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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CLUMSY INTERN – Episode 1 & 2

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She’s a pretty nerd, he’s a hottie..


Chapter 01


! Don’t Copy or repost !

By Bloom H



“Taiwan, Singapore, Hainan, Shanghai, Hong Kong… there’s more…?” Minji exclaimed as she went through the flights booked for the next day. She’s an Airline Reservation Agent, she works in the airport.

She dropped the papers and picked up her coffee, after sipping she put a fluffy band on her short bob hair. Then she turned off the TV.

She turned to the stairs when she heard sounds

“So-hee, why aren’t you in bed?” She quizzed

“Lee Minji I should be asking you that” So-hee frowned as she adjusted her shirt. That’s what she wore to sleep, only a huge t-shirt.

So-hee marched to where she sat and plopped beside her

“Aww, what happened to you huh, you had a nightmare? Tell me about it” Minji pouted

“I didn’t have a nightmare, I came down cos I heard sounds, so I figured you’re still awake, hmph” she snapped

“I’m sorry, it was the TV… so how was work today?”

So-hee sighed and closed her eyes

“It wasn’t my best, Felix made me work like a slave, I didn’t fall today okay? before your mean brain starts making assumptions” She sn_gg@ed

Minji burst into laughter

“Okay, okay but the fall of the other day was actually funny, you’re one clumsy lady, best friend” She laughed

So-hee frowned with her eyes still closed and pushed her off the sofa

“Go away” She muttered and Minji laughed more

“I’m sorry girlfriend, sleep tight” Minji said and started packing the papers from the table

So-hee sprang up with a smile on her face

“Tomorrow marks my second month of internship, argh, I’m so proud of myself” She beamed

“Wow! there’s still four more months though, after that you’ll get married and birth kids, oh my gosh, I’ll be an aunt sooner than expected” Minji gushed

“Why do you sound like my mom right now, did you perhaps visit them today?”

“Yes, I had lunch with them and she said alot of things about your wedding, I can’t wait for it, So-hee Weds her prince charming” Minji blinked cutely

So-hee knocked her and she let the papers fall

“Ouch! what was that for?”

“I had to reset your brain soon..” So-hee shrugged

“What?” Minji jumped on top of her on the couch playfully hitting her. They kept giggling as they had their friendly fight



“Ding, ding, ding” Came the sound of the alarm from Minji’s phone.

So-hee groaned tiredly as she tried turning over instead she fell on top of Minji who was on the floor. They ended up sleeping on the parlour last night

“Kim So-hee!!” Minji yelled and pushed her away

“Minji stop shouting and let me sleep” So-hee mumbled sleepily and rolled over to another spot on the floor

Minji sighed and stood up holding her sore waist, she slept in an uncomfortable position. She picked up her phone and began climbing the stairs

“It’s 6:37am!!” She yelled and ran upstairs

So-hee yawned as she kept mumbling inaudible gibberish in her sleep.

Few minutes later, she returned all dressed for work, she placed her blazer and bag on the chair. She gasped when she saw So-hee still sleeping lazily on the floor

“Kim So-hee!!” She tapped her but So-hee laid there like a log

“Really?” She muttered and went to the kitchen, she took a jug filled with water and returned back

“Okay bestie, you leave me no choice” She threw the water at So-hee

“Yaaa..!” So-hee screamed as she sprang up from the floor posing like a Kungfu master.

Minji dropped the jug and fell back on the couch laughing

“Lee Minji, how dare you, ouch!” So-hee winced and held her neck, sleeping on the couch really had an effect on her neck

“It’s the first day of your second month today, or were you fired?” Minji raised a brow

So-hee gasped and stood up abruptly

“$©®£w you Minji, why didn’t you wake me up” She said as she ran upstairs

Minji pouted, but she did wake her up or didn’t she?

She stood up from the couch and put on her blazer, then picked her car keys

“So-hee I’m leaving for work now, have a nice day and take care of yourself okay?” She yelled as she fixed her blazer properly

“Did you have breakfast?” So-hee yelled back, she’s in the bathroom

“Nope. But I will get take out on my way, make sure you eat. Fighting!!” She said and picked her bag before exiting the apartment

“Fighting!! Did she leave already?” So-hee half screamed



“Good morning Hana, Soomin, Clement, ji-soo, Ella, Lucy and So-jun” So-hee greeted each worker as she placed coffees on their desks

This is the editors floor, only writers, editors and the CEO’S office is here. The workspace is very huge with up to five workstations, three photocopiers and a huge TV.

