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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{She is Crazy πŸ”₯πŸ”₯, They are dangerous ✨}

By, Teesha

❌Don’t copy or repost ; Write yours ❌

Theme: Unclear memories.

Chapter 47β˜…48

In a dimly lit warehouse, the air hung heavy with the scent of musty wood and damp concrete.

The cold, bare walls echoed with muffled sounds as a lone girl, tied to a chair struggled to break free.

The air was thick with the pungent smell of decaying wood, and the dim, flickering light barely illuminated the damp, concrete walls.

Bound to a nondescript chair, Cinderella could feel the cool, unforgiving restraints cutting into her skin, a stark contrast to the heat building within her.She turned her head to the left sides

And saw Theo tied on a chair as well,he has lost consciousness

β€œTheo! Cinderella mumbled ignoring the pain in her head

The seven men, shrouded in shadows, moved with a sinister precision as they secured Cinderella to the chair.

The creaking of the wooden frame underscored the tense atmosphere, while the lone bulb overhead swung gently, casting sporadic shadows that danced across the worn, uneven floor.

As the men exchanged furtive glances, their faces obscured by the murky darkness, Cinderella’s mind raced with calculated determination.

The gritty texture of the ropes against her wrists made her recalled her old days in training.

She’s trying to untied her hands without the notice of the men, her legs crossed as she stared dagger at them.

One of the men became suspicious, the girl has been constantly staring at them. She must be up to something.

Slowly, he approached her while her heart beat very fast. He’s going to find out what she’s doing and it’ll jeopardized her escape plans.

Luckily, the door creaked open and all the men attention was turned to it. Cinderalla quickly jumped into action and started fighting with the rope.

“Connor! . Your attention is needed.” Said the man that opened the door. He was directing his speech to the man that was heading towards Cinderalla.

Connor as they called him, tilted his neck towards Cinderalla who had become calm casting her a long look before turning to the door and started heading out.

The rope loosened almost immediately and Cinderella rolled on the floor. With her fist folded, she crashed a heavy blow on the man’s middle causing him to jump forward.

“Your balls are so strong punk.” She uttered, checking out her fist.

One of the men charged at her but due to her level, she was able to ducked between his legs, grabbed the chair she was tied to earlier and without thinking slammed it on the man’s head.

The man fell flat with some parts of the chair scattered on his head.

“You little @$$h0le.” One of the men screamed and approached Cinderella.

Another approached her from behind while she never let go of the broken chair.

As they closed up to her, she twirled at once using the remaining part of the chair to hit the man approaching her from behind chin.

The other grabbed her, locking her arms with his. She felt his Ďïčk twitched as her body pressed tightly on his.

“Such a pervert.” She muttered and gave him a headbutt which caused him to release her and staggered back.

” It been long I used my fist. ” She said jokingly, showing off her tightened fists and without warning, crashed a heavy punch on the man’s face.

” Enough of your nonsense.” Connor uttered angrily. ” You all get her.” The man she had kicked his ball ordered the remaining four men in the room including the one that came to call him.

“This will be harder than I thought.” Cinderella said to herself , taking a step back as the men slowly approached her.

While moving back, she mistakenly stepped on a man she had brought down which caused her to loose balance and nearly tripped to the floor.

The men saw this as an opportunity and rushed towards her at once but Cinderella was trained enough to control her mistake and used it as an advantage.

Surprisingly, she flipped up and landed behind the men who suddenly turned to her.

“Enough of the child’s play.” She said and charged at them at once.

Right before Connor’s presence, she single-handedly brought down the four men, dislocating each of their joint.

“Surprise.” She said, smiling sheepishly. Standing face to face with Connor.

“You little @$$h0le.” Connor voiced out angrily, still feeling the pain from his balls.

Swiftly, Cinderella dodged all his moves which got him more frustrated. The feeling of loosing to a girl, not just a girl but the one you underestimated.

“Let me teach you how it’s done.” Cinderella said and caught Connor’s fist with her both hands. She pulled his wrist very hard, using it as a support to lift her body which made her deliver a heavy kick to his chin, causing them both to crash on the floor.

Cinderella bounced and got on her feet almost immediately while Connor laid on the floor with blood forming on his mouth.

She felt the impact of the fall but the only thing on her mind now is to get out of this place with Theo. She doesn’t even know where on Earth she’s

β€œTheo! She said and ran over to where he was tied .

β€œWake up Theo “Cinderella said trying to wake him up

β€œArielle! Theo muttered recalling some old memories.

