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Friday, October 18, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 40 & 41

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( Sheโ€™s a pretty nerd, heโ€™s a hottie.. )

Chapter 40&41

By Authoress Bloom H.


Three of them kept running farther into the flower field. Mandy stopped following after a while and was watching

โ€œElla why are you with your bag?โ€ So-hee stopped to catch her breath

Ella stopped too and scoffed

โ€œIโ€™m running back to the cityโ€ฆI h@ลฅฤ› this placeโ€ She said and faced Rhett

โ€œOf all places boss, you chose here.. Jogno-gu??โ€ She frowned

โ€œHey donโ€™t blame me, how would I know that the rats here lived in housesโ€ He snapped

So-hee looked around and chuckled at how far away from the house they were

She couldnโ€™t believe she ran that much, especially as a h@ลฅฤ›r of track games

โ€œI have to say Ella, this field is beautifulโ€ She picked a primrose and twirled

Ella nodded and dropped her bag, she suddenly burst into fits of laughter

โ€œI canโ€™t believe, you actually ran out of the house Rhettโ€ฆ Youโ€™re supposed to be a man right?โ€ She laughed pointing a teasing finger at him and he scoffed

So-hee joined in, his face was getting red from embarrassment

After they stopped, So-hee sighed and looked back at the house

She suddenly gasped,

โ€œWhereโ€™s Felix?โ€

โ€œYeah, heโ€™s not hereโ€ Ella affirmed

โ€œHeโ€™s still back thereโ€ฆ Letโ€™s go back too, Iโ€™m sure he mustโ€™ve dealt with the problem alreadyโ€ Rhett suggested and So-hee nodded

โ€œI said Iโ€™m going back to the city..โ€ Ella pouted

Rhett shrugged and took So-heeโ€™s hand

โ€œSuit yourselfโ€ฆSay hi to Lucy when you get thereโ€ He said and they waved at her

Few metres away from Ella, So-hee stopped walking

โ€œIโ€™m really tiredโ€ฆmy legs feel numbโ€ She whined and Rhett chuckled

โ€œYouโ€™re such a babyโ€ฆa cute babyโ€ He smiled at her and she felt her heart flutter

She blushed

He stood in front of her and gestured for him to hop onto his back, she did and wrapped her arms around his neck

โ€œDid you say you were mine? So if youโ€™re mine I can hit you right?โ€ She mumbled but he heard, Rhett smirked

โ€œSo you admit that you were jealous?โ€

โ€œI wasnโ€™tโ€ฆ I was just missing homeโ€ She wiggled slightly and he laughed cutely

The sounds of his laughter was so melodious that she smiled

โ€œInstead of hitting me, why not K!SS meโ€ He said and she hit his shoulder


โ€œIโ€™m perverted for only you miss clumsyโ€ He said and she bit her lip trying to familiarize with the new tingling feeling she was having

And the way he kept reminding her that he belonged to only her made her excited, special and most of all dominant

She placed her face on his neck and K!SSed him lightly, when she did that her face turned bright red and she took her face away

Rhett grinned, โ€œWill I get one on the lips too, when we get back to the house?โ€

โ€œNo, that was a mistakeโ€ She said and he laughed

Ella ran behind them P@ล‹ting

โ€œWait for meโ€

Rhett stopped and turned to look at her with raised brows, still laughing

So-hee giggled and snuggles Rhett closer

โ€œI thought you were running to the cityโ€ Rhett teased and she rolled her eyes

โ€œIโ€™ll leave tomorrowโ€ฆ Besides I figured the city was not that wayโ€ Ella shrugged and kicked her legs while So-hee kept giggling

โ€œRightโ€ฆโ€ Rhett teased and she frowned, flickering her gaze back and forth at them

โ€˜Why are they so close?โ€™ She thought

โ€œLetโ€™s go.โ€

โ€œWait! Iโ€™m also tired can you carry me please?โ€ She asked and So-hee rolled her eyes

Canโ€™t she see that sheโ€™s already with him or what?

