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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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When the badass meets the playboy….love clashes ?




☆f-__-k ME!☆

“Did you find her?” Scarlet rushed to the two cops as they came in.

“I’m sorry ma’am but I don’t think she’s in this premises” One of the cops replied.

“How the f-__-k is that possible! You were supposed to guide the d@mn building! How come she disappeared under your noses!!” Jay roared charging towards one of them. Ray quickly pulled him back.

“f-__-k!!” He spat angrily diving his finger into his hair madly.

“Jayden calm down we’re gonna find her” Annabelle calmed him down.

“How can I calm down…I should have been with her…I shouldn’t have left her…she…she told me she was scared mother…what do I do now…?”

“My goodness dear…” Annabel pulled him into her arms while he weeps there.

“We’re suspecting the fire was just an action to cause distraction. The lights was also messed with on purpose…she must have been taken during the chaos” the first cop said.

“One of our undercover officers disappeared also so we’re suspecting he may have been working together with the perpetrator.”

“The officers are already patrolling the area…don’t worry Mr and Mrs Thompson we’re gonna find her soon. We promise you that”

“Thank you cops…please find my daughter” Scarlet said while Ray gave them handshakes.

“We’ll take our leaves now” The cops pat Jay who was still hugging Annabel.

“Don’t worry boy…I promise to get her back” He assured him before leaving.


Even though it’s the weekend, Jayden rushed to school maybe he could get any information.

He couldn’t sleep overnight imagining what Kim maybe or what she might be going through

He wouldn’t stop beating himself up. She had always not wanted the party but he had to force it on her. Now she been taken away to God knows where.

He sighs disappointed as he rummage through his locker and couldn’t find any notes or letter.

“d@mn!” His back slumped down the locker as he dapped his face weeping silently.

“Kim…” He sobs.


It was as if they disappeared from the planet earth. The cops couldn’t find any inkling on where they could be and their investigation had just been going in circles.

Jay on the other hand had become something else. He doesn’t eat regularly or even take his sleep. He doesn’t talk much, and always be alone. He rarely stays in class too.

Every minutes, he checks his locker for the letter but never saw one. That’s the only reason he goes to school but…seems the stalker is really ready to punish him.

“What do we do now? I’m really scared” Onda sighs dejected.

“I’m don’t know either…the cops have no clue on where she could be and Jay is literally going crazy right now?” Jade said also

“Just who could have done this? Who?” Onda lamented

“You heard…a psycho..obsessed with him” Agnes chipped in.

“Who could this psycho be? Where could Kiki be…I’m so worried to death. Is she even okay right now?” Onda couldn’t help crying while Jade pulled her in his arms.

“I feel so sorry for Jayd..he’s probably the one suffering most among us here” Jade mutters.


Jay Sat at the amphitheatre staring into space. Diego suddenly appeared and stood before him. Jay looks up to see him and looks away.

“Hey…why are you just sitting here! I heard all these is because of you” Diego paused and raised him up by locking his shirt.

“She was taken all because of a $cvmbag like you!!” Diego lashed out at his face. Jay did nothing and only snickers which obviously aggravated Diego.

“What? You are laughing! You’re laughing you d!ck head!!” He gave him a heavy punch on the face. Jay went down immediately but he continued laughing. Diego went down with him sitting on him.

“You are a bastard!! A f-__-king bastard!!” Diego seethed as he continues giving him punches on the face.

Blood has now started dripping down his nose and his lips bursted also.

“You f-__-king animal!!” Diego gave him one last punch before releasing him. He stood up from him breathing heavily.

“Pathetic” He mutters leaving him while Jay Sat up looking miserable


“Jayden! What happened to you!” Annabel shrieked as Jayd came in with bruised face.

He ignored her and started walking away.

“I’m talking to you Jayden! What happened to your face!! Why is it so messed up!” Annabelle held his hand back.

“Can’t you tell…I got into a fight” He replied nonchalantly flinging her hand away.

“Don’t talk to me…unless it’s about kim” He said flintly walking away to his room.

“Ja_” Annabelle sighs

Getting to his room, he threw his bag away somewhere and fall on the bed.

