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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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When the badass meets the playboy….love clashes ?




☆ f-__-k YOU KIM ☆

Verna smirks when she sees Diego is already letting his guard down. She lean forward and started kissing his neck grinding her @zz on his member at the same time. Diego groans throwing his head back.

“Don’t hold yourself back brother…I know you’ve always been peeking on me anytime I’m dressing up. You probably want this the most” She whispers to his neck pushing him on the bed. His back landed on it and his face widened when she pulled off her wet singlet exposing her B-__-bs her Ɲīpplës pointing directly at his face. Verna smiles taking his hand. She places it on her B-__-b giving it a press.

“I can make you feel better brother…” She said seductively again. But Instead Diego quickly took his hand away pushing her away also. He stood from the bed ruffling his hair.

“I can’t do this Verna…this…is wrong…please leave”

“How is it wrong?” She asked behind him.

“We’re siblings don’t you under_” He turns swiftly to her only to halt when he saw her now with nothing on. His eyes widened the more. Verna slowly walk closer to him.

“We’re not even real siblings…and even if we are…who cares? I don’t give a d@mn about those things…” She traces her fingers from his chest up to his face cupping it.

“Right now…I only want you…and I know you do to…” She said flirty.

“I’m surely gonna regret this…” Diego mutters.

“You can think about that later..” She pushes him back to the bed.

“But for now…” She said getting on him.

“Deal with me” she captured his lips in hers in fierce kiss. Diego didn’t resist either as he swap her over getting on top. He took dominion over the kiss while Verna Mõ@ɲs his name.


Jay whistle as he came out of the bathroom with only towel around his waist. But the door suddenly came open revealing the angry Kim who charged forward to give him a punch but Jay was quick to dodge that. This made Kim to lose her balance and head for the floor but on doing that she got hold of Jay’s towel instinctively and together they went down with him landing on her.

Their eyes stay glued to each other for some seconds before Jay finally releases a naughty chuckle.

“You prefer we stay like this?” He asked.

“Get off” Kim grits.

“It’s no problem for me but…are you really okay with that?” Jay trace his eyes down to his waist while Kim’s eyes followed.

She gasps loudly returning her eyes back to him immediately she saw he’s naked.

“I’ll close my eyes so…stand up and cover yourself” She shut her eyes closed.

“Heyy…that’s not fair…I saw yours remember? This is your chance to get revenge” He smirks.

“Get away from me Jay” She seethe still closing her eyes. Jay shrugged and get up getting his towel.

“You can open them now”

“How can I trust you?”

“Then you wanna remain like that?” He raised a brow and Kim opens one of her eyes. Seeing his covered she opens them fully. Jay points his hand forward to her and she took it. He held her up their chest came slamming against each other in the process and Jay held her still by holding her waist.

Jay stared at her without saying anything. Kim creased her brow since he doesn’t seems to wanna stop anytime soon.

“You keep staring” She jerk him off while a sly smile display on his lips.

“You should be honoured”

“Yeah…exactly” She smirks wrapping her arms around him also.

“I am” She brought her knee forward and kneed him in his nuts. He left her immediately clutching to his genitals.

“f-__-k Kim!” He spat while Kim went to his drawer. She picked a belt and face him smiling.

“Jayden…come here” She said slowly smiling at the same time while Jay shakes his head.

“Freak!” He spat before running out of the room with only towel while Kim follows gently.


“Diego?”Kim called Diego who ignored her.

“I’m sorry…I’m really sorry…yesterday was just…” She sighs.

“Jay picked your call…tell me is there anything between you two that I don’t know of?”

“Of course not! He just likes playing pranks on me and yesterday wasn’t an exception. I’m so sorry for not showing up you must have waited”

“Can you leave for now?” He returns his gaze back to the book in front of him.

“Die…” Kim sighs before going back to her seat.

She slumped on her seat and sighs.

“What do I do? He won’t talk to me again?”Kim said to Onda who seems lost in thought already.

“Onda…Onda!” Kim tapped her and she jerked up.


“Are you okay? You know I noticed you seem restless for some time now. Did something happened? Tell me…did something happened at the party the other night?” Kim asked closely while Onda sighs.

