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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 30 & 31

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( She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie.. )

Chapter 30&31

By Authoress Bloom H.

✫❀ ❀✯


Moon was in the living room playing video games just whiling away time then the sound of the doorbell came. He reluctantly stood up and dragged his feet

“I’m coming, aiish” He snapped when the person continued ringing it, he concluded it was Yu-ri already, since he was expecting for the start of their project

Of all people, that old man had to pair him up with Yu-ri…Kim Yu-ri, that mad person

He sighed and opened the door ready to slam it back if she tried anything stupid but was stunned when he met Juni there instead.

She was standing with her usual ki||er smile that made his heart skip all the time…

“Juni..” He called, surprised

She smiled revealing her perfect set of white teeth, “Hi, I’m here for the project”

“Project? You’re in our group?” He asked as he clearly recalls that they were in paired in twos and not threes

“Yeah, he’d ommited my name from the listing, so I asked him to include me in your group” She said and he nodded, opening the door for her to enter

“I hope you don’t mind”

‘Mind? I love it’ He squealed in his head, but shook his head casually

Juni walked about like she was looking for something, she was searching for Yu-ri actually. She asked to be included in their group only to be close to Moon

“Juni..” Moon called behind her and she turned back with a smile

He was staring at her questioningly

“Are you looking for something?”

“N… No, your house is nice” She complimented and sat on the couch beside him

“Where is Yuri?” She asked and he shrugged, as he dropped the materials they’d be needing

“I am here!”

Yu-ri announced as she climbed down the stairs, Juni gasped, “How come?”

Moon sighed, he knows she used his window in so he didn’t bother saying anything

“Hi neighbor” She said as she sat in the floor in front of the table, then glanced at Juni who kept staring at her emotionlessly

“I know I’m pretty so stop staring” She smiled and flaunted her short hair before wiggling her brows.

Juni scoffed lowly and brought out her things too

“Wait” Yu-ri suddenly said, “You’re not in our group” She furrowed her brows

“If I wasn’t then I wouldn’t be here” Juni snapped

“Hey, calm down lady” Yu-ri rolled her eyes and scoffed

Moon cleared his throat, “Enough arguing, let’s start already”

He said and they started with the project, though Juni wouldn’t stop glaring at Yu-ri secretly


“You don’t expect us to finish everything today, do you?” Yu-ri whined

They’d been sitting and drafting for almost two hours but Moon didn’t seem moved by any of it.

“Are you that lazy?” Juni snapped

Moon said nothing

Yu-ri stared at her for a while, wondering why she never left any chance of snapping at her

“I am lazy and right now, I’m lazy as Fůçƙ” She replied and tapped Moon

“Let’s leave this for tomorrow, I’m really tired” She pouted and Juni rolled her eyes, Moon lifted his head from the book

“Gosh, if you want to leave, then leave!” Juni glared

“Calm down Juni” Moon said to her, surprised at her sudden outburst

“I’m just tired of her constant whining” She said lowly and Yu-ri gasped


“Let’s round up for the day, just don’t argue…not here in my house” Moon said tiredly and glanced pleadingly at Yu-ri who looked ready to drag everything

“Wh@ťěver…you can stay and continue with the Fůçƙïṅg project…I’m leaving, bye” She said and stormed out of the house, now using the front door

Juni scoffed

“She’s so annoying” She said

“You shouldn’t have said that to her, not that rudely…I’m also tired so should I leave?” Moon said and she opened her mouth but nothing came out

Why did she react that way, she sighed feeling guilty…. She just got insecure with Yu-ri around, she doesn’t know how but she likes Moon and somehow Yu-ri seems like competition to her

“I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“I understand, you’re stressed… don’t worry about that, I’m sure she’d be okay” He smiled and she returned it

They cleared the place together, then she picked her bag ready to leave

“Uh, what about your parents?” She asked

“They’ll be back late…overtime” He shrugged and she nodded

“Even my dad works overtime” She said and opened the door, he followed behind, scratching the back of his head nervously

“Can…” She hugged him getting him off guard, he wrapped his arms around her and smiled

Yu-ri who was watching them from her room, rolled her eyes and locked her window with a bang before falling back on her bed

‘Why am I feeling angry…that snake Juni’ She thought squeezing her face in annoyance.

“I’ll just go to So-hee’s house” She said and grinned mischievously then got up from the bed


Outside their apartment, Rhett and So-hee sat in silence in his car, So-hee played with her fingers as Rhett kept looking at her like an idol

She suddenly bursted into laughter, palming her mouth

“Sorry…sorry” She said now giggling while Rhett just watched in amusement, glad to hear just how cute her laughter sounded

After she stopped laughing, she looked at him

“I’ll leave now” She said batting her lashes rapidly. Since she met him in the elevator and he asked her to quit avoiding him, it’s been kinda awkward between them but now it’s all good

“Hm..” He hummed completely lost staring at her face, his hand went to her face to her glasses

“Do you need this?” He asked and she shook her head, he nodded and took it off slowly

“My sight has been corrected long time ago” She informed

“Your eyes are beautiful…you are beautiful” He smiled and her breath hitched, she was now blushing.

