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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 46 & 47

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( She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie.. )

By Authoress Bloom H.

Chapter 46&47



Juni was on the clinic bed fast asleep while Yuri, her friends alongside Moon and Gavin were there talking randomly

Juni was found unconscious in the bathroom by a group of Juniors and brought to the infirmary.

Yuri already suspected it was Alisa and Vera but the others didn’t want to jump into conclusion so they were waiting for her to wake up

Their wait soon came to an end as she fluttered her eyelids open, she slowly gazed around and her eyes landed on them

“Moon..” She called and they quickly rushed to her, Jack held her hand worriedly

“Thank goodness.. How do you feel now, what happened? Who did this to you..”

“Jacky boo please one question at a time” Yu-ri rolled her eyes and he nodded

“He likes her?” Gavin whispered to Blake and he nodded

Gavin smiled and looked at Yuri, Moon just sighed and moved closer to Juni

“My…my hair!” Juni bursted into tears, touching her now less curls, moon hugged her while patting her back gently

“Alisa did this to you right?” Yuri asked impatiently, getting upset with how he was holding her

‘He’s just your friend Yuri’ She chided herself and folded her arms

Juni nodded, sniffing but more tears fell from her eyes, her full curls where now almost gone

Yu-ri nodded clenching her jaws, “I just knew it” She said and ran out of the clinic

“This is not good..” Blake said and ran after her, Gavin followed him

Jack sighed sadly as he watched Moon hug Juni… But he stayed back anyway


Alisa and Vera were having a great talk and laughing in the school garden. Both oblivious of Yuri’s menacing approach, when she got to where they were seated, she smirked and grabbed their hair

“Argh!” They screamed in agony as Yuri knotted their hair together in such a way that if they tried moving in opposite directions they’ll end up hurt

“What the hell are you doing fool!!” Vera spat crying already but Yuri laughed and brought out a pair of scissors, they gasped

“A little bit of redecorating around here..” She touched their heads

“Kim Yuri!”

“Alisa Nam!! You’re so cruel, what if she died? Well anyways I’ve been looking for this opportunity and I’ve got it so stay still for your make over” She said and they tried running but in different directions

“Ouch…. This way Ɓîtçh!!”

“No this way!!” They kept cussing at each other while the students laughed at them

Soon without even doing anything else, they started fighting themselves while dragging their hair

Gavin and Blake were almost crying from the laughter

Yuri walked to Vera and gave her the scissors

“Here you can free yourself and hurt her if you wish” She whispered

Desperate, Vera began using the scissors not minding whose hair was being chopped

“Ɓîtçh, what are you doing…”

“Shut the Fůçƙ up Alisa, this is all your fault… Not everyone has to be pretty just accept that and stop involving me in your problems!!” Vera shouted back seriously chopping through

All this while, Yuri sat on the bench with legs crossed, watching them like a movie

Moon stood at the far end of the garden and chuckled before walking away


“This is going straight in the magazine!” Rhett laughed showing Felix a picture he’d taken of the girls while they were scared at the stream

Felix collected it and laughed when he stared properly at it, in the photo, So-hee was on Ella’s back both looking like they’d pass out due to fear

Ella and So-hee sat quietly on the couch sulking as they looked at them.

“Ella why were you scared, you have always been my hero, now I’m thinking otherwise” Felix laughed and she rolled her eyes

So-hee glared at Rhett and he pressed his lips together trying not to make a sound but…

“I can’t help it..” He laughed holding onto Felix like brothers

“I h@ťě this place and I h@ťě you guys!!” Ella whined covering her ears

“Best vacation ever” Felix raised his hands and high fived Rhett

Madam Momo entered smiling, she was glad they were warming up to the place already

“Annyeong!” She smiled and the guys smiled at her while the girls scoffed

“What did you guys do to them huh? They look like they just came out of a virtual nightmare” She frowned and instead of explaining, Rhett gave her the pictures

She giggled but frowned when the girls cleared their throat

“What happened exactly?”

