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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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When the badass meets the playboy….love clashes ?










“CONGRATS TO YOUR NEW AGE!” Many compliments thrown at Jay as he blew off the candles.

He gave them a cute smile and return his gaze back to the varieties of food and drinks on the table.

“Wow…there’s so much to eat” He salivated.

“Mom doesn’t prepare feast for me except on my birthdays. Now I have to look forward to this day every year just so I could have a taste of these yummy delicacies” He joked while they all laugh.

“Jay dear…would you like some noodles instead. I bet that’ll be more tasty” Annabelle said.

“No Mom…I’ll pass” He quickly said while Annabelle smiles ruffling his hair. He got hold of her hand and Annabelle’s brow crooked.

“I’m ain’t a kid. I’mma adult now”

“Adult I see…i really think you need some noodles” She draw his ear while he wince.

“Come on Mom…that hurts”

“You should stop being hard on him at least for today. It’s his day” Ray said while jay winked at him.

“Tell him to know his place or I won’t hesitate to put him there” Annabel said back.

“My amiable son…here for you” Liam extend a small box to him.

“Come on Dad…this has no weight”

“Don’t be ungrateful and collect it you said you’re an adult now…does adult grumbles? What a weird adult you are” Zara said they stifle a laugh.

“Because I’m an adult I’m gonna let you get away but not on another day alright little witch” Jay said back opening the box.

“Oh my f_” He swallowed the remaining word when Scarlet gave him a look.

“Dad!! You’re the best…I so much love you” He ran to his side hugging him tightly.

“It was Your Mom’s idea”

“Really…Mommy…you know I love you right? More than I do to your noodles”

“Yeah son of course I know”

Jay chuckle looking at the car keys.

Others also gave him their different gifts and he wouldn’t stop whining like a baby as he received them.

“Kim…won’t you give him your gift?” Scarlet, her mom asked.

“I didn’t prepare any” She replied with a straight face.

Everyone seems surprised to hear that from her except Jay.

“Sorry Jay…I didn’t get you any gift” she said to him.

“It’s okay…I don’t need it anyway” Jay replied nonchalantly picking up the spoon.

He started scooping the food in his mouth

Kim also face her food not saying anything.

Their parents exchange glances.

“Um…Kim dear like Dad had promised your eighteenth birthday is gonna be extravagant” Ray grinned.

“No Dad…I don’t want a big party let’s just do it among ourselves” She replied.

“But that wasn’t the plan”

“Now it is…I don’t want a party Dad…it’s an hassle” She rolled her eyes.

“We have to talk more about this”

“I’m ain’t say more than this. Excuse me I’m gonna use the restroom” She stood and excuses them while all eyes followed her.

Immediately she disappeared upstairs, all eyes turned on Jay who was busy eating.

“What?” He said with a mouthful of meatloaf

“What’s going on with Kim? And what’s wrong with you two?” Scarlet asked.

“I wouldn’t know” He shrugged and went back to eating.


For days Kim did everything possible to stay out of Jay’s sight. Even if they met by chance she always avoid him and spent much time with Diego instead.

Onda wasn’t left out. Ever since the incident with Jade, she had stopped talking to him and always stay out of his sight.

She’s always with Kim or Agnes or better still spend her time in the library reading so as not to bump into him. This has been going well for the two of them for a few days now.


“Oh my…she looks happy” Jay said looking at Kim and Diego who are chatting and laughing at the same time.

“Exactly” Jade said also staring at Onda who was with them.

“She must be having it all good after doing that to me” Jay said again.

“My point exactly” Jade chipped in.

“She seems to be doing fine after all…and here I am feeling bad”

“I know right”

“We’re only not talking but why does it feels like I was dumped?”

“Beats me”

“She should stop laughing already…it gets on my nerves”

“I know exactly”

“I just can’t sit and watch all these” Jayden drops his fork and stood.

“Hey…what are you gonna do?”Jade asked

“Just watch” He went towards Kim’s who pretended not to see him.

“Attention everyone!” Jay shouted getting their attention all.

“Yeah…it’s nothing serious I just wanna draw your attention to something” He looks back at Kim who raised at brow at him. He got hold of her hand and pulled her up.

“Hey what are you doing?” She whisper asked but he ignored her.

“This coming Friday is my best friend here birthday’s and I’m using this medium to invite you all to it. You guys shouldn’t miss it cause it’s gonna be a blast” He announced.

“Hey! Are you crazy!” Kim grits.

“It’s your birthday this weekend?” Diego asked clearly surprised while Kim face him.

“Yeah…apparently” She replied plainly.

Jay turns her back to him and held both her shoulders.

