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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CAPTIVE OF LOVE – Episode 43 & 44

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“What do you mean by he is under arrest? How can you blame him for the death of Max?” Pearl said as she quickly stopped the police men from taking Jerome away.

“The dead body was found in his company and during our investigation. Mr King had a feud with the decease which is why he’s our number one suspect”

“But still you can’t…”

“At least show us your arrest warrant ” Larry demanded.

” Here it is” the police officer said showing Larry the form of Jerome’s arrest.

“I won’t let you take him, my husband didn’t ki|| anyone, he wouldn’t” Pearl said as tears moisten her eyes.

“My love” Jerome called and she turn to face him.

“I will be fine, I didn’t do it. They will find that out soon and release me, I will be with you in no time” Jerome promised and immediately, she hugged him.

“I can’t let them take you away” She said in tears.

“I will be fine, I promise to come back to you. Take care of her for me,Larry” Jerome said as the police men take him away.

“I will get your lawyer and head straight to the station” Larry yelled after him and when the police car sped down the street, Pearl urge Larry into his car, heading to the station too.


“What do you mean by he’s not here?” Pearl asked the police officer who attended to them on their arrival.

“There’s no Mr King here, we were never given a notice for his arrest” The young officer replied.

“But he was arrested and brought to this place!” Pearl half yelled at the confuse officer.

“What she’s trying to say is that, Mr King got arrested by some of your officer. I was there, I witness the arrest and so, he must definitely be there or is there another branch?” Larry asked and the young officer shook his head in return.

At that moment, the officer In charge showed up and made it clear to them that they sent out an arrest warrant and that Max death is still being investigated.

“So what you are saying is that my husband have been kidnapped by some unknown men?” Pearl asked, shaken by this revelation.

“Seems like it “

“What are we going to do? How on earth do we find him?” Pearl asked, feeling more frustrated than ever.

“Since this is kidnap, we will begin our search ” the officer in charge told them.

It was late in the evening when Pearl returned home.

The search of the police officers has been futile since they didn’t find them.

Pearl had refused to leave at first but Larry had convinced her to go home and that if there’s news about Jerome, he would let her know.

Pearl was heading up to their room when she heard the door bell.

She quickly ran to the door, hoping it would be Jerome but she was faced with her father and Sebastian.

“I heard everything. Are you okay?” Alexander asked worriedly.

Pearl was too distraught to remember the things that happen between them recently.

“Pearl” her father called soothingly and that brought the tears flowing.

“He’s been kidnapped dad, they’ve taken him” she burst out in tears and immediately, her father pulled her into a tight hug.

A while later, In the confine of her home. Sebastian brought her a cup of coffee which she drank to soothe her nerve.

“Have hired some of my best men to find him. They’ve started their search already” Alexander said as he joined them In the sitting room.

“I don’t mean to sound callous but wh@ťěver the company? Things are having a bad turn” Sebastian reminded.

“Who cares about that? Jerome’s safety is our number one priority” Alexander rebuff.

“I know. Right now finding Jerome is our number one priority but if indeed we find Jerome, he wont be happy to return to a destroyed company” Sebastian insist.

“Sebastian you….”

“No dad. Sebastian is right, I don’t want Jerome company to be in total shambles. What do you think we can do to stop this?” Pearl asked Sebastian.

“About that, why don’t we talk in private. I suggest the study” Sebastian said as he stood up heading to the study.

“While you talk with Sebastian, I will try to call my private detective again. I will be outside” Alexander said and gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.

“What do you suggest we do” Pearl asked as soon as she join Sebastian in the study.

“I don’t like to see you cry” Sebastian said suddenly.

Pearl was still trying to figure out what he meant when he suddenly pulled her into his arms and slam his lips on hers.

Pearl stood still at first but when the shock wear off to be replaced by a feeling of disgust, she began hitting him and pushing him.

He finally let her go when she bit him on the lips.

