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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 16 & 17

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( 🌼 She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie.. 🌼)

Chapter 16πŸ’•17

By Bloom H 🍁


Ace reached the airport in no time, he quickly ran to the waiting area where he spotted his mother, she was busy crunching a cracker.

He shook his head and dragged his feet to where she sat, β€œMom..”

Mrs. Heather smiled enthusiastically as she saw her son, she stood up and hugged him

β€œMy son” Ace hugged her back

β€œMom, I’ve told you several times to always inform me of your visits” He scolded and Mrs Heather scoffed loudly

β€œIt won’t be a surprise then”

β€œThis is the third time your so called surprise visit is getting you stranded mom” He said as she picked her travel bag

β€œWell at least I met a beautiful girl today, son, you won’t be disappointed of you meet her, she’s so sweet and lovely” She said and sat down while Ace frowned, here he was trying to take her home and she wasn’t willing

β€œWe won’t leave until you meet her and show gratitude, she took care of me like her own mother, she’s really nice and patient” She remained adamant and having no other option, he sat beside her and took out his phone to keep himself busy for the meantime

Mrs. Heather sighted the attendant from afar as she spoke to a co-worker, she could tell by her statue. She smiled and tapped Ace who reluctantly looked up, by this time she was walking towards them

β€œMin-ji?” His lips stretched into a smile as she came by. She was looking dashing in her work attire, what he would say, made for her. Min-ji who was expecting everyone else but him just smiled and gave a slight courteous bow

β€œHello Mr. Heather” She looked at Mrs. Heather and continued, β€œYou should pay attention to your mom, she’s been here for a long time waiting for you, you should’ve come earlier”

Mrs. Heather blushed at her words, a grin appeared on her face as she glanced at Min-ji. Perfect, just perfect! She thought

Ace had his mouth open to speak but when he couldn’t get the right words, he nodded, β€œThank you for taking care of my mom. Min-ji”

β€œMin-ji?” Mrs. Heather sounded surprised, how did he know her name, she scanned the attendant but saw no name tag, so how?

β€œYes ma’am, my name is Lee Min-ji” Min-ji introduced, she saw Isla waving at her from the entry, she waved back and faced Ace, β€œMy job is done since you’re here, please do take care of her and ma’am enjoy your stay in Seoul” She said, hurrying to leave

β€œThank you very much” Ace said and she nodded before walking towards the entry where Isla stood.

Mrs. Heather looked at her son and a mischievous glint shone in her eyes, she’d seen how he was staring at Min-ji. There was something more to the duo and wh@Ε₯Δ›ver it was, she liked it.

He’d lost interest in women years ago when his fiance ditched him but now..She was happy, at least, she knew holding her grandkids won’t take longer than she expected

β€œSon she’s gone. Can you take me home now?” She whined, faking a face and Ace nodded awkwardly, wondering how long he’d been staring. He then glanced at his mom and caught her smiling

This is going to be a long ride” He thought as he knew she’d ask a lot about how he knows Min-ji

β€œLet’s go” He picked her travel bag and walked behind her, out of the airport.


Moon stood frowning as he glared at the girl in the room across his. The moment he saw the architecture of the house, he cussed at the engineer who designed the it due to house closely situated the rooms were, but then having such a nasty next door neighbor?

He looked at the smashed dirt in his room before returning his gaze back to the girl who caused it. Yu-ri started laughing at his expression, she stuck out her tongue at him and closed her window with a bang before leaving her room.

β€œ$h|t” He cussed, frustration and anger evident in his voice. They’d just moved in and from what he just seen, he wasn’t going to like staying here one bit.