There’s a mini conference room too. The CEO’s office is separated by transparent walls, the workers can see anything going on in there as long as the control blinds aren’t dropped

“Good morning So-hee” They chorused

So-hee smiled and went to her desk

“Good morning, miss shine” She greeted one of her co worker who shares the workstation with her

“So-hee” Vivian AKA miss shine waved

She nodded and opened her laptop

“Hey guys” Felix greeted them

So-hee sighed tiresomely, here comes her worst nightmare, Felix Shin, he’s an editor. He likes bullying So-hee, though it’s his own way of a friendly gesture to her

“Hey clumsy” He ruffled her hair and sat in front of the other workstation

“Hi” She forced a tight smile

“What? Aren’t you happy to see me?” He chuckled and threw her a candy bar

“I’m happy, I’m happy” She picked the candy and ate from it

“That’s ¥2 but since it’s you, just 100 will do” He winked and she frowned. She spit out the bite she already took and pointed the remaining at him

“Take it, I don’t want it anymore”

“No can do bunny, pay up” He laughed, he really likes giving her a hard time

“But Felix I’m broke, you made me buy lunch for you yesterday already” She pouted and took a bite from the candy

Felix chuckled at her cuteness, then dropped a bunch of files on her desk

“Okay, work on these,then I might reconsider” He smirked and she sighed

“$©®£w you”

“What was that?”

“Nothing!” She said quickly and he chuckled

A middle aged man walked into the office smiling while looking at some files

“Good morning boss!!” The workers chorused

“Good morning dear Shine workers, I love this article, who submitted it” He asked raising a magazine

They all faced Felix

“It’s no big deal Mr Jung, it’s my job” Felix said smiling

Mr Jung laughed heartily and handed So-hee the files, she’s an intern after all

“I have an announcement, the new project we’re working on won’t be headed by me, infact I’m resigning” He said

“Why boss, you can’t leave us..” Chief editor Lucy pouted dramatically

“I miss you already Lucy but what to do, I’m getting old, my eyes can’t keep staring at papers for a long time again you know and I have a wife too, we gotta spend quality time together” He wiggled his brows

They laughed

“Gross” So-hee muttered and headed to his office

“So my son, Jung Yi-jun will take over, he’s also as handsome as I am so I’m sure you guys won’t miss me so much okay?” He bragged

The workers gasped

“You mean Rhett?” Vivian asked

So-hee’s ears perked, she wasn’t looking were she was going anymore, she wanted to hear more of their conversation

“Yes Rhett, my son, he’ll take over as from tomorrow” Mr Jung said and…


So-hee was on the floor face up, she fell right in front of the CEO’S door

The workers groaned tiredly, including Mr Jung

“So-hee..!” They chorused

Felix laughed “I love it when she falls”


Few minutes later,

So-hee looked at the pictures that displayed on her laptop wearily, it was Rhett’s pictures. She wasn’t fangirling over him or anything, she’s just worried about working with him

What’s he like…

Is he like his father?, Nice and simple

Or is he perhaps arrogant like the CEOs she reads about in novels…

God forbid, if he’s like that then, she won’t survive here…

“Hey bunny, it’s lunch time” Felix announced smiling mischievously at her

“No, no , no, no! I’m not going out for lunch with you today, I’m never going out for lunch with you ever!!, you sly devil” She shuddered, making Vivian and Felix laugh

“He fooled you again?” Vivian asked

“He did, he did, this meanie did, he made me pay 250 for food I didn’t eat!! who does that?” She hit him with her pen

“This guy” Felix chuckled and pointed at himself

“Oh my goodness So-hee, you’re so soft. Anyways guys who’s hungry lunch’s on me” Vivian announced

“Oh right! Miss shine wants to treat us, I’m in definitely” Lucy said

“Yeah, So-hee join us” Ella said and Vivian nodded

“Atleast you’re free from him today..” Vivian laughed and she nodded

“Yes, I’m coming too” She stuck out her tongue at Felix

“You’re lucky, but there still another day” He grinned

“Never!!” She screamed throwing her stationeries at him

“Let’s go guys” Clement said as the rest excited the floor.

So-hee made a funny face at Felix, then faced her computer, she turned it off

“Bunny!” Felix grinned as he poked her cheeks, he likes doing that

“Hands off, let’s go” She said sternly

Felix saw her untied shoe laces and smiled slyly, he watched her take three steps, then…


She was already on the floor

He laughed loudly

“You’re comedy swears bunny”

She stood up and bent over to tie the laces

“You did this didn’t you? You..” She frowned and stomped out

“Hey, I didn’t do anything” He laughed following her



“Have a great flight madam” Min-ji smiled at a customer who just got a ticket

Two flight attendants walked to the counter with their luggages

“Hi Min-ji” Mi-cha waved

“Hey Min” Isla said smiling at her. They’re her friends at work, though they travel alot. Heck, that’s what flight attendants do

“Again?” Min-ji asked

“Yeah, Hong Kong” Mi-cha said

“Safe journey ladies and brink back Hong Kong tea for me” Min-ji pouted

“Sure” The chorused and left with their luggages

“I love my job, I can’t travel so much” She shrugged as she watched them leave

She attended to more customers

“Thanks, bye” She smiled at another customer, that was the last in line for now. She sat down on her chair and picked her phone

