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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 14 & 15

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She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie..


Chapter 14


By Bloom H


Rhett chuckled at her expression while So-hee couldn’t help but admire how cute he looked with his hair covering his forehead. He usually held it up.

‘Sohee focus! He just sent you out of his car’ She chided herself

“Just step out and come to the front. I’m not that bad to leave you out here on your own” He explained and she mouthed an OH

“What do you think of me So-hee?” He asked with a serious look and she bit her lip feeling bad for misunderstanding his intentions.

“I’m sorry sir” She open the door and got out, then entered the passenger seat in front. He started the car, soon it picked the pace on the highway

So-hee stole aquick glance at his side profile and took in her lower lip

“Sitting in the back will make me look like your driver” He spoke, his lips curling upwards to form a smirk.

“Dri…Oh” She chuckled

“Hm. Address..?” He requested not looking at her. She told him and the rest of the drive was in silence.

Soon, they got to her house, Rhett looked at her, “Goodnight”

“Goodnight boss” She smiled before going out of the car, she waved as the car sped off into the night. She then yawned and stretched her arms and was about making way to the door when Min-ji’s SUV drove in and stopped at a parking space.

Min-ji came out of the car holding a white polythene filled with different snacks she’d gotten on her way. She wasn’t dressed in her work dress too, she was now wearing gym clothes. She has membership at a gym club for the night session.

So-hee smiled when she got to the door but frowned when she noticed her outfit, “Are you okay? You seem upset” She asked worriedly since Min-ji only goes to the gym when she’s angry about something

“I’m fine” Min-ji replied trying not to think about Ho-Seok and Harriet’s image that keeps reappearing in her head. So-hee opened the door and they both entered

“Yi-jun dropped me home” So-hee tried starting small talks but Min-ji’s reply wasn’t thrilling like she’d expected it to be


“Huh? No teasing?” So-hee’s eyes were almost popping out of its sockets, wh@ťěver it was, Min-ji was really upset

“Wanna talk about it?” She asked, collecting the snack Min-ji was passing to her

“Not now, maybe tomorrow” Min-ji replied dryly and poured herself a cup of water. She gulped it down then bade So-hee a goodnight after she was done

“Goodnight Min-ji” So-hee mumbled and fell on the couch, she was too lazy to climb the stairs to her room. She tore the snacks open and began eating.



In the section where clothes are found, stood Vivian and So-hee. They’d come to get new dresses for the models whom they’d be working with would wear. So far, Vivian had selected a bunch of dresses while So-hee worked on their budget since she knew nothing about fashion

“So-hee take a look at this” Vivian showed her a gown, she touched the sequin gown and smiled, “It’ll look good on In-su”

“That’s if she wants to show up” Vivian laughed, In-su is a famous model they’d invited to appear as the front page of the magazine

“Hey So-hee you should get something too” she added and So-hee shook her head, chuckling nervously, she looked down at her boyfriend jeans and button down sleeved shirt, “Maybe next time with our budget”

“Ah, that’s right, next time it is then. Just you and me” Vivian said as she packed the clothes, “We’re still in budget right?”

“Yep” So-hee replied ticking on her notepad. She moved her eyes around the section looking at the clothing in stock. While still staring, she caught a glimpse of something… someone rather. The man saw her too and quickly scurried out. She adjusted her glasses and walked forward to see him clearly, but he wasn’t there anymore

She creased her brows, thinking, since they’d been in the complex, she’s felt like someone was following them. Seeing this man, confirmed her assumptions, but who is he and what are his motives of trailing them

Lost in her thoughts, she stood staring at a spot. Vivian was done paying just then, she walked towards her with four big shopping bags

“I’ve got everything” Vivian said, “Hey are you alright?” She asked since So-hee didn’t respond

“Someone has been following us around. I saw him” So-hee said after a while

“Really? But why?” Vivian asked looking around

“I don’t know too. Let’s get going, we’ll tell boss about it when we get to the office” So-hee suggested, collecting two of the bags leaving her with two

“Yeah, let’s go”



The man who So-hee had seen got into a black car with tinted windows, he took off the brown wig he covered on his head, then the contact lens from his eyes, which now looked brown instead of green. He dialed a number on his phone and connected to his car. So-hee and Vivian were leaving the mall then, he watched them enter a car then it drove off.