“Happy birthday in advance…Kimberly” He smiles and place his lips on her forehead. Staying like that for some moments. When he disengaged he smiles brightly at her while she gave him nothing but angry glares.

“Follow me” She seethed grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the cafeteria.


Jayden dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a lollipop unwrapped it and insert it into his mouth.

“What the hell did you just do out there! You’re literally seeking for danger!” Kim scolded immediately she dragged him into the class.

Jay removed the lollipop he was licking and shrugged.

“What did I do? I merely invited them all to your birthday party”

“I told you I’m ain’t holding a party for that”

“But I already told them all…you’ve got no choice now”

“She’d come”

“That was the plan”


“Kim…this is our only chance to know who’s behind all those thr_@ts”

“The elders have to know about this or I’m not gonna go through with it” She said sternly.

“Don’t worry I’m gonna let them know. This party is all just a show…to fish her out”

“You really think this would work?”

“It’s a trap…to finally catch that d@mn stalker of course she’d fall for it” He smirks coyly

Kim sighs.

“So…don’t even think of ignoring or avoiding me anymore…it’s annoying” he declared sticking the lollipop in his hand into her mouth.

Kim gasp abruptly. He winks at her before leaving with a stamped smile on his lips.

“That…that dirty buffoon…” Kim remove the lollipop from her mouth and sighs.


Jade waited patiently for Onda who went into the restroom not long.

She finally came out and he put his leg on the way. She stumbled on it and was falling but he caught her before she did.

“Ja…jade” She shuttered getting away from me.

“You’ve been avoiding me these days”

“I’m not…I just had nothing to do with you”

“Really…then…does that mean I’m being abandoned?”

“What do you mean?”

“Now that you felt you can’t get what you want from me you’re throwing me away is that not it?”

“It’s not”

“I think it is”

“I’m just being careful”

“About what?”

“Not being used by you. Oh wait! I’m not even the type of girl you take interest in. You don’t give people like me a second look so I shouldn’t be worrying about that.”

“You seem totally different”

“Forget what I said about liking you…it’s my headache and I’ll deal with it myself. You just need to stay away” She declares and started walking away.

“I came here to ask you something” He said stopping her. He walks close to her and crouch to her level.

“Do you wanna be my date for Kim’s birthday party?” He asked with a pretty smile.

“Uh?” She blinked stunned.

“I asked If you would be my date?”

“Why…why should I?”

“Oh come on…don’t play hard to get with me. I’ll be wearing sky blue so make sure you match up” He said

“I’m…not going with you. I don’t wanna be your date” She looks away.

“I’ll pick you up…we have to arrive together so as to steal the limelight. Don’t forget sky blue” He mussed up her hair before leaving with a smile across his face.

Onda clears her throat leaving also.


After the announcement, Kim became a little scared. So she had always made sure to be around people and had been extra careful.

She didn’t receive any letter or note either and that made her more worried cause Jay wouldn’t stop hovering around her.

The days went by and it was finally her birthday.

Slow music plays, people in two’s three’s gathered around chatting and laughing.

Like jade really said, he went over to Onda’s house and picked her up. After their conversation the other day, they seemed to become more close than before and Jade’s flirting with her increases.

“Agnes…you came” Onda beamed hugging Agnes.

“Yeah I did…though I don’t like the celebrant but still I don’t wanna miss it”

“Agnes…you’re looking so becoming…are you on a mission to seduce someone?” Jade asked stepping closer.

“If it is so…that someone is definitely not you” Agnes replied.

“And it definitely can’t be her” He pointed to Onda.

“Well…I can always give it a try” Agnes smirks winking at Onda.

Jade instantly pulled Onda beside him.

“She’s claimed…get someone else” Jade smirks taking Onda whose face flashed red away.

“Hey!” Onda stopped him while he turns to her.

“I’m ain’t claimed by anyone”

“Then why are you with me?”

“What do you mean?”

“Never thought you were this slow_witted” he shook his head.

“Let go of me”

“You’re my date for tonight so you have to be with me”

“Well…it’s only for tonight no big deal” She rolled her eyes.

He held both her shoulders.

“Not only for tonight…but for many other nights…and days” He leans forward and gave her a peck on the lips.

“Do you understand?” He asked Onda who is already dazzled.

“Come out of it” He pinch her cheek.


The door opens and Jay stuck his head in.

“Jayden” Kim called standing up. He went in fully and Kim ran into his arms immediately.

“Woah woah woah…easy there uh” He said and she disengaged going back to sit on the bed.

“You look worried…did you break up with him again?”

“I’m not in the mood for jokes Jay”

“Can that be counted as a joke?” He itch his hair.

“Honestly…I’m a little bit scared”

“Of what?”