โ€œNoโ€ฆ If youโ€™re tired you can wait till youโ€™ve regained energyโ€ Rhett said savagely and continued walking

So-hee bit her lip so she wouldnโ€™t smile

Ella squinted her brows as she watched them leave, she was completely confused. Didnโ€™t So-hee say she liked Felix, then why was she so close to Rhett

โ€œArghโ€ฆ Relationships are so complicatedโ€ She groaned and grabbed her bag going after them

They walked few more metres before reaching the house frontage

Felix was outside holding a black piece of clothing, Mandy and Maddie were also there.

Felix and the twins burst into laughter when they finally got close

โ€œHereโ€™s your ratโ€ He pointed the clothe at them

โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€ So-hee asked

โ€œApparently, she saw this on the wardrobe and concluded it was a ratโ€ Felix explained and Ella gasped

Rhett and So-hee glared at her

โ€œIt looked so realโ€ She said in her defense

Felix frowned when he saw that Rhett still had So-hee on his back, he scoffed and walked towards him

โ€œSo-hee are you okay, can you walk?โ€ He asked almost touching her but Rhett maneuvered his way past him into the house

Maddie chuckled, โ€œHeโ€™s fastโ€

โ€œGosh I wish he could hold me that way tooโ€ Mandy gushed dreamily

Ella shrugged and entered with her bag, the twins followed leaving Felix outside

He clenched and unclenched his jaws meanly, after a while he exhaled before entering the room too


With the twins help, they were able to clean up the house and put things in place

They all slumped on the chairs in the living room, sighing in silence

โ€œIโ€™m exhaustedโ€ Ella complained

โ€œMy bones are numbโ€ฆ God, why didnโ€™t you book a hotel or somethingโ€ So-hee pouted at Rhett

โ€œYeah, why didnโ€™t you bossโ€ Felix called out sarcastically and Rhett rolled his eyes

โ€œI have no commentsโ€ He replied dryly

โ€œThereโ€™s nothing interesting about this placeโ€ฆjust look at Soo-minโ€™s pics in Busan, just the first day and they visited the art galleryโ€ Ella said as she looked into her phone, she showed them the pictures

โ€œAnd we on our first day, we ran a marathonโ€ So-hee chuckled

โ€œWell if it would make you feel any better, we can go to the beach tomorrow, trust me when I say itโ€™s gonna be funโ€ Rhett smiled

โ€œWe donโ€™t trust you!!โ€ They chorused and he gasped

โ€œSuch cheeky staffโ€ He feigned annoyance and rolled his eyes

He and Felix then went to the kitchen to prepare a light meal, he started cutting the tomatoes while Felix washed the rice

โ€œWhy are you always hovering around her?โ€ Felix spoke, he paused what he was doing and glanced at him

Felix raised a brow, a frown deeply engraved on his face. When Rhett got what he meant, he chuckled

โ€œI could ask you the same thing Felix?โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t play dumb with me Rhett, stop trying to take advantage of So-hee, sheโ€™s naiveโ€ฆ I donโ€™t really like you.. youโ€™re just some cheap dude who grew up abroadโ€ฆโ€

Rhettโ€™s laughter cut him short, he dropped the knife and leaned on the counter

โ€œFirst of all, I donโ€™t think So-hee is naive, in fact sheโ€™s smart, smart enough to know whatโ€™s best for her, secondly, Iโ€™m not cheap, and you know that and as far as taking advantage of her is concerned, you and I know that I would never do thatโ€ฆ If you have a problem with our closeness, I suggest you speak with her, sheโ€™s your friend right?โ€ He smirked

Felix stopped what he was doing and grabbed Rhettโ€™s collar

โ€œSeriously dude?โ€ Rhett frowned

โ€œStay away from her, Iโ€™m warning you..โ€

โ€œIf my memory serves me right, you and So-hee are not in anyway related..โ€ Rhett scowled and grabbed his hand off his shirt, โ€œDonโ€™t be a lovestruck fool, and accept that sheโ€™s mine alreadyโ€ He smirked and pushed him back

Felixโ€™s breath was ragged, he was very angry at himself, he knows heโ€™s losing her

