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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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When the badass meets the playboy….love clashes ?




✪ ☆ ♡ ☆ ✪


Annabelle (Jayden’s mother) sat opposite Jayden watching him as he scoop in the very hot spicy noodles. She smiles as sweats drip down his forehead. His tongue was on fire and his throat is already burning but he dare not complain. This is least of the punishments his mother gives him anytime he misbehaves.

He looks at his mother pleadingly with his already red eyes. His veins seems like they are ready to budge out and his stomach is already churning.

“50 seconds more” Annabelle said strictly checking the timer. As torturing as it is, Jayden hug the big bowl of noodles to himself rushing it down his throat forcefully. He dare not pass the time or he’ll have to start all over again.

“Good boy….eat slowly you’ll choke if you rush” Annabelle smiles sweetly at him.

“Agh! I feel bad for him” Melody sighs looking at him.

“Right? He’s so pathetic…” Hayden said also playing his video game.

“Mom must be really mad at him”

“Just leave them…it ain’t like you could do anything…unless you wanna have a taste also” Hayden wiggle his brows.

“I reject it…im sure he’ll get through it” Melody stood up.

“I think that’s enough…if you continue that you’ll be the next” She said.

“Just a little more….I’m almost there”

“Mom will get mad”

“Five minutes more…just give minutes”

“Hayden!” They heard a voice.

“Have fun…you’re finally in trouble” Melody stuck her tongue out before running to her room.

“Come here sweetie…have you done your assignment?”

“No…mom I was just about…going to”

“Then before you do…how about having some noodles with me?” Annabelle smiles cunningly.

“Oh no…I’m dead”


“Ahh…I’m dying…my taste bud is finally gone…now milk taste like nothing” Jayden mutters throwing himself on the bed.

His phone beeped and he grudgingly checked it out.

?come out ? the text message says.


“I was wondering who the nerd is” Jayden said taking a seat on the other swing.

“You…why do you wear rags nowadays? ran out of clothes?” Kimberly said to Jay who was putting on shorts and an armless singlet.

“This is called fashion…you should talk for yourself…seriously are you going to the moon? What’s with the dressing?” Jayden retorted and Kimberly checked herself.

She was putting on an oversized hoodie and large pants. Her messy hair was packed in a ponytail and she wore large glasses.

“What’s wrong with me?” She mumbles.

“Everything is wrong with you” Jayden replies.

“How on earth did I get tangled with someone like you” He mutters while Kimberly rolled her eyes.

“Psst…” They kept quiet for a while. The night was bright. The moon shone brightly on them and Zephyr keeps blowing gently.

They went back and forth gently on the swings.

“You know…I really like Diego a lot. This is my first time liking someone…I don’t really know how to go about it” Kimberly said interrupting the silence.

“You may not know the feelings since you’ve never been serious with any girl but…I assure you it’s a feeling…you won’t wanna let go”

“I don’t do foolish things like love…those things are only for crazy people like you. What a waste of time” Jayden mutters while Kimberly smiles.

“So…what are you gonna do?”

“I found a way”

“You aren’t gonna give yourself to him would you?”

“What?” Kimberly asked puzzled while Jay got down from the swing.

“Wow that jerk seriously…I can’t believe him. Kim you…don’t even think of doing anything stupid with him” He said seriously while Kim also got down facing him.

“Hey…I’ll do it with whomever I want who are you to tell me what to do?”

“Don’t you understand? Giving it to him would be a waste…I can never allow that!!!” He declared.

“Why are you getting so shirty over it it’s none of your business!”

“It is my business cause I wanna be the first to go down there!” He fired back.


Jayden quickly covered his mouth with his palm.

“”Em…Kim.what I meant was…don’t get it twisted I was just…”

“You HE GOAT!!” She brought her leg forward and kneed him in his nuts. He clutch to his genitals immediately groaning.

“Kim…listen I’m…I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have said that…”

“You pig…hey! Do you think I’m among those sluts you screw around uh?! How dare you…”

“Hey! Are you gonna take responsibility if I become useless as a man uh!!”