She quickly took her glasses from him then opened the door

“You’re um… handsome too…bye” She said quickly and got out of the car, running towards the apartment door crazily without looking back

Rhett chuckled and clicked his tongue, he loves that crazy creature…

His smile kept widening at every thought he had of her as he drove back home

So-hee entered the apartment, and sat down behind the door, holding her chest, she bit her lip and shut her eyes tightly

“What is wrong with me…my heart” She muttered

“I guess you’ve forgotten about me” She opened her eyes when she heard Min-ji

Quickly getting up from the floor, she entered the living room only to find Min-ji sitting on the floor with cans of beer placed on the floor and table

“Woah…” She gasped and sat beside her, Min-ji looked at her, raising a brow

“So what did Rhett say to you, huh?”

“Min-ji, what are you doing?” She asked and glanced at the TV, it was playing a documentary on Netflix about some dinosaur age

So-hee shook her head, something is definitely wrong cause Min-ji would never watch something that boring… or science related

“I’m partying…” She answered and started sobbing, she just felt cheap at that moment. After she and Ace K!SSed,she recalled he was once Anna’s fiance, what if he was just using her to get back at her family… the way Anna had humiliated him was so bad that anyone in his shoes would want revenge…

With all these going through her mind, she felt restless…she even took some days off work to clear her head

So-hee crawled to her side and hugged her tightly

“Stop crying min…tell me what happened? Is it Ho-Seok again?” She asked and Min-ji scowled


“Okay, this is about Ace right?” She asked and Min-ji nodded slowly, now hiccuping

So-hee left her and ran to the kitchen to get a glass of water

After drinking it, the hiccup died down…

“What happened, what did he do…did he say anything, do anything nasty or he broke your heart?”

So-hee gasped and balled her fist angrily, she was really furious that Min-ji found it cute, she chuckled and hugged her resting her head on So-hee’s shoulder

“I’ll tell mom and Yu-ri about this..” So-hee said and picked her phone but Min-ji laughed and stopped her

“No So-hee, he didn’t do anything…nothing at all but I’m scared” Min-ji sighed

“You can tell me anything Min-ji, I’ll listen and if I can’t think of a solution, we’ll tell Dad” She said and this time Min-ji laughed, rolling on the floor forcing So-hee to laugh along

Both girls knew who was right for any situation: For fights or arguments it would be Yu-ri or Mrs. Kim while Mr. Kim was always the peacemaker

So-hee opened a can of beer and drank from it while Min-ji narrated to her about Ace’s past with Anna and how they K!SSed the other night

“You guys K!SSed?” So-hee squealed

“Yes but it’s not big deal” Min-ji muttered and picked an empty can on the floor, reading the description on it

“No big deal??? Argh..” So-hee screamed, smiling foolishly

“You K!SSed Ace Heather, THE Ace Heather…c’mon Min-ji, you K!SSed a billionaire for heaven’s sake, do you know how expensive that K!SS was??” So-hee asked and Min-ji shrugged

“You’re not getting the point here, are you?”

“Point? The freaking point is that you ditched him after K!SSing his billionaire lips…argh Min-ji” So-hee whined

“Why do you sound like Rhett isn’t a billionaire…I bet you’ve K!SSed him too?” Min-ji said with an eye roll

“Don’t change the topic dummy…. Min-ji can’t you see that he really likes you, wait..he loves you, do you know how freaking worried he might be right now?”

“How are you so sure about that?” Min-ji asked snuggling close to her

“If he were so shallow minded Min-ji, remember the time he splashed muddy water at you, he wouldn’t have stayed back helping you at the cost of an important meeting, then at the groceries to say hi, then inviting you home to meet his mom, then saving you from Ho-Seok’s humiliation…”

“But isn’t that what he would do to win me over?”

“Let’s just stay positive Min-ji…picture the perfect side with me” So-hee snapped and Min-ji grinned

“All I’m saying is, Min-ji…don’t let that Cöçkroach stepsister of yours destroy your life and that of Ace’s” So-hee said

“I can’t believe…you’re advising me right now, that’s what I usually do, not the other way round” Min-ji pouted and So-hee giggled, “I’m impressed” She added

“So are you going to call him now?” So-hee asked and she sighed, her phone has been off the whole day, he probably might’ve tried calling multiple times.

“I’ll do that tomorrow…”

“Why not..”

“Eonni!!” Yuri’s entrance cut her off and she sighed heavily, standing up but Yu-ri pushed her out of the way and sat on the floor with Min-ji

“I missed you sis” She hugged her leaving So-hee stunned for a while, did she just get ignored by her annoying little sister?

