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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CITY OF GODS – Episode 23

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City of gods

{Kiss of darkness}


Vampires\Mermaids\ Werewolves\ Demons

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Antonio POV..

I opened the window only to see Kiara standing there ” How did you get her gosh Levi ” I groaned in frustration.

” Excuse me ” Kiara said as she made her way inside ” nice room ” she add r before seating down.” I’m not talking to you so go home ” I said .

” That’s not fair,I acme here to apologize “she said In a low tone ” Kiara, go home ” I added ” No no no wow Antonio nice abs” she said as she stepped closer.

” If you’re trying to seduce me then it’s working” i said and she smirked, her nails trailed down my chest ” Kiara, I hope you know the consequences ” I asked.

” Let’s talk about consequences later ” she replied in a segzy tone, That’s it

I pinned her to the bed and she laughed ” You’re so corrupt ” I pointed out as I kissed her.

Her calamine pink lips tasted like rose petals, it surprised me that they were plump and Botox boosted as she pushed me away.

” See you tomorrow Antonio” she whispered to me in a dulcet voice as sweet as any songbird, her voguish clothes still kept captive an aroma redolent of cinnamon and meadow fresh mint. It lingered in the room long after she had gone.


” So what happened between you and Antonio ?” Levi asked as they walked into the school with Skylar behind ” nothing much” Kiara replied ” Bad girl ” Levi said as he chuckled.

” Hey guys ” Tracy called as she walked towards their direction ” Xup babe ” Levi waved ” so I heard someone went into berserker” Tracy teased and Kiara goggled.

Oscar AND Luke who walked into the conversation were confused ” Good morning Oscar” Levi teased and Oscar sighed.

” Who are you ?” Derek asked suddenly from behind making them to turn around ” what’s your problem this time ?” Levi asked

” She’s my twin, her name is Skylar ” Kiara replied and they walked away ” something is surely wrong, I must find out ” Derek said staring at their backs.

” Where are you guys going ?” Skylar asked ” they are going to the field to play a stupid game ” lily replied ” you mean soccer ” Tracy corrected.

Oscar peeked Tracy before he walked away and the girls giggle ” Okay let me introduce you all to Antonio girlfriends ” lily said as they made their way to the school field.

” See those cheerleaders ? ” Tracy asked and Kiara nodded ” Yes ” Kiara replied ” the leader is Antonio girlfriend, her name is Bea, she’s arrogant and rude ” Tracy explained.

” And that girl with the red dress is also Antonio girlfriend, ” lily added ” Woah he’s dating the whole school ” Skylar exclaimed.

” Gosh, so they know they are dating one guy ?” Kiara asked and Lily nodded “and they also Know he’s not into them ” Tracy replied.

” Ouch,that will be painful” Skylar added ” Time out”Kiara said ” enough of the gossiping ” she added ” aww ” Skylar said as Bae gave Antonio some water, lily and Tracy just sighed before walking out

” Hey Kiara ” Levi called as he sat close to her ” Aren’t you playing ?” Kiara asked “Nope ” Levi replied as he pass her a juice before stretching another to Skylar ” Thanks” Skylar said and he nodded.

When the match was finally over , Kiara sighed in relief because she was tired of seeing Bae around Antonio.

Skylar and Levi also noticed it but didn’t say anything, they just exchange looks before they sighed.

” Hey, Kiara ” Antonio called and Kiara looked up ” How are you doing ?” Kiara asked ” Good and you ?” Antonio asked.

” Tracy ” Levi called and Oscar frowned ” I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean it ” Levi said and Tracy nodded.

” It’s okay at least Oscar got upset” sue said before laughing ” Laugh all you want ” Oscar added ” Oscar stop being jealous over some petty issue” Tracy said and Oscar sighed.

” Hey guys ” a voice called and they turn around ” Kelvin ” Antonio called and the boy smiled ” I’m back ” kelvin said as he hugged Antonio then Oscar.

Oscar looked at kelvin them Antonio ” I miss you bro ” Antonio said ” me too” kelvin added ” Ain’t you guys going to Introduce us ?” Luke asked and Oscar laughed.

” Wow nice meeting you guys ” kelvin said and they nodded. Antonio suddenly hold Kiara from behind ” What are you doing, pervert let go ” Kiara groaned.

” Kelvin, met my….hmm special friend” Antonio said and kelvin chuckled ” Still hasn’t repented huh ” kelvin asked and Antonio laughed.

Bea looked at Kiara angrily before she walked out ” when did you arrive ?”Oscar asked as he saw that kelvin was Still looking at Kiara and Antonio.

” Yesterday ” kelvin replied and Oscar nodded, something was strange about kelvin that’s for sure. ” Let go of her already ” Levi said as he pulled Kiara away from Antonio.

” Joy ki||er ” Antonio cursed through his gritted teeth and Levi rolled his eyes ” pervert ” Kiara cursed

Days passed by as kelvin became closed to them, he seems nice but Oscar wasn’t feeling good around Kelvin,he should be happy he knows but something is odd about him.

He has tried to warned Antonio but he doesn’t listen or believe anything he’s saying about kelvin.

Instead kelvin came in between his and Antonio relationship ” I’m telling you Antonio, kelvin is different from the kelvin we knew when we were young ” Oscar said.

They were on their way home from school when like always Luke car stopped at teg middle of the road “. What are you talking about? Kelvin is my childhood best friend how come all of a sudden he wants me dead ?” Antonio asked.

” Just believe me ” Oscar said but Antonio just hissed ” are you jealous because am spending more time with him than you pfft that’s supposed to be Kiara’s job ” Antonio said and Oscar hit the car with his fist angrily.

” Babe ” Tracy called and Antonio looked at Oscar ” Give me your hand ” Antonio said but Oscar refused “I said give me your hand ” Antonio repeated but this time with authority

” Don’t loss your cool over petty issues ” Antonio said as he rubbed Oscars hand. Levi chuckled ” Oscar, I believe you ” Levi said ” really, you can’t be serious ” Antonio said.

” Just focused on Kiara, she’s upset with you that you ain’t spending time with her while I focus on kelvin ” Levi pointed out.

” Are you okay ?” Tracy asked and Oscar nodded ” Kiara, gosh I forgot I’m supposed to met her ” Antonio groaned and Luke looked at his phone.

” It’s already late, it will get dark soon, you can see her tomorrow ” Luke said and Antonio looked at him.

TBC ???

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