His phone buzzled and he groaned bringing it out from his pocket. It was a message from an unknown number.


“Kim…” He mumbles.


Kim cried out as the extremely cold water rushed on her.

Claire smiles out painting her nails as she watch her wail in pains.

“Come on baby…don’t be a dirty pig and have your bath” She smirks

This has been one of the tortures she goes through everyday ever since she has been abducted.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why…?” Her cracked voice asked the same question she has been asking for the past few days.

“You look so happy…after taking everything away from me” Came Claire’s reply she has been giving her for the past few days also.

“Guess what…” She beamed and walks close to her.

“We’re expecting a visitor soon. My darling is finally coming back to me” She chuckles.

“Jayden…” Kim mutters.

“Umm…no no no…not Jayden…he’s Liam…not Jayden baby” Claire rub her cheek before standing away from her.

“Take her back…I think she’s gotten washed enough. I’ve to go prepare for my darling” She swirls around happily humming as she leaves them.

“Get up!” Tim, a tall huge guy pulled Kim up by her wet hair.

“Ah!” She groans as he dragged her into the storage room which was just at the kitchen.

That’s where she has been staying actually.

“Ouch!!” She winced as he push her forcefully in and slam the door to her face.

Kim sat up and lean her back against the wall.

“Liam…that’s Jayden’s father” She mutters clearly confused.

She coughs and hug herself rubbing her soaked body.

It’ll be weird for her not to feel cold when a water filled with cube ice was poured down on her.

Her birthday dress was already ripped off the moment she opened her eyes after being abducted

She was only left in a cropped tank top and pant and since the moment she woke up…she woke up into torture. Claire has been inflicting pain on her. What she could only do was pray…for help. But now that Jay or better still Liam is coming…she felt a little relived. Maybe…she’d soon get out of this hell.


“what do I do…what do I do about Jay Liam? My son…” Annabelle sobs while Liam comfort her.

“You said he left this?” The cop asked referring to the note they found in Jay’s room after he had disappeared suddenly.

“I’LL COME BACK WITH KIM” was scribbled on it.

“I went to his room this morning only to find that on the table. He left his phone also. There’s no means to communicate with him…absolutely no means”

“I think the culprit must have contacted him…somehow. We’ll take his phone with us maybe we can find any hints”

“Please…find them…you must find them please”

“We’ll do everything we can Madam Annabelle. Rest assured. Both Kimberly and Jay will be back safely”

The cop assured while Annabelle only whimper more.


Jay groans opening his eyes. He found himself in a rather well furnished room.

“Where am I?” He mumbles getting down from the bed. He walks to the door slowly and could hear some voices. Slowly, he opens it and went out.

“Miss Ina?” His eyes widened in shock as he saw her chatting happily with a man.

She was smoking and drinks were on the table also.

“Oh my darling love…you’re finally awake” Claire stood up walking to him. She made to hug him but he retracted his steps.

“What’s…what’s going on here? Why are you Miss Ina…?” He asked confused while Claire only smiles.

“Wait…you…you are the stalker??”

Claire burst into laughter looking at the other man who also laughed along.

“Oh come on darling…come” She went for his hand but he snap hers away.

“Where is Kimberly? Where did you keep her?!!”

“That b**tch…she is where she deserves to be” Claire puff out smoke on his face while he scruch his face.

“Come on darling…I’ve caught you smoking several times…don’t act like it’s new to you” Claire rolled her eyes.

“Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?”

“Liam…listen. I just want us to go back to how we were before…before that Ɓîtçh came into the picture”

“What nonsense are you saying? And also I’m Jayden not li_ wait! Liam? That’s…that’s my father’s name”

“Take a look at me Liam…don’t I look more pretty now? I…changed because of you…I changed everything now so…you should accept me…no…you must accept me now” She said crawling her hands to his chest.


“Don’t you recognize me? It’s me…Claire.”


“Yeah…Claire…Your childhood friend and lover” she leans closer to him.

“I really missed you Liam…now I’m back for you…to take what’s rightfully mine. Let’s start our family here….I promise we’ll be happy…what do you think?” She whisper flirty bringing her lips to his. But before she could connect it together, Jay who seems to go on a daze pushed her away roughly.

