was red.

Yu-ri chuckled at his condition, she doesn’t like Mr Cha, so it’s a win win for her

Mr Cha stood up holding his face, he glared at the laughing students and they ran out briskly, he then faced Yu-ri

“Kim Yu-Ri, to the principal’s office” He managed to say and hopped away, seems his leg was broken too

Yu-ri and her friends burst into laughter



“Take this to Rhett, he needs to sign it” Lucy said as she hands over a file to So-hee

“Me?” So-hee asked with wide eyes

“Yes, go on. I’ve got a lot of things to do so please..” Lucy pleaded, she sighed and nodded. She took out her water bottle and sipped, how should she face him now

“Bunny, it’s time for lunch” Felix said, his face was in his PC, he was typing

She stood up, it’s better facing the devil than going out with Felix. She picked the file

“Go alone, meanie!” She glared at Felix then headed to Rhett’s office. After two deep breaths, she knocked even though she knew Rhett could see her, the blinds were up.

“Come in” Rhett said tiresomely, he’s wondering what stunt she would pull now

She entered with a nervous smile on her face. The first thing Rhett noticed was her horrible fashion sense, then her messy hair. He’s just seeing her up close for the first time and d@mn it’s not the best look he’s seen

“Just drop it here” He said before she could speak

She quietly dropped the file and bowed. she shivered at the effect of the AC

“Sir, don’t you think it’s too cold here?” She asked

“I love it this way, you can leave now, I’ll give it to Lucy myself” He said but she didn’t move

“I said leave already” He said loudly and she jerked

“Okay boss” She ran to the door, she hit her head first before finally opening the door to leave

“Christ!” Rhett muttered and shook his head

So-hee stood in front of his door fanning herself dramatically, she thought he’d shout at her or something

She placed her hands akimbo then turned to see him looking at her

“Oh, the walls are transparent I forgot” She muttered and waved at him smilingly

Rhett rolled his eyes then shut the blinds with the remote

She touched her chest

“Lunch..” Felix sang near her ear and she jumped out of shock

“Go away, Aiish!!” She smacked his head

“Ouch, I’m going tho. I’ll get you noodles, bye” He waved and left

“You should, money Ṣūçƙer” She uttered after he’s left then giggled

She went back to her desk and sat down, only her and Lucy were left in the office. She took out her phone to play games but her mother’s call came through

“Eomma!!” She beamed

“Kim So-hee, get your @$$ here right now!” Her mother screamed from the other end, she had to move the phone away from her ear

“I’m on my way mom” She picked her bag and glanced at Lucy

“Go on” Lucy smiled

So-hee bowed before running out of the office, she only goes home this way whenever Yu-ri does something terrible

“Kim Yu-Ri!!!” She screamed as she ran across the hall like a crazy lady


It’s a standard three bedroom apartment with each room having a bathroom, then a sitting room and a huge kitchen where there’s a dinning area.

Right now, Yu-ri is sitting opposite her angry parents on the dinning table, turns out the principal informed them about the damage she caused in school

So-hee paid of the cabby and ran to the frontage of her parent’s house, she made to open it but stopped when she saw Min-ji stepping out of a black SUV.

But Min-ji’s SUV is white, did she get it repainted and when did she hire a driver..

Lee Min-ji is becoming quite secretive these days, she uttered in her head and frowned

“Hey So-hee, when did you get here?”

“Just now, whose car was that, did you get a driver?”

“That’s a long story, I’ll tell you about it later” Min-ji huffed, she came in Ace’s car, she made him give her a ride

“Yes I deserve to know” So-hee pouted

“Right, right, so what did Yu-ri do this time, mom gave me a call”

“I just got here, let’s go in” So-hee opened the door and they rushed in

“Mom, dad!” Min-ji called and hugged them, she takes them like her family

So-hee went to sit beside Yu-ri

“Tell me, what did you do again?” She quizzed

Yu-ri rolled her eyes and faced the other way

“Mom what did she do?” So-hee faced Mrs Kim, her mom

“Your sister got someone admitted to the hospital today” Mrs Kim said

“That’s a good thing she did, so Yu-ri where did you find the patient huh? where?” So-hee asked ignorantly, Mr Kim and Min-ji laughed

Mrs Kim palmed her face “She beat up her classmate black and blue, the girl was admitted and to top it all she hit her teacher too, dummy. The patient is her classmate, the one she beat up”

So-hee and Min-ji gasped

“Kim Yu-Ri!!” Min-ji palmed her head

“Why did you do that huh, I’ve asked you several times to learn to control your temper, now look what you’ve done. What’s the punishment” So-hee asked and tweaked Yu-ri’s ears

“2 weeks suspension. But it’s not my fault Alisa is in the hospital, she started it, she even hired huge guys to beat me up so I had to defend myself and then Mr Cha came in between so he got his share too. Sis it’s all self-defense” Yu-ri explained trying to free herself from So-hee’s hold