“Hello” The call was answered, it was Zoey’s secretary, Harold on the other end

“Have you gotten anything yet?” He asked and the guy started the car, he drove at a safe distance from Vivian’s car.

“I’m tired of this job Harold, they do nothing important, it’s just the same thing over and over. I’ve been following the girl for days but I’ve got no leads”

“What did they do today?


“Just shopping? Are you sure they didn’t meet anyone important?”

“They spoke to a few oldies at a coffee shop. If that’s important”

“What are they up to?” Harold questioned, rhetorically, “So what are they doing now?”

“According to the route they’re on, I think it’s back to Shine”

“Okay, keep me posted. I’ll inform my boss about this” Harold ended the call


“Nothing. He’s got nothing on them” Harold informed Zoey, she was working on her laptop

She didn’t bother looking up at him, she just sighed and waved him away

“Rhett is smarter than I thought” She said to herself and leaned back on the chair, closing her eyes thinking of new strategies


“Where’s everyone?” Vivian asked as they entered the empty workspace. So-hee also looked stunned, she dropped the bags on her desk and placed her hands on her waist

“Lunch, they’re out for lunch. Ella texted just now” Vivian announced.

“I’m hungry too” So-hee pouted and dragged her feet to where the clothes rack stood and pushed it back to where Vivian was.

They started hanging the dresses on the rack carefully, oblivious of Rhett’s presence, he had been inside his cabin. He was the only one left since the rest went out for lunch

He walked to where they were and tapped Vivian who got startled by his touch, “Goodness!”

“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you” He apologized quickly and she smiled. Rhett’s gaze fell on So-hee, she was still working, he cleared his throat to get her attention and when he didn’t, he frowned and faced Vivian

“So how was shopping?” He asked

“It was uh, great… we got good qualities and a great discount too” Vivian explained and he nodded, slowly moving to So-hee’s side

“What’s left of the budget?” He asked and So-hee yawned, as if on cue, her stomach growled. She pouted and shut her eyes out of embarrassment. Rhett and Vivian chuckled

“I’m sorry. Just too hungry” She said almost inaudibly

“I heard Soo-min say something about the restaurant down the street. You guys should join them, I don’t want anyone falling unconscious while on duty” Rhett smirked and So-hee’s face reddened

“What about you?” She asked

“I’m not hungry” He collected the bag she was holding then took out his credit card and gave it to Vivian, “It’s on me. Pin is 2783” He added

“Oh…” So-hee was shocked, she would never give out her pin so confidently but then, she was sure nothing will go wrong and even if it did, he had alot of money already

“So-hee c’mon. How about we buy the whole restaurant with the boss’s money” Vivian joked as she dragged So-hee with her out of the room

Rhett smiled shortly before he started arranging the other clothes like they’d been doing.



In a fine arranged office which is the CEO’S, sat two men. The atmosphere is tense and timely as both men have their gazes locked with none ready to look away

Ace rested on his chair and smirked, his gaze still not leaving the latter. He’d got him cornered already and they was no going back for him, once again living up to his title as the “Great Ace of business”

The other man broke the gaze and heaved a long sigh, defeat and remorse written all over his face. He looked at the contract papers in front of him and picked up the pen

“Good choice Mr. Han” Ace smiled smugly as Mr Han signed on the papers. When the signing was done, he studied the papers contentedly, “You may leave now” He dismissed the poor man.

“Please do forgive me son” Mr. Han begged and hung his head low before leaving the office.

“I’ve forgiven you old man but your sin is unforgettable” Ace smirked and dropped the papers on his desk, the papers stating he was the legal owner of everything Mr Han owed out of greed.

Mr. Han was Ace’s dad’s best friend and personal assistant but he betrayed him causing his death. Because of him, Ace and his mother became paupers but he’d toiled hard and rebuilt their legacy from scratch, plus, he’s taken back everything his father owned from that greedy man

He’s never felt so relieved before.

Just when he was about calling his lawyer, a call came through and he groaned. It was from his mom – nagging mother!