“Cla…Claire? That’s…that’s impossible. You’re dead”

“That’s what you all think”


“That Annabelle Ɓîtçh…she thought she had gotten rid of me but…she failed. Here I am…back for you” She started laughing.

“And to make her pay for what she did to us! I surely won’t let her get away NEVER!!!” She roared cachinating evily.

“No…no it can’t be…this can’t be…” Jayden held his head utterly shocked and confused.

“Listen…you just have to do as I say from now on don’t worry we’ll deal with that Ɓîtçh together”


“Ahh…ahh!” Kim’s voice booms out as Tim dragged her from her room to the living room.

“Let go!” Tim pushed her roughly and she fell on the ground hurting her knee.

“Kim?” Jay called immediately he saw her. Kim raised her head up and gasped on seeing Jay.

“Jayden…” She made to stand up but Tim pushed her back to the floor with his leg.

“Ahh!” She groans.

Jay couldn’t help his anger rising as he saw the state she was in.

She looked horribly terrible.

His palms fisted. He made to go to her but Claire held his hand back. She smiles at him while he reluctantly face Claire.

“Don’t worry love…I’ll deal with her myself” Claire gave him a peck of the lips while Kim who was watching knits her brow.

“Just watch” Claire winks before walking towards Kim.

“Miss Ina…ah!” She wince as she gave her a slap. Claire got hold of her hair and drag her to the table hitting her head on it twice.

Jay’s palms fisted more and he looks away.

Blood run down Kim’s nose as she started breathing heavily.

Smiling evily Claire took the bottle of drink on the table. She made to hit it on her head but Jay held her hand before she could. Claire looks back at him annoyed.

“What are you doing! Let go! Has that witch bewitched you again!! Are you supporting her!!” Claire fired while Jay took the bottle from her.

He take a short glance at Kim who was struggling on the floor and grits his teeth.

“I’LL KIL_” Claire didn’t finished her statement when Jay grab her and smash his lips on hers.

Kim gasped while Claire smiles into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him roughly with her eyes closed.

Jay kept his eyes open throughout looking at Kim who looks back at him on the floor.

Claire pulled away from the kiss and grinned holding his face.

“I missed this so f-__-king much!!” She pushed him and he landed on the sofa. Swiftly, she got on him and smash her lips on his devouring it.

Kim couldn’t continue watching and she took her eyes away.

Still eating up his lips widely, her hand went to his top about lifting it up but Jay stopped her.

She looks at him questionably.

“Let take things slowly…” He forced a smile

“I want to…take my time with you. It’s been long you know” Jay said still smiling while she shrugged.

“Alright…let’s not rush” She smiles and look back.

“Take her back…I want to play with my darling” She ordered.

“Ok boss” Tim replied pulling Kim by her hair. He took her away while Jay releases a painful sigh.

“Let’s play….my darling love” Claire said facing him back capturing his lips again but Jay unlock.

“What?” She asked annoyed.

“How about you tell me what you’ve been up to over a drink…I think that’ll set up the mood” He smiles.

“Great idea! Tim one bottle of tequila!”

“Two…I want this night…to be different” He said in a flirty tone while she grins.

“Two it is then!! Hoo!! I’m so happy!!!” She laughs.


After successfully making her drunk, he took her to the room and took off her clothes leaving her undies though.

Signing for the umpteenth time, he ruffles his hair and sneak out of the room avoiding Tim who was sleeping soundly on the couch.

“Kim…Kim” He called knocking on the storage room.

“Kim it’s me Jayden”

“Jayden?” He could hear her soft voice from within.

“Are you okay Kim? I’m so sorry…you got into this mess because of me. I should have listened to you…I shouldn’t have done things on my own. I’m so sorry” He apologize sniffing.

“What happened to your face? Did you get into a fight?”

“Diego punched me”

“And what did you do back?”

“Nothing…I just let him do what he wants”

“You should have punched him back hard”

“I couldn’t…” He went silent.

“Are you okay Jayden?” Kim broke the silence.

“I am_”

“No…you are not” She interrupted.

“I know…you can never be…everything must come as a shock” Kim added and he kept silent for a while.

