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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CITY OF GODS – Episode 62

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City of gods

{Kiss of darkness}


Vampires\Mermaids\ Werewolves\ Demons

Don’t copy my post

Please react before reading ?

By Preshy writes ✍️

Copy and die☠️☠️


“Mom ” evrin called and Hadley glare at her ” I…I mean Hadley ” Evrin quickly corrected

” I want Kiara back before sun rise, or everyone will be punished ” Hadley ordered before she walked away.

” We are all gonna die ” Celeste cried as she knows it’s difficult to trace Kiara ” Why must we be punished? What’s so special about her ?” Estelle asked.

“What’s wrong with Alexis? I’m sure he’s into Kiara tch ” Celeste responded and Noor eyes darkened.

“Say that again and you’ll lose your tongue ” Noor warned and Celeste stepped back immediately. What’s up with Noor ? Is she Into Alexis?


The next morning, Kiara was quietly watching the two people sleeping, she has been here all night yet she wasn’t tired.

” What are you doing here ?” Ava asked as she entered the room ” it’s none of your business ” Kiara replied coldly.

Ellie almost screamed when she saw Kiara, was she here to ki|| her for what her dad did to Skylar?

“Don’t you dare do anything silly, I’m warning you girl ” Ava warned and Kiara laughed.

“As a medium ranged demon, how dare you warn me ? ” Kiara asked pissed off, Ava was taken back,she didn’t expect Kiara’s reply.

” Kiara don’t talk to o my mom like that ” Antonio said and Kiara chuckled ” Am so scared ” Kiara taunt and they frowned.

“Seems like you both worked on your relationship that’s nice ” Kiara added with a smirk .

” What do you want ?” Ava asked and Kiara took a step forward ” Don’t you think someone needs to apologize for what she did to me ?” Kiara asked as she patted Ellie’s hair.

“I…I’m sorry” Ellie said quickly, Kiara stepped back ” she’s coming with me that’s final ” Kiara declared and Antonio frowned.

“Why ?” Antonio asked a she doesn’t know what Kiara is up to and he surely can’t trust her, not now she only wants revenge.

” I’ll come with you” Ellie said quickly as she saw some shadows behind Kiara, she doesn’t want anyone getting hurt because of her.

” It’s strange how you became obedient all of a sudden ” Kiara said and Ellie shivered.

” Ellie what are you doing ?” Antonio asked as Ellie walked towards Kiara slowly

“since the hunters are helping the demons, which is very rare, I don’t want them to back slide , so I’ll take her with me,if they dare make any mistakes she will die ” Kiara said .

“That’s a great idea, why didn’t I think of that ?” Ava asked “Don’t worry, you’ll see your girlfriend, till the battle is over, she belongs to me ” Kiara said coldly.

“Kiara don’t do this ” Antonio said and Kiara laughed darkly ” All is far in love and war ” Kiara whispered.

“But -” Ellie paused as Kiara grabbed her neck and Antonio stood up immediately ” what a show ” Kiara taunt.

” She won’t hurt Ellie for now ” Ava assured and Antonio sighed ” Kiara, that’s enough for now,I’ll get the wolves ready” Ava said.

“Good,I’ll be back. Say goodbye to your friend’s,they are all fake anyways, hopefully they won’t replace you when you’re gone ” Kiara said before she disappeared.

“Antonio, get your friends ready ” Ava said seriously ” that girl is just like her mother” Eloise said .

” What do you mean by that ?” Antonio asked in confusion, Kiara parents are dead right ?

“Story for another day ” Ava said as she glare at Eloise who but her tongue ” will Ellie be save amongst demons ?” Antonio asked.

” She didn’t ki|| you when you both were dating right ? ” Ava asked instead and Antonio sighed in frustration.

“Get one thing straight, you all need Kiara’s protection from what’s coming ” Eloise said making Antonio to look at her in frustration.


” Oh Derek ” Kiara whispered from the darkness and Derek froze ” who’s there ?” Mateo asked and Kiara laughed.

“Forgot me so soon ? How about a little reminder ?” Kiara asked and they looked around.

Derek was already shaking from fear, he obviously remember her, how could he forget so soon ?

“Seems like you remembered me Derek ” Kiara said as she appeared in front of him.

“Please Please don’t ki|| me ” Derek pleaded in tears and Kiara gasp ” what do you want ?” Amir asked bravely.

” It’s always the same question, who are you, what do you want ?” Kiara mocked .

” I’m just here to remind you that if you dare backslide,then your daughter will pay with her life before I come for you ” Kiara said .

” No no don’t hurt them, they are innocent” Derek pleaded and Kiara laughed before her face darkened.

” Wasn’t Riley innocent? Not to talk of Skylar, if anyone here should talk about innocence,it surely won’t be you “Kiara added .

“I’m sorry please just let Ellie go ” Derek pleaded and Kiara chuckled in amusement ” can your sorry bring Riley back ?” Kiara asked.

The ward was suddenly quiet, as no one was talking, the only sound in the ward is the clock ticking.

“Derek, haven’t you heard the saying, karma has no menu, you get what you deserve ?” Kiara asked

” Be good, I’ll be watching you ” Kiara said as she stepped back into the darkness. ” She will ki|| Ellie if we make any mistakes” Mateo pointed out

“Make sure everything is ready” Derek said in a cracked voice, for the sake of his daughter, he has to cooperate with Kiara or they will all die.


“Boom” Kiara exclaimed and Skylar screamed in horror ” you scared me ” Skylar complained as her heart was still racing.

” I Know ” Kiara responded And Skylar frowned ” how dare you scare your elder sister, you’re going to be punished” Skylar said playfully

The smile on in Kiara’s face vanished immediately “Elder sister” Kiara repeated.

What will happen if Skylar finds out she’s her sister m? She don’t want Skylar to get hurt and she also don’t want to tell her too.

“What’s wrong ” Skylar asked worriedly

TBC ✍️✍️✍️

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