He got a broom and started cleaning the dirt, still frowning. When he was done, he stood up and closed his windows too

Yu-ri had gone down to her mom’s store, she was moving her head to the music from her headphones. Mrs Kim had asked her to watch the store while she left to get some groceries from the market. She snapped her eyes open, when she felt a presence in the room and standing before her with a cup of water to her face was Jack, her best friend who was soon going to be roasted

β€œHi” He dumped the water on her before she could warn him. He started laughing at her shocked face

Yu-ri stood up, tightening her fists together as she glared at him, β€œWhat was that about?” She snapped, menacingly moving closer to him. Jake moved backwards trying to hold back his laughter, β€œRemember, when you did the same to me? While in class?” He asked

Yu-ri scoffed, β€œThat doesn’t mean you should do the same to me, you ruined my dress” She frowned

β€œIt’s called payback Yu-ri… I missed you so much that’s why I came by” Jake said and she scoffed wiping her face

β€œLiar, you came to get something from me right. Such a fake friend you are, I’ve been home for almost two weeks but neither you nor Blake came visiting”

Jack grinned, β€œThat’s true” He bent and picked a bag pack from the ground behind the counter and took out a note and textbook, β€œThere’s this really hard algebra assignment. Yu-ri please help me” He pouted

β€œI said it!” She snapped and he gulped, he could see smoke puffing out through her ears already, β€œFake friends!” She stretched her hand to smack him but he was quick to run out of the store

She pressed her lips together and picked up a spray bottle behind the counter and aimed at him but he ducked, it ended up hitting another person. Yu-ri blinked, it was her hot next door neighbor

Moon slowly lifted his head and glared at her angrily before marching away, lashing out at her was the last thing he wanted to do. Besides, according to him, she wasn’t worth his time.

β€œWow, who was that?” Jack asked as he stared at Moon’s departing figure, he turned around to look at Yu-ri but he received a bath instead. Yu-ri grinned contentedly waving the bowl at him


β€œIt’s called payback Jack!” She chuckled

β€œArrgh” Jack whined while she continued chuckling



Since lunchtime, Felix hadn’t said a word to So-hee, not even teased her which she found strange. She’d gotten used to him calling her names, she felt it made her work effectively but now, the sudden quietness made her get worried again

β€œHey” She whispered rolling her chair close to his side, β€œWhy are you so quiet?” She asked

β€œWhy? You miss my voice?” He smirked, turning to face her and she scrunched up her nose

β€œYou wish. Whatcha doing?” She asked looking into his laptop, he had typed a long article which was quite eye catching, β€œYou typed this?” She asked with her lips forming an OH

β€œNope, Ella did. I’m just editing” He replied and gave her candy which she declined, β€œNah, I’m broke” She said and he chuckled

β€œI’m not going to ask you for money dummy but now that you brought it up… ” He eyed her mischievously and she moved her chair back in her place

β€œNo!!” She glared and stood up with the file containing the catalogue she’d created, heading to Rhett’s cabin

Felix chuckled and ate the candy, β€œCome back soon bunny”

So-hee scoffed before knocking at Rhett’s door

β€œCome in” She heard and did a quick breathing exercise before opening the door. She stuck her head through with a grin, β€œHi sir”

Rhett swivelled his chair around to face her as he was staring outside initially. His lips twitched forming a small smile and he nodded, waving her in.

She entered and dropped the file on the table, β€œSir, this is the catalog” She informed and Rhett pointed at a chair behind her, β€œSit!”

For a second, she thought she misheard him but the serious look on his face proved otherwise, so she sat down moving to the edge.

Rhett read through the work she’d done and nodded, it was well done but he had something else to say to her, β€œVivian told me you saw a man, following you guys around?” He queried holding her gaze and she nodded fiddling with her fingers.

He looked away, clenching his fist. He’d expected anything from Ling Fest but this was the least of it. They subjected to spying on his employees, what a cheap move, he thought. But then, their safety was of the utmost importance, especially So-hee’s since she was the brain of the project.

β€œDo you have a car?” He asked and she shrugged, β€œNo sir” Rhett smirked at how cheerfully she always spoke, like a 5 year old.

β€œI’ll be your ride from today” He decided and she blinked, β€œSir?”