“About earlier…the kiss…” Jay trailed off.

“I know…you did that for me. Thank you Jayden” she said and he nodded. Silence creeped in again.

“She mistook me for your mother Jay…she sees you as your Dad” Kim broke the silence yet again.

“Is that even possible? Kim…Claire is…I heard about her…I heard what happened then” Jay scoffs.

“I know…you told me everything when you found out about her then”

“Then how? How…Miss Ina I just_”

“Your mother? She’s Claire…your mother”


“She explained everything to me before you came. How she escaped from the prison and made everyone think she’s dead. She wasn’t actually the one electrocuted then. She escaped few weeks later after your birth. She went for plastic surgery and came back as Miss Ina. She had been keeping eye on you right from the start. To her you’re Liam the man she loves and I’m Annabelle…the lady who snatched her man away from her. That’s why she’s after me”

“No…she’s not my mother…my mother is at home with Dad and Miss Ina is just…a stalker obsessed with me”

“Jayden…I know this must be hard on you but…she’s dangerous. She might decided to ki|| me any time if we don’t get out of here. I…I wanna go back to my family Jayden…I don’t wanna…continue experiencing the pain of…what i don’t even know of” she sobs quietly.

While Jay couldn’t help but do too.

He started hearing some footsteps and immediately stood up.

“I promise you Kim…I’ll get you out of here…just…have faith in me. And also…she’s not my mother…she’s just a criminal” He said before sneaking away before he could get caught.

Tim walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. He kicked the storage room’s door and Kim flinched covering her mouth with her palms so her sobbing won’t be heard.

After gulping down the water, Tim bleched and went out of the kitchen to the sitting room slumping on the couch. He slept off within minutes.


Tim dragged Kim out as usual and made her got on her knees immediately they got to Claire who was smoking on the couch.

“I said I wanna be with you alone…why bring her?” Jay asked nervously while Claire dropped the cigarette.

“To watch us play” She stood up.

“We can just play between ourselves” Jay tried to convince her but instead she only took off her clothes leaving her in her undies Jay looks away immediately.

“Yesterday’s fun…I was too drunk to remember but now that I’m sober…I want us to do it again. And I mean right now”


“Take off your clothes now!” She ordered with a mean look.

“But we can_”

“NOW!!!” She yelled and instantly Jay took off his top.

“Good” She smiles.

“I want her to watch everything…that way it’ll be more fun” She trace her hand on his chest licking it also.

Tracing her hand down, it landed on his trouser.

“Nothing can stop me darling…I badly want you and I’m getting you now!” She started unbottoning his trouser and in no time it went down leaving him in his underwear. She made to pull it down also but Jay held her hand.

“Let her go at least…we can do it in the room…over a drink uh?” He said but she only slab his hand away pulling down his pant forcefully.

“Wow…I love this” She licked her lips.

“No…”Jay shook his head.

Claire proceeded to taking off her bra. Her huge B-__-bs bounced out.

“Feel it” She said softly but he only looks away.

“Now” She ordered In a low but intimidating voice.

When he wouldn’t budge, she took his hand suddenly and place it on her B-__-bs. Jay removed his hand quickly. Claire Snickers and proceeded to her pant.

“No…don’t…” Jay shook his head but she only bit her lips flirty taking it off. She threw it on his face then crash her lips on his. Her bare body was wrapping against his and he couldn’t help but get hard. However, he didn’t respond to the kiss. Claire unlock and lay on the couch spreading her legs wide.

“Enter me” She said seductively.

Jay only stood folding his palms. His eyes met with that of Kim’s who shook her head at him indicating he should not.

Sweats rolled down his face as he stares at her.

Seeing his reluctancy, Claire signal to Tim who nodded. In a swift, Tim pulled down one strap of Kim’s tank top and one of her B-__-bs pops out.

“Ah!”She released a big gasp and jay’s eyes widened.

“Waste one more second and Tim will be f-__-king her right here right now!” Claire thr_@ten.

“No! No…no!!” Kimberly cried.

Jayden gulp down nothing.

Claire got on fours her @zz $h00ting right in front of him.

“Now f-__-k me!!” She ordered strictly.





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