“Tonight! What if she really shows up? Who knows what she might actually do”

“Who are you?”

“Are you kidding me right now?”

“You aren’t the Kimberly I know. Who are you?”

“Come on Jayden”

Jayden sighs and knelt in front of her holding her hands in his.

“Tonight…you look beautiful” He said staring at her.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”


“Then you should try better”

“Don’t worry Kim…nothing is gonna happen. If something is happening then it’s that that stalker is getting apprehended tonight”

“Are you really sure about this? I don’t want anyone getting hurt”

“Dad has already placed under cover cops around. The security is tight Kim…you shouldn’t worry about a thing” Jay said and she sighs in relief.

“The Kim I know isn’t a chicken…I really don’t know where you originated from” He flicker her forehead while she frowns rubbing it.

“Don’t frown…you’ll wear out your beauty”

“It’s starting soon right?”

“Um…right Diego is here”


“Should I just let him be your partner for the night?”

“Why would you?”

“He’s your boyfriend”

“Oh spare me…I only got back with him just to protect myself”

“I knew it” He smiles.

“Come on I’ve got a present for you”

“A birthday present? Why would you I didn’t even get you any”

“It’s okay…let your conscience eat you up” he said while she rolled her eyes.

He brought out a small box from his pocket and opens it.


Jay smiles and brought out the hairpin.

“Happy eighteenth birthday Kim….welcome to the adult world”

“Shut up” She nudges him while he chuckle.

She smiles and he wore it on her hair.

“Tonight you look the prettiest” He smiles warmly.

“The suits did justice to you as well”

“I always find your compliments uncomfortable”

“I find yours unbelievable”

“Trust me Kim…to me…you’re always the prettiest” He kissed her forehead while she smiles.

“Have I ever told you this Jayden?”


“You’re the best friend ever”

“I know”

She leans forward and kissed his cheek then hugs him.

“We should go now…”

“Sure…” She stood up and link hands with him.

“Shall we?”

“Let’s do this”

They left the room in smiles.


The birthday song was sang, cake was cut and pictures was taken.

Everything was going normal that Kim’s nervousness about the stalker all went away.

In fact she was so immense with the fun that she forgot totally about it.

Jayden Sat watching as she chat and laugh with some of the guests.

“This is the perfect time to tell her” He heard a voice and looked beside him to see Melody and Hayden

“Hey there my amiable siblings” He flashed them a smile as they sit beside him.

“That guy seems to like her” Hayden points to Diego who was lurking around Kim.

“Hmm…apparently he’s her boyfriend. He used to h@ťě her so much but after I made Kim into a real lady..he started chasing after her” Jay replied sipping his drink.

“So…why aren’t you doing anything?” Melody asked.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Go get her…i don’t think any guy deserves her more than you do”

“Yeah…you’ve liked her for a while now and more so she looks good with you than any other guy”

“I don’t deserve her…she deserves any guy who loves her”

“And you do”

“And the one she loves back” Jay completed and smiles.

“My bro is a pathetic adult” Melody shook her head.

“Don’t worry bro…she’s gonna be yours soon” Hay said while he nodded standing.

“Where are you going?”

” I’m gonna rest a bit inside…I’ll be in her room In case you need me…enjoy the night darlings” He winked then excuses them.

“Shouldn’t we do something about them?” Melody asked.

“Should we?” Hayden asked back.


“Kimmie” Melody went to Kim

“Oh hey Mel” Kim smiles at her.

“Um…Mom wants to see you inside”

“Oh really?”

“Um…you should go now”

“Okay…thanks” she smiles and leave.

Melody smiles to herself.

“What are you scheming now?” She heard a voice and look behind only to see Fern approaching.

“Something….sweet” Mel winks before leaving.

“Sweet?” Fern mutters and shrugged.


“Oh Hay have you perhaps seen mom? Mel told me she wanna see me” Kim asked as she got to the living room.

“Oh…she’s upstairs…in your room…go meet her quick” Hayden said and she nodded.

“Thanks” She head upstairs.

Hayden smiles coyly.

Kimberly went upstairs and was heading to her room but then the lights suddenly went off.

“Uh” She looks around. It was total darkness. Her phone wasn’t with her so she has no means of getting light.

“Why the sudden blackout?” She asked herself.

Someone started approaching.

“Mom…mom is that you?” She called but the person didn’t reply. Only the sound of her heels clicking can be heard. Everywhere was dead silent also.

Then suddenly she heard the fire alarm ringing and an uproar began.

“Mom…” She called getting scared now.

She shifted back as the person approaches her.

“$h|t!” She made to make a run for it but she was knocked off from behind before she could do that.

“Jayden…” She mutters blacking out immediately.





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