“Hey Min-ji, manager wants to see you” Her colleague said to her

“Oh, okay” She said and stood up heading to the manager’s office

She knocked

“Come in!” A hoarse voice said, she pushed the door and walked in

“Boss” She said

The man looked up and smiled at her

“Min-ji you’ve been crowned employee of the month, you have leave for a week. You deserve it” He gave her an envelope, containing a signed leave notice

Her face lit up in a huge smile

“Really? Thanks boss” She gushed

“Yes, you can leave now” He said and she bowed before leaving

She kept jumping and throwing her legs up as she exited the office. She saw her pictures pasted on the walls tagged *EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH*

“A week leave, ahh, Lee Min-ji, you’re awesome” She giggled excitedly and hopped to her station, she wanted to call So-hee but why not give her a surprise



“He’s so handsome, I can’t wait to see him in person” Ella uttered dreamily as they came out of the elevator. It was evening already and they were going home. Rhett was the topic of discussion amongst them

“He’s not so handsome, look at me” Felix smiled haughtily

So-hee scoffed “You use the lowest quality of mirrors, we know”

“Harsh!” Ella, Vivian and Soomin cooed and looked at Felix whose jaws was dropped, did she just insult him?

“Oh my goodness, such guts bunny” He frowned

“I was a fighter back in highschool Felix, you need to see me fight” So-hee bragged

“Really So-hee?” Soo-min gasped flipping her hair

“I swear” So-hee smiled proudly and they laughed.

“Goodnight!!” Ella, Vivian and Soo-min waved and left for Ella’s car. She gives them a lift since they go the same way

“Goodnight” So-hee waved, she was left with Felix now, they board the bus together

“So about the mirrors, what were you saying?” Felix raised a brow

So-hee bit her lip in a funny way, then faced him with a huge grin

“It was a slip of tongue”

“You fight too?” He smirked

“Who me?, it was also a slip of tongue” She scratched her head nervously

Felix grinned back mischievously and took her hand

“Dinner’s on you bunny, we’ll fight with the food” He said and tucked his other hand in his pocket and led the way

“Wait what, with whose money? this is robbery, robbery I say.. c’mon Felix I’m just an innocent intern who said something stupid in the heat of the moment, please forgive me. I’m broke” She pouted and he chuckled

“But I’m hungry already, so…”

“I’m broke..”

“You wouldn’t want me to sleep on a hungry stomach would you?” He pouted giving her the cutest puppy eyes, she pushed his face away and scoffed

“Just stay away from me after tonight, let’s go” She muttered and he laughed wrapping an arm over her shoulders


So-hee opened the door of the apartment tiredly, she can’t believe Felix made her feed him. She saw the TV on, she quickly took off her shoes

It was a pop station, she rolled her eyes

“Kim Yu-ri!!” She called, a pretty teenage girl jumped up from the back of the couch, a younger face of herself


“Yu-ri, what did I tell you about coming here and how did you manage to enter, don’t tell me you’ve started breaking into houses too” So-hee gasped

“I have a key, that aside, I need ¥500 to change my wardrobe” Yu-ri said nonchalantly, she changes her wardrobe like a million times a year in the name of fashion

“Leave my apartment Yu-ri!” So-hee showed her the door

“What? Eonni? you can’t do this to me, I’m your baby sister” Yu-ri touched her shoulder length dark hair

“Baby sister, baby sister is only after my hard earned money. First Felix now you, so annoying, Kim Yu-ri leave now!!” She frowned

“So-hee, you’re so stingy, hmph!” Yu-ri said and picked up a white polythene containing clothes and heels

So-hee squinted her brows, those looks familiar

“Hey Yu-ri, what’s that? who gave them to you” She asked and Yu-ri chuckled nervously

“I’m leaving now” Yu-ri took slow steps to the door

“Oh goodness!! Min-ji gave them to you and you took it” So-hee gasped and ran after her

“Kim So-hee, leave me alone, she’s the one that asked me to take it so I did, not everyone is stingy like you” Yu-ri said as she ran around the room with So-hee chasing her. She eventually ran to the door and opened it

“I still need the 5000 tho. bye eonni” She slammed the door

So-hee ran to the door but by the time she opened it, Yu-ri was already on her bicycle riding away as fast as she could

“Kim Yu-ri!!!” She yelled P@ŋting heavily, why did her parents make such a child, she only hopes Yu-ri is the only copy available cause other people might not survive staying with her.

Yu-ri chuckled as she rode her bicycle swiftly through the streets, she loves troubling her sister alot. She saw Min-ji’s car driving by

“Thanks eonni” She waved the polythene at Min-ji still riding the bike

Min-ji stopped the car and turned to see the fashionista zoom away

“That was Kim Yu-ri” She said to herself and giggled
To be continued

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