“How dare you talk back at me…” She made to hit him but he quickly moves away.

“I’m sorry…ma’am” he bowed like a gentleman. Kimberly scoffs.

“I…found a way to make him like me back” Kimberly said seriously now.

“What’s it? Can I help?”

“You’d probably ruin everything for me. Just trust me for now” She smiles sweetly while he put his right arm around her neck ruffling her messy bun which has now came unknot.

“Hey….let go!” She warned holding his hand while he continued.

“I don’t want to..what you gonna do? Uh? Uh?” He continue teasing her.

“Let go you freak! Your armpit stinks!”

“Oh does it? Feed on it…just like you fed the decayed socks on me”

“HEY! Jayden…I’m warning you”

“Hey Jayden I’m warning you…” He mimicked.


Kimberly sat in front of the mirror rather nervously. She’s not the type who cares about look but she just couldn’t get what she heard at the restroom away from her mind. So to win her love she has decided to be the fool. She’s gonna look cute for Diego and she hopes he does fall for her this time.

“I can do this” She sighs after setting the camera. She sat on the bed and started. She has dressed in a weird cute way. Her hair was packed in two ponytails and she had blushes on both her cheeks.

“Gogo gogo hello…what are you doin? I’m doing pretty bad over here…I miss you and miss you you wouldn’t stop running through my your legs okay Gogo love…lily is lonely…she misses you sooo much!” She made some silly cute faces, blinking her eyes repeatedly at the same time.

“…dream of lily byeeee gogo love take my love shot…bang bang bang bang” she shot him hearts and ended it with a wink.

“Agh! I did it” She breathe in after saving the video and forwarding it to Diego’s number.

She then falls on the bed.

“I do hope this works out…or Jayden will laugh at me” She beamed.


“Dad Mom I’m off to school!!!” Kimberly yelled running out of the house.

“Won’t you have some breakfast little pea?!!” Her father shouted after her but she was long gone.

“What’s with her?” Ray mutters while scarlet shrugged.

“Dad…Mom I think Kimmy is sick” Zara said suddenly.

“What makes you say that baby?”

“Last night…I was gonna asks her to help me with my assignment but then I saw her dressed like a clown. She was jumping around the room also chanting strange words like a shaman.” Zara reported with an innocent look. While Fern scoffs where he seated.

“Are you sure about this Zara?” Ray asked.

“That girl…I’m ain’t surprised anymore…she’s always crazy…what’s she up to now?” Scarlet frowns.

“Trust me Mom…her room.was dark and it was eerie”

“If that really happened then why didn’t you inform anyone? Let me guess…she caught you and thr_@tened to eat you up if you tell anyone” Fern said sarcastically while Zara changed her expression to a pitiful one immediately.

“Mommy…Fern is picking at me…he says I’m bad” She pouted rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm.

“Don’t mind him baby…he’s just a little twisted”

“Little witch” Fern stuck his tongue out at her before excusing them.

“Mom…am I a witch?”

“Of course not princess…you’re too pretty to be one”

“Yeah if you want a description of a witch then your mommy would be a perfect description” Ray joked while scarlet gave him a deadly look.


Kimberly bounced to the school, she felt happy and somehow confident things would go well between her and Diego. She grinned as she bounced through the hallway. Strangely, the students eyes were on her. They were all holding phones also. Some laughing silently but whenever she looks at them they composed it. Something is not right. She sensed.


“Hey hey hey! You’ve got to see this!” Jade speed into the class almost bumping into the desks as he ran towards jayden who is busy flirting with a classmate of his.

“Get lost friend I’m busy…”

“Hey! Kimber is in trouble!” Jade said and immediately Jayden snapped his eyes to him.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve got to see this” He showed him the video Kimberly had made for the Diego the other night.

“What the f_ck!!” He sprung up.

“It’s all over the school…jay I don’t feel good over this” Jade said.

