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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{She is Crazy πŸ”₯πŸ”₯, They are dangerous ✨}


❌Don’t Copy or Repost, Write yours ❌

Theme: Trying not to hurt him.

Chapter 79β˜…80

“What the f-__-k?” Exclaimed Theo as the bullet drilled into the floor. Cinderella had already predict his move and has swiftly dodged the bullet which was meant for her leg.

“I can’t be caught unaware by anyone, not even you Theo.” She said, pointing at him while using the other hand to rearrange her cross bag.

“Now you’ve gut.” He said and shot her again but this time she flipped backward, dodging the bullet.

While in the air, she pulled out her short gun and aimed directly at Theo’s arm.

But the latter easily dodged the bullet, he wasn’t a novice in the game afterall. Cinderella crashed with her both feet on the floor.

She turned swiftly pointing her gun towards Theo who also has his gun pointed at her.

The bodyguards so pulled out their guns, all pointing at Cinderella. Five of them to be precised.

Panick gripped her instantly, she has been surrounded by not one or two gunmen but by six who won’t think twice but to take her life.

Even a blind man will knows for sure that she’s nothing but a dead meat.

“Huh!!! What seems to be the problem?” Theo arched a brow has Cinderella tilted her neck randomly, sizing the men with her eyes, thinking of the possible way to escape.

“Aren’t you that expert anymore? Or you thinking of bringing us all down with a shot?”

“Why are you doing this Theo? You weren’t this way?” She said, sadness in her voice.

Theo felt touch by her words but this is no place for emotions, he’s a man and have to act tough.

“I’ve always been this way but you didn’t notice.” He stuttered as he tried to balance his shot.

The duo was staring at each other with a mixed feeling.. The feeling of being denied by someone you love, the feeling of betrayal.

She blinked her eyes and lowered her gun without removing her gaze from him.

“What’s she up to?” Theo thought in his mind as he watched her directly with his black eyeballs.

Suddenly, she dropped her gun on the floor and took a step forward.

The clocking sounds of guns followed as the bodyguards were ready for any shity move.

“If you PΕ―$$Β₯ f-__-kers are bold enough, face me like a man.. Let’s brawl.” She said, folding her fist and bringing it up to her chin level.

Theo couldn’t help but chuckled, he seemed to be finding this funny and interesting. Cinderella was just watching him and praying silently in her mind for things to work out the way she want it.

Luckily for her, Theo lowered his gun and signaled his bodyguards to drop theirs.

“Let’s see how she can last against you five.” He said moving back while the bodyguards assembled before her.

“Let’s get this done PΕ―$$Β₯ f-__-kers.”

Cinderella was ready for the onslaught of the bodyguards. She had been in similar situations before, and she knew how to handle herself. As the first guard rushed towards her, she quickly sidestepped and delivered a sharp kick to his knee, causing him to stumble.

“You think you can take me down with your brute force?” She taunted, her voice laced with confidence.

The second guard charged at her, but she was quick to dodge his punch and counter with a swift elbow strike to his jaw. He staggered back, surprised by her agility.

“You’re not as tough as you think you are,” she said, her eyes gleaming with determination.

The third guard came at her with a series of punches, but she expertly blocked each one and retaliated with a flurry of her own. Her fists moved like a blur, landing solid blows to his chest and stomach.

“You’re all the same,” she muttered, her breathing steady.

The fourth guard tried to tackle her from behind, but she spun around and delivered a roundhouse kick that sent him flying across the room. He crashed into a table, sending it toppling over.

“That’s what you get for underestimating me,” she said, her tone cold.

The fifth and final guard came at her with a knife, but she quickly disarmed him and used the weapon against him. She stabbed at his arms and legs, forcing him to drop the knife and back away.

“You’re all pathetic,” she spat, her body dripping with sweat but her resolve unbroken.

Theo watched the fight unfold before him, his expression unreadable. When it was over, Cinderella stood victorious, her chest heaving as she caught her breath.

“Not bad,” Theo said, his voice devoid of emotion. “But you should have known better than to cross me.”

Cinderella didn’t reply, instead she turned and walked away from him, her mind clouded with different thoughts.