But not yetโ€ฆ

He took off the apron and tossed it aside angrily, glared at Rhett before storming out of the kitchen

Rhett sighed, โ€œLove is dumb swearsโ€ He said and thought of all the dumb things heโ€™s done just so So-hee would be happy

He chuckled and shook his head

Felix stood in the shadows looking at So-hee as she laughed at funny videos in Ellaโ€™s phone

โ€œShe canโ€™t be yoursโ€ฆโ€ He thought and went to his room



Min-ji was welcomed warmly by So-heeโ€™s parents as usual, she decided to spend a night at their house. Itโ€™s been few hours since So-hee left and to her itโ€™s like a year already

Gosh, so frustrating. She was currently in So-heeโ€™s room

She was sitting in front of So-heeโ€™s dressing table, she applied moisturizer on her hands and kept rubbing

She was so lost in thoughts that she almost didnโ€™t here her phone ringing. She checked the caller ID and it turned out to be Ace

She smiled

โ€œHey love,โ€ She answered and stood up to stand by the window

โ€œAnyone up for a drink with me!!โ€ Mr. Kim called out, she put the phone aside

โ€œNo dad, not tonight!!โ€ She yelled

โ€œGoodnight dear!โ€ He said and she giggled

Returning the phone back to her ear, she apologized for keeping him on hold

โ€œWho was thatโ€ฆ He seems kinda coolโ€ Ace said and she smiled

โ€œHeโ€™s myโ€ฆ I mean So-heeโ€™s dad, Iโ€™m in their houseโ€ She replied

โ€œWow, you must really trust them to an extentโ€

โ€œTrust? Theyโ€™re like my real parents, sometimes I forget that Iโ€™m not their daughter, they treat me nicely even more than they do to So-heeโ€ The last statement made her feel guilty

She recalled one time, while they were still in highschool, Mr.&Mrs. Kim ditched So-heeโ€™s play just so they could get her favorite birthday cake from the bakery, and when So-hee started complaining they shoved it off

So-hee being gullible as usual also forgot about it. Theyโ€™re many other times that sheโ€™s been placed above So-hee despite not being their child

Like when they graduated from college, she was on showcase while So-hee just stayed in the shadows with her usual carefree smile


Min-ji sniffed, all those thoughts made her feel guilty for taking So-heeโ€™s life

She thought about her own family and bit her lip to suppress the urge to cry

โ€œAre you okay?โ€

โ€œI miss you sugar..โ€ She replied voice cracking a bit

โ€œI miss you more babeโ€ฆ. Why donโ€™t you move in with me till your friend returnsโ€ He suggested

โ€œNo worries babeโ€ฆ โ€ She stopped talking when she saw a strange man staring at her across the street

She looked closely, he appeared like a goon, but why was he staring at her

The guy smirked and turned around then the next minute he was gone

Min-jiโ€™s heart started racing, she didnโ€™t understand what just happened but she knew she had to be scared

โ€œMin-ji are you okayโ€ฆ Are you sleepy, did I disrupt your sleep? โ€

โ€ No, no, loveโ€ฆ Itโ€™s the network thatโ€™s badโ€ She said and shut the windows shakily

โ€ So are you moving in?โ€

โ€œUm yeah but the day after tomorrow, Iโ€™ve some important things to pack firstโ€ She replied contemplating whether to tell him about what just happened, in the end she decided not to

Maybe sheโ€™s just overthinkingโ€ฆ

โ€œI canโ€™t wait to have you over..โ€

โ€œPervertโ€ฆ I canโ€™t wait to come over tooโ€ She said naughtily and bit her lip, they laughed

โ€œI love you sweetheartโ€

Min-jiโ€™s heart leapt as he said that, she exhaled with eyes shut before answering

โ€œI love you too Aceโ€



Yu-ri laid across her bed with her earplugs in her ear, she hummed to the song as she sketched in her art book

Through the earplugs, she heard a bang sound, she rolled over and looked around her room

She shrugged and continued what she was doing

Again, the sound came

โ€œWho on earth!โ€ She seethed, removing her earplugs before standing up, she walked to the window and frowned when she saw Moon looking at her with his pebbles on display

