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Friday, October 18, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 38 & 39

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( She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie.. )

Chapter 38&39

By Authoress Bloom H.


After almost getting murdered, Felix took over from So-hee and the rest of the drive was quiet

Rhett knew she was jealous and really angry

It was fascinating how easily triggered she could get so he decided never to pull such a stunt on her again

Ella tried making small talks with him but he ignored her till she got tired and quit

So-hee kept pouting and fiddling with her hands, wondering why she reacted in such a rash manner

Because of her stupid unexplainable feelings, she would have caused an accident

β€˜Aiish…I’m so stupid’ She scolded herself and glanced at the mirror only to meet Rhett’s gaze, she scoffed and looked outside the window

Rhett sighed



β€œThis isn’t how I imagined Jogno-gu to be!!” Ella shrieked as they got down from the car, she looked around the place which looked like a village, with houses closely packed

There were many open farm fields but an alluring field of flower graced the backyard of the old house they were standing in front of

So-hee had a sad face on, she didn’t sign up for this…she wanted to go to Jeju

Rhett came out of the car too and stood beside So-hee, he got hold of her hand but she roughly snatched it away

β€œI went too far” He ruffled his hair

β€œAnnyeong, annyeong ( Hello, hello)” They saw a middle aged woman walking towards them with a big creepy smile

β€œShe’s creepy” Ella mumbled and stood behind Felix

Rhett smiled at the woman and moved forward

β€œAnnyeong madam Momo” He said and she laughed patting his hair like a child which he was uncomfortable with but kpet his cool

β€œYi-jun, you look a lot bigger than the last time you visited” Madam Momo complimented and he smiled stepping back

β€œThat was six years ago, ma’am” He said

Madam Momo chuckled and moved over to observe the others, Ella freaked and clutched Rhett’s arm

So-hee scoffed

β€œYou’re really pretty” Madam Momo touched her hair and she gasped

β€œThank you” She bowed slightly

Rhett cleared his throat and moved away from Ella

β€œThis is madam Momo, she’s lives in the house next to ours which happens to be the oldest in this area… She’s been looking over this house for years since my grandparents passed away” He said gesturing at both flats which were not that close to each other

β€œOh hello ma’am” Felix said

After familiarizing with her, they unpacked their bags from the car and headed into the small flat

β€œBunny are you okay?” Felix nudged at So-hee who had a frown on her face

β€œHmm” she hummed and dragged her bag ahead of him

Rhett opened the door, it made creaky sounds as it opened

So-hee sneezed immediately the dusty air from inside hit her face

β€œI want to go to Busan!!” Ella cried stomping around

β€œHey it’s not that bad” Rhett said entering into the house but when he saw the spiderwebs in the corners, he quickly retreated

β€œScared of spiders, hmph” So-hee scoffed and dragged her bag inside. Felix smirked at Rhett and followed her

Ella and Rhett entered carefully, the room was dusty and scattered. The old furniture in the room were wrapped with transparent nylons.

Though it looked old, it was quite spacious

β€œWho owns this place?” Ella squeaked

β€œIt’s my grandparents house” Rhett replied waving his hands to prevent the dust

β€œAre you guys comfortable?”

They all jerked when they heard madam Momo’s chirpy voice

β€œThis woman is so scary…I want to go home” Ella whined

β€œYou can do the cleaning later, when Yi-jun informed me you guys were coming, the brats and I made lunch… a big feast for your arrival” Momo explained

And as if on cue, Felix’s stomach grumbled

β€œSeriously?” So-hee rolled her eyes and stomped out

β€œSeems pretty girl is angry…such an adorable young lady, come along” Momo said and went outside

β€œAre we really going?” Ella asked rubbing sanitizer on her hands

Rhett shrugged and led the way outside, he met So-hee kicking her legs angrily


She forced a smile and ran after Momo



β€œMom’s coming, run!!” Maddie said to her sister and they ran back to the kitchen pretending like they were doing the dishes

Mandy her twin sister started setting the table

β€œDid you see that handsome oppa, gosh he’s so cute…” She gushed and Maddie rolled her eyes irritatedly

β€œHe’s so older than you” She snapped and Mandy scoffed

They’re 15 years old and are known all around the area for their mischievousness

The door opened and Momo entered with the guests behind her

β€œCome in, come in” She gestured

The twins ran to the living room haboring wide smiles to welcome the guest

β€œAnnyeong!” They chorused and before anyone would realize what’s up, Mandy jumped on Rhett

β€œOppa saranghae… (I love you mister)” She said and Rhett grinned awkwardly

β€œMandy!!!!!” Momo dragged her down by her hair


β€œHi Mandy and Maddie… you guys are now bigger than I imagined” Rhett said and Maddie smiled

β€œYou look like Yi-jun” She said and gasped in realization, β€œArgh…it’s Yi-jun” She hugged him

β€œI love you Yi-jun oppa” Mandy said wanting to join the hug but was restrained by her mother’s grip on her hair