“$h|t!” Jay ran out of the class while Jade followed suit.


Jade and Jay both halt on their tracks on witnessing the scene in front of them.

“Goodness…she’s out of it” Jade shakes his head while Jay just stood there dumbstruck. In front of him is Kimberly almost beating the hell out of Verna.

“Hey stop them” Jade said to Jay who stood stagnant.

“Hey! They will ki|| themselves at this rate”

“She won’t die” Jay mutters just watching them.

“You’re crazy bud!” Jade spat before getting in between those two trying to seperate them…but the only thing he got from there was a red eye.

“KIMBERLY JONES!!! DETENTION!!!”The principal roared.

Verna who looked terrible was taken to the infirmary immediately by some students.

Kimberly stood looking at the principal breathing heavily like a lioness she is.

Jayden just stood there…saying or doing nothing only watching her.


Kimberly knew something was wrong with the way the students was watching her. Some even mumbling incoherent words which is clearly insults. She marched to one of them snatching the phone. Her eyes went instantly big as she saw a video of herself.

“Why…how is this….?” She mutters just then she heard a clap. Looking towards where it came from she saw Verna clapping with a Ɓîtçhy smile on her face.

“Did you do this?” She gnashed after giving back the phone to the owner. The students gathered around immediately as they knew a drama is about to broke out.

“You…are really shameless…very much brazen than I thought”

“Why….did you do that?” Kimberly asked trying to hold back her anger. Her fists tightly balled.

“I told you….you’ll regret…not taking my hand” Verna whispers to her earing.

“How pathetic of you really…” She smirked and face the students.

“Were you that desperate?” Verna asked out loud.

“Why? Since he didn’t noticed you…you resorted to giving yourself cheaply away to him?”

“Were you always that cheap? Oh my…I never knew darling” Verna faked a laugh.

Kimberly just clenched her fists. Fuming she started walking out of there.

“Gogo love…what’s that? It’s pathetic seriously…did you see her blushes? I almost choked on my saliva when I watched that..she looks totally like joker.” She guffaw while some students laugh along with her.

“Oh poor dear Diego…he had to go through such nightmare…you’re really unbelievable girl…that was such a big trauma to my big brother that he couldn’t show up in school today. He must feel awful…I feel sorry for you”

“Repeat that” Kimberly said with a death glare.

“You’re desperately pathetic Kimberly…you throw yourself at guys easily that shows how cheap and how much of a wh-_-re you are…where did you get that from uh? Let me guess….your momma? Was she like you too? Pathetically desperate for love uh?” Verna smirked.

“I…will ki|| you!!” Kimberly gritted and within a twinkle of an eye, she flew in the air and landed a kick right on her cheek.

“Oww!!!” She groans reaching for the floor.

“How dare you slander my Innocent Mom with that trashy mouth of YOURS!!!” She barked charging at her.


Jade goes into the library his eyes scrutinizing everywhere.

“There” He grins on seeing his target.

Jade on getting to where Onda is seated reading, he grabbed her hand making her gasp.

“Ja…Jade?” She called surprised.

“Come with me” Jade said practically dragging her out of there.

“Oh….wai….wait I have to….oh…my baggg….oww” She managed to grab her bag as Jade dragged her out of there to an empty class.

“Sit” He sat her down while she kept her face down instantly.

He also sat in front of her. Suddenly he grab her hand placing it on his right eye which he had gotten a punch on earlier on playing the good guy. Onda gasped on his sudden action and immediately stood up.

“I…I….i…have to….gooo” She Stammered adjusting her glasses. As she turns to go Jade dragged her back to her seat and captured her legs with his. No escaping for her now.

“This isn’t a time for you to run away again…can’t you see my eye?” He pointed to his eyes and Onda slowly brought her face up to look at it. She gasped for the umpteenth time as she brought her face up to realize Jade face is already so close to hers. Immediately she took her face down. Jade sighs in frustration.