“Did you say Mr Cha?” Min-ji asked, Yu-ri nodded making So-hee release her

“Mr Cha? he’s the P.H.E teacher right?” Min-ji asked again and Yu-ri nods

“Ahh. mom, dad punish her for hurting her classmate only, the teacher deserves it” So-hee said and her parents looked at them with wide eyes, Min-ji nodded in agreement. Mr Cha also thought them back when they were in highschool, he was strict, he used to hit them alot, so they never liked him

“Even Alisa Nam deserves it, she claims she’s rich so she can rule over everyone. it’s good I thought her a lesson” Yu-ri scoffed, Mrs Kim smacked her

“Alisa Nam? does she have any older siblings?” So-hee asked

“Yes Wendy, they’re not even pretty” Yu-ri scoffed and moved behind So-hee

“Ahhhh…” So-hee and Min-ji screamed at once

“Wendy used to bully us alot when we were at highschool,seems picking on people is in their blood, mom, dad forgive Yu-ri. She served as a medium of karma for revenge on our nightmares” So-hee said and this time around Mrs Kim smacked her


“So you want us to forgive your sister, what if she ki||s someone in another encounter huh, she needs to be punished, that’s why you girls are here, we need to decide on a punishment for her” Mr Kim spoke for the first time

“Dad let it be, I’m sure she’ll never do it again. well I’m not so sure but just forgive her, those two actually deserved it. She even said it was an act of self-defense” Min-ji high fived Yu-ri


“I’m famished” So-hee cut her dad off

“Me too” Yu-ri pouted hugging her sister’s neck

“We’re not done talking yet” Mrs Kim glared

“Yep. we’re good” So-hee said and moved to the kitchen counter, Yu-ri followed

Mr& Mrs Kim faced Min-ji

“I’m not hungry that’s why I’m still here” She grinned and they palmed their faces, these girls are something else





“Goodnight Lucy, bye” Rhett waved at Lucy as they were the last ones to exit the office.

“Take care Rhett” Lucy smiled and went to her car

Rhett’s driver opened the door for him, he entered and the car drove slowly out of the building, on the way, he saw So-hee and Felix walking together, Felix’s hand was over So-hee’s shoulders as they walked

He sighs,

It’s like they’re an item, the way they’re so free with each other explains it all.

But how does he(Felix) deal with her, she’s so clumsy…so so clumsy!!

He wanted to give them a lift but decided against it, let them enjoy each other’s company, it will be awkward for them if they stay in the car with him. The car drove fast past them



So-hee came out of her bathroom with a huge towel wrapped around her head, she wore a short and the shirt Min-ji had bought for her. She sat down on her reading table going through some write-ups and old magazines, she’s trying to figure out more ideas for the new project at work

She suddenly drops her pen and Rhett’s face flashed through her mind, he’s really cute

He has the perfectly shaped face, his full eyebrows and long lashes. She noticed he had brown eyes, complimenting his brown hair which is very segzy, same goes for his small pointed nose and light pink lips.

He is indeed breathtaking like she heard, even his body is perfect

Too bad he won’t notice someone like her, he already h@ťěs her besides she’s not his type of girl.

Her prince charming will like her as she is, till then she’d keep waiting

She shook her head and faced the papers in front of her. The door opened and Min-ji walked in wearing the same shirt like her

“Oh you’re busy” Min-ji said and took the towel off her head, she took a hair cream and started rubbing it in

“Mmmn..” So-hee Mõ@ɲed as Min-ji massages her scalp

“That’s better right?” Min-ji asked and she nodded. She stops massaging and sat on the bed

“Tell me about that car I saw earlier today” So-hee faced her

” Yes, listen.. ” Min-ji placed a pillow on her lap and started narrating everything to her

“You’re mad Lee Min-ji” So-hee laughed as Min-ji finished telling her all about her encounter with Ace, she’s on the bed with Min-ji

“I had to, you needed to see my clothes. I feel bad for him tho, he is nice but he missed a meeting cos of me” Min-ji sighed and entered the duvet with So-hee

“Hmm, that’s bad. You said he’s cute, so is he cuter than Rhett?” So-hee teased

“He’s really cute tho. I don’t know their difference, they’re both cute” Min-ji said

“You love him already”

“What? no, I only find him cute that’s all, and I might never see him ever again, so duh” Min-ji shrugged

“So you wish to see him again and trouble him. Wow!”

“So-hee stop it. So tell me how was work today, did you meet Rhett? how cute is he, tell me”

So-hee wrapped one leg on her (Min-ji’s) belly, then sighed

“I rather not talk about it” She shrugged

“Oh So-hee, don’t worry he’ll come around someday” Min-ji cooed, she knows exactly what So-hee’s reply meant

“Tch.. it’s not like I like him anyways, I’m all for my prince charming” She said childishly

“So you still feel he’s overrated, how won’t you fall in love with such a beautiful guy” Min-ji gasped

“He’s cute but he’s not my type, jeez, he’s so grumpy”

Min-ji laughed

“Rhett and So-hee sitting on a tree, K!SSING” She sang while So-hee kept hitting her

“Okay I’m sorry, sorry…I feel sleepy” Min-ji said

“Me too” So-hee turned off the side lamps then covered the duvet properly

“Goodnight Lee Min-ji”

“Goodnight Kim So-hee” Min-ji yawned
To be continued ❤️

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