“I missed you too baby girl” Min-ji said in a babyish voice

“I…” So-hee started but she huffed before running up to her room

Min-ji and Yu-ri watched her leave then bursted out laughing






Anna kept Mõ@ɲing as she was being banged by a man, she paid him to Fůçƙ her actually. After they reached climax, she laid back on the bed breathing heavily, she was extremely tired as that was the fourth round

“You were good” She complimented the man who was now dressing up, she took out a bundle of cash and handed to him while he gave her a card containing his number

“You were good too sweetheart…and very segzy” He winked before leaving

She tossed the card aside and picked the ring on the drawer by her bed, staring longingly at it then K!SSed it lightly

It was the engagement ring Ace had given to her when he proposed,it’s not that expensive but it’s still pure gold.

“I know you still love me that’s why you’re with Min-ji…because you see me in her” She muttered and frowned recalling how he’d chased her out of his office not sparing her a glance after then. He doesn’t love her again, she knew he felt disgusted seeing her, she closed the ring in her palm and got out of the bed n*ked

She stood in front of the mirror and pushed strands of her hair backwards, staring at herself

“I’m way prettier than she is…are you still mad because I insulted you openly? I already apologized so why don’t you forgive me huh?” She said and threw the ring away, she needed no soothsayer to tell her that he was never going to love her again

“Alright, if I can’t have you then, no one else will…especially not Min-ji, not after stealing everything from me, she can’t have you too” She seethed and left for the bathroom, entering the jacuzzi filled with cold water

“If not me, then no one else” She repeated and closed her eyes



It’s the most famous and biggest gym in Seoul, almost everyone has membership with them

Min-ji literally dragged So-hee into the gym as she was being reluctant

“C’mon bestie…c’mon” She kept saying while So-hee maintained her pouty face

She also got her membership to the gym all thanks to Min-ji who tricked her into signing up

They got to a room with different gym equipments

“ki|| me” She sighed dramatically and Min-ji chuckled

“Die!!” She said and they laughed. She scurried to the bench and sat on it watching as few ladies lifted weights four times heavier than them

She gulped and looked at Min-ji who was now on the treadmill running in medium speed. She stood up and went to where she was

“Look at those ladies…that’s the easiest way to die, what are they lifting?” She whispered and Min-ji giggled

Looking at everyone in the gym she suddenly had the urge to use the ladies

“Bathroom…I wanna pee” She said childishly and Min-ji laughed almost falling off the treadmill, she stopped the machine before getting down

“Let’s go together” She said and picked a towel, leading the way to the bathroom

When they got there, So-hee went in to do her business while she went to the balcony for some fresh air, she was enjoying the air when she felt a presence behind her, real close. She turned around and ended up bumping into his chest

“Babe” Ho-Seok called

She pushed him away and glared at him

“What was that Ho-Seok…so irritating!” She said angrily, while he smirked

“Why? Can’t I touch you again? Is it because of that guy you claim is your boyfriend…where is he by the way?” He asked almost sounding like he was mocking her

“No you can’t! What are you doing here by the way?” She asked and he shrugged moving to stand leaning on the railings

“This is a gym babe, anyone can come here” He said with a smile that she found annoying

“Wh@ťěver, just stay away from me!” She said sharply and made to leave but his next move cut her off guard, he held her back and slammed his lips on hers

She kept struggling but his hold was tight and kicking was useless because of how close they were

“How dare you!!” So-hee roared from behind them, and next minute, she was on Ho-Seok, biting, hitting and scratching him mercilessly

Min-ji on the hand was stunned staring at a spot in the hall, Ace was there just staring at her…after the K!SS, she’s not seen him though So-hee made her call him but now…

He took slow steps towards them and when he got to where she stood, he ignored her and dragged the fierce So-hee away from Ho-Seok whose face was now scratched all over

“Bastard!” He spat and punched Ho-Seok across his face, he kept punching

Min-ji slowly back out and ran away from there.

“Min-ji…” So-hee followed running behind trying to catch up

“Min-ji please slow down” She shouted

“Bunny!” She stopped and looked behind her, and smiled when she saw it was Felix

“Hi…bye, my friend is…she’s not okay, I gotta go now” She said and continued running

“Wait up” He followed

Min-ji kept running till she got to the exit, Rhett was just entering, he also just got his membership approved, she bumped into him and continued running

“Seriously?” He rasped looking back at the weird girl then rolled his eyes

“She should’ve at least apologized” He mouthed

“Hey..” So-hee screamed still running but before she could get a hold of herself she slipped, running directly into Rhett and he wrapped his arms around her waist to prevent her from falling

“So-hee..?” He raised a brow

“Yi-jun!” She called breathlessly

Felix who was behind ran to a halt

“Bunny…” Felix’s voice trailed off when he saw the position they were in

His face dropped immediately



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