“Nothing ma’am, why are you here?” So-hee asked

“Nothing really, just checking on you guys… And yes, there’s gonna be a festival of harvest a few days from now, so I’m here to invite you” She said and they nodded

“Sure ma’am, we’ll be there… It’s gonna be great to have the event published in the magazine” Rhett affirmed

As they continued talking, Ella dragged So-hee to their room, she started pacing about

“Ella why did you bring me here?” So-hee asked

“Revenge, So-hee, revenge… We can’t let them have the last laugh, they tricked us so we’ll trick them too” she said sinisterly and So-hee smiled

” Okay but what do we do..” She asked and Ella smirked


Zoey sat on her desk fuming angrily, everything has been going haywire for Ling Fest since that video of her affair with Mr. Choi was posted and worse of all, she doesn’t know who did it

All efforts of tracing the account proved abortive. Mr. Choi has been ignoring her too and trying to patch things with his wife like she’s some piece of $h|t

She loved him and she still does but he doesn’t care…

Her door burst open and Harold came running in, P@ŋting

She glared at him and scowled

“What is it?”

“Two investors have pulled out their shares from the company ma’am… If this keeps up, I’m afraid we won’t be able to publish anytime soon” He informed and she stood up hitting her table

” What… Why?” She cried, all she’s worked for, all her efforts into building this company was going down the drain because she had an affair?

“Did you tell the boss?”

“He’s not around!”

She picked her penholder and tossed it angrily across the room then let out a shrill scream afterwards




Loud sound of a slap echoed in the room drawing everyone’s attention. They waited for a while before returning to their work

Upstairs, Anna stood breathing heavily as she glared at Jiwoon. He sighed and touched his cheek

“That hurt really”

“You deserve more than that…. She’s still alive and mocking me Jiwoon” She said in a cracked voice as she recalled how tender and intense Min-ji and Ace were making out

The sight hurt her truly, she realized she still felt something for Ace but he just had to go for her sister instead

Jiwoon walked closer to her and hugged her while she sobbed silently

“I’m sorry Nari… I should have done it myself but I had that bastard go instead” He stroked her hair

“I want to ki|| her myself… Myself! She’s taken enough from me” Anna mumbled and he nodded

“Yeah, she’s all yours”


After having hot S£x with Jiwoon, she gave him one last glare before leaving for her car. She was about going in when her phone rang, it was the person she least expected since they never actually had a good talk

“Hello Daddy… You finally called to..”

“Nari… There’s gonna be an emergency board meeting at the company, you have to be here since you own prominent shares, see you then” He ended the call and she gasped in disbelief

What was she expecting anyway, ever since she’s known, she and minister Lee have never spoken or even sat in one room as father and daughter

She ruffled her hair in rage, “Min-ji!!” She seethed and kicked her car with everything in her before bursting into tears



Min-ji came out of the bathroom dressed in one of Ace’s shirt that stopped just below her butt, she sighed and made way to the bed. She’d gone back home to pick some of her important work files and clothes

She even informed So-hee’s parents though she left out the part where she was attacked

She was lost in thoughts when she felt string muscular arms wrapped around her body

“You scared me” She sighed and he smiled

“You don’t have to worry babe, I’m here and I increased the security of the house” He said and she faced him looping her hands over his neck

“Right. Thanks sugar bear” She smiled

“I love you in my clothes, you should keep wearing them… You look segzy” He winked grabbing her butt and she swatted his hands

” Pervert” She yawned cutely. He rubbed her face and picked her taking her to the bed, he entered the duvet with her and held her closely as she placed her head on his chest

“I love you Ace” She mumbled fighting the sleep, he leaned down to her and K!SSed her on the lips shortly

“I love you more baby bear” He said patting her back in rhythm till she fell asleep

He placed a K!SS on her hair and cautiously stepped out of the bed, sighing… She’s had a long day and as for the stalker, he was going to deal with him

He switched off the lights and left for his study, he reached for his phone immediately

“Any news?” He asked the receiver

“What!” He picked his car keys and rushed out of the house



She was out sitting on her windowsill looking at the boy across her with a smile

Moon smirked and picked a dart aiming while she held up the dartboard. He threw and missed the bullseye, she dropped the board and threw her head backwards as she laughed

He laughed along

They were playing darts but in a different way since she refused to go to his room and didn’t allow him in hers either

“I win at everything Moon, just quit” She mocked

“I’m not in my best mood that’s why I lost” He shrugged and she rolled her eyes

” That’s what losers say… I understand”

He gasped and fake being hurt

” Are you still my friend or what?” He asked and she giggled

” I never agreed to be friends with a loser… Oh wait, I lost my brain that day but it’s back now” She said and he blinked, getting another dart to throw at her

“Don’t dare Moon… I will blow your balls if you dare”

