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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CITY OF GODS – Episode 33

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City of gods

{Kiss of darkness}


Vampires\Mermaids\ Werewolves\ Demons

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Skylar drank another glass of wine ” stop drinking “Oscar said as he took the glass from Skylar’s hand.

” Why will I stop drinking ?” Skylar asked ” just enjoy the party” Tracy replied and they nodded.

Antonio and Kiara refused to come simply because they think it’s boring.

” Guys ” Levi called and they turned to look at him ” what’s up ?” Luke asked and Levi looked around.

” Something isn’t right ” Levi replied seriously as he has been feeling uneasy since he stepped into this place.

Back at Kiara’s apartment, Kiara sat down watching a movie when she heard a vision, she couldn’t see the image clearly.

” Death ” she said under her breath


” Levi what are you talking about ?” Lily asked, the music suddenly stop, smokes could be seen clouding everything and everyone.

” Levi, what’s happening ?” Nora asked as she was scared ” Nora, run and don’t look back ” Levi replied and Nora shake her head.

” No no, I can’t Leave you let’s go together ” Nora said and Levi looked at her ” I’ll be behind you ” Levi said and she nodded before she ran away.

” What’s going on ?” Skylar asked, everyone was running as a fire started from nowhere ” stay close, I have a feeling and it’s not a good one ” Oscar said.

The place was now empty , Skylar started coughing out blood and Levi frowned.


An arrow came flying from nowhere towards their direction but they were quick to dodge it ” Guys ” Luke called as some shadows walked out of the smoke.

” ki|| them all ” a voice ordered and they exchanged looks “C’mon it’s prom night “Luke complained as it was obvious prom night was ruined.

“I ain’t gonna lie, this is kinda fun ” Oscar replied ” it’s not fun ” Tracy said and Oscar chuckle in amusement.

” Where’s kelvin ?” Skylar asked as she use her magic to defend herself from the opponent attack.

” Levi can I talk to you ?” Skylar asked but Levi was busy fighting ” Levi ” Skylar called as Levi shot her an hard look.

” I’m kinda busy ” Levi said, Skylar sighed as she couldn’t ki|| that much it’s forbidden.

” I wish Kiara was here ” lily said as she bump into Skylar ” f-__-k ” Levi caused as his eyes turn red. He needed blood to regain his strength.

” Dude, are you okay ?” Oscar asked as he help Levi to stand straight ” No… I’m weak ” Levi replied after a while.

” Stay here, we will take care of the rest ” Oscar said and he nodded. ” Good luck ” Levi uttered as Oscar walked away.

Levi brought out his phone and dialed Antonio’s number ” Hey ” Antonio said from the other end and Levi sighed.

” Antonio, you have to come here, we are under attack ” Levi said in a cold tone ” pfft I told you before prom are very boring ” Antonio said.

Levi groaned ” Antonio am f-__-king serious, we are in danger ” Levi said and the call ended almost immediately.

Antonio eyes darkened as he entered his car and drive off.

” Who will dare to ruin prom or was it Levi pulling my legs ?” Antonio thought.

Antonio arrived at the school but no soul could be seen, he banged into the classrooms one after the other.


Antonio was stabbed from behind, the knife was poisoned he could tell because his body was acting strange.

Antonio turned around and kick the person, he couldn’t wait because his friends are in trouble.

” Where the f-__-k are you guys ” Antonio cursed under his breath as he walked through the halls bleeding.

Levi whose eyes were closed suddenly open them, three people stand behind Skylar ready to stab her with their swords.

Since Skylar didn’t notice, he stood up slowly as he looked around everyone was busy.

The swords passed through his stomach, Skylar turned around and found Levi standing behind her, crimson blood slowly drop down his lips,scrapes and bruises that one would tell it can only be defensive wounds.

Skylar shake her head as she saw the blood coming out from Levi’s lip ” L-Levi” Skylar called as her eyes where filled with unshed tears.

Levi fell down as he was dieing slowly, his shuttering haltering breath as he attempt to control his pain and shock.

His clenched fists and tortured sobs, the fear in his eyes as he realizes that he won’t see another sunrise.

He was devastated because no matter how hard he tried, it was never enough for Skylar to accept him.

” Levi ” Oscar called as he saw Levi bleeding,the whole place feel into silence it was like the world paused and the time stopped.

Nothing was moving,it all happened quickly that they didn’t realize it.

Skylar slowly removed the swords and Levi groaned, he wasn’t dead yet but he was dieing slowly.

” Why are you crying ?” Levi asked in a weak voice ” you’re bleeding ” Skylar replied as she burst into tears.

” Please let’s take him to the hospital ” lily said as they made an attempt to carry him, Levi stopped them ” It’s no use, some vampires will be here ” Lehi said as blood came through his mouth.

” No no please ” Skylar cried and Levi smiled bitterly ” You got what you want sky, now u won’t bother you anymore ” Levi said.

” Please Levi ” Skylar cried and Levi brought his hands up and wipe her tears ” Don’t cry, just say the words Skylar ” Levi said as more blood came out

He remembered the times they fought, the good and bad times with Skylar.

How she was jealous a while ago, all these arguments he’s going to miss her a lot.

He smiled bitterly, he realized he’s never going to see her again ” Say it ” he whispered in a low voice.

” I….I love you Levi ” Skylar said through her tears

” Don’t think about the misery ….”Levi said.

” Try to recapture the happiness within yourself, think of all the beauty in everything when I’m gone “Levi whispered.

” You’re not leaving me, I was foolish but not anymore, I’ll save you, you won’t die ” Skylar said as she cried harder.

Levi pulled her closer and kissed her, the most passionate , intense, you and me against the world type of kiss,better than any time that stayed together or experienced or could even imagine, it seems to last for a small eternity.

Eventually, they break away and open their eyes, for a brief second, they wondered if that was avert inappropriate thing to do ?

Levi slowly closed his eyes ” Levi ” Skylar called but got no reply ” he’s not breathing ” lily exclaimed.

Levi body turn cold, Skylar burst into tears as Tracy tried to comfort her ” Calm down Skylar ” Tracy said sadly

” No no,Levi please you can’t leave me here ” Skylar cried as she pushed Tracy away roughly ” Sky,please ” lily said I’m a cracked voice.

Tracy stood yo and dust her dress, when someone appeared from behind her, it was so fats that she didn’t know how it happened.

“Tracy !!!!” Oscar called as Tracy fell down, she has been stabbed in her heart.

TBC ✍️✍️✍️

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