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Friday, October 18, 2024
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“That’s her over there” Alex pointed at Jade who’s on the floor when they got there.

Fernando smirked before walking to her. He bent down to have a closer look at her face.

“Who are you guys? Why did you bring me here?” Jade shouted.

“What about my Mom? What did you guys do to her?” She yelled.

“I ki||ed her” Fernando replied.

“What? You what?” Jade asked, tears falling from her eyes.

“You monster! How dare you! You’re are a murderer, a monster!!” Jade screamed, hitting his chest.

Fernando landed a slap on her cheek, she fell to the floor.

“Yes, I’m a monster. And that monster is going to make you regret coming to this earth” he signalled the two men that were with her to come closer.

“Torture her till she speaks out the truth” he stood up.

“No, no, don’t you dare try to hurt me. No!!!!!” Jade screamed when a whip landed on her laps.

“Mom!!! It hurts!!” She screamed in agony.

“Stop!” Fernando waved at the men to stop hitting her.

“Do you want to know your Mom’s offence?” He asked.

“Your mom refused to pay me my money. She refused even when she knew the consequences of doing that. You knew that don’t you? You knew that, that’s why you ran away from your house making me like a fool” he yelled

“My mom didn’t tell me, I don’t know what you’re talking about. She just asked us to leave the house without telling us the reason” Jade groaned.

“Continue hitting her till she tells the truth” Fernando ordered.

Jade’s screamed filled the room as they continued hitting her with the whips. Her body was bloody and full of marks by now.

“It’s been long since I heard this” Fernando closed his eyes in contentment.

“I’ll never forgive you for ki||ing my mom! I’ll never forgive you!” Jade screamed.

Fernando opened his eyes in anger. He walked closer to them.

“Move away” he said to the men.

“What do you intend to do to me? ki|| me?” He chuckled.

He stretched his hand and a gun was placed on it immediately.

“Before you do that, I’ll be the one to do it myself” he stretched the gun, aiming it on her head.

He was about to pull the trigger when he suddenly stopped, he closed his eyes before putting his hand down.

“Take her to a room and call Camila to treat her bruises” he commanded.

“Yes Boss” Alex signalled the guys to drag her to her room.

Jade continue staring at Fernando with her teary eyes before she was taken out of the room.

“Why did you stop yourself from ki||ing her?” Andres asked.

Fernando groaned

“I don’t know. f-__-k, I don’t know what’s wrong with me this days” he muttered.

Andres sighed.

“I hope you won’t regret this your decision” he said.

Fernando stare at him without saying anything. Was he becoming soft?


“So, you mean you’re the Boss’s woman?” A girl asked Valerie.

Valerie nodded.

“Wow, this is just amazing. You’re beautiful, very beautiful” the girl said.

Valerie smiled.

“Thanks. What’s your name? I’m Valerie”

“I’m Camila” Camila said.

“I’ll like to be your friend, do you mind?” She asked.

“Sure. I was bored alone” Valerie pouted.

Camila chuckled. A guy rushed to them.

“Camila, your presence is needed”

“Why? Is anyone hurt?” Camila asked.

“Yes, Boss asked you to treat a girl he brought today”

“Really? Where’s she?” Camila asked.

“Follow me” the guy said.

Camila was about to follow him when Valerie held her hand.

“Can I come along?” She asked.

“Sure” Camila smiled.

“Are you a doctor?” Valerie asked on their way.

“You can call me that” Camila chuckled.


But something was bothering her, did Fernando brought another woman again today like the guy said.

They got to the room and Camila was directed to where Jade laid, almost unconscious.

“Jeez, what the hell happened to her?!” Camila exclaimed, seeing Jade’s condition.

“I guess she offended the Boss” the guy whose name is Javier said.

Camila quickly brought out a box which she brought along and started treating Jade.

“Val, what are you doing outside? You can come inside” Camila yelled when she saw Valerie was not inside.

“I h@ťě the sight of blood, that’s why” Valerie mumbled, entering the room.

“Then why did you insisted on following me?” Camila chuckled.

“I don’t wanna be bored” Valerie muttered, she walked to where Camila was, closing her eyes halfway.

Her eyes snapped open immediately she saw Jade was the one Camila was treating.

“Jade?” She quickly held her hand.

Jade was shocked when she saw Valerie

“Jade! How did you get her? Who did this to you?” Valerie rushed.

“Do you know her?” Camila asked but she got no response.

“Val, what are you doing here? Run, run away. These people are monsters, they ki||ed my mom and tried to ki|| me too” Jade muttered in tears.

“What are you saying? Who ki||ed your mom? Who?” Valerie yelled in tears.

“He ordered them to beat me up, he almost ki||ed me” Jade said.

Valerie folds her fist tight, she already knew who that is before Jade even tell her.

“That devil” she stood up, walking to the door.

“Hey, Valerie! Where are you going? Don’t act rashly!” Camila yelled after her.

Valerie ignored her and walked out of the room in search of Fernando.

She saw him just before she got to the training ground. She went to him in anger.

“You devil! You don’t deserve to live! You’re a monster!!” She shouted when she got to him.

That caught some people’s attention as they faced her.

“What do you have to say now?” Fernando asked. Valerie’s next action shocked him.

She slapped him. She f-__-king slapped him!


Complicated ?‍♀️

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