“Jade and I kissed” She replied slowly.

“Well that’s good news for you”

“But…I messed up. My allergy showed up and…and he saw that…he saw it Kim what do I do?” She said in a breaking voice.

Kim held her face.

“Hey…an allergy isn’t a bad thing. If it shows up at that moment maybe….it’s just what you needed. To know how he really sees you. Listen Onda…now he saw you at your worst…this is the opportunity you need to know maybe…he’s gonna accept you as who you really are. No one is perfect so…don’t think much about it”

“What if…what if he doesn’t really talk to me again?” She sniffed.

“Then that shows…you two ain’t meant to be…you should just forget about him and move on” Kim said loftly while she shakes her head.

“I tried…I tried but…it’s so freaky hard…it’s like it’s impossible”

“It is possible if you really set your mind on it. Onda…you should stop brooding about him now…you have your life to live also remember. If he isn’t the one then…you can always try another”

Onda sighs.

“Promise me you’ll do just that”

“I’m tired too now Kim…I want to forget him also”

“Now that’s my girl” Kim grins mussing up her hair. Onda gave her a small smile and sighs.

“Is there another thing?” Kim asked noticing her worried expression.

“Kiki…you know…that girl…”

“Which girl?”

“Ag_no it’s nothing” she smiles while Kim smiles also before taking a peek at Diego who wasn’t looking at her.

She creased her brows when she sighted Verna grinning back at her.

“What the heck!” Kim thought facing her front.


Onda was on her way to the cafeteria when Agnes suddenly pulled her into an empty class.

Her back slammed against the door and she gasped.

“Ag…Agnes…” She called slowly.

“You haven’t been picking my calls” Agnes said while Onda looks away.

“If it’s because of the other night then…I’m not sorry” She said again and this time Onda turns to her scoffing.

“You ain’t sorry? You suddenly kissed me out of nowhere and now you are telling me you ain’t sorry?”

“It wasn’t a mistake. So I don’t see any reason why I should be apologizing”


“Don’t you get it already? I’m into you Onda”Agnes said stepping closer to her. Onda moves back shaking her head.

Agnes held her face.

“Listen…I know this may come as a shock to you but…I’m not that kind of person who hides her feelings. I like you the moment I saw you”

“So you helping me and doing all that is just because…you want me? And here I thought…I just made another great friend?”

“Onda listen…” Agnes held both her hands.

“I’m fully aware you like someone else and I…won’t force my feelings on you. I just hope someday…you could realize…better things are right in front of you”

“By turning myself into gay? Sorry but I don’t like that $h|t” Onda snapped clearly hurting Agnes’ feelings. Onda notice this and sighs.

“See I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call you feelings $h|t I just…I’m sorry”

Agnes let out a small smile.

“It’s okay…I’ve heard worse….from people closer to me than you” Agnes replied downcasted.


“Like I said earlier I’m ain’t forcing my feelings on you. That night…you were hurting so much and I didn’t know what to do. I kissed you on impulse. But when you ran away…it dawned on me…I’ve messed up. Nonetheless…I’m ain’t sorry for it.”

“We…can still be friends right?” Agnes asked slowly.

“Just…friends?” Onda quizzed and Agnes nodded.

“Just…friends…you are too precious for me to lose Onda” Agnes said hugging her.

“Thank you Agnes…and…im sorry”

“Let’s go eat now…by the way what are you gonna do about Jade?” She asked and they goes out of the classroom.

“Don’t know…we’ll have to see how it goes” Onda gave her a small smile.


Jayden was going to his seat with his tray of food when he heard Diego’s voice calling him.

“Hey bro…need my help again?” He asked smirking while Diego got to him pushing him back by his chest. His food went crashing on the floor immediately.

“f-__-k your help Jayden!” Diego spat while all the students gasps. All attention shifts to them and Jade made to go to them but Matt one of the students pulled him back.

“It’s between them…”Matt said while Jade sighs looking at Jayden worried.

“Your problem man!” Jayden spat pushing Diego back angrily. Diego staggered but maintain his stance. Kim came in at this time and made to rush to them but Onda who was with Agnes shakes her head to her not to go.