β€œYou’ll ride in my car henceforth till the project is done” He clarified

β€œBut why sir?” So-hee pushed further. Riding in her boss’s car, no way! If she rode with him, who would walk with Felix, besides she would feel awkward around him

Rhett frowned slightly not liking that she was being distant, it was only a harmless everyday ride with him at least that way, he’d be sure of her safety. Or?

He felt a nerve prick.

Or did she prefer taking the bus with Felix?

His face squeezed to a sour expression as he thought about it, the possibilities of it being true. He looked back at her face, her green eyes waiting for answers, β€œIt’s safer. Just take it as me being your bodyguard” He forced out words

β€œBut..” She was stuck between riding with him and walking with Felix. One thing was sure, she enjoyed Felix’s company even though he teased her most times.

β€œBut?” He CΓΆΓ§ked an inquisitive brow and she took in her lip, β€œOkay” She agreed after much thought, there was no way he’d leave Felix stranded on his own, so it was fair!

β€œGood. Trust me, it’s for your safety So-hee” He said and she nodded, β€œI know. Thank you boss” She smiled, a wide smile that melted him. He smiled back.

The day had gone by quickly, Rhett decided to treat them to dinner, this time, he went with them to a fancy restaurant. After that, he drove So-hee home, Felix had to tag along much to his dismay. But the 15 minutes, he had with her was worth it even though they barely spoke to each other. As he drove home, he kept wondering why he was so concerned about her. He had a wild thought

Was he falling for her?

He chuckled and clicked his tongue, shaking his head

Maybe he was because, suddenly, she meant everything to him that he overlooked most of her silly mistakes. Something he’d never done to the people who worked under him back abroad, he’d fire all clumsy workers instantly but So-hee…

She was still working for him and now he was dropping her home

To the extent of getting jealous whenever he saw her with Felix, he didn’t want to admit it but his heart said otherwise, he h@Ε₯Δ›d seeing them together and he was going to do something about it.


So-hee sat in the living room watching the TV while folding the laundry she had done. Min-ji was yet to return. She removed her gaze from the TV and heaved a sigh.

Why was he on her mind? Was it because he’d driven her home or what.. After much deliberation she exhaled, shrugging the thoughts away. She saw one of Yuri’s shirts in the basket and frowned

β€œThat girl!” She scoffed aloud and folded it neatly. She was still at it when the doorbell rang, it was almost 9 so she assumed it was Min-ji

She walked to the door and flexed her small muscles then raised a thumb up at the baseball bat that laid lazily on the floor behind the door, she sighed, β€œWho is it?”

β€œOpen up So-hee, it’s me” Min-ji banged on the door impatiently and she opened it quickly

β€œSorry, I was just being cautious”

Min-ji entered looking exhausted and sleepy. She was holding her laptop and bag in both hands, So-hee collected the items and placed in the center table while she took off her shoes and jacket

β€œHow was work?” So-hee asked and Min-ji frowned, β€œI wanna quit”

β€œWhat do you mean by you wanna quit?” So-hee was stunned as she looked at her best friend like she’d grown horns overnight

Min-ji giggled, β€œI’m just kidding. Calm down” She plunked herself on the couch, pushing the laundry aside. She threw her head backwards and shut her eyes but suddenly sat up, smiling

β€œGuess what?” She said and looked around, So-hee was now in the kitchen

β€œYou saw that man?” So-hee guessed with a teasing voice and Min-ji gasped, β€œNo… no” She lied while So-hee laughed

β€œSo what did he say to you. I bet he was happy to see you again” So-hee continued oblivious of how every word of hers made Min-ji’s heart race. She was indeed talking about him, ACE!

β€œThat’s not it, just let it go” She snapped and stood up, heading to the kitchen, β€œWhat are you making?”

β€œI made rice cakes and chicken soup. Sit, it’s getting warm” So-hee replied

Min-ji sat down and placed her hand under her chin, wondering how she would’ve survived without So-hee.

β€œTada!” So-hee came out of the kitchen with all the meals arranged on a tray.