She opened the window and gave him a pointed stare

โ€œExcuse me..โ€


โ€œWere you the one throwing things at my window?โ€ She asked and he shrugged

โ€œWhat do you want..!โ€ She snapped

โ€œIโ€™m boredโ€

โ€œSo go call your girlfriendโ€

โ€œJuni is not my girlfriendโ€ He mumbled, hoping sheโ€™d stop assuming things

โ€œOkay wh@ลฅฤ›ver, you can still call her since sheโ€™s your friendโ€ She said and crossed her arms under her B@@bs

โ€œCan I come over?โ€ He ignored her statement

Yuri found it weird that he was talking to her so she concluded he was drunk

โ€œNoโ€ She shut her window and went back to her bed but before she could fix her earplugs again, her window flew open and Moon jumped inside

โ€œHey what are you doing, breaking into my room again for the second timeโ€ She sat up

Moon glanced around the room before settling for the chair in front of her desk

โ€œIโ€™m boredโ€ฆ And I donโ€™t have friends, I only know you here soโ€

โ€œWell a certain someone said I was annoyingโ€ She rolled her eyes and he sighed regretting why he spoke to her in the first place

But why? Why did he suddenly want to speak to her?

โ€œBecause sheโ€™s cute duhโ€ his subconscious mind mused and he scoffed inwardly

He looked at her, no doubt sheโ€™s cuteโ€ฆ Sassily cute

โ€œYouโ€™re still annoying but letโ€™s put that aside today and speak like neighborsโ€ He said and gestured at her sketch book

โ€ I love your drawingsโ€ฆI canโ€™t believe Iโ€™m saying this but theyโ€™re really coolโ€ He complemented and she blushed

โ€ Thanksโ€ She shifted to the edge of the bed

โ€œWhy are you always home alone?โ€ She asked

โ€œMy parents are workaholicsโ€ฆ short answerโ€ He smiled

โ€ I wish my mom was a workaholicโ€ she said exasperatedly and shuddered

He chuckled, โ€œIโ€™m glad sheโ€™s notโ€ฆat least thereโ€™s someone who hits sense into that tiny brain of yoursโ€ He thought aloud

Yuri gasped and stood up furiously, moon gulped down nothing

โ€œI swear I didnโ€™t mean to say that out loudโ€ He pleaded standing up from the chair

She grabbed her art book and raised it to hit him but stopped midway and burst into laughter

โ€œYou fear meโ€ฆIโ€™m okay with thatโ€ She smirked and he breathed in relief, he sat down

โ€œWho were you sketching just now?โ€ He asked and she bit her lip, blushing fiercely



โ€œAs an anime character though, I think you have a perfect face for transitionโ€ She explained giving the book to him, he saw the sketch and a smile stretched on his lips

He saw one of of her friends, Mrs. Kim, Min-ji and So-hee as a devil?

โ€œYou made your mom an angel and your sister a devil? Why is this ironicโ€ He smirked

โ€ Yeah despite the fact she punishes me a lot, my mom is an angel but my sister, Kim So-hee..sheโ€™s a devil!! This is between us, donโ€™t snitch on meโ€

โ€ Cross my heartโ€ He smiled

He saw another of Gavin and frowned

โ€œYou drew him too?โ€

โ€œYeah heโ€™s my friend, I draw my friendsโ€ She stated, โ€ That doesnโ€™t mean you and I are friends tho, Iโ€™m tearing up your sketch when Iโ€™m done perfecting my ink ski||sโ€

He stood up swiftly, stunning Yuri, she had to step back

He took hold of her hand

โ€ Donโ€™t tear it upโ€

โ€œHuh?โ€ Her eyes widened

โ€œLetโ€™s be friendsโ€ He said and her lips parted, she blinked cutely

โ€ Friends? I thought you said I was annoyingโ€

โ€œIโ€™ll get used to itโ€ฆso friends?โ€ He brought his had for a shake

She stared at him skeptically for a while before placing her palm on his

โ€œUh sureโ€ She smiled and he returned it

Just then the door opened causing them to jerk in surprise




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