So-hee and Felix chuckled, Ella was busy sanitizing her hands

β€œHi” So-hee waved and Mandy frowned

β€œIs she your girlfriend?” She asked and So-hee blinked

β€œNo she’s not…Hello I’m Felix” Felix cut in

β€œOkay wh@Ε₯Δ›ver, Yi-jun is mine!” She sassed

β€œThis girl…” madam Momo picked a broom and began chasing after her while they laughed

β€œShe’s not my sister” Maddie shrugged causing them to laugh more

β€œEomma…please stop, you’re embarrassing me in front of my crush!!” Mandy kept yelling as Momo chased after her

So-hee sighed missing Yu-ri, this is almost like the stunt her mom and Yu-ri would always pull off

β€œLet’s go to the dinning area” Maddie ushered them in

They sat round the table while Maddie started serving

Rhett was sitting beside So-hee, he glanced at her longingly

β€œAre you mad at me?” He asked

β€œMe? Why would I be mad at you?” She shrugged and looked at him

β€œBecause I was spending time with Ella instead” He blurted and she scoffed

β€œI don’t care who you talk’s your life afterall” She said snappily, Felix heard and raised a brow

β€œWhat do you mean?”

β€œNothing..I’m just tired” She said

β€œTired? I never knew you could get tired, workaholic” He teased and she chuckled softly

Momo and Mandy joined them after a while

β€œThat’s because I’m an intern dummy” She rolled her eyes, β€œI have to work extra hard”

Ella watched them smiling

β€˜I can’t wait to gist Soo-min about this’ She thought picking her chopsticks to eat

Rhett watched jealously as she was laughing with Felix, she just sidelined him

He sighed, maybe he deserved it anyway

β€œSo I made this special sauce for my best friend, but I change my mind, I want Yi-jun to have it” Mandy stood up and brought the sauce for Rhett to eat

β€œI…” He was cut off when she dumped everything onto his plate

β€œTaste it and K!SS me..” She said and his eyes widened

β€œThis child..!!’ Momo seethed

The rest burst into laughter

β€œGosh!!” Maddie palmed her head



Anna’s devilishly long heels clicked on the floor as she walked in the mansion, she was very familiar with the place and the people there

Some guys were on the couch smoking and drinking wildly while others making out and segzing shamelessly in the open

She waved at them making her way upstairs

She walked till she got to a room, she knocked twice

β€œCome in Nari” A hoarse voice called from the other side, she smiled and pushed the door open

Thick smoke enveloped the air making the room look hazy, a guy sat on the huge bed in the middle of the room smoking crazily like his life depended on it

His bare chest had different tattoos all over and his face very hot yet intimidating

Anna walked up to him and furiously snatched the tobacco stick from him

β€œShe’s not dead yet!” She snapped and he stood up moving close to grope her @$$

He’s actually the guy she asked to ki|| Min-ji, she’s very furious cause she’s still seen Min-ji alive and worse of all flaunting her relationship with Ace

β€œCareful Nari…don’t hurt yourself in the process” He said huskily and moved his hands to massage her B@@bs, she threw her head back and MΓ΅@Ι²ed

β€œBut I want her dead…she’s a pain in my @$$, she manages to snatch everything from me everytime, even my father’s love… I h@Ε₯Δ› her!” Anna ranted and he bent to trail K!SSes on her neck

β€œJiwoon..” She MΓ΅@Ι²ed out

β€œShe’s going to die soon…let her enjoy a Billionaire’s love for sometime” Jiwoon replied and she smirked, she knew he would ki|| Min-ji anyway

This is not the first time he’d be doing something like this for her so she trusts him

β€œI missed you crazily Nari” He whispered and she MΓ΅@Ι²ed

β€œMe too… I want you to FΕ―Γ§Ζ™ me till I can’t move” She said naughtily rubbing his chest

β€œAnything for you Nari” He said and tore off her short gown in a flash, she was Ɲ@kΔ“Ι— underneath and without warning he threw her to the bed and mounted her

She widened her legs to the sides in anticipation watching his huge Ďïčk spring out as he removed his boxers hastily

β€œPut that thing in me already” She ordered and he smirked inserting his Ďïčk roughly, ramming into her


β€œFΕ―Γ§Ζ™ me harder…”



Vivian groaned for the umpteenth time tapping her forehead in frustration, it was boring in the office alone

Lucy wasn’t even around, she went out for a meeting

β€œGod I wish I had a boyfriend” She whined and stood up to stretch

She began walking desk by desk looking at it and smiling

β€œJogno-gu…haha…I don’t think Ella realize what that place is like…she was so happy poor soul” She laughed as she got to Ella’s desk

She got to Lucy’s desk and sat on the chair

β€œSenior editor Lucy…I so love that lady, I wonder why she isn’t married yet?” She muttered looking lazily at the papers in front of her

But one paper caught her attention more, it looked different from the ones used in the office

β€œWhat’s this…I know I shouldn’t pry but..” She picked the paper and opened it’s fold, it was a hospital report

β€œW…what?” She stuttered shakily as she read through it


Yu-ri stood behind the shop’s counter glaring at Mrs. Chang, and as usual they were at loggerheads