β€œWhat’s he saying? You have to wake up now or else we won’t be able to escape from here”Cinderella said.

β€œTheo!! My hero”Cinderella said even though she didn’t know how the word came out.

And just like a magic, Theo wake up when he heard that.

β€œCinderella!” Theo said looking at her blur face.

β€œOh! You finally wake up “Cinderella said.

He tore from his clothes and wrapped the piece she torn on his head.

She lose the rope tie on his leg and hand .

β€œwhat are you doing here?” Theo asked.

β€œLet’s get out first “Cinderella said and helped him to stand .

Theo looked at Connor and his men who was groaning in pain.

β€œDid you do this ?” Theo asked.

She ignored his questions and head towards the already opened door leaving him alone .

β€œIt seems you are enjoying this place “Cinderella said.

β€œWait for me! Theo shouted as he ran towards her.

They started hearing the sounds of footsteps. She quickly hid behind the door and pulled Theo behind her.

As the three men came in. Swiftly and unnoticed, she sprinted out holding Theo’s hand and bolt the door as fast as she could from behind.

“I’m so smart.” She praised herself. smiling sheepishly.

Theo didn’t know when a smile escape his lips watching her smile.

The smile slowly faded when she heard Theo’s groaning in pain.

she felt shadows hovering all over her.

She turned just for her to be grabbed on the neck by a man and leveled up.

The man brought her closer to his face and she spat into his eyes, causing him to drop her. She landed with her both feet, almost tripping to the floor but quickly regained stamina.

She kicked the man holding Theo, and held his hand they started running with her other hand on her neck.

The man turned instantly and started running after them with his eyes half opened. He couldn’t see clearly which caused him to fell into a dustbag.

Cinderella started hearing some footsteps approaching them as they ran along the hallway. They quickly hid behind a cabin causing the men, about four of them to run past her.

Suddenly, she saw a stick at the other end of the cabin and quickly rushed to pick it up. But unfortunately, she was spotted by one of the men who cautiously approached her.

She knew she was spotted but she act cool. It’s not a big deal to her, afterall it’s just one.

She looks at Theo and tell him not to come out.

“Hey you.” The man uttered as he approached her. Before, he could get to her, she flinged the stick which stole his attention and then dived him plunging him on the floor.

She unleashed series of punches on his face while seated on his stomach till he started bleeding.

Theo mouths was left open,”Are my eyes malfunctioning?” He muttered

She should have leave him since, now she has attracted the rest. She searched his pocket and found a small blade. She quickly mounted it on the stick and turned waiting for the rest of the men to come.

“Don’t allow her to escape.” One of the men screamed out and Cinderella chuckled.

“I’m already out.” She said and flinged the weapon on her grip. A man suddenly appeared from corner and the makeshift weapon flogged his head causing him to fell flat on the floor.

Cinderella covered her mouth with her palm. “Oh $h|t. What have I done?” She asked no one in particular.

Another men appeared from the corner and stopped beside his comrade. She knew how to fight but it’s obvious this men were holding back because of she’s their captive and the Boss needs them alive .. But with what she have done, there’s no other thing in her mind right now than to run..

She ran towards Theo who was lost staring at her and grabbed his hand.

And bolted out of the warehouse in an insane speed you never believe.

It’s rare to see a lady run like that. Immediately they got out, she saw an old bicycle and quickly pounced on it waiting for Theo to seat on it before riddled down the highway while the rest of the men came out from the warehouse, watching as their captive escape from their very hands

Cinderella stopped the bicycle when she knows they are far from them

β€œWhere are we?” She muttered and look at Theo who was doing nothing but staring at her strangely

β€œHow do you know I was there?”Theo asked

β€œI was kidnapped as well”Cinderella replied

β€œHow? I remember leaving you at home “Theo said

β€œWhen Cinderella didn’t know what to say , to escape from his questions,she press the wound on her hand with force. Making blood dropped from it.

She started feeling dizzy which make her remove her hand from.

When Theo saw the drop of blood from her hand.

He ran closer to her and held her hand.

β€œYou are injured “Theo said.

β€œReally!” Cinderella mumbled and collapse on his body.

β€œHey! Wake up “Theo said.

β€œHe lay her on the floor and check her breathing

He smiled when he recalled how she was happy when they got out .

Staring her tempting lips ,Theo felt the urge to kiss her but retain himself from doing that .

β€œIs just once “Theo said when he couldn’t control the feelings again,he lowered his head and captured her lips .

To be continue

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