He watched as Cinderella walked away from him, a mix of emotions coursing through his veins. He had underestimated her, and now he was paying the price. With a growl of frustration, he picked up his gun and aimed it at her back.

“You think you can just walk away from this?” He shouted, his voice echoing through the room.

Cinderella stopped in her tracks but didn’t turn around. She knew that facing him head-on would be suicide. Instead, she braced herself for the inevitable.

“Go ahead,” she said, her voice shaking slightly. “$h00t me.”

Theo hesitated for a moment, his finger tightening around the trigger. He could feel the heat of the gun against his skin, the weight of it in his hand. But something held him back.

“You’re not worth it,” he muttered, lowering the gun and turning away from her.

Cinderella let out a shaky breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She could heard the sounds of his footsteps and she knew she was in to face a combat with the man she has feeling for.

Theo lunged forward, his fists flying towards Cinderella’s face. She dodged nimbly to the side, her heart racing as she tried to keep up with his movements. He followed her, his breath hot on her neck.

Cinderella spun around, her leg swinging out in a roundhouse kick. Theo barely managed to dodge it, stumbling back a few steps. She didn’t give him time to recover, launching herself at him with a series of quick jabs and punches.

Theo blocked most of her attacks, but he could feel the impact of each blow. He countered with his own punches and kicks, but Cinderella was too fast for him. She danced around him, her movements fluid and graceful despite the intensity of the fight.

Suddenly, she stopped and turned to face him. In her hand, she held a broken piece of glass from a shattered vase. She lunged forward, aiming for his eyes. Theo barely managed to raise his arms in time, feeling the sharp edge of the glass scrape against his skin.

They stood there, panting and bleeding, neither one willing to give up. Then, without warning, Theo lunged again, this time grabbing Cinderella by the throat and pushing her against the wall. He raised his fist, ready to deliver the final blow.

But before he could strike, she managed to kick him hard on the ball and she has no other choice than to free him. She slumped on the floor trying to catch her breathe while the latter hold on his balls. He suddenly sighted a knife on the floor and quickly picked it up.

Theo’s fingers curled around the knife handle, his eyes burning with determination. He had underestimated Cinderella once, and he wasn’t going to make that mistake again. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, the blade aimed directly at her heart.

Cinderella saw the move coming and tried to dodge it, but she was too slow. The cold steel pierced through her shirt and into her skin, sending a shockwave of pain through her body. She gasped as she felt the warmth of her blood seeping onto the ground beneath her.

Despite the pain, she refused to give up. With a fierce determination, she grabbed Theo’s wrist and twisted it, forcing him to drop the knife. They both fell to the ground, their bodies entangled in a desperate struggle for survival.

Theo tried to push her away, but Cinderella refused to let go. She could feel the life draining from her, but she couldn’t give up now. She summoned every ounce of strength she had left and punched him in the face, sending him reeling back.

With one last burst of energy, she rolled away from him and scrambled to her feet. She could hear Theo getting up behind her, but she didn’t look back. She knew that this wasn’t over, but for now, she had to run.

She unlocked the door and sprinted out without looking back, going as fast as her legs could carry her.

“What are you waiting for? She must not go away with the chip?” Theo’s thick voice echoed the hallway and she started hearing the heavy sounds of footsteps.

They would locate her easily due to her blood trail and she can’t move faster than this due to the cut she had sustained. She navigated left and then stumbled on and object and fell hard on the floor.

Before she could got up, the bodyguards had already caught up with her pointing their guns at her.

“The end!” One of them whispered and a bullet drilled into his forehead. He fell back at once and crashed hard on the floor. Before the four could think of what’s going on, bullets drilled into their heads and they all dropped down.

“Huh!” Cinderella exclaimed, blinking her eyes, surprise written on her face. Someone dropped right in front of her and she looked up to see a lady possessing a sniper.

“Are you hurt my lady?” She asked, crouching down to her level.

“Who are you?” She asked the strange lady who just saved her life.

“We will sort that out later but now, we have to go.” She helped her up at once and pointed her sniper out to Theo who just navigated from the corner.

“Please don’t $h00t him.”

To be continue

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