β€œI’m not a thief, you’re just poor you can’t even afford such a tiny thing” She said and Mrs. Chang glared hard at her before dropping several notes on the counter

β€œCheapskate!” She snapped before packing all she’d paid for in a bag

Mrs. Chang glared at her before leaving

β€œGod I dislike that woman” Yu-ri snorted and fell back on the chair

Mrs. Kim came into the shop stealthily and tapped her, she jerked

β€œMom you scared me” She whined

β€œHas that evil lady gone?” Mrs. Kim asked looking around

β€œYes, she’s so hard to deal with gosh…is that why you called me here?” Yu-ri asked

β€œYes, it’s best you deal with her, one day I might be tempted to hit her” Mrs. Kim said with disgust in her voice

β€œSo I can go now?” Yu-ri chirped and her mom gave her a stern look

β€œNo..I have another errand for you” She said and picked up two flower pots neatly trimmed, Yuri frowned

β€œDeliver this at the third house round the street next to the coffee shop” Mrs. Kim said and she smiled, she thought it was to go around selling initially

β€œCount on me eomma” She said happily and collected the pots

Mrs. Kim sighed, β€œmore reason I shouldn’t count on you…daughter” She said with a smile on her face

Yuri ran all the way to the house and delivered the flowers, she collected the money and started walking back to the shop

β€œYu-ri!” She turned to see Gavin smiling at her, he was dressed casually and looking effortlessly cute

She smiled, β€œHi”

He walked towards her

β€œDo you leave around here?” She asked and he shook his head

β€œI came to visit a friend”

β€œWho’s that, I might know him” She probed and he chuckled nervously

β€œForget about that, what about you do you live here?”

She pointed at her house and he nodded continously

β€œSo you up for coffee?” He asked and she nodded


He smiled and they entered the cafe, they went to a table

Moon was sitting by a corner with his concentration on his laptop, he was using the net, the WiFi in the cafe is best so he’s always there

β€œFlowers, all types of flowers…you should patronize my mom” Yu-ri said and Gavin smiled, his heart fluttering at every word she spoke

They already ordered their coffee

Moon heard a familiar β€œannoying” voice as he would term it and raised his head

He frowned when he saw her with Gavin

β€œI don’t like him” He muttered, not knowing why he did so in the first place

He shrugged and continued browsing though he was now divided, especially with how hard Yuri was laughing, he was wondering what Gavin was telling her

β€œTch…” A scoff left his lips

After finishing her coffee, Yuri stood up

β€œThanks Gavin for the coffee but I have to go now else my mom will…

β€œKim Yuri!!!!” Mrs. Kim’s voice sounded all over the street

β€œHa…” Yuri pouted and ran off, Gavin chuckled softly

Moon stood up and fixed his laptop in his bag, he dropped few notes on the table before leaving for the door

β€œHey dude wassup?” Gavin called when he saw him

β€œHi” He replied dryly before leaving

Gavin shrugged and continued sipping his coffee


After the lunch at Momo’s place, they returned to apartment. It took practically everything to drag Mandy off Rhett’s body, she even stated she’d be visiting them more

They were cleaning the place now, though grumpily, especially Ella

So-hee was in the kitchen with a blank expression as she dusted the items present

She stretched out to reach for the cabinet on the top but couldn’t get to it

β€œThis is so embarrassing” She whined and heard someone chuckle behind her

She looked back

β€œLet me help” Rhett offered

β€œNo thanks, I don’t need your help… I’ll do it myself” She declined, still angry even though she didn’t know why

She dragged the stool closer to the cabinet and started climbing on it

Rhett clicked his tongue and carried her from it, she gasped and kicked her legs childishly

β€œPut me down…” She whisper yelled, he smirked and placed her down, he moved his face close to hers

β€œWere you jealous?” He asked and her breath hitched

β€œJealous? Why would I be jealous.. tch” She scoffed, β€œYou can keep spending all your time with Ella if you want…you can even K!SS her, I don’t care…pst, jealous, I’m not jealous” She said snappily, her face flushed and brows creased cutely

Rhett chuckled and lifted her face with his index finger so her gaze could meet his

β€œI’m sorry” He smiled and she blinked, her heart beating fast

β€œHuh… um.. wh@Ε₯Δ›ver” She stuttered and he slowly placed his lips on hers a short while before removing it

She blinked rapidly not knowing how to react but she was happy as hell

β€œI’ll speak with only you, spend my time with only you, K!SS only you and flirt with only you henceforth,I’m yours” He said and she opened her mouth, closing it back when nothing came out

She was not expecting him to say that, she took in her lower lip


β€œRat!!!!” Ella shrieked loudly from the inner room

So-hee’s face paled instantly and she ran outside

Rhett followed, if there’s anything he h@Ε₯Δ›s more than insects, then it’s rodents

Ella ran out with her bag

Mandy who was watching from her house gasped when she saw them running crazily

β€œMy crush has gone mad” She screamed and ran outside too

β€œNoooo!!” She yelled



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