“If you walk out of that door then you will never get to see Jerome again” Sebastian said as Pearl head for the door.

“What did you just say?” Pearl asked as she turn to him.

“That I am the one holding Jerome hostage. Every little thing happening is my doing” Sebastian said as a devilish smirk lit his face.

“You don’t mean that right?”

“Who do you think ki||ed Max? ” Sebastian asked slowly.

“You monster! Where the hell did you take Jerome to!”Pearl yelled at him.

“Shhh….we won’t want your father hearing us, right?”

“He doesn’t have to cause I will tell him everything, I will tell him that you are nothing but the devil himself” Pearl thr_@ten and as she made to leave, he pulled her back and cornered her against the wall.

“Do that and you will never get to see Jerome again. You must think am lying about having Jerome right? See this for yourself then?” He said and showed her some pictures of Jerome.

He was unconcious and bloody, he must have been beaten.

“What did you do to him!” Pearl yelled, hitting him on the chest.

“Nothing serious and that’s for the mean time”

“For the main time?”,

“Yes. As long as you do everything I say then your Jerome will return unharmed but if you don’t, I will ki|| him just like I did with Max” He thr_@ten and Pearl knew that he meant it.

“Why? Why are you doing this? If my father means something to you then you wouldn’t be this cruel to me” Pearl choke out trying her best to hold back her tears.

“Cruel? You think am being cruel to you? What a pretty way to put it”

“If this isn’t cruelty then why? Why are you making a mess of my life!”

“It’s because I want you! I want you for myself. Back in Mexico, I was in my right mind, never for once did I fall for anyone but on my arrival here and after meeting you, you’ve got stuck in my head. I can’t stop thinking about you, I can’t stop wanting you” he said and made to kiss her again but Pearl moved away from him.

“But I feel nothing for you? You mean nothing to me and you can’t force me to be with you!”

“You might feel nothing now but I assure you, you will end up falling for me in return and the part where I can’t force you….I definitely can, don’t forget that with one phone call, I can ki|| Jerome” He thr_@tened.

“Do you really think I can’t carry out my thr_@t because am your father godson? Don’t be deceived, I never for once let go of something I want and you happen to be something I want badly and I don’t care how I get it, if I have to get rid of everyone, including my godfather, I will “

“Now think about what you want. Do you want Jerome safe or not?”,

“You know I want him safe” Pearl replied quickly.

“Then the first thing you need to do to ensure his safety is to give him a divorce”


Jerome slowly open his eyes, he felt sore all over and the room he was in was unfamiliar to him.

The last thing he remember was being forced into another car by the police officer.

He had tried to fight them off but they had hit him till he lost conciousness.

“Your finally up” A familiar voice said and immediately, Jerome looked up to see Devon walking towards him.

“I should have known that this will be your doing!” He yelled, trying to break free from the chain he’s been tied with.

“It’s my doing, think wh@ťěver you want but first and foremost, do me a favour and sign on this paper” Devon said.

“What paper is that?”

“Your divorce paper” Devon replied.

“Your goal is for me to divorce Pearl right, you’ve always wanted that from the very beginning!” He yelled at her.

“You are right. Have always wanted you and Pearl to get a divorce and now, my wish is gonna come true” she said and took hold of his hand.

She tried to force his finger on the seal when he gave her a head nod, making her fall on the floor.

“Ɓîtçh” Jerome growled, looking like the devil himself.

” Why won’t you just cooperate. Don’t you know that things will turn out worse if we don’t do what Sebastian wants? He already ki||ed Max, don’t let him do the same to us”

“So that bastard had finally showed his devilish side” Jerome said.

“He is the devil himself. We need to do everything he says or we will die” Devon said almost pleading with him.

“So please, sign the papers or he will ki|| Pearl. He’s currently at your home and he’s waiting for my call. If you don’t sign it then, Pearl dies” Devon inform.

❣️ TBC❣️

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