“My son doesn’t care about me anymore. Why me, what have I done to deserve such treatment?” Ace shrunk into his chair and pouted, this woman would be the end of him one day. She’s always dramatic about everything

“Hello Mom, why are…”

“Don’t speak when I’m still speaking” She cut him off again

“Sorry mom”

“When are you coming home to see me huh? And when will I hold my grandkids?”

He rolled his eyes and wiped the sweat from his forehead, tiredly. It’s the same old topic – Marriage and Grandkids!

He listened keenly to the sounds from the other side and creased his brows, “Mom, where are you right now?”

“Well guess”

“Driving maybe?” He guessed and she laughed, “Nope, I’m at the airport”

He gulped, “What are you doing at the airport?”

“Taking pictures”


“What do people do in an airport, dummy! What do I have as a child, oh deity!” She exclaimed and he scoffed

“I just reached Seoul and I’m stranded… here speak to this kind lady that helped me get some things” She said and the line went quiet for a moment. Ace was up, he picked his car keys and hurried out of his office

This isn’t the first time, her surprise visit went the wrong way

“Hey mom” He called

“Um.. Hello, uh, are you Mrs Heather’s son? She’s been here for quite a while, so can you some over quickly to fetch her?” He halted in his tracks as he heard the voice that spoke

It sounded undoubtedly familiar, in fact it sounded like Lee Min-ji’s. Maybe he’s just overthinking things

“Okay, I’ll be there” He replied

“Isn’t she sweet, she’s a really pretty lady. You guys can meet up and…”

“I’m driving now, bye” Ace cut her off this time and hung up. The voice! He would definitely meet the lady to thank her, it would be great if it was Min-ji, he thought



“Are you sure you’re fine?” She asked for the umpteenth time and he nodded, slurping the noodles down his throat

“Does it hurt?” She asked again after a while and touched the bandage that was wrapped on his forehead. Felix dropped his chopsticks and held her hand, “If you keep asking so much questions, I might just turn you to my maid for a day” He chuckled

So-hee sighed tiresomely and dropped her shoulders, she looked at his forehead again

“How on earth could you be so careless, why weren’t you focused huh?”

“Accidents happen bunny” Felix smiled and ate from her plate

“Hey!” She snapped and he winked back. They were all having lunch together, she was sitting near Felix who had an injury on his forehead cos of how hard he hit his head on a wall

She was very worried

“Eat up or…” She picked her plate before he could complete his statement. She joined in the conversation the others were having. Felix raised his head and smiled. He was staring at her, a sweet smiled lingered on his lips the more he did

“Hey, did you hit your eyes too?” Ha-na snapped her fingers in front of him, he shrugged and faced his food while she chuckled knowingly

“I always knew this would happen” She teased and he scoffed, “Stop saying trash”

“Trash? Stop lying to yourself Felix, it’s obvious” Ha-na winked, Felix suddenly became full so he stopped eating

“Are you full?” So-hee asked, looking at him keenly, he smiled and nodded

“Stop smiling, it’s creepy” She grinned and he frowned playfully

“Yeah, that’s the look. Meanie!” So-hee said and smiled. Felix smirked and looked away, his heart was thumping violently against his chest that he feared she might’ve heard.

After the lunch, So-hee went to the counter, she got takeout packed, she intends to give it to Rhett when they get back.

“Maybe I bought too much?” She mumbled looking at the dishes. She just paid and followed the others

“So-hee, who… oh Rhett!” Soo-min nodded, “Quick thinking”

“Yeah, he might be hungry too” She replied and looked behind her, she saw Felix and got worried again, “Can you walk?”

“Seriously” Lucy burst out laughing

“He hurt his head not his legs So-hee” Clement laughed too

“Things happen” So-hee said in her defense and glanced at Felix to be sure and he gave a reassuring nod

Felix walked behind them with Vivian, he was lost in thought – Tho all he was thinking about was her, his bunny

“What happened to you, huh?” Vivian hit his shoulder lightly

“I hurt my head”

“Cupid shot you in the heart too” She smirked and looked at So-hee, he followed her gaze


“Tch… don’t deny it Mr. editor” She said, “You’ve been staring at her with those eyes…and I know those eyes” She bragged

Felix scoffed and increased his pace leaving her behind

“Hehe…I love me a live office romance” She laughed before running after him

” Hey wait for me!”



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