β€œI love you” Min-ji said, pouting cutely

So-hee grinned and sat down, she placed the plates and started dishing

β€œSo how was work today… How’s working with Rhett. Yesterday you said something about him dropping you home” Min-ji shot a stare at her, β€œAre you guys…”

β€œNo!” So-hee said quickly, a faint blush staining her cheeks. Min-ji giggled, β€œRelax, I’m just kidding but then, I’m shipping you two together”

So-hee moved uneasily in her seat, stuffing more food into her mouth. For strange reasons, Min-ji’s words got to her head

β€œMy best friend dating the handsome and segzy model Jung Yi-jun who is also her boss, haha epic!” Min-ji sighed dreamily

β€œStop it Min-ji and eat up, the food is getting cold”

β€œI like cold food. It’s only a matter of time, I’m sure you guys will K!SS soon. Oh I can’t wait!” Min-ji grinned and abruptly, So-hee dropped her cutleries, she exhaled and stood up

β€œHey what happened?” Min-ji asked, innocently

β€œNothing, I… I’m full” She stuttered and ran upstairs to her room. When she reached there she opened her laptop to work. Min-ji’s words kept ringing in her head so concentrating was far from her, she sighed and closed the laptop

β€œMin-ji” She groaned and fell on her bed, pushing her head into her pillow

β€œYi-jun, Yi-jun, So-hee and Yi-jun, ba pa da da da dum” She heard Min-ji singing loudly and she squealed into the pillow

β€œLee Min-ji!!!!” She screamed afterwards




Another week meant the start of a new phase in Shine’s project and So-hee was working twice as hard as ever. She was ready to go to work, Min-ji had left earlier.

β€œKim Yu-ri, Yu-ri” She mumbled to herself as she searched for her credit card and when she didn’t find it, β€œYu-ri!” She seethed knowing that only her crazy sister could’ve taken it

She sighed and picked her bag and some files before heading out of the house. She locked the door and started running to the bus stop. She wanted to meet the first bus.

Luckily, the bus hadn’t taken off by the time she got there, β€œThank goodness!” She exclaimed and was about entering the bus when suddenly someone snatched the files.

Startled, she looked back and saw a man in hoodie running away quickly.

She gasped, the files contained a few important points. Without thinking she sprinted after him, β€œHey, thief!!” She screamed

She ran as fast as she could, β€œHey, he’s a thief!” She yelled out as she ran, senselessly almost jumping in front of a fast moving truck but someone was quick to hold her back

β€œNo..the file” She looked back at the person, β€œYou?”


Mrs Lee walked into the living room dressed sophisticatedly, when she got to the couch she picked up the brown cat which purred at her touch

A maid brought a glass of juice for her and she smiled before taking it

Two men walked putting on black suits entered the room, they reached were she was sitting

β€œGoodday ma’am” They were in sync

β€œGood day gentlemen” She pointed at the chair behind them, β€œPlease sit” An offer to which they complied. After making themselves comfortable, one of them spoke

β€œYou wanted to see us?”

Ma’am Eun-Hae dropped the cup on the small table in front of her then rubbed the cat. She sighed, β€œI’ve been curious…How is she?”

β€œThere’s no need to worry ma’am. We’ve been watching her closely, she’s fine”

” Does she still stay at the estate?” She asked and the men nodded

” She stays with her friend…Kim So-hee” Eun-Hae nodded, β€œI know her, So-hee. They’ve been friends since long”

β€œBut we’ve noticed someone follows her around lately… like a spy…”

” Make sure nothing happens to my daughter Clein, even if it means ki||ing the so called spy” Eun-Hae cut him off and he nodded

” Did you deliver the flowers to her that day?” She asked and he nodded. She smiled, β€œThat’s good, she deserves it and more”

β€œYou may leave now” She dismissed them. After they left she dropped the cat and it ran off.

Eun-Hae closed her eyes and threw her head backwards but snapped them open when a few bad memories came rushing in, she gulped as a single tear slid down her eye

If only she had known…

β€œI’m sorry Min-ji…I had no idea” She muttered and sniffed, wiping her face



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