“You…why are you always so frustrating uh? I’m in pain here but all you do is act like a cold chicken” He grutch leaning back. Onda bit her lower lip and slowly she brought her face back up to him. Her face widened when she saw the red eye.

“Wha…what happened?”

“This is the reward for being a busybody dear” He sighs.

“You should go to the infirmary…not come…”

“Why do you think I’m here? Your best friend thr_@tened to wound me if I don’t come to your for treatment anytime I got hurt”

“Wh….who? By chance…Kiki?”

“Then who else? ”

“Ohhh….I see…it’s Kiki” She smiles to herself.

“So, are you gonna do something or not I’m dying here”

“Does it…hurts a lot?”

“Take a look at it…” He leans closer to her again and she gulps down her saliva.

“I think my pupil has changed position…or is it the cornea?” He mutters making Onda chuckles.

“Hmm…I’m glad my predicament can make you laugh…go on…laugh as much as you like”

“No no…it’s not like that…I just…” She bit her lower lip.

“Agh!…” He took her hand and placed it on his red eye again.

“Can’t you do something?…it’s hurting” He pouted cutely making Onda’s heart goes in a disarray. He wouldn’t stop staring at her.

“Don’t you dare look away…look into my eyes” he said as if he could read her mind.

Onda quickly removed her hand from his standing up.

“I…I will…get an…ice park…wait” She said dashing out of the class before he could say a thing holding onto her chest as well.

“She’s strange…” Jade shook his head.


Kimberly and Jayden didn’t see each other throughout the day after the hallway. Kimberly was put in detention and Jayden was busy with community service as his punishment for beating Diego up the other day. Eventually, Kimberly got suspended for three days cause Verna was badly wounded.


“Hey! Aren’t you going to school?! It’s past nine already!” Scarlet her Mom shouted for the fourth time. Kimberly ignored her covering herself whole with the duvet.

“Am I speaking to myself right now?”

“Leave me Mom I’m not feeling well”

“Ohh….when did that started uh?”

“This morning!”

“And what kind of illness is it? Stand up…lets go to the hospital”

“I’m going no where I just wanna rest.”

“You…are you lying so you can ditch school uh?!”

“Mom I’m really sick! Your nagging is giving ne headache!!!”

“How dare you yell at me!! Stand up now!! Stand!!” Scarlet ordered hitting her all over while she groans.

“I’m not going! I’m not going to that d@mn school! I’m sooo humiliated that I can’t show my face there and thankfully I’ve been suspended so just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!”

“What? Did….did you cause another trouble? You did right?! Suspended!!”

“Go out Mom…I wanna rest”

“You think I’ll let you go after getting suspended from school?!”


“You crazy brat!!”

“Mom…don’t shout! Your BP…I don’t wanna witness Dad being a widower at such a young age”

“Really….how about been an imbecile uh? Come here I’m gonna recreate you myself!” She chased after Kimberly who ran around the room.


The door opened and Jayden stepped in only to witness scarlet and Kimberly chasing each other. They stopped on seeing him and Scarlet looks at him from the head to the toe. He was in his uniform.

“You…are ditching school also?” She asked while Jayden squeeze his face.

“$h|t…bad timing” He mutters.


“Why are you here? You should be in school?” Kimberly asked as she sat on the bed covering herself with the duvet.

“Why do you think? You’re not there…how do you expect me to cope?”

“Cut the nonsense. Just go back”

“Forget it…it won’t be fun without a tease”

“You wanna die” Kimberly glared while he smiles.

“Get up…we have a mission to accomplish”

“Get lost…I’m not in a mood to play with you”

“I’ve….got a better way…to make him pay for humiliating you…and also…for making him fall head over heels…for you”

“What are you saying?”

“Diego….let make him beg for you…I’ll help you” Jayden said confidently with a smirk while Kimberly just stared.

“Trust me…and take my hand Kim…I promise…to grant your wish…of making him fall for you” He smiles genuinely at her reaching his palm out to her. Kimberly look at it saying nnothing.

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