He chuckled and dropped the dart, he loves his balls

” Well goodnight neighbor… I have to draw now” She said and crawled carefully into her room while he watched sadly, he was actually enjoying her company

“Gavin..” he started and she paused from closing the window

” Yeah what about Gavin?” She asked cheerfully, she and Gavin have become good friends in the past days

“Nothing.. goodnight” He muttered and shut his window

She shrugged and shut hers too

He fell on his bed and touched his chest, his heart was beating fast, very fast, more than how he felt with Juni

“Fůçƙ!” He ruffled his hair


“What the hell happened here?” Ace asked in frustration as he glared at the detective he’d given a task earlier

On the floor was Hardy’s dead and almost unrecognizable corpse

“Calm down Mr. Heather, this is more complicated than I thought… He was ki||ed and disposed in an open place where he could easily be found, there’s more people involved in this”

Ace’s eyes twitched, more people? Who on earth was so desperate to end his life

Min-ji has gradually become his lifeline that if she gets hurt a little he might go bunkers

“So what else did you find out?” He asked

“Nothing for now.. And yes Ace, do you have any enemy, a prominent one that would want to harm you… Anybody that cruel? ”

Ace thought for a while before shaking his head

“No… No, I don’t” He stuttered

“Okay. That’ll be all for now, I’ll call you when I get another lead”

“Don’t delay this okay… I’m counting on you” He seethed before leaving

The possibility that she was being targeted because of him was eating him up slowly…

He didn’t want Min-ji to be hurt because of him, he sighed and drove off



So-hee entered the apartment with a snarky smile, she was holding two jars of grasshoppers. The twins had helped her get them.

It was part of the revenge she and Ella had planned out. The living room was deserted as expected, she just hoped they wouldn’t get caught

She went to her’s and Ella’s room, smiling victoriously

“Ella, I got the package!” She called out to Ella who was in the bathroom

“Okay, you do Felix’s room while I do Rhett’s” Ella suggested and she frowned

“No, I’ll take boss’s room… You take Felix’s room, bye good luck” She dropped one jar and ran out

” So-hee this is the time for you and Felix to get closer, are you listening?” Ella rambled but got no reply

” She’s so unromantic, gosh, anyways it’ll be fun hearing them scream” She laughed evily

So-hee got to Rhett’s room, she looked at the jar and smirked

“How dare you laugh at me cute Yi-jun…” She hid the jar in her P@ŋt pocket before twisting the door knob, peeking and luckily he wasn’t in

She entered and locked the door. Heading to his bed, she removed the jar and took it under the duvet, emptying the giant grasshoppers on it

She tucked the duvet properly so they wouldn’t escape

“Mission accomplished!” She said and made to leave but the pictures on the bedstand caught her attention

A sweet smile tugged on her lips as she looked at them

“I’m a good photographer right?” She jumped when she heard his voice behind her. They were so close that his breath was fanning against her neck

She dropped the pictures and turned to leave but he grabbed her waist, a sharp gasp left her mouth

He leaned forward smirking smugly while she took in her lower lip

“What are you doing here?” He asked and her heartbeat increased as she thought of the perfect lie

“Uh…I was passing by so I … decided to check on you…” She gasped again when his hands rubbed her bare back sending sparks all over her body

“Are you lying?” He asked and she shook her head, biting her lips hard as he caressed her back to her neck.

When he found her sweet spot, he leaned closer and placed his lips on her neck, Ṣūçƙing, nibbling and biting tenderly but in a possessive way while she closed her eyes, balling her fist due to the excessive pleasure

“Ouch..” She Mõ@ɲed softly as he kept nibbling, she felt him smirk against her skin.

After Ṣūçƙing on a spot, he planted wet K!SSes on her neck and shoulder then a short one on her lips

She stared at him confusedly, she wanted more than that, she wanted it to last longer

He smirked and did it again continously till she started giggling

“You’re so cute So-hee… I lo-” He paused and gaze into her emerald eyes

Her phone beeped and without checking she knew who it was

“Good night Yi-jun” She waved and ran out

“I love you” He said with a sigh as he prepared to go to bed

“What was going on in there?” Ella asked, annoyed while So-hee kept rubbing her neck and blushing

“Did you put it in..” So-hee hadn’t completed her statement when Felix and Rhett’s ear deafening screams could be heard


They bursted into laughter

“Yes!” They high-five and took out their phones to make videos




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