“f-__-k you Jay! Are you in love with your best friend?!” Diego fired while murmurings began among the students.


“I asked if you like her! Do you f-__-king like KIMBERLY!” He fired again and for a moment he seems lost for words. He looks around and his eyes met with that of Kimberly.

“Tell me are you!!”

“I’M NOT!” He barked back.

“And why in the world would I? Are you on drugs!” Jay fired back and Diego rushed to him giving him a heavy punch. He fell to the floor immediately with a thud.

“Then why the f-__-k do you keep ruining my chances with her! You’re a f-__-king bastard Jayden!” Diego spat at him as Jay wiped off the little blood on his bursted lips.

“$h|t!” He groans and charged towards Diego to pinch him back but Kim got in the way.

The punch landed on her cheek. Jayden’s eyes widened.


“Kim!!” Jay and Diego called at once holding her. Kim slap Diego’s hand away from her and gave Jay a sound resonating slap.

Everyone gasped including Diego and Jay himself.

Jay looks at Kim with unbelievable eyes holding his cheek.

Kim just stood there looking at him angrily breathing heavily at the same time.

“F** you Kim” Jay said to her before marching out of the cafeteria. Kim releases a heavy breath while Jade went to her.

“I don’t know the details but…you went too far Kimberly” Jade gave her a disappointing look before leaving the cafeteria also.

“You okay?” Diego asked behind her and she turns to him.

“I am…you?” She asked giving him a small smile.

“He punches like a baby” Diego joked while Kim chuckles.

“Then why does it hurts a lot…I feel my teeth is falling off” she joked also.

“Let’s go to the nurse office…come on” He held her hand and together they leave. The students went back to what they were doing with murmurs.

“Kim…you’re really getting on my nerves!” Verna fumes stabbing her fork in the food.


Kim opens her locker and saw a note there. She opens it and read what’s inside.

“There’s something you need to know…come to the auditorium…alone” The notes says and she creased her brows looking around the students.

“What the hell” She thought.


Ever since the fight occurred, Jayden has been in the $h00ting room practicing. He’s actually in the club.

He kept $h00ting nonstop. He’s the only one in the practice room.

The more he remembers how Kim slapped him the angrier he gets and the fiercer he $h00ts.

“Emotions spoils everything” He heard a voice behind him and looks back to see Miss Ina smiling back at him. He removes his glasses.

“Miss Ina…” He called slowly. Miss Ina got behind him holding both his shoulders.

“To get your target…focus on one thing only…you mustn’t have mixed emotions”

“Focus on the only one thing you wanna get rid of. Don’t think of any other thing. Just that. And $h00t your shot…bang!” She said

“Do you know about $h00ting?” Jayden asked.

“I was in the club too…back in high school. So I know a thing or two about it” She says while Jayden nodded.

“Now…do it” She said and he wore back his glasses loading the gun.

“Bang!” He shots while Miss Ina smiles.

“Good luck” She pats him leaving.

“But…why are you here?”

“Wanted to let out my frustrations also”

“Then…you can join me”

“No…I think…I’m better now” She smiles and leaves finally. Jay sighs wearing back his glasses. He continues $h00ting.

After a while, he stopped $h00ting when he had calmed down. He walked to his locker and opens it but then a note fell.

He bent and picked it unwrapping to see the content.

“It hurts to see you hurts…you don’t deserve any of this. I’ll let her know” the note says and he gasps.

“f-__-k $h|t!” He slammed his locker closed and ran out of there.


Kimberly walked into the lonely auditorium turning on the light. There wasn’t any sigh of anybody.

“Hello! Anybody there!” She called but got no response.

“Hello! I’m here! This is Kimberly you called me out here!”

“What were you gonna tell me! Who are you!! HELLO!!”

“Why call someone out when you ain’t even gonna show up” She mutters.

But just then the light went off. She looks back in alarm.

“Who is there?” She asked taking her phone to turn on the flash light.

But then she started hearing some footsteps.

Looking forward she releases a